Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1974, p. 12

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The Acton wed Medical centre slated At the waterfront for August building JaneThorburn township council held a special Monday night to discuss the medical centre which will bo built In lo bo located next the post office on St Floor size type of windows roof and room requirements were all mailers of portancc determlnded by the council with John Gooycra of Bros of also present consultant The following motions were passed THAT approval In principle bo given by council for the erection of a medical centre In the police village of Rock wood with site of building to bo ft by with con tractors Gooycra Bros to be paid on cost plus basis Belt also resolved that a survey be token If there has not been one laken by the federal postal at the time Ihc post office was built on the lot adjoining the one under discussion A contract is to be drawn up by township clerk with the firm of weed control to correct the problem of weed control within the township THAT councillor Betty Lou Dentists plans village practice Clark be appointed secretary for the meeting on July In the of the township clerk presently on holidays THAT dog controller Bob of be nut I Hied to investigate and take legal steps to correct ihe of residents regarding five by Dun Milliard of Redden had contacted council saying the dogi were allowed be Tree at wore upsetting garbage In he village and barked con stonily disturbing sleep of villagers During the discussion of ihc new medical centre John told council he could probably begin construction of the building by the second week In August Council adjourned until Ihe next meeting of Monday or at request of reeve Summer Is finally here The days arc warm the skies clear and the walcr a com degrees Together Ihls creates perfect weather for swimming canoeing hiking and barbecuing at park Hopefully this brings one to mind for everyone safely in and around Ihe water On Wed July at 7 30 Beach Patrol In conjunction with IhcGuelphOPP Outriders canoe rentals and the Canadian Red Cross Society are hosting water safely night The evening will Include displays on boating safety skits on water safety films puppet shows and everything from artificial respiration lo tips on canoeing All children up to age 12 arc Invited to enter our water safety poster contest We ask only that one safety rule be printed on each poster sub mlttcd and suggest It be dropped off with lifeguards at the beach on Wednesday by Swimming lesson Already the first session of swimming lesions Is nearlng completion Everyone Is extremely pleased the progress the kids have made and hope this will continue throughout the summer I ractfeo makes perfect Is our molto and the Instructors are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces at the next session The two week classes begin July Aug and Aug 10 There still openings available and registration for will also take place at the gatehouse Instructors arc eager lo teach some of you parents swim and hope to see you and your friends on Wednesday evening when you will be welcome to attend BEGINNERS IN LEVEL one to four are seen with instructor Kevin Sumner at the Rockwood beach last Monday taking instruction on the shore before heading for the water Seen are Herbie and Tom Farr of Christine and Peter Tim merman of 3 Acton John Duffleld of Eramoba and Mark Richardson of Rockwood The aquatic program is Y elementary and star system winch alios children to progress at their own rate and with the enrollment it looks as if many mothers feel this is a great way for children to learn to swim could soon have a hometown dentist If plans of Dr of Downs view has applied for placement with the proposed Rockwood medical centre At present he has rented accommodation at the building on Main St with plans to start up business In early September formerly an established dentist In his homo country of Yugoslavia Dr has taken courses to requalify Canadian standards With hid wife and baby daughter ho lives In Downsvlcw where his practice is located Rcpor his plans to two days a week In until his new practice progresses He and his family arc presently making a three week vlsll to Yugoslavia Friends In the village say Igmjatov decided to consider the Rockwood change after visiting friends and liking the Tree cutting episode becomes a buck pass OKAY SO I M TOO little to get in the swim but I m not too little to eat andBlairlKrudwigRR Acton consumes a sandwich while he watches the classes of beginners and pre beginners take take instruction in their regular morning classes at the beach A pass the buck attitude created when an Innocent elm tree standing bare and defenceless on Main SI In had to bo removed tins Icil one village resident wondering what specific golden rule governs what public utilitarian organ i ration and where does the ordinary taxpayer look for assistance to complete what functions Ray Death said he Is not too amused at what transpired recently when an age old elm three feet across Its girth slanting well towards No Seven Hwy and heading towards both telephone ana hydro lines needed to be removed due to Dutch elm disease weeks ago Ray said he first asked for help six weeks ago from the Ontario Hydro He knew they had the required equipment to assist with the feat Hydro Informed Mr Death that the tree would fall short of their lines across the road and therefore was not their responsibility They suggested I should contact Rockwood Hydro com mission he said According to Mr Death Hydro said they would assist when the tree- cutting program was in operation Village trustees referred him to the Depart of Transportation and Communication who In vest ted with measuring equipment and decided the tree should be felled but It was a Death responsibility as It was located on his property Ray said they Ignored the fact that the tree was leaning heavily towards the road and was tall enough to fall across the highway which could both obstruct traffic and hit hydro wires Bel unavailable Desperately Ray Death felt the tree should be cut down last Saturday Calling the Bell Telephone Co he ex plained that two wires going down George Street could be affected and requested their assistance He was told he could take the wires down himself as they had only two workers out that day and were not available to help P refused He said the crunch came when he contacted the He had organized the removal of the elm by him self the aid of friends He required the assistance of the to holdoff traffic as he was concerned that if the tree fell on the highway It could be dangerous According to the frustrated Mr Death the OPP in formed him it was not their responsibility and refused to The tree was dismantled piece by piece last Saturday afternoon Ray says he was not looking for someone else to do the job for him but rather than the organization with the proper equipment lend a hand He said culling down a tree especially such a huge one was a difficult and dangerous taBk worthy of a professional tree cutter not one for a layman It really makes you wonder what these high quality public organizations arc all about and what good their equipment is If it can I be used once in a while for public facility said the disillusioned resident who spends many hours in the business of assisting his community and fellow man He feels his experience would make any person discouraged INSTRUCTRESS KATHY lines up pre beginners on flutter boards and it s one two three and under the water for the tiny swimmers who enjoy the water under Kathy able teaching and are quickly gaining confidence as they play and learn at the same time Winners The second Olympic lottery draw was Tuesday The Free Press would like to know of any lucky winners INSTRUCTORS AND gather at the life guard stand at Rockwood s conservation park beach to talk over procedures and what the next classes are alt about About students are registered for the park courses ranging in age from two to The program has the no such word as fail approach and the children wort and play in the water with their own speed registering adcomplishment LETS BUILD TOGETHER ACTON LUMBER AND BUILD I NO SUPPLIES MWVSAWI -J- HAIMMNKSSI Chn HOURS Moo Thun10rn 8 Si Clowd Sunday Tel McCALLUM St FOR THE BEST DEAL SEE ARNIE 1973 HORNET door big six automatic radio white walls wheel discs factory air conditioning Lie 1972 HORNET door cylinder automatic power steering radio white walls wheel discs Lie EEC 2599 1969 convertible this car Is a complete power house with AM FM tape player Lie ABC OPEN SATURDAYS RESCUE AND DROWNING are learned early at the Rockwood park this summer and been taking instruction with teacher Thorburn are Jennifer Ted Riley and Patricia Timmerman all of R Acton The group are already good swimmers who art enjoying the pace of the program where their own industry takes them into the next level of instruction Lines and signs for parking Yellow stripe lines will soon be placed on the In between and Slat on Sis Parallel only signs wilt also placed as control on parking In thai area of the village The trustees contacted the county engineer explaining the of roadway asphalted up lo the Main St build ngs leaving no area of sidewalk for pedestrian use using the walking area for parking present for pedestrians particularly In winter periods when high snow embank ate piled close buildings after winter plowing Clerk Hockey read a letter from the county engineer at their June meeting He said he sane the being made at village expense The I rust discussed the letter and made their decision to the new controls very soon How energy leaks are there in yournome one per second a pp ng hot lap can waste about gallons hot water each th The electric required to heat water ouid keep a 60 watt bulb burn ng corn nuously Poor insulation a faulty heat ng system neilceni use of appliances all cause energy leaks n ho ne This can increase thecost ol running a waste Canada s energy resources It makes good sense to use electr forms of energy wisely And includes stoppng those energy leaks ACTON HYDRO ELECTRIC 43 Alice Street ACTON your hydro

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