Second arena proposal would save A second proposal for a 1 seat new Georgetown arena more than half a ml lion dollars leu than the or ginal estimate has been quoted by the sales manager of Tramway Steel Buildings through Councillor Rfc Mor- Last week Whitney Con struction of Brampton sub mitted an WOO quote which was greeted with en thusiasm by Hills council estimate by architects Lee was million Now Steel Build frigs say they can meet all the requirements and build the arena for Sales manager Dave said his company has built many arenas listing Norfolk Fort Erie Niagara and re cently Jordan arena as examples He contacted Councillor Morrow after reading an account of the first proposal in this newspaper The company uses various building methods including the design build package which Councillor Morrow said was unsuitable In the Whitney proposal Healsoob- to any suggestion awarding a contract without going to tender Morrow asked if work could start Immediately as he ex plained the town stood to lose a KO winter works grant If the work could not start in September Mr said there would be no problem in starting right away and forecast a February completion date We would give you a break down of manhours he com He said the Jordan arena had been built during the winter and had been com in six months He said his company delved Into the design of arenas focussing particularly on the problem of the points where crowds collect and had come up with a lobby design which they felt moat functional He said the separate lobby and snack bar would be roughly 3 100 square feet Transway Steel Buildings of Hamilton and Guelph Is the dealer In Canada In steel build for the Niagara sum The steel Is by Steel Corpora tion of Guelph The company are builders in pre engineered steel and built the largest build log In Canada for Canadian Pittsburg Glass In Owen Sound covering square feet Councillor Morrow said his only Interest was in seeing the town had competitive rices and emphasized he ad never seen nor heard of Mr of his company be fore receiving the phone call Morrow sole foe of 800000 arena The decision to have ar chitects Lee Elken and Becksted stop design work on the arena and have the town enter into an agreement Whitney Construction for an arena was challenged by Councillor Morrow Tuesday night at Halton fills council meeting Morrow was the only clllor who opposed the motion Morrow said when Georgetown decided to build an arena councillors first took the design build approach now proposed by Whitney Construction but turned ft down after came and told them about the dangers Involved The ratepayers will say there Is some hanky panky If we don tender Morrow claimed He said they then decided to hire an architect to decide on the requirements and design accordingly Then we were to go to tender and companies would bid on it and that s the course we took stated Morrow He termed the move sheer folly and maintained It would put the town back to the position they were In a year ago Morrow warned that delay past September would result in the loss of a winter works grant Continuing Morrow claimed Mr the architect had cited an example of a municipality who built under the design build method and had to tear up the whole floor In less than a year Councillor Mike Armstrong said Mr obtained the and they came back with 2 million said Armstrong Armstrong said Mr Ten was admonished for criticising the high cost and was even asked if he could present something for He did It and will save the taxpayer a hell of pile of money Armstrong pointed out council had still not hired Whitney Construction and said If they did they could start In three weeks well within the time limit for the winter works grant Councillor Hyde said he was not an expert but was willing to listen to someone who Is an expert Mr has been In this business for thirty years and was concerned about the presentation made by the architect He said he was satisfied with a signed bid which was cheaper and has everything the town wanted task more especially when there Is one Just built by this company in Brampton you can go and Morrow claimed a design build agreement docs not have the same guarantees If you follow this method it be started within two weeks and you 11 be ripped off challenged Morrow 1 accept your challenge retorted Armstrong Marrow repeated his statement that the ratepayers would be very critical when they realized they were taking only company and moving away from tenders Hydo contended council i would be Irresponsible to take any other route He said a j million arena Is too rich for j the town blood He said dillydallying irresponsible I think the taxpayers would chastise us a lot more if we dldn t take advantage of a saving when get the chance commented Armstrong He reminded council there were many people who would never use the arena but would pay for it He said any other local builder who wants to bid would be given the op On the recorded vote only Morrow was opposed Councillors and Richard Howitt were absent Morrow attacks methods Continutd from pap 8 to the lowest bidder The method which Council has now chosen will not be by tender such as earlier described and will leave council open to question as to what basis was used for the contract award The ability to maintain quality control Is seriously reduced because In the new proposal the specifications arc compiled by an employee or architect retained by the contractor and not the town Council has begun to negotiate with a particular construction company with no investigation into the record of the company and without contact to other construction companies Council action Is irrational and totally unrelated to sound financial and business practices Now that council has embarked on this competition for this project and attempt to provide some protection and for your money Morrow Ward Councillor While libbers laugh Though he never was a rolling stone He never gathered moss Cause she kept him working all the To let him think he But when he steps up near the line She quickly slaps him down She keeps him dressed in working clothes To buy her silken gown She takes away his pennies And keeps him always broke She took away his cigarettes So she could sit and smoke She is the mighty master On the ship of matrimony And uses liberation stufr To pocket all the money He thinks that she Is joking When she uses equal stuff He never dreamed his turtle dove Would treat half as rough This biological function Makes men act like mice Those masterminds that chase be hinds All have to pay the price Now got her liberation With the slave to do her wiles Who yells odd growls and sometimes howls While she and smiles The Acton Free Press Wed July 7 s Private home day care sought by committee A program of private home day care will be entered Into by the Regional Municipality of if next meeting of council endorses the of its Community Services Committee During a meeting Monday the committee threshed out the pros and cons of day care in private homes and agreed to enter the program There is no cost to the municipality unless the parent is on wel fare or living on a mother allowance then the Regit BOARDING THE BUSES for their trip to Marineland In Niagara Falls are children from the playground Each Friday they go on excursions and the picture shows them taking off on the first one of the summer home But the province pays per cent of Hal Ion cost estimated at to per day Social and Family Services Administrator Vivian told the committee that paying subsidy for day care In a private home could free a parent living on welfare to go out and work thereby reducing the region welfare cost There are also some cases where a husband con be left with children to raise without a mother and such n subsidy would I needed for him to continue holding his job One centre presently operates one day care centre In with a of five and a I normal Just over children The region also I purchases day care from throe other privately owned day care centres one In Oak vlllc at Sheridan College and two in Private operations in Milton and have not yet shown any desire to enter an agreement with the Region Vivian explained many private homes also care for children for working parents If such homes meet Ministry requirements and agree to occasional inspection by a supervisor wilt be eligible to accept children Vivian said the home may only have one child but could handle as many as five and meet the guidelines John Hayes a specialist In home day core and Irs Ann provincial representative for day nurseries attended Monday committee meeting Hayes said per cent of the day care given to children in Ontario is in private homes Need Is shown An study in pointed out the need for more day care especially In North A survey showed there are singleparent families In Hills and in receipt of provincial family benefits with children under the age of five years And 40 per cent of the parents all women are Interested In working but per cent Indicated day care tor their children is essential before they could consider employment Hayes said it was a case of putting children of a person in need into good homes in the neighborhood Moss Hardware 22 MILL ST ACTON 8532720 STORE HOURS Mon Turn Wad Sat a to Thuri Frl a m to Service For a Grow Commun ty Lid We have a large selection of all Records Including PICTURE FROM the past the old Crescent St bridge is shown in old photograph with a vintage car giving a hint at the date The original be longs to Louise Lindsay