The Acton Freo Press Wed July ZELLERS GEORGETOWN Requires full time aggressive commission sales person for our homo furnishing and appliance department W back you with malor and sales promotions to Insure highest earnings your income while you train 40 hour Only or women with desire to earn high Income need apply REPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO MRS PACKER 8775131 REAL ESTATE CAREER Mb presently opening In our Georgetown and Acton of fata for ambitious stlfstarlers who are looking for an Amity to control their own destinies Experience In sales Is an Mel but not essential Full training program offered and a wide range of company benefits Competitive commission schedule and excellent conditions for further Information please call or write BRIAN A OTHEN Manager E St Georgetown REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK Todtvslop account coding systems and manuals transfer of accounting records to data centre To supervise day today accounting activities of treasury deportment secondary school certificate In accounting course or completion of or enrolled in CGA or RIA Is necessary with experience In fund accounting must have experience In data processing PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT HARVESTER ROAD BURLINGTON ONTARIO 4Imgoi4 Real Estate Career with United Trust will open new vistas to you MEN WOMEN FROM BRAMPTON AND AREA CALL NOW ENROLMENT LIMITED each you how to sell and train you for a lucrative sales career In a congenial en vironment Sell In mo most active real estate market In Ontario opportunity to earn executive Incomes on a commission and bonus plan Ask our successful people they will tell you how It Call Paul at UNITED TRUST REALTOR nurse wanrs country during off hour Write Acton Free LOST in Hilton Fails area Year ew female honey colored retriever cocker spaniel Answers to cam do housework five days a week and up per hour S53 TWO BEDROOM and three bod room house Modern conveniences not necessary Sensible rent Have spoliation Write to Box Acton Free Press Homeowners Only Payments too high Need extra cash Need debts paid off and extra cash Need money lor home Improvements Need your present mortgage refinanced Money To Loan Terms to suit your budget In town or out town Completed In your home privately No amount Is too small or too large Wo speclallie In compiling difficult mortgages CALL ANYTIME84M185 OAKVILLE TRISTATE INVESTMENT CO LIMITED TENDERS The Halton Board Education wilt receive Passenger School Buses The Purchasing Department Line Burlington Ontario Tenders will close p Friday August 1974 and must bo addressed to Mr T Superintendent of Business Finance Si Treasurer Line Box Burlington Signed tenders must be sealed and clearly marked as toconlents The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted J Prlestnor Chairman J W Singleton Director TENDERS FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Canada Post Office in vlles Tenders tor a five year contract lor the delivery of parcel post special delivery Items and the clearance of mail reccplacles In Acton Ontario One closed van type vehicle painted red English Vermillion with a minimum cargo capacity of Che Hundred Forty cubic feet capable carrying a load of one half ton Is required Tenders will be received at the office of the Director Soulhwestern DIs Ontario Postal Region London Ontario until 3 m Wednesday August For tender specifications and further Information contact the Postmaster Acton Ontario or the Director Southwestern District Ontario Postal Region 2nd floor S High bury Avenue London On phone 519 Extension The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted APARTMENTS FOR RENT ail utilities drapes trio stove and parking for car Phone SS3 F APARTMENT for rent No dogs no children per Hydro heat wafer Included Phone WIS TWO BEDROOM apartment on Main St Call 416 Or BEDROOM apartments in eluded HOUSE EXCHANGE Anyone of moving to and who owns a house In Acton and would like to exchange homes Contact Ed SSI IN THE ESTATE OF BALLANTYNE BROWN late Township Erin In tho County of Wellington Carpenter deceased ALL persons having claims against the aforementioned Wllbert Brown who died on or about the day of Seplember are required to tile proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for Executrix on or before day of August 1974 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Hills Acton Ontario this day of July C F Q C Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARCEL late of the Town of Hills Acton In the Regional Municipality of Halton Gentleman deceased ALL persons having claims against the aforementioned Estate of Marcel who dlod on or about the day of June are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the Executor on or before the 24th day of August 1974 which date Ihe estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Halton Hills Acton Ontario Ihls day of July C F Leatherland C Barrister etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executor FARM ACREAGE WANTED 10 acres and up or without buildings Suitable lor horses For confidential and free evaluation please Inge Wintrier 7549 or Residence W Stone Ltd Real lor Lakeshore Rd W Oakvllle EXECUTIVE TREED LOT I acres frontage miles to GO Train Well and survey Included PRIVATE Sale north of Camp two storey building In Ihe country close to downstairs suitable for any kind of shop welding ma Chine mechanical body woodwork etc Upstairs bedrooms kitchen living Ask ttamgltt EARL HAMILTON REAL ESTATE REALTOR- MLS Ontario 0791 Services for farms country estates homes cottages rural properties mortgage Investments Acton and Rockwood Consultants Jessie Alfred Drexler Passive planning role adopted for our future An allocation of lands to bo drafted a report Including given rural and urban treat four options but the final In future planning for option termed Option SB was given tentative found the most favi fav commute remain relatively close their present It omit any reference to future the cities of North and North Burlington that were Planning Committee or Now the planning staff mill envisioned ly Regional Council carry on a dialogue the Planners In the Toronto- municipalities he Centred Region Plan a couple Given four which Includes Major but not excessive concentrations of population in the and Burlington core areas A celling on densities which would allow Milton and Hills become self sufficient without exceeding growth pattern gen trolly accented In the past The Betting aside or large swath of land north cast and south Milton prime farming land roughly half of what used to be he northern half of the former Retaining of the prcdom inanity rural character the area of MUlon that once northern A soils It discourages non form form to describe the future residential uses In areas wllh shape and growth of the e agricultural soils and region provider for residential use Option pictures Hurling on rural lands less suited to ton growing 150000 unci agriculture where such to while development will not Inter Milton the nr AHnn fere with major recreational and Georgetown d scenic resources Halton accepts offer Push day care HEAVY WHEELS MAN Craig Somcrville sits high on his machine after driving around Bennett field He pointed out that he constructed customized front forks Only a start general direction for future planning which the committee endorsed last week Is not the final aaswer only the first step in long objectives for future Planning staffers The province is pushing a program designed to expand day care resources In Ontario and Regions Community Services Com has decidedcau tiously get a of the action At a meeting in Burlington Monday members of the com not only approved a private homo day care pro- they agreed to Join ands with the provincial Ministry of Community and GEORGETOWN Are you thinking of retiring We have the perfect home In Park district Three bedroom bungalow with many ex Situated on of an acre ideal for gar dening Close to all amenities For further information call MRS ALEXANDER 8531890 Herb Neumann Real Estate 159 Woolwich St Stone s Country Corner TEN ACRES Registered building lot Minimum foot home required One of the best acre parcels around Very scenic with gentle rolling pasture land Natural pond and mature maples Excellent location Only minutes from In lovely wooded area HORSE FARM acres located close to Milton Atmospheric restored two storey brick home and large barn Location very scenic Backing onto wooded area Even fields excellent water springs on property and easy access to would make this farm very suitable for any type of horse operation Vendor will hold first mortgage at reasonable rate Asking only For further information on these properties please call Inge Wlnther or res Stone Limited Realtor LAKESHORE RD OAKVILLE ACTON FAMILY HOME Spacious split level homo featuring eat in kitchen 3 bedrooms and a walling to be finished panelled room with wood burning fireplace hardwood throughout Single garage Exceptional value at tie Call Patricia Jupp at or URGENTLY WANTED bedroom i bedroom bedroom acres have several buyers for 1 to a H Keith Limited Realtor STREETSVILLE ONTARIO wtf PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew AB Mr E A Hanson A Organist and Choir Master BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday August Sunday Worship Services at and Pro school Sunday School during the morning service Sunday Socio Services to beef up Hal tons day care program The carrot on the stick Is the provinces offer to pay percent of the costs for con verting available space to day care purposes and percent of the cost of building new facilities Although corn- mil tee members agreed with Administrator of Community Services Vlvtsn hat costs would have be carefully studied the of was too enticing refuse Chart needs accepted participa tion in the project and the administrator to work with local municipal chart present and turc day care centre needs and facilities In a preamble to a letter from Minister Rene in which the enticement was offered Administrator Vi vian detailed the modern way of life that dictates the grow ing need for day care the escalation of Inflation cost of living and housing increasing almost dally young people face an almost Insurmountable bar rier to pay rent to say no thing of buying heir own homes unless both are em ployed Some have taken the Rev Eric Nelson MA pill to forestall children but they can hardly be expected to continue to do so for the next while they try to 00 a Divine Worship money for a down Thame Who Wants for a house for children Perfect Church they hope to have when Ihcy rsetyforBablcsandToddkrs to years of Some have gone ahead and wnlch surely is their right he ex- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Eric Nelson Minister Or George Elliott APh Director of Music Sunday August A EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE AOC Churchill Rev Thoman Pastor plained The ideal Is for the mother lo be home with her children and many wish they could but the cost of living In many eases has forced the mother to return lo work shortly after Auaust 1974 the birth their child Oneof August iv4 facing such is reliable care for their am Sunday School children a Mornlna ship Speaker Evangelist Slngleparenl Another group perhaps portant than the single parent Evening School during the afternoon Service Guest speaker Evangelist Barry Rellly from Frankfort Ontario A welcome Is extended to all Tuesday B Prayer Service and Bible Study more Important Is the single parent whether separated divorced or who wants lo be Christ Thursday a p Ambassadors ALL ARE WELCOME Excellent free town I for children CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter Tldey Avenue Phone Also Rural pick up For Sunday August Through August am Morning Worship Vef 39 and Church School Sermon no iiack conceding subject The Obligation of hil men the Christian We welcome count slackness but Is long fellowship during suffering to us ward not must have reliable care for his or her children during the day Unfortunately the Ity of our day has diminished the family and neighborly help given for such purposes d in the yesteryears adults and Sunday time Hence the advent and for day care least for this de cade gust our friends from the Ac ton Baptist Church AL WELCOME MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown A Fellowship Baptist Church Pastor Rev C Lohnes Associate Pastor Rev Don Sunday August 4 a Sunday School for 11 a Morning Worship 4 Evening Fellow ship Wed Midweek Service Thought Peace rules the day when Christ rules the A friendly welcome awaits you that any should perish that all should come to re pen tan ce ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mil I Street East Founded Pastor Mr Das Sydney Barbecue safety is stressed barbecue season and are fun but hazardous according to the Fire Prevention Committee of Region Fire Service Assoc ml on Trie committee offers a few DONTS for Choir Practice barbecue lovers Sunday August A 174 1100am Morning Worship can reach It Junior ChurchNursery pro DON T add barbecue 30 a m Morning t The new burst of flame may at Churchill Community hand Sermon The Obligation of light a barbecue the Christian closer 10 to any tree Advance Notice August or building High winds can Mission Circle pic fan flames sideways Church Phone Pastors Phone Thurs it THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR Balconies oaf DONT start a barbecue BAHAI FAITH OT m apartment balcony under any eaves or In r under any eaves or In a or carport Heat rite in antic pa on the days of And the fumes can be deadly Divine for the pro- hour is come Beware lest ye tail to apprehend its DONT dump burned import and be accounted barbecue coals out until you Use sand or water to make a Youarew sure could start a fire Sunday August 4 discussion bum he feet Anglican Willow St and St s Service Rev Ff evening at picnicker Most public parka Pro Phone for charcoal