Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1974, p. 8

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8 The Acton Free Press Wed July Make your choice Monday Music lulls centennial crowd at park Bill SMILEY Occasionally something interesting or unusual comes along to brighten the dotty routine just when it seems to be getting dreary A couple of these happened to me recently First the good Samaritan The really began one night last winter I have an ancient and venerable wooden parage which bears on both sides of Ihe en trance he honorable scars left by my wife and daughter Ihey tried at various times to gel the ear into the garage or out of it My wife Is the only person of my who can try to back a car out of get It wedged kittycomer across the building On several occasions I have most had to have Ihe garage demol islied to get the car out Anyway on this night last winter my wife and a friend were trying to close the garage door This door It as old as the garage which will probably sec forty again The door is not exactly electronically Controlled It is n mass he thing about six inches thick of hardwood It would cost about a thousand dollars to build today The chap who installed it was quite ingenious He installed a couple or rails some pul and two huge weights at the end of heavy wire While ihe door could not be raised and slid back with a couple of fin fieri like those in a modem garage a strong man with a good heave could get it up and sliding buck along the rails I am not a particularly strong man In fact I am a weak one in more ways than one as my wife could tell you As a result I usually left the garage door open I sec the point in all that 1 Tills annoyed my wife In the fall leaves blew into the gar age In the winter snow blew in Neither bothered me but you know what women arc like Well on the night in question the two Indies decided to close the garage door be cause the snow was blowing in great heave the wire come off the pulleys and the door came off the rails fortunately the car was not in the gar age or I d have been looking for a new car The door weighs about six hundred pounds It did not come crashing right down but hung suspended by the wire degree angle in the garage You t have driven a kiddy car in there I was going to organize a work party and get it back on the rails but it was stormy and then I got he flu and time went on and things cropped up as they seem to A couple of times I went out and looked at the stupid thing and once tried to get it back on the rails which almost gave me a double hernia Well time went on and my wife nattered aw about getting that door fixed and the dropped a few hints but I be came sort of fond of that thing hang ing there as one might get fond of a cross eyed cot OUR READERS WRITE Dear Mr Smith I always read jour verses with affection the latest one concerning the nivu1 point out however Grand Pierre and Uncle Bob not the ones who could really do the there is David who back in 1972 W iw of ihi rip did that tune trut giant corporations rule with all their might We slow set free enterprise eroding out of The government has lost control as cor And the little guy can surely die with a wages It the taxpayer on the bottom rung who pays the biggest shot While the profits grow and over flow in the pot torn the taxes soar up per cent as you may guess for food and paving rent No why did Mr Stanfield and Prune Minister Tnideau ale to reduce the corporate tax 10 per cent or so In fact the biggest industries pay ess tax to date Which is plain to see lhat you and me are burdened with the weight There is a well known saying I m sure votive heard before That as the rich grow richer the poor grow ever poor The gap is growing wider so as far as 1 can see I must raise my voice then place my choice The Editor The Acton Free Press Acton Ontario adding anniversary and my wife said Let us not go far away but Just quietly have dinner at a well known hotel not loo many miles away We had just been seated in the dining room when I noticed two men being seated at table next to us and that one of the two was a man who had greatly contributed to the political life of this nation had been honoured by being a Cabinet Officer on several occasions and was now a leader in theSenBte Canada should be delighted to honour As we rose to leave after the excellent meal I turned to the friend of the Senator and leaning over the table said Just tell the Senator that his party will win at the next election that is all he wants to know a flash both men were on their feet the Senator warmly grasping my hand my name and my home town said I was from Acton He paused don think I know it I went on between GUelph and Georgetown No he added I do not know It There was no time to remind the Senator that Acton was celebrating 100 years of corporate life hut nostalgically I thought would it not have been nice if Acton could have had a further 100 years in which to make an impact on Ottawa One fine evening recently I was sitting in the back yard enjoying my when an old truck pulled up and a sweaty dirty young man come through the Under Int grime I idtntificd Jamie Hun whom I taught list year Grinning he announced Mr Smiley I m going to do for Canadian literature I was baffled He went on When are you going to your parage door fixed Well every time Mike and I drive by and see that door it bothers us Were going to fix it for you It snot going to cost you a nickel I in sisted I would pay the going rate He They were doing it for Canadian litera Jamie said they were pretty busy and asked when I wanted It done I said when ever they could gel at It I thought he meant in a couple or three weeks I went in to dinner delighted at this play of grttitude or whatever After dinner I heard bit of a din out back and there they were four young men getting that ridiculous door back on the tracks I was almost overcome with something or other All four were former students of mine Mike Mike Dragoman John Sachs and Jamie Hunter At least two of them had been working since eight clock that morning and here thev were twelve hours later slugging away it brutal Job for English teacher I was touched They absolutely refused any payment I was just as astonished as was moved Here were four young guys who instead of moaning around about no employment or living on welfare had formed a loose partnerhip and were doing construction painting anything they could get were immediately offered the Job taking off my storm windows and paint my house And lhat how you get ahead In the world which does NOT owe you a liv ing young man In to his lucky strike I have Dan another student and the icit player in the whole area cut my limn so all in all it looks like a g summer THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Yours sincerely G A In order to give readers a to vote Intelligently on Monday July this newspaper interviewed the three Holton candidates Our reporter asked the same questions of Archie Brown PC Terry OConnor and Liberal Dr Frank and came up with some interesting answers Questions ranged all the way from extradition of the legalization of marijuana and nuclear aid to In dia Although there have been predictions that Canadians would stay away from the polls advance polls Monday indicated there was more interest in this election than many realized Halton Hills could very well be the key to Halton There have been many country wide forecasts over the outcome of election on a country wide scale Some predict the return of a Liberal minority government which would make the whole exercise a waste of time Others arc betting Bob will form next government with enough seats to form a majority Still others believe Mr will gain enough scats to carry Parliament Not many believe the NDP has strength to pose a formidable threat to any but they could gam some scats and make the position of any minority govern menl dependent on their support Social Credit Party once strong in Quebec seems to be losing ground hut their success at polls could spell trouble for the Liberals in Quebec where they hope to achieve something of the success Premier achieved in the provincial election The conservatives meanwhile hope to wrest a few seats away from the Liberals In Quebec with Claude Wagner their hope Ontario Its a key The Liberals hope they can gain a few scats in the Trillium province especially in the rural areas where the Minister of Agriculture Eugene has been campaigning The Con believe they will get more of the urban vote than they did the last time around The NDP expects to pick up more votes in the highly Industrialized areas of the province where they have always had bastion of strength It is possible the Minister of Labor John Munro could be In trouble in Hamilton with the disclosures made about pork barrel politics but it would be unwise for any politicians to throw stones in that regard The Wcsf It is a Conservative stronghold and unlikely to change very much for this election No we are not going to predict outcome or suggest readers should support any party Too many vested interests have aligned themselves with this or that party We feci the electorate should make up its mind whom they want to the next Government of Canada our responsibility ends with doing our damndest in publicising the issues if any Most of the arguments have been heard most of promises been made Now it is up to the people of and the country to decide their representatives in Ottawa Food shortage hokum It becomes a trifle tiresome to hear and to read from all angles mat we are all doomed to star vation in the next ten years or so unless we do this that or something else To be blunt this premise appears to be largely based on some brand of professional hokum well nurtured by news sources because people really enjoy being told how much they are or could be suffering Visit any food store Where are shortages The shelves are full The only possible shortage might be in the wallet of the shopper In our opinion if Canadas population continues to increase by only 7 per cent every ten years and farm productivity increases as it has the past ten years we will be out scratching at the worlds doorsteps trying to export surplus products for a good many years to come No doubt some people in India are starving while sacred cows by the thousands stumble around eating everything in sight not being themselves consumed in return We refuse to pay attention to any starvation news from a country that lets food wander around in such a manner regar of the religious beliefs of the people concerned Commenting briefly Someone should congratulate works department of Halton Hills for the fine jpb they have done this year in cleaning Acton streets and keeping them clean One of the advantages of regional government has been use of a street cleaning and watering equipment which belonged to the former town of Georgetown Housewives and others who have been bothered with dust in previous years can testify to this years clean up campaign as being one of the best ever That new parkette in front of Acton Library helps to set off the beautiful grounds and creek which make it one of Actons beauty spots The plaque placed there by the Historical and Museums Branch of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities will certainly add interest to the especially for those who pass by on and Highways Congratulations are in order to ex Mayor in his pursuit of aesthetic standards for library and its surroundings Looking around us and to be down at us we cant resist a chuckle or two at the extent to which we have been mesmerized on so called food shortage At least per cent of us are over stuffed one way or another A genuine food shortage would be a blessing in many ways If we can look around us and tiuUifully believe in such a thing as a food shortage there must indeed be a great deal of real genius at work in the publicity field surrounding various food producing elements in this vast country of ours St Marys Journal Argus It is going to be up to the Fair and their helpers to put the cap on further celebrations of centennial It would be a fine gesture on everyone s part to offer their services to the Fair Board in any capacity in which could be used Those centennial corns issued by Acton Branch of the Legion have surpassed expectations Try getting one in exchange for a dollar bill Understand they are now in shoi supply and there arc no plans at present for issuing any more The Free Press Back Issues years ago Young Bill Stuckey captured a inch pike in the school creek on Monday evening Tuesday was the climax of the school year at public school when report cards were out The youngsters are now en joying their long summer vacation Miss Barbara Miss Heller and Master Ronald Heller pupil of Miss were in Friday evening and played in the ORMTA Music Teachers Association Tiny Tots recital Donna McMillan was awarded first class honors in grade si vocal at the mid summer examinations or the Royal Con of Music Toronto She is a pupil of Kenneth R Harrison who himself passed his grade vocal exams Three charges under liquor laws were heard in court in Acton Wednesday of last week Sunday morning June at a the first com union for those confirmed the previous Sunday was held In St Albans church persons were present many of them friends and relatives of those receiving their first communion The Boy Scouts held their last meeting until fall Monday and cleaned up the scout hall Mr and Mrs Fred Anderson Miss Donna Anderson and Mr John visited at 50 years ago Mrs John Sackville Street Guelph appeared before the Magistrate charged with keeping liquor in an unauthorised place as a result of a raid on her premises by License Inspector J Grant and Provincial Constable Melville Two bags of beer were dug up by the officers In the back yard and a quart of moonshine liquor as found burled in Ihe chicken coop Mrs was allowed out on two ball 50cach until the case is Iried In a week It has been rather interesting the early days of this week to hear the tannery whistles sounding an hour ahead of the town clock and to see the shoe factory employees parading to and from work ahead or the rest of us and others falling into line With these considerable industrleson daylight saving it appears advisable that Ihe town as a whole should be on the revised lime Since school is out there would be no difficulty regarding the children As matters are now with members of a good many families in either one the two Industries mentioned or dertng their movements on a different time to of the mercantile business it must be a considerable nuisance In the homes There appears only one procedure advisable The Council should move mediately toward making daylight saving apply officially in the whole town It would be welcomed by citizens generally 75 years ago A delightful union service of the Senior and Junior Leagues was held in the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening There was on attractive display of flowers and the service throughout had relation to these beautiful creations of God The hymns addresses and recitations were all appropriate to the occasion and taught lessons of gentleness love and helpfulness Members of both the Senior and Junior Leagues look part and the service was enjoyed by all A pleasing feature was the reading of an address to J A the pastor by Miss Myrtle Matthews In behalf of the Juniors thanking him for his kind interest and help in their meetings alter which Miss Matthews presented him with a beautiful bouquet roses It gives us pleasure to call attention to the annual statement of the Bank of Hamilton published else where Since May 1B9B we notice lhat has been added to It Reserve fund This is the largest amount added to Reserve by any Bank of Canada this year and shows that this Bank has Ihe interests of its customers at heart In thus strengthening their security The capital Is also increased by 519 a Reserve Fund of and Total Assets over thirteen million dollars It should be a safe place lo deposit money Altogether the Bank is In a moat prosperous condition and Us steady growth reflects great credit on its careful management The Bank of Hamilton has had branches at Georgetown and Milton for nearly a quarter of a century and therethe best current rate may be ob tained on deposits

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