Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1974, p. 7

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Fish derby success annual event there were a satisfying BO entries In the day long fishing derby on Dominion Day sponsored by the firefighters contest began at a m and the winners were an nounced at the park at p There were some fishing who register and so their catches eligible for the prizes Top winner Top winner was Clayton Oakley who won the best child bass and at the same time the largest fish category His bass was lbs fl and measured In long He took the adult prize so next in line for the child a award for bass was Ricky Dodds whose fish was A a inches long Steve Oakley a cousin of won the best adult pike category with a lb 3 fish measuring 23 Inches long Best adult bass award went to Bill Holmes with two lb eight inches long Ken Malcolm 7 caught the biggest pike the children category his was IBMi Inches He here from Scotland visiting relatives the Gil Malcolm and was delighted Best catfish caught by a child brouKht a prize for Jim It wan 8 10W inches Monday was the opening of the boss season A couple of the winners mode an early start and had their winning entries by breakfast time Firefighters were very pleased with the fishing derby and are thinking of holding it again next July 1 It was an innovation for the centennial program RICK assists Carol Pickles in baiting her hook They were among the many at the park Monday for the day long program that ended with fireworks Give us hard cash Raftis tells OHAP If the Ontario Housing Action Program wire interested in having the municipalities speed up housing starts rcpresen lathes of that should consider providing grants for pollution control plants That the Robert tot after talking with Regional Public Works Committee Committee chairman Jack said the municipalities need a sophisticated program laid out by the but hard cash told the committee was sit upload us on expediter or assuring that ipplications logged down Queens I irk claimed he would check holdups out Hie Ministry of I and Intergovernmental fairs or Ihf Mmistrv of the position He claimed he Ins would ask other low lent rethink their flood plains sew controls other factors starts He the number and of id introduced to have into with pro it lie noted there were in frti for capital inrk prints to help offset taxes resulting houses being con other incentives He claimed that the homes could be built on lots bringing the total cost to The scheme also makes provision for homes being under the home ownership made easy procram No conclusion was reached both the committee and Holmes igrecd lo pursue the AND Leonard Miller took part in the day long fishing derby Monday Region- areas power struggle niton Region s battle to staff transferred from the area public works staffs probob won I be resolved until there is a revolt Burlington regional councillor Vern Connell predicted at a meeting Under regional gov the region or senior level of government has the responsibility far water and sewers According to regional engineer Rob Bailie and members of the public works committee a large portion of the work that was traditionally done Ihe area level Is now supposed to done regional 1 Need mm pointed that the Burlington designated three persons that could be lo Ihe regional staff Two of those too jobs with the put and the third took a Job with a private firm Radii noted that in com to the CiH of Burlington and Ihe Town of had been generous in releasing men Wants public Works chairman Jack said and Mayor George were the region in an attempt to preserve strong Both he and Council said hud fought often and without luck in an have Burlington Council release people from the local engineering department lo Ihe regional sin said council saw ihe r in staff us a step tow arils tier and claimed the had brainwashed the councillors and told them nothing would done would grind to a halt if the staff was transferred Rallie that some of work wis now inc done it the area level the rtgion doesrt staff to do job dlie said that unless something is done to get those people emploved ihi areas or seek new people lied have lo continue the ma people councillor The committer to write lo members of and Burlington councils asking for staff Bailie had Stop work order halts piggery Milton Council the issuance of a slop work order on Ihe expansion of a piggery Keith Anderson is In Nassngaweyo Just a week earlier council members silling the planning and development committee ordered staff to issue permit and notify Anderson of that action im In tin sprint Al that point a neighbor Sim objected lo the expansion of Ihe piggery noting the building was within feet of his property He claimed the runoff from the manure pile polluted his supply and his family suffered from he odor Sol the cause brought his before council ana Inc mailer was discussed at some length tost month Anderson claims runoff from his land is not the cause of the pollution in his neighbors well hen the matter w is on it a council mectinc 1riday only seven of Ihe members the meeting While on one bind council endorsed planning committee report tint the inspector issue permit council to order a stop work order on the expansion Anne M councillors Jim Kerr ind Don Cordon voted in op position to the stop work order Councillors Jim Wilson Powys and Brad Clements favored that action A recorded vote was called Councillors Rick Day Melanson Ron were absent from that meeting Councillor Jim Watson i he still felt permit should be ordered Ihe ex allowed proceed fell it would be better i Anderson micle to the committee of Jdjustment He pointed out Ihil both the applicant and the objector had right to committee of adjustment decision If that opens an Ontario Municipal Board hianng can be The Acton Free Press Wed July 1974 SLOPING GRADE for by workmen last week project for the town s letters to Ihe towis but the letters It id not been forwarded to councilors The committee was anxious til on il up and in full the Lions centennial swimming pool was poured The pool adjoining the high school is the centennial to get thi mint set operation reluct staffer In cation politic his expressed con ibout it both levels unit ifforts input meeting of the Planning and Development Committee to allow them input on proposed interim policies governing rural estate type develop ment Region planning committee is considering whit would amount to a housing In the rural areas lor up lo three years Milton Councillor Jim Watson objected to the plan and has suggested public input should invited He Holed the only provision for public input at the region would tome later on in the process Flags up PARKWAY BELT INFORMATION For other Parkway Belt areas including Hamilton Waterdown Burlington Oakvltle Milton Ajax Pickering Clare moot Whitby Bowman vtlle Hampton Blackstock Port Perry ZENITH 65000 Ministry of Treasury Economics and Ontario Affairs The Corporation of the Town of Milton SMALL ANIMAL CONTROL To the Ratepayers of the Town of Milton Please be advised that the Town of Milton has entered into a contract with Mr George to provide small animal control in the Town effective July 1st 1974 The urban jrea of the Municipality will be patrolled daily Monday through Friday The hamlets within the Municipality will be patrolled twice weekly The rural areas will be served on a call basis The Telephone number is 8776235 I Clerk Corporation or trie Milton CENTENNIAL dollar token Is presented formally to Halton Hills mayor Tom Hill by Legion president Bob with former mayor Les Duby beaming approval Playground free for all The playground program veaterdav Tuesday it three in town Robert I M Bennett the Acton park Is free of charge for all those interested the children willbelakenon beginning this with Moss Hardware 22 MILL ST E ACTON 8532720 STORE HOURS Tuos Wed Sat 8 m to 6 p m Thurs Fri 00 a to 9 00 Serving a Growing Community Winner of our Centennial Draw David Barnes Dr Frank Philbrook Liberal I LEADERSHIP MEAT FEATURES- BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST for CHUCK STEAK Hourly A Am HAMBURGER DEVOH BACOH 95 WIENERS 74 ACTON ONT GROCERY FEATURES Box Shredded Wheat Cereal Can Grapefruit Juice jo racit it J Cloth Towels 85 K Sire Laundry Detergent Prepared Mustard 29 Foodland 14 Can Cream Corn Beef Chunk Stew Cn Dog Food 3 Carnation COCA COFFEE MILK TOWELS COLA MATE Cm Pack 2 Rotli MCm Jar 27 J J J EXTRA SPECIAL F00DLAH0 BUTTER ir SI COOKING OHIOKS 10 Effective We The Rijhl July 3 4 To Quntu

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