Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1974, p. 8

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ACTON LIONS new centennial swimming pool is smaller scale Construction is nearlng the stages reminiscent in shape of a stadium and has a marked and the Lions hope it can be officially opened in late similarity to the Soviet pavilion at Expo on a smaller summer There 1b a fair bit of panic In the financial world these days One of Ger manys big banks failed The stock market ia more like a swamp than a market In- is scaring the wits out of people and even politicians It was inevitable that some of us bigger figures the financial and business game would be affected personally Sure enough Ive been caught in a personal bind and I don t know whether to go for broke or go for the hills Ive been a pretty big shareholder of a lock called Pee Elder I have shares Its a long story and Ive told it before But I got in on the ground floor as we say on Bay and Wall St These are a couple of well known streets in the financial world One of them runs down to the bay in case you want to drown yourself when the market is slumping has a wall for pounding your head against in the same eventuality WeuasIassaylngIgoUncarly Was discharged from the air force with a couple of thousand bucks the paymaster had thought put aw ay or me while I was in prison camp I had decided wasnt to slug and sweat all my life Just to make a living I was gang to nuke it fast and make it Dig I looked the field over pretty carefully searching for a career with a built in escal ator And the field looked right back at me with a cold and steely eye saying in effect What do you know how to do besides crashlanding an aircraft in a plowed field There really much could an swer to that So I thought The heck with the big when they cant recognize latent drive and sheer ability even though these are staring them right in their colli corporate The final straw arrived when a per sonnel manager at Bell Telephone told me warmly he thought there might be a real luturr lor me with the company and yes he thought he might find a place for me in three- or I our months bull have to at like exen one else Bill SMILEY It turned out Ihnt the bottom was sweeping floors at something like a week Even in those days The Bell paid Thats probably why they have to ask for a rate increase every couple of years to compensate for their incredible generality to their employees Anyway the bottom didnt much appeal 1 had something in mind more like VicePresident In charge of Public Re So I shook him warmly by the hand with that sincerity that a V in charge of PR can muster thanked him and said take any more of jour time I hate to dash to the York for lunch with Jack McClelland of McClelland and Stewart then catch the afternoon train for Montreal where President Crump of the CPR has been trying to get hold of me for a week By the way if yov get sick of The Bell look in a year or so and I might have something for you Just contact Bill Smiley Associates Incorporated not to mention Limited A I left him with his mouth open but 1 was inside Some people an the outside but 1 always do it in side I strode out of there Ail right If that the way Urn want it 1 go it alone 1 11 destroy them all within five I plunge into stock market and bin them all up and have mergers and conglomerates and caviar and all sorts of stuff then and inexperienced I knew the jargon big business 20 years ago Takes rraa of the Free Press Mrs has returned borne from a months with Mrs J Valb of Winnipeg Manitoba Wooers of the Soccer dobs draw were Mrs Mary Mrs Frances of Acton and J of Gueph An Acton district man was fined and has his license susp for three months when he Appeared hi cost Acton on Wednesday on a charge of driving while his ability was impaired Magistrate board the only case Bom Mr and Mrs Joe Arthur St Acton are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter Catherine Helen at the Nursing Home Acton on July a little sister for Mother and baby are Just fine Sunday afternoon Jury several paid a surprise visit to the farm home of Mr and Mrs A Marshall and Mrs Marshall and daughter Mr and Mrs Marshall and son Gordo Mr Stanley Marshall Mr and Mrs William Hall Mr and Mrs all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Km Marshall and three children from Acton Mr and Mrs Mar shall and three grandchildren Jack Barbara and Beverley welcomed their guests and served a picnic supper 50 years ago After the community service on Sunday evening when Miss Price was retur ning her new coupe to the Ford Garage on Main Street the made the entrance to the garage a little too hastily The result was that the car got out of control and crashed through the partition and teto the office tending the counter and office fixtures askew The car was very little damaged as onrj the eft mud guard was bent and Miss Price and the occupants of the car were uninjured save from the shock of The garage office was certainly ma badly wrecked condition Mrs Johnston is speeding a few holidays here at borne of father Mr A The fund started a few weeks ago by for the making respec table of the old cemetery has not been receiving much encouragement previous acknowledged started the fund and this week brings the second sub Annie Johnson and Miss Belle Stephenson Those having relatives or friends interred this will be interested in having the place made respectable When the fund is Urge Councillor will proceed with the work years ago Takes treat the of the Free Press A new boiler has been put mat the Acton Tanning Cos tannery the past week It is over a hundred horse power is perhaps said to be an excellent conductor New filter beds are also being built below the tannery and a road out to them On Monday afternoon while Mr Angus McEachern was helping tear down the old barn at the home of Mr Keith second line by some unfortunate move on the part of those working on the barn tie was struck by a brace or by toe of the moving plates and knocked from the balding falling about eighteen feet to the barn floor where he was picked up unconscious McDonald was immediately called and attended his in Junes No bones were broken but a deep gash was found Just above the eye which four or five stitches One of his ribs was badly bruised also his left arm Mr McEachern was very shaken up and did well to escape with his life It win be some time before be wiH be able to resume his work Mr Storey was in last week attending the teieral of tittle Fred Miss Jennie Gurnej went to Toronto on Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with there So I plunged It was like butterfly plunging at a bull elephant Oh 1 didnt Just roar around buying up companies I didnt buy any old slocks 1 wish I had I bought some so new the Ink wasnt dry on the certificates But I proceeded with caution I going to be la ken In by some smoothtalking operator working out of telephone booth On the advice of my landladys sister who had her hair done every Wednesday with a friend who baby sat for a prominent slock broker former wife I decided to plunge into Northern Ontario gold My first choice was lucky one I bought into a company with a properly so rich that the moose who used it for pasture had gold fillings in their teeth And 1 didnt fool around with penny stocks That for the little guy with two hundred to Invest No I went for the solid blue chip stuff I snapped up one thousand shares of this stock for cents a shore Within two days it had shot up to 23 cents I was on my way and Ive never looked back since It hurts too much In three weeks the stock wasnt listed on the financial page I still think It was because some linotype operator was sore because some of us were making fortunes and he left the name of the mine out of the list through sheer spite But all this is getting us nowhere I started out to tell you how a couple of big conglomerates or condominiums or what offered to buy them for a share and I could sold them a month ago for There Something fishy going on and if can get to the bottom of it Ill expose the whole thing in next weeks column Just hang in there and wait I dont want to see ether simple stockholders get hurt Disenchanted To Whom It May Concern The Ifalton School Trustees reversal of their position concerning the controversial 107 page booklist requested by the teachers has left a concerned public fur ther disenchanted and frustrated by the un responsU of the public educational system to their concerns The Trustees blanket approval of list was apparently based on two essential considerations 1 The emphatic judgment expressed by superintendent of program John that after monitoring opinion expressed in the media discussion at the school level and other sources of input I have become that this community wants no part of censorship tin view of his wellknown permissive position in this regard the abovementioned discov must have been a real surprise to him It may have a lot to do with where he looked for input too The assurances by Mr Boich that any book on the list is negotiable if the student or his parents find it morally ob jectionable What student studying in a Grade communications class is going to find his studies morally objectionable What student enjoying such exotic pleasures as are provided for them in the permissive atmosphere of the schools is going to the avail ability of such goodies by even men tioning to narrowminded old toggles at home the sort of reading makes the communications course such a These two considerations were sufficient seems to convince all who bad protested the list at the Board meeting two weeks earlier except Dick Tom Watson was unavoidably absent that the entire list should be approved This approval following the initial refusal by the Trustees to approve the list viewed by the public as a heartening demonstration of Trustee willingness to assume their public educa tional managerial responsibilities left that same public pretty nonplussed and dis illusioned I challenge the Trustees to explain why Mr private informal opinion sur vey is to be taken more seriously than the responsible and representative every householder Renaissance survey The recently published preliminary survey findings this regard demonstrate conclusively that the rejects Botchs opinions and overwhelmingly is in favor of a discriminatory book selection policy which rejects the presence the schools of It s tower power After three years of discussion and change the Ontario Government has decided where the Middleport to Pickering hydro trans mission corridor 1b to go which also established the route of the northsouth hydro line from Bruce power station to a point near Milton The northsouth line cuts through the middle of Halton Hills in the middle of the Fifth Concession going on Into Erin township Most of this information was available following the report of Dr Ormond Solandt who recommended Hydro use the gap in the Escarpment west of for the north- south corridor What most people did not know is that another corridor is also suggested In the same direction and it must be five to 10 miles away from the original so there is proper security Hydro has made one concession the width of the original proposal feet has been narrowed to feet Instead of five lines of marching towers there will be only three This is to be accomplished by running the 500 kV lines through and taking the two kV lines elsewhere However depending on future requirements the width of the corridor could be as wide as feet It seems that with a northsouth line this area would have more than its share of towers which incidentally will not likely be the new single pole Improved type The Government has decided they are too ex pensive and heavy and that the old latticetype towers wi Buff ice much talk during the hearings about inoffensive towers of new design The Bruce to alternative Still being considered but apparently ruled out In the interests of getting the lines from Bruce done in time to transmit power to Southern Ontario by when Bruce is ready If It is not done Hydro and Government agree there would be an economic penalty of between million and million per year Nothing is said of course about the 15 per cent hike in rates over the next few years Hydro intends to levy to finance the project economic penalty on ratepayers The unfortunate part of the whole exercise is as Halton Hills Councillor Coxe has said- This corridor will slash through the length of the concession without conferring a single benefit on Hills We are convinced it could have been avoided by taking the Bruce to alternative Nothing Hydro or the Government has said alters that opinion The Acton Press Wed July 17 197 Development loans beneficial It is fashionable to question and disparage loans made by govern mentsboth federal and provin cialto manufacturing concerns as an irresponsible use of the pub lics money One example in near by Elmira shows that loans can be beneficial allround Only seven years ago Bros Limited of was in receivership and a Ontario Development Corporation loan of was despatched to its aid Last month the firm repaid the with an official presenta tion of a cheque to Claude Bennett Minister of Industry and Tourism Sales of the company which manufactures forage harvesting equipment and rotary snow plows climbed to 2 million last year and are expected to rise to mil lion in the current fiscal percent of which comes from ex ports President P H Durish who took over the company in 1967 pre dicts sales of 30 million by 1976 came to our aid when no Canadian bank would he said We are grateful to the agency for giving us an opportunity to prove the potential of these products Bros now employs 312 people where it had only 27 in 1967 and expects to have a staff of 500 by next year The Elmira plant has in creased 250000 square feet from the space of 35000 square feet In 1972 square feet were ad ded to the Lincoln Nebraska as sembly depot The firm manufactures 70 per cent of all tractormounted snow blowers sold in North America and places second in the field of loose hay loaders behind a large S company The fact a loan could rescue the company and community by pro viding employment which other wise might have played havoc with the economy of a town of Elmira size shows that properly admin istered they are of immense bene fit Wise placing of the loans is a prime requisite for their success OUR READERS WRITE Disappointed in playground Dear sir A year ago our children could hardly wait until playground started and each day eagerly attended what has happened After a few days in attendance this year they arent interested anymore As one little girl put it Everyone is together and what the girls want to do the boys dont want to do and if we play tag or something like that the boys start fighting and then the leaders moke everyone stop theres no fun any more I dont want to go Last year there were approximately 300 children in attendance at the park This year at the park on any given day you would be fortunate to find thirty child ren Although there are playground sites at both schools also if you totalled the atten dance from all three places you would not get anywhere near the 300 mark WHY Logically there should be many more In attendance as there is no fee for registra hen and there are three sites instead of one Along with no registration fee there is no responsibility taken on by the leaders recent novels which debase human sexuality and degrade human dignity In Tact the report of this survey indicates that by a to 1 margin to 162 the public thinks that school authorities should be responsible for removing such novels from the curriculum and libraries la hands In view of this information which was In the hands of each of the Trustees several days before they approved the list the public might have expected the Board to have directed Mr Boich to see that such books presently in the school be removed and that no further books of that description be reordered In our concern for the advance of civilization by means of quality education based on the quest for the highest and noblest in recommended literature for our children we concur with the opinion of Regional councillor A Mason Oak vine Daily Journal Record July 1 I dispute that the normal healthy adult may be able to make choices that keep him mentally and spiritually healthy However as the twig is bent so grows the tree and here we must look to ensure that the child develops into that healthyminded adult able to make reasonably good choices in his reading material For those who say the students should have a free choice of all available books I draw a parallel Do you not agree that it is the parents right nay duty to attend to the therefore any day a child can wander away and not be missed until too late I quote from the Parent Registration Form Our programming policy on the playground is such that the children are free to come and go as they wish and as such the play ground leaders are not responsible to en sure hat your child remains on the grounds for any period of time We are not work ing mothers looking for a baby sitter even if we were these are not the conditions un der which we would want our children kept Did you know seven leaders were select ed for the playgrounds from Acton four were placed here in Acton and three have to commute doily to Georgetown 1 hope these kids are reimbursed for travelling At the same time as they are commuting to Georgetown two other leaders from Georgetown have to commute to Acton Does this make sense This Is more of our Regional governments logic Mrs June Gerth for Concerned Mothers 123 Elizabeth Dr Acton OnL One mans Challenges Dear Sir 1 have Just read the latest diatribe by the Rev Ken Campbell against the type of books high school students will be reading In Hallons high schools Mr Campbell cites his survey as the unquestionable yardstick to measure public opinion In this matter I challenge his survey to be accepted as statistical evidence The questionnaire should have been made available to all residents of not just those pathetic to Mr Campbells cause didnt receive the questionnaire nor did many people I have spoken to Mr Campbell refers to the Playboy Magaiinc and he Immediately loses his argument on that score Playboy Magazine July 1B7I Issue contained the most comprehensive interview I have ever readonthcEnvironment The interviewee Barry Commoner world famous en vironmentallst presented views that should in all our high schools In fact the interview should be required reading William A Johnson politics Since Grand Pierre and Uncle Bob Arc settled in the governing Job We now can do it as we please Without the price and wages freeze With more of strikes around the nation To keep up with the price inflation Our Grand Pierre and Uncle Bob Have taken on the toughest Job From Parliament Hill theyll do their best To make life happy for the rest Theyll take care of the young and old But must do as they are told There are some who are quite sad no doubt The way elections all turn out The good folk now will bear no ills Just swallow down the bitter pills The Mandarins behind the scenes Have world control of all our beans They make our commerce and recessions And lead us Into world depressions But we keep on working If we can For the benefit of every man When looking for a brighter day World governments not far away Victor Smith R RJt Rockwood THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Otlice

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