Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1974, p. 1

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Ore Hundredth Year No 3 ACTON ONTARIO JULY 17 Twenty Six Pages Fifteen Cants Hydro towers to stride through Halton Hills Tho Ontario Government has approved route of a hydro transmission corridor from Mlddlcporl lo Pickering almost essentially an recommended by following his public Inquiry Alio approved la the controversial north south corridor which will cut through the centre of llalton Hills Another corridor In also being con thin area However tht Government has rcducrd the slzo of corridor proposed for Hi Hon Hills lo feet from thu recommendation that every effort be o reduce width be cause of the nature the area pending on the course of future events additional land up to total width of feet may be required to widen out the torrid or The route which cornea the Niagara Escarpment weal of and cant of goea south approximately down centre of the llth Concession of HI Us AN AGE OLD TREE WHICH has plagued years and sitting on the gnarled remains are swimmers for many years was removed from front to back Ted Lindsay 7 Gord Goulding 7 Fairy Lake last week after a young Acton boy Frank Bob Nolan and Barry dived in and was seriously Injured Old timers Roberts 11 speculate the tree has been in the lake for some 150 Young swimmer improves after disastrous lake dive John Price dies in highway crash Swimming in a supervised area of Fairy Lake lost Tuesday July proved disastrous to a young Acton boy resulting In hospitalization at Sick Children a Hospital Toronto Diving In he didn hear hli friends telling log una with what was considered a severe scalp Injury Neck Injury Examination by D van der Bent of the Acton Medical Centre showed Injuries to bo more serious however He was rushed to the neuro extensive scalp laceration head Injury with concussion an undetermined neck Injury At the hospital he was treated and placed under close observation He has since been released and 1b Fire in car Yesterday Tuesday morning at 11 a Camaro caught tire while travelling into Acton on Queen Street The car Is owned by Barry Mac Donald of 1 One day in Acton recovering at homo Acton from only a Claylon 14 Is tho son of Mr short while ago and Mrs of Cathy Ashley aquatic Mill St family moved to supervisor at Prospect Pork Residents ask Main rezoning opened the door when it approved the rezoning of one lot which at time they termed on eyesore He said he sup ported the rezoning since tin houses had been there for years Councillor Morrow how the land could be rczoncd Industrial after the houses were there with no objections raised Councillor Joe Hurst said it was changed on the first amendment to the zoning bylaw some eight to ten years John Last Main Street North Acton speaking for other residents of the area asked llalton Hills council to re ion area from In to residential He said the houses were there before the zoning wus changed to Industrial is 121 years old years older than the town of Acton he commented He asked that 12 acres north of the CNR tracks also be re zoned residential Councillor Pat McKcnzie said the land was residential and then was zoned In dustrlnl You can even build a porch he remarked Mr Last said at present he face a farm and want to end up racing a smoke belching Industrial plant A similar request was made month by Paul Nielsen and Civlcro McKcnzie said council said We try to discourage kids from swimming there we want thorn to swim In the supervised beach area One of the town staff say the log has been In the lake tor many years and has been a topic of speculation for some time with discussions on having it removed always shelved Tree removed Last week a accident was the final straw and on Wednesday July the Kills hydro truck and winch dragged the ancient tree from Its watery bed It now lies on the shoreline of the lake passing as sitting accommodation for pic nicking children The accident occurred shortly after Dr van Dent examined the young swimmer at approximately 1 funeral was held Tuesday afternoon for John Norman Price who was kilted in a sudden collision on Highway three miles west of Road on John was riding his brother motor when the collision Alex 1 of Cedar Springs motel l Georgetown told Milton he was proceeding went on the highway when he pulled off the road due to car trouble Two motorcycles wire coming west at the same lime when the collision occurred Tho other cyclist wus Doug I Milton have charged Mr Lnvlgno with careless driving and Mr Lockerbie with not having a license valid for driving a motor cycle Mr Lockerbie suffered cuts his right and arm In the accident and Mr injured his neck and left arm John Price the former ami two ehlldrtn Shelley j Stacy 1 i Birthday He wiuld have been years old today day He Is survived by his parents Norman and Jessie Price and three younger brothers Gary and He had lived in Acton all his 1 us a member of a well and news of his death was shock lo many friends as well as his loving He hud attended the Robert little school and Acton high school and was married Salvation Army Cita del April J 1070 Sports He was fond of up or is play In high school and bowling He won a second lust winter In the Tens snowmobile races on the lake He worked at Saw before that at for four yearn lowers hanked the rooms the Shoemaker funerul home as mourning family many friends heard Dawson conduct the service Tuesday Interment follow 1 In I Cemetery Pallbearers wore Pete van Dam Charlie Draycott Gary James Doug Lockerbie Ron and Ron Camp- I ell Robert Holmes was flower formerly and I township to lust south of where it veers slightly to the east of the boundary between the towns of llalton Hilts Milton to meet the cast west corridor The combined from and Llmchouso crossings then go south which point further slight easterly in til nation of the route Is for Its entry Into the Milton station Some alterations have been made in the east west and north south routes to avoid the Merry and Gardhousc but proposal by district lo reroute Die corridor down the railway line between Georgetown and Milton was turned down At a press conference Monday morning the Hon Jim Snow said the farmers given serious consideration by the Government but it required additional distance of two- third mi lea and used up per cent more land to reroute the corridor as well as costing approximately another 4 million Rerouting Car fire Tuesday A car owned by Dan Thompson took fire Tuesday evening about 30 on the third line past the quarries motor blazed up but the fire was out when firefighters arrived They added some water to the last of the steam Dan and some friends were driving when the engine un took fire They ran to a farm house to put In the alarm ago Paul Nielsen a spectator at the meeting said he zoning was changed hi IBM He said the cast side was reioned heavy Industry and claimed there was an offer to pur chase on the land by an plant Council turned the request over to the planner for a report Manpower beginning 5 days a week today Expanded Manpo services in Georgetown began today and will continue on a five day a week basis for an indefinite period of time Previously It was open one day a week The service will be five days a week Georgetown until we can rind suitable office space In Aeton After that we will be in Georgetown four davs and In Acton one Denis Manager of Manpower Brampton said Furniture for the office has been ordered and until It arrives they will make do with what is already there They plan to start with one counsellor and a clerk assistant counsellor until they Ret a clear picture of the volume of business the office docs Another counsellor could be added if needed Mercedes Lyons will be head counsellor Mrs Lyons lined the National mployment Service fore runner Canada Manpowei as en employment officer at Shawlnigan Quebec In I960 She moved to Manpower in Toronto in 1965 and then joined the Brampton office in 1970 Mrs Lyons has always been a counsellor and is fluently bilingual Her assistant will be Iris Routlcdge Georgetown Mrs Routledge came to Canada from the United Kingdom in 1947 and Joined the Brampton office in 19G7 All works staff start day in Georgetown Has Acton works garage been closed And how about Hills workmen leaving Acton early so they can punch out in Georgetown Complaints phoned to com chairman Coxe resulted in him asking these questions works Frank Morettc and assistant town engineer Bob Austin at the works commit tee meeting Mr Austin with apologies that Mr didnt know- said it an experiment Start together Many man hours were lost since the whole works crew did not report to the same he said Now in the tereots of efficiency all the Halton Hills works crews meet In Georgetown and set out from there for the day work which often varies due to need Since their cars are at Georgetown those from out of town must return there Mr wondered at bringing all the Acton men down to Georgetown sending them back to Acton and then having them quit early to Bunch out In Georgetown been told of them at 3 m to quit at m Mr Morette Insisted this story must be exaggerated Mr Austin agreed crews sometimes arrive after to check out Not region The rumor in Acton that the region will be taking over the former Acton works garage is not true said Mr Morette The yard is still used for stor age and sometimes the men in Acton take half hour lunch break there Equipment needed In Acton the next day is left in Acton overnight Mr Coxe questioned spend on a radio system Change necessary Mr Austin and Mr defended their experiment and said it had to be tried for several months before results would show They Insisted a change had been necessary for the crews to work Wondered Mr Coxe Can t three run three yards We got seven top staff men as well as two engineers There are men on the works force altogether Mr said tartly he thought works committee should have known about the experiment before the coin plaints started coming in Councillor Joe Hurst pre dicted one central yard and one central office for all of Hills would be proved necessary eventually TRANSMISSION LINE route released last week for the new railway and angling over just west of highway and south is hydro line from Nanticoke to Pickering is shown in red on this that approved by the province The province also moved the map Shaded areas on the map are green belt areas The route proposed Milton and Halton stations slightly south The digits conforms largely to that recommended by Solandt except 2 and 3 indicate Niagara Escarpment crossings The letter A to for modifications in the Milton area The dotted line indicates the right indicates the airport the Solandt recommendation while the solid line following the would also have taken out a set of farm buildings which effort was being made lo avoid Disappointed in route says Mayor Hill Hearings over he route of Ontario train million corridors were staged to lake the pressure off the Govern and put II On the public ays llalton Hills mayor Tom mil 1 disappointed lb Government spent all that taxpayers money on hearings and consultants and then came up with the same recommendation as made two years ago he told newspaper Hydro should have negotiated with people along the route first Hill suggested The north south corridor which connect to the east west corridor was originally planned lo be feet In width with five lines of towers marching from the Bruce nuclear power station on Lake Huron to Milton using the Urn chouse gap to cross the However sold that Hydro has agreed to take the two lines out of the corridor so it would enable them to make It smaller In width This would leave throe lines of to run along tho foot width now agreed on whkh could be extended to feet depending on public hearings Snow said the northsouth route through Hills traversed acre farms in most instances as it went up the centre of ihe Fifth Con cession The corridor follows Ihe east side of the centre line in the northern half of Hills crossing over to the west side further down in order to miss houses and form buildings Poles in the corridor will be roughly I 000 feet apart which would make only one pole at approximately the middle or each farm Snow said the Government will leave the decision as to the use of the new improved single pole towers up to Ontario Hydro We considered the new poles but it costs twice as much to install them and we agreed they do not Improve the appearance of rural land area Snow said He noted the old lattice type poles weighed 30 tons and could be erected with light equipment while the newer single pole towers weighed eo tons and would require an extra heavy crone to install Conllnuad on Remand In court in Georgetown last week a Georgetown man was remanded and ordered to stand trial July 23 on an abduction charge The same day July an Acton man had a similar charge dropped They were charged in February following the return of two girls to their Georgetown families Go easy on street lights Councillor Joe Hurst go along with an Acton Hydro Electric Commission proposal to replace old type street lamps at a cost of He told committee of the whole no replacement of lights was done last year while the previous year only was spent If the budget allows we might go for one street with five or seven lights this year he com men ted Councillor Pat said the standards have to be repainted and Hurst said the arras have to be Lets not stick our neck out until have the budget set said Councillor Coxe The matter was referred back to the works committee

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