Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1974, p. 1

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Philbrook regains riding for Liberals Firsttime political aspirant Dr Frank returned Halton to the federal Liberals in Mondays swing to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau knocking Conservative Terry OConnor from the seat he wrestled from them in Philbrook had almost a 2000 vote margin over OConnor while NDP candidate Archie Brown trailed the three man field a poor third Phllbrooks win followed the trend in Ontario where the Liberals took seats from the Conservatives in almost a direct reversal of the 1972 elections when the PC party almost upset the Liberal Government I know I had won when we coming back from to ho committee rooms around nine Wo had the radl6 on and they announced we had taken SoulhEait Onkvlllc he told reporters in tho steaming Liberal headquarters In Oak- vllle where jubilant Liberals early sensed a trend to and the Liberals Affluent southeast was considered a key to voting in the south The north end of also gave on edge but tie margin was closo enough that It was ID before Terry OConnor his wire and entourage strode Into Iho Libera committee rooms to congratulate a beaming and lively Liberals cheering every result that came In over TV channels Persuaded by former Liberal MP Whiting to give defeated OConnor a hearty welcome the Liberals did that as OConnor mounted shaking bingo able and told the jubilant crowd he sincerely and deeply Frank and his wife Midge on a great vic tory OConnor said he had worked hard and had done his best to retain the seat but he knew Philbrook as a responsible articulate representative who would do a hell of a Job for you people Get behind him and support him he urged as jostling crowd compressed Into the room broke out with For hes a jolly good fellow In a spontaneous victory speech sold OConnor was a hard act to follow and he ascribed his victory to work of the team Im thrilled can hardly believe it he old the crowd which swelled out on the sidewalks candidate Archie Brown followed OConnor In besieged by well wishers and banders A large chocolate cake appeared from somewhere baked by a lady who backed the Liberal candidate and It was ceremoniously cut and eaten while results were still being posted was evident as early as pm to those in the vlile Liberal rooms that a Liberal sweep was In the works There was somo concern around oclock when OConnor started to make some gains at expense but the rally was shortlived and later results showed the Liberal candidal again pulling steadily away A solid block of votes in polling stations to went to OConnor and ho showed considerable strength In Erin township but the rest of tho riding gave Philbrook on adequate edge took out of Milton polls 31 of Georgetown polls and nlno of In Acton There was an extreme contrast between the Liberal and committee rooms at the headquarters A subdued crowd at the PC rooms watch sullenly as surged votes ahead of OConnor by pm One attractive Con servative campaign worker felt- the party had been let down by those who had not gone to vote In her pal she said there were Con servatives who had not voted by p and the figures showed why OConnor trailed By pm had taken a vote lead over OConnor and It was the signal for some of the faint hearted watchers to head for home The announcement that David Lewis had lost his scat In Toronto drew sym pathy from TV watchers who saw what were con sidered safe Conservative seats switch over to Liberals Back in sweaty jubilant Liberal headquarters well wishers appeared to congratulate and oackpat the victors Including Ontario cabinet minister the Hon Jim Snow whose towering frame was easily visible over the sea of heads Continued on Page PRESSED ON ALL SIDES by supporters newcomer Frank bore the Liberal banner to victory in the riding Monday Acton employers unimpressed with Manpower expansion Acton men working In tho dont require Corporal Asks help weekends Bob Arbour or the Acton reports he has asked for assistance plain cars nd additional officers on weekends to curb the Increasing number of complaints of noise by shouting squealing tires being drunk in public and loitering Cpl Arbour says starting this weekend there should be two officers on foot patrol In the business area and charges under the Criminal Code will be laid against anyone found loitering or causing a disturbance Its unfortunate that a few people can spoil things for so many he comments Warnings have been Issued which have sufficed in some cases but theres no way elderly people are going to be forced to step off the sidewalk or be kept up at night by persons shouting and carrying on capacity of hirers of per sonnel ore not Impressed with the recent news that Canada Manpower services In Hills will soon be expanded They sec the centre as it is presently located in George- unsatisfactory results He said his company gets best hiring results by direct op- John St of Gov Car- plication tage Ltd says he simply does Mr explained his not hire through Manpower drivers applying for work Manpower says they of lack of reliability flrat given a stiff oral teat sending people to fill a He sees the truck driver followed by a test run with of employees Wed like to hire through Manpower if possible when wo need Me said he problem comes across Is when as being too far position they dont always lodov professional and experienced driver Tram the Acton scene for local arrive applicants to use Its services Promises or job flllmcnt Most business men have had arc not always carried little success with requests through says the local forappllcantsiolhcrssecmto manager Mr Chapman hope that although Man- thinks maybe a closer power cannot supply their location with applicants not needs Ihey are able to supply having so far to go may help those I other employers Orval Chapman manager of A P Green Refractories Canada Ltd said Wo dont have a large place and nlntalns that Manpower Is Some of our employees ore not knowledgeable enough to recommended through other tell any employer that companies he added someone Is qualified to drive Maybe procuring laborers a tractor trailer in todays through Manpower might be high density traffic alright said the dubious traffic density increasing as business man He explained it Is today public safety mat the big problem hes found is Manpower Todays truck driver Is a first started up about two or Acton employers He feels the difference in mileage bet- r ween centres Is like calling highly skilled professional three years ago it seemed Ones Hundredth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY He said he has tried Give region chance chairman tells press People expect too much loo with the exception of Toronto lost from regional govern- too young to place to be En a glamor league rather than a meat and potato league Mr Goy said he cannot see much change in policies I of employment since that time Unfilled vacancies The personal viewpoint of David Whltaker adminls- TwenlySIx Pages OConnor caught in sweep Five weeks of intensive Regional Chair man Allan told re porters at a conference Mon day According to Masson criti cism of regional government shouldnt be given in but He claims all regions on You cant trans form into a region said Masson who has for some lime favored a single tier sys tem of local government claimed a staff under one council for the region could be as responsive to the peoples needs as town or city govern ments arc He claimed people are more aware of regional government than they ever were of the county govern ment He attributed that to the fuct the region has more responsibilities than the county hod under the county system of government was replying to statements made by report ers that single tier system of government would remove government and the decision makmgevenfurtherfrom the people Reporters had asked If bureaucrats at the region could be as familiar with area problems as a person who liv ed In the community and who was personally aware and af fected by the needs and wants of the people in the commun ity manager of Bank of campaigning culminated Montreal Is that he per- with bewildered Halton Tory wouldnt ever use workers shaking their heads Manpower even If desperate outside party headquarters In Mr under- Oakvlile Monday night standing Is that vacancies are Unofficial figures showed often not through Liberal Frank a Manpower sometimes for relatively unknown figure In months He said that in some politics winning the cases if companies waited riding with compared for Manpower to fill staff with OConnors 21556 and requirements they wouldnt for Archie Brown of have staff Mr Whflaker feels the that in the banking business After serving the riding in there is not the same need to what most observers agreed work through such centers as ns a diligent manner for a there is possibly in industry year and a half Tory MP He explains that the bank Terry OConnor found with which he Is emploved himself turfed out as a result has its own system of a national wave that recruiting He said lectures restored a majority Liberal on job opportunities in a bonk government are given in the high schools Tory sweep to grade 13 students We get Just a year and n half ago great response and never OConnor swung the riding in have to use Manpower he a Tory sweep that saw said MP Whiting ousted from Mr Whitaker feds that the his seat Now the Tories had type of people lost Halton and they were banks for employment are having trouble believing it not the ones who apply to Several Tories shook their Continued on 3 heads and muttered THE LIONS POOL is progressing a little quicker The pool had been be hind schedule due to a lack of materials but foreman Peter Rusu thinks that the masonry work and the roof will be completed in two weeks With that in mind he thinks the pool might be ready by September Letter carrier service will be introduced to residents of Acton Monday morning Sept it was announced by south area manager A of he SouthWestern postal district will eventually mean full- time employment for six letter carriers A detailed survey of the town indicated there are points of call within the town and work Is already underway to plan the most convenient routes Tor the letter carriers The preliminary work Is being undertaken by post office route measurement officer Dan Mac- Donald of London Ontario and he is assisted by postal officer A J of St Thomas They have been here two weeks now By the date of the Inauguration of the service per cent of the homes and business places must have mail boxes near their front door or a letterslot In it Mr said All types of mail will then be delivered to the door of Acton residents letters cards books parcels newspapers registered mail and special delivery service A special ceremony will be arranged for the first morning of housetohouse delivery Politicians will be there post office representatives and the six new letter carriers In their uniforms A platform will be built at the post office for the auspicious moment Coffee and dougnuts will be served There will be advertisements seeking carriers and many ap plications are expected There are training sessions set up statements expressing heir about the out come I cant understand it one worker said To most though the message came through loud and clear The country did not wnni price and income OConnor attributed his defeat the rejection of the Tory stand on price and in come controls I really thought we were getting our message across and people were accepting the controls That obviously was not the Explain policy OConnor noted that all a candidate can do is put policy before the people and put the people in a position of knowing what the party stand was We did our best in that regard and I have no regrets Thats politics OConnor Intends take a holiday and resume his career in law Just where hell work hasnt been determined at this point in lime Asked to comment Tory campaign manager Bob Jonessaid tragic Terry established a record as a good member thats not enough to withstand the national tide Jones also attributed the downfall to the price and incomes question He noted his parly had close to people involved in the campaign Dejected The mood at Tory headquarters in Milton and was one of gloom as amazed workers pondered the situation For the Tones it was all over by p m only two hours after the polls closed Liberals jumped to an early lead that grew as more and more polls reported in most of which carried bad news for the Tory stalwarts Party worker John Som- merville grumbled Wait til the Liberals bring In their controls Youll need per mission to to the I dont the people Better actor A PC candidate in the TERRY OCONNOR Halton for a single was a better TV term was defeated Monday in a provincial trend actor than stanficid that saw the PCs lose Ontario seats Early For all his virtues stan- returns indicated the trend and OConnor con- on Page 3 Ceded before 10 pm

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