Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1974, p. 11

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President asks residents patience The A Tr July Sludge bed odor at Beardmore must go by end of 1975- Ministry Disenchanted OLD SLUDGE BEDS OF UNKNOWN DEPTH WHICH ARE NOW BEING TILLED IN HAVE BEEN THE MAIN SOURCE OF UNPLEASANT ODOR AT Moil recent complaints by about un- believed to originate from the Beard- more Tannery have promp ted a plea Tor patience from company president Peter Dunham and assurance that the firm Is more than keeping pace with a Ministry of the Environment order to have two old sludge beds which cover a total or acres filled In by the end of Mr Dunham admitted that an unfortunate mechanical breakdown in the plants three year old effluent treat system may have com plicated the odor last week but he explained that immediate action was taken to rectify the problem Main source odor remains the two huge sludge beds which are no longer being used but rather being rilled In In a dumping process which began last summer and now Is about half completed Mr Dunham said the minis order Is being followed In the and that the beds will be filled In and the source of odor eliminated by the end of Even now he says the odor Is decreasing as he filling procedure continues Harold Hal Ion Peel officer for ho Ministry of the Environment told he Free this week that since the considerably Acton used to he our number In the Peel area hut now Its further down the list Mr explained He Antismell petition signed by residents llevc tho promises of the pending on wind direction Company and Mr Mellon sold newspaper reports that they sometimes an I come up iho were going to get rid of the highway from Milton the smell strong In completely Wo dont think theyre rotten The young Acton Boaromore Co working man feels Board more Co In hard enough trying to find a taking Its own time to solution Mr Holmes problem because ihoy do ago at beginning of who said he purchased his not recognize Us effect on summer She and her homo on Klngham people He doesnt think what proximately year and the company is doing lo solve four months ago Ho said the the cause In smell wasnt so bad for because sold lion its but the the people becoming steadily worse In this area are now getting I other concern of Ran worse than It ever was when Mellon la that at one time residents could the air It was lust We called town cant describe pollution branch In Dunhams statement that is following the order Mr aald his office In has heard nothing official about the circulation of a petition by Acton residents Whether they have a petition or not theres not much can be done he ex plained Any company working under a government or ministerial order protected from all prose under he Environ ment Protection Act Although ho said Inspectors from his department have not recently checked town of Aclon pollution control plant Mr said no odors were detected coming from it at he last check Its not Impossible that once In a while something could break down In that operation too he said plant has one Some residents notably persons living in apartments on Churchill Road south near the town plant believe It to be one the towns biggest sources of odor Residents letter The following a letter The sent to Trlveit or the area live In receives this Central Region for he kmr up to three or four Ministry of Environment by Robert Holme and Ron Mellon two of the Acton resident complaining about Region seeks chief Dear Mr THvott would like to comment on two recent articles I have newspapers and Georgetown First I would like to point out that Co owned by Canada Packers and I think that It Is a great A petition has been signed by about Acton residents who fool Its time tho more smell Is eliminated According to Mrs Brian Irodalo of Poplar Ave In Crescent the petition was triggered by one particularly badevenlng about four weeks ago at just beginning of summer She and her band were puttering about In their garden when the tor- began to permeate the air moving right Into the house and remaining for at lust on hour k aw was just the air management branch difference he said but ex- and get satisfaction with on and complained According plained It li worse than con be inspector Investigating He la Mrs Iredalo air manage- Imagined especially on would acknowledge smell had said earlier that If particularly bad nights and Beardmore what enough residents complain Mr Holmes feels Its rub- they were doing about 11 In they act on such matters blsh to believe that the some cases they would lay a The smell Is so strong or company has re- violation charge he here sometimes It just the smell and said Ron explained that lately sticks In your throat and you the smell around now Is even people cant gel through even cant do anything about It worse than hut year He to the Inspector And they aid Mrs Iredalo doesnt believe reports of the seem to be avoiding us he She told of discussing the air management branch in said rank odor of the night in Ookvllle that complaints are Ron Mellon is tired of expected to select an admin- The company might have lion with her neighbor Mrs decreasing but convinced people suggesting if he trotor In the near future A the right attitude but Is not Barclay Smith Mrs Smith more people In Acton are like the he appointed to set going to solve this stench we fienerThe weve phoned Mrs Ron Mellon complaining than ever be- should move I like Acton and have lo endure I believe If reglsterlna across the road and asked if fore and we bought a home here candidates has been formed this odour was drifting across Maybe time we she had called air man- because wo want to live or some time and apparently your yard or some member of b this complete branch They learn- Mr Holmes explained that here he He expressed candidates Parliament there would be attention of that all had but without the OakvUle air environment strong feelings that he and his The administrator will results The next day Mrs office publisher a phone family do not want lo move have lo be responsible for Motion Mrs Smith and Mrs to call But when real- out but only ask that they can overseeing operations In the receive a copy of the petition going around town of Acton We have names from our neighbourhood alone which Is almost one hundred per cent Ignored Many people who try to contact ihe OakvUle office either get no response at all or they get a sample of the same nonsense that you stated In these newspapers Many of feel that this problem Is being Ignored Injustice putting the name or the company In print revemi Maybe It would We feel that bo too embarrassing for such therB a large fold industry to be case and any associated with such a filthy bypassed on pur- mess The story you gave the you may press Is really one sided It to almost seems as though you someone in Acton at all received all your Information but we feel that your baton r the attitudes towards our com- Regional Council is selves are verv expected to select on admin- The company might have P Is getting worse Instead of immediate action token to The larger have It relieved newspapers ln circulation in Iredalc decided to comb the dents phone to complain they live In the town without he and accountable tbla neighborhood with a petition get the answer that an constant concern that the to council to try to have the company tor will call back but they la going to hit at any responsible dq something never do said the man who time constructive about the smell himself has called three or Chief organizers of the Mrs Iredalc said ahe and four times to the designated tlon consist of Brian Iredalc order this out In the which you said and I quote the company has reduced to almost the occasions when there Is a strong odour This state- Contlnutd Item pe I physical health of the child during his growing years To see lhat he Is fed a balanced diet nurture bono and muscle in withstand a lifetime or wear and tear rather than to allow him a free choice go the coke and chips route If you agree does It not follow that during these same formative yearn It Is the parents duty to see thai the child Is also nurtured with a healthy diet of literature far his and spiritual welfare rather than allow him drift In Tree haps to take the ti ashy trot depravity bankruptcy u- haps to take the nanny trail to Intellectual Journal Record In most relevant use of professionals for criteria and values may be helpful hut nepda to he tempered with common sense To bow down to the altar of Iho expert Is both sacrl lege and foolhardy The Insight which limy may bring must be diluted with of their Internals and power dominating Secondly questionable reading material being op matter of ttonal Sinclair again make the point for responsibility There Is appropriate reading mutter for the appropriate age The danger in present set up Is thai the in school could bo assigned printed material for study which is both contrary lo their value system and repugnant to them Peer pressure and desire for success could create agonizing pressures lor he student What want If as Jim Holland noted trustees make their dec It Ions based on what the students want hats where we place our In the indents delimit why not lei Ihe elect the trustees and leave to ihe to in out how tn pay for the Re muse here it one who refuses to pay her of properly taxes an educational system run by and dominated by Inn of the smart self righteous self Important net solving who exploit dm Immaturity of our children our expense Imlld heir own smug and snug little e Trustee It semis therein from lie Home people sup want marches book nmnnlifitunr public annum thnl inn elei will quietly ffh fulfill heir duties In icpreiienliiiu I In- Intercuts lint and tax payers without having to lie l iwmer pn tut Hi from the Bill If the e going to In to tin paid i Ivll and them Instead of us theyll lie Inuring enough to satisfy Hum long long lime ondrurlive reforms Sin io Hie of Idiialssunu Into we have at great expenditure of lime ami en In thoroughly famllliiiirn ourselves with the strengths weaknesses our Fit unit system In con proposals for ihe ion ration of the lloiii Imped thai by swiet sudi brief mid negotiated with the is lliil If the 1 unices only respond tn hue otitis from tmi public well have to prepare ton llngmiy plans take this Trustee attitude Inlu auoinit We hop- for In Hi Ihlngs Kn Chairman Hie Id nulNHuncn FOR ILL FENCING SUPPLIES Yours sincerely Robert Holmes Ron Mellon ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS her husband moved to Acton number with no response He and Jean Smith Poplar the air environment Ave Bob Holmes of people nt know right off purchasing homes In the ham Hill Estates and Ron papers sec can terrible area were not Mellon Mr Mellon explains accomplished he said and from Georgetown five years said that many ago and didnt know right there was such smell She many people aware of the before the purpose of the petition Is that about rut in her vicinity have com- buying who had to make Acton residents hnd already shown plained Individually for years heard expected something aware The document will be interest In getting rid of realizing how strongly different their neighbors felt about It According to Mr Holmes The small has always been the petition nad exceptionally bad sometimes worse than at good response the Golden other timet she said but Gates apartment building be- there werent enough people side the cemetery He said backing complalnta the apartment dwellers find Asked IT she had not heard the gets Into their that the Company apartments and finally was working on solutions to leaves but It stays In hall the problem Mrs Iredale ways for some time he ex said she doesnt feel the com- plained Is actually doing any- Ran Melton thing about the cause Be- Another frustrated Lifetime cause she said they have resident is Ron Mellon of been promising for the Last Crescent St The father of two two or three years and It little daughters Ron and his din taken to the local council and he problem hasnt bettered in that time Sic feels the companys pro mises to clear up the smell is to quiet people down but that doesnt get rid of the smell she said Beb Holme In Klngham Hill district weve had wife purchased their Acton home about eight years Ron says lhat for first few years they werent both red too much but the smell has become increasingly worse He explained that residents his area used dents signing the petition accept the smell as some- said one young man who was thing that came about only raised in Acton Bob after a rain Now case said he debated about pur- of which direction the wind Is chasing a home in Klngham blowing he said and added Kill area partly because of it affects different areas of the but was led to be- Acton at different times 3 b AUTOMATIC DRYERS Moss Hardware MILL ST ACTON 8632720 sroiE sens Tint to Thuri 800 to Service For a Growing Community See them at Cor Phone Srvlng Guatph and Aim lor 90 Ynts ERIN SAL JULY 20 FIRST ANNUAL PAY No Admission Fee FREE Parking Parade at noon Grounds open to pm MASSED PIPE BAND CONCERT Highland and Old Time Dancers CONTESTS amusements antique cars barbequed chicken picnic tables FLEA MARKET Historical exhibits Arts crofts afternoon entertainment GALA BALL P- show dance Join us in our community effort in recalling a good old fashioned family day ERIN AGRICULTURAL FAIRGROUNDS At Actons Laidlng Florllt Do Planting Now GERANIUMS SHRUBS BOX PLANTS PERENNIALS EVERGREENS POTTED ROSES POTTED SHRUBS ETC FERTILIZERS SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS PATIO STONES ETC BIG SELECTION OF CUT FLOWERS Caroline Flower Garden Shop CENTRES Limited Stock CARPET SPECIALS LOW LEVEL LOOP on high density foam backing Suggested to 40 sq yds TWEED Yd 66 sq yds BROWN TWEED 48 yds CANDY STRIPE quality PROPTLON SHORT SHAG backing Over yds assorted colours ONE PIECE ONLY 12 RED OZITEDAISY SHAG Suggetted Retail To clear at Other roll ends and remnants 33 to 50 suggested retail We will quote installed prices YES We have our installers on staff We sell and install Armstrong the sunny floor that shines without wax Centre FLOORING SPECIALISTS 126MdprSi Acton-

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