Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1974, p. 10

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0 The Acton Free Press Wed July Increase in CN I B donations by Wendy Tho mi on Last week I was planning many hours In the sun Ive managed minutes the turn spent mowlnjl the lawn Things Just never to work out as planned I obi gin with it thai needs a small operation and is booked into the hospital August 15 And he work that we figured there s no point of his sitting around moping lie might as well go vi3it family anil friends out west for six weeks 1 Two week honeymoon Manitoulin Michigan And of that mennt good old me had to busy and not only wash and Iron but also mt pitch sew buttons fur two days before I tank to pack On tin pair of jeans to rep red ran out bought another pair Saturday w them hung the m ami found just as the stores closed one long mi scut scam all So 1 had to and patch my how Homebodies whit are all going to do for the next days Make reil homebodies 1 guiss The freezer already has one full of have and pninl for bedroom with paint ordered for the outside house trim ihat II be a start the kids arc joining in High now Both is Jim is cutting hay and David Is dinks in all different sort of summer than I been used to lately I gone past the point of my regular outdoor gar dining iphnting in tin rev of a huge rockery border and am coaxing mangolds two Iwo tomatoes three peanut two fuzzy green things woman was writing few months ago let me nut her door laden with 18 bulbs it of which sprouted They plus three bushes and mm the window 5 inside Soccer baits 1 might have had more begonias but the kittens kepi fishing the bulbs out and playing soccer with them I just got up to on or everyone asleep tripping Hound mil asleep on my rug and one itid of the in room with Dai Id snoring it eyed it is snooping in the and Tansy two is on Inn floor Something tells mt that this might a day for gating things dew I Jim still going on the tractor though My ihore for this at is freezing pic fillings I dom tins but it sounds interesting If you d like logivi it a try the iIIouh I Imps sugar I quick looking cup 1 isp Slit ish and hull lint our pic pans with hi ivy duty oil letting it inihes beyond the rim Dmdi filling evenly pans told over loosely and until firm tightly remove pan and riturn to freezer May be stored months To bake pie remove foil from filling but do not thaw iic ill pastry lirad plan dot with butter add top crust Senl and flute edges cut slits in top bake a degrees until syrup boils with heavy bubbles that do not burst- about one hour Double ring ceremony for district couple Deborah Marie of Nelson Court in Alton and Ih yd George Church St Acton were married In Joseph Catholic Church on Juno 11 Debbie is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Nelson Court She Is employed at the Province of Ontario Savings Office In I Sin all wood works In Milton at Rockwell Inter national He Is tho son of Mr and Mrs Win Small wood of Port Dover 1 J J Glllen of filiated double ring while Ted Hansen played the organ White and orange carnations decorated the attar and baskets of white mums tarnations and orange were In the front of hurt It The bride gown was of white llguda with a long train attained at the waist Doth dress and train were highlighted with Swiss The floor length was attached to a Juliet bin inrricd bouquet of stephanotls and ivy with a white orchid Maid of honor was Cathy sister of the bride Bridesmaids were Bonnie and Ann Muhar with Kim Paplllon as flower girl The gowns of the bridal at tendonts were flocked organza with orange velvet flowers They carried colonial bouquets of white miniature tarnations and orange sweetheart roses The best man was Bob with Harry Sid as ushers and the groom cousin Wood as ring bearer The group enjoyed an evening reception a the Acton Music Centre The bride mother received In a gown of mint green The groom mother wore a flowcredgownofpink mauve and blue The brides going away outfit included a light blue accented by a diamond necklace gilt of the groom The couple spent two weeks at Manitoulin Li si and and travelled in the States to Michigan Showers The bride had four miscellaneous showers while the groom enjoyed bachelor parlies The couple are living at Mill Street in Acton The C N campaign conducted In Acton this year again a venture Vic campaign chairman reveals that was realized and this is over last total This came from house to house business and industry donations The Industrial amount was less than hoped for but then with the added amount of people In town this was somewhat offset Vic says the important part of thin campaign though Is the help of Indies Wedding in Etobicoke and gentlemen who gave so generously of Ibjlr limn to those less fortunate than in Mr t wo Thin money will do in much to help tho blind In our am tan l it adequately thank huso vnlunleir workers nough if i Vic says I inn only j Mr ii am they feel I lie Mr in satisfaction do knowing they Mr I nil have done a good Job Mr I Mr urn 11 lt Mr h nt J lilln Mr I Mr Illvrny Mr J T It Mr Mr N Mr and Lloyd Bannockburn WI plans July picnic Mrs Fritz DiHuan was hostess for the June meeting of the I Mary Matthews opened the micting with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect Immediately following was a minutes silence for Helen Lindsay the president good friend and neighbor who passed away in May The roll call was answered by 12 members and one guest with something I have bought and will never buy again Anne Fisher read the motto entitled Farewell with a Smile A gilt was presented to Marilyn Coxe on the birth of her first child Heather Ann on June Marilyn was a long time member of the A Club and welcome new member of the I Business commenced with Mr and Mrs David Ward Maria brother in law was best man and David Earl Ward were with Carl and Louis j brothers of the bride Showers were given by the Junior armors a group to which both the bride and groom belong and Mrs Edna McDonald of an the groom The couple received two telegrams and gifts from the married recently in a double ring ceremony at the Church in is the daughter of Louis ana Anna Cathnna of Georgetown She was a butcher s helper at rood Store in Georgetown David Is the son of Earl bride relatives who llv Francis and Mildred Louise Holland the morning of their of R R Camp wedding He is a pig farmer at reception as held following the ceremony in the church hall with about Go The ceremony was con ducted by Rev Rusll Toastmister was Jack uncle of the Russell Organist was Mrs Susan rait sister of the groom Mary the sister was maid of honor Ward the groom sister and sister of the bride wen bridesmaids Murray Fait the groom Mr and Mrs celebrated their wed ding anniversary on their daughter wedding dry ing an enjoy able Inp around Ontario Mr and Mr took up residence on the arm near Gift presented at Knox church Mrs Jennie Holmes spent a week in Toronto with her daughter and son In law Mr and Mrs Grenvllle Hall and family Mrs W Croxier oh Toronto visited last week her sisters Mrs Ferryman Mrs Holmes Mrs Bestwickl and Mrs McLean Mrs Alberta Deck from Vineland has been spending two weeks with her grand mother Mrs and aunts On Sunday July a very time was had at the of Mr and Mrs Price and Mrs Price when some 35 old friends and relatives gathered for a picnic prior to their moving away Mr and Mrs of Brandon Manitoba are visiting with Mr and Mrs their cousins and friends Saturday in in the hours long parade celebrating the 100th an of the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell July Mrs McLean of Brock Street In Acton celebrated her 92nd birthday jester daj Tuesday She enjoyed visiting with her friends who dropped over to extend their congratulations Mr James Arthur Street and daughters Catherine Frances and Jane arc spending several weeks in Britain visiting relatives and touring the countryside Over attended the McDonald family reunion Sunday at Moffat Therefrom Acton were Mrs Emma Mr and Mrs Don Mcfntyrc Randy and Lisa Mr and Mrs Don McDonald and Donny with Mr and Mrs Cal and David of Nassagawcya the election of the first vice president Mary Matthews to president the second vice president Vaughn to and Mar to second vice-prc- Ruth Ilnhum district convener gave her very interesting and compact report from the District Annual in Moy The program for the evening ted of a ten minute report from each standing committee as follows agriculture and Canadian Industries Lois Henderson gave a quiz on hidden food In a scries of sentences citizenship and world affairs Isabel McDonald presented a well defined on the meaning of good neighbors education and cultural activities Anne Fisher read an Interesting article on God mysterious gift to man The Gift of the Gob and on consumer and family affairs Jean Vaughn prepared an Informative talk on the Importance of vitamin A In the diet July tour The July tour and picnic to the Doll House in was discussed Mrs Clarence Shoemaker will be showing her extensive coll I ion of dolls along with her quilts Members voted to donate to the fall fair baby show An interesting half hour of conversation followed with Jean and Marilyn Coxe supplying the lunch Anne Fisher graciously thanked thehostess and lunch committee A wedding of latin took place May at tin Holiday Inn wlitn May MncKuirl and John David Chapman married bride an with Ontario Hydro In of Mr and Mm Rod MueKuifli I lohkokc groom an with Bros Toronto is the son of Mr and Mrs John W Chapman Both arc studying for Registered Industrial Aciountaniy at tin of Hit tin I vemity of The bride has her Bachelor of mallei from lie Ml verilly of Waterloo Stewart I per formed marrlogc Carries roses The wort whlti with mauve accents and tarried brides cousin Gall Pennington I was her attendant wearing a mauve and beige flowered gown with a mauve picture hat and of mauvt daisies Charles I was groomsman Buffet dinner followed The groom mother made wedding take Among the quests were the room grandparents Mr and Mrs West and Mrs Doris Milton Mr and Mrs Rober Ottawa Ladies Aid met in the church on the of Junc2Swith ladies present The president opened the meeting with a poem entitled Mhos Delinquent Roll Call was inswered your father name and your mother maiden name A short business period followed and a discussion on a July picnic Devotions were taken by Mrs Gladys Robinson reading the scripture lesson and Miss Laura Wiles led In prayer Mrs Robinson conducted a contest which was won Mrs Mann Mrs Mann favored the group with a piano after which Mrs presented Mrs Moron with a small gift of appreciation as she is leav ing town soon to reside in Brampton Mrs thanked everyone and invited all to visit her in her new The offering was received and Mrs led in prayer Lunch was served by the committee and everyone enjoyed a social halfhour Presentations were made to teachers leaving the Robert Little staff a pot luck supper at the Ormsby home Leaving the list of teachers at are Sandra Elaine Karen Dyric Dale Griffin John Kavanaufeh Joy Pen tilla Ross Joan Sanford Ma dene Titan Jane Gamble and vice principal Ren nick Mrs Titan will Just be teaching art at MZB and Doug Price who is also leaving will be fulllime at MZB RASPBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN DELICIOUS FARM FRESH GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY AND INSURE THE FINEST QUALITY BY PICKING YOUR OWN Farm located north of Milton- travel north on Hwy to Side Road 17 and follow signs about miles north of 401 OPEN WEEKENDS WEDNESDAYS STARTING JULY 13th Glenmar Farms RR 1 ACTON Mr Unit kc Miss luryl Mark dak Mr and Mrs vans Kltihrmr Mr and Mrs I si I IUtr Paul nut Waterloo Mr and I Mi utthion urn I Ihwardand Barbara Showers were by Hindi and ilnles I re lloilcd by Mr and Mrs and Mr mid Mrs John Chapman Donkey on TV Baby Beau Barr will lit appearing on It Friday to a m He will also make a guest Itnmpcr Room on July show will be taped then for fall showing Grateful The Senior Citizen Aid Program S A has started their summer work with the citizens hat this group helped reported to the Press on the wonderful job that they had done io- McCALLUM FOR HONEST and SINCERE DEALS SEE HORNET HATCHBACK Big radio factory air Lie DVA295 DODGE CHARGER coupe radio vinyl top Lie CXH646 69 AMBASSADOR dr auto air cond Lie DPV225 69 CUTLASS S Convertible console auto bucket scats s Mag wheels Lie DRC506 OPEN SATURDAYS BE COOL Well Known Manufacturer AIR CONDITIONER WORLDS L GHTEST ROOM A COND TIONER COMPLETELY PORTABLE WITH ITS OWN CARRYING HANDLE AUTOMATIC POSITION THERMOSTAT OUTSIDE LEXAN CASE WILL NEVER RUST OH CORRODE VIRTUALLY UNBREAKABLE BUY EARLY mm JACKS DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE Hwy 25 Just north of ftw 8782373 open days a week 826S371 to

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