a Hi Acton f rw Haiton Hills Budget breakdown TOWN OP HILL TAXATION FINANCE JIM GENERAL FIRE AUG A No AREA No PROTECTIVE J AMBULANCE ENOtNEERINO SwHmnlv Control Acton Aran Pool old Acton Acton Community LIBRARY CEMETERIES EXPENDITURES TAXATION 3000 FINANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT Council 106 ft fi Pro party in J Ma FIRE AREA No 1 BOO FIRE AREA No PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS STREET LIGHTING AMBULANCE 10 ENGINEERING Roach NonSuinldy Road Subsidy ISO Road Capital 731AM Eftfllnwlng Dtpanmtnt and Malntnnanot Control Collection 127 RECREATION 6672 Aran Pool old Acton Pool like Actort Pool Indoor Community Cantrn 040 33 Perk ffavyoundt LIBRARIES CEMETERIES New arena Startup grants centre of council controversy The nig budget routing of council can the of In startup to the municipality by ttw province The town fluked or but the province over only councillors ben Cose and ruck argued It should be used to reduce be mm ml liwrenw or Ward a shown in the budget nattily up In builnenllke and pasted to council Including Court Harry fell he amount should go Into the town a working hind which had more reason to put the entire tart up grant into the working fund Councillor Morrow chairman of the region finance committee pointed out Ine complete transitional grant from the province was used to reduce the ten Coxa argued that I mill rate and he felt using the tart up grant for the same purpose or putting the money In a reserve fund amounted to same thing However he commented It was an easy political move to cut the taxes and one day the people of Ward would have to face extra cost To use It for reducing the mill rate would be a false reduction he said Councillor Pat aid he favored using one mill of Iho startup grants to reduce the lax burden He also felt increased However alter much council voted or a Ward trouble but felt in yuan to come an on had two chances to challenged by Council or SruSnViturDliitS Son dSsCantl lei FIREFIGHTERS had their work cut out for them started as a motor wo being dropped into a Levy SeWXr5er7W when flames destroyed the York Auto Body Shop pane truck and completely metal opinion this doomed on the Fourth Line near last week Tho building along with valuable tools and equipment Hills lo exist on government For Harry Levy Increased Councillor Harry argued that the province was former township and aware the second and third allocating the start up grants regional government for Ihe tamo purpose He would be hardest for Iho noted the lilt opportunity For Harry Levy Increased 4 5 a a a municipalities with bad boon lost but council assessment also meant UnCOnSCIOUS grants rom Ihe could partially recompense and ho was and Increasing by granting the second Coxe the lone opponent who voted One of the victims or an Shirley Ritchie if coils especially In reasoned Ward 3 faced even against a compromise motion accident which occurred transform I from recreation He tell the town greater financial burdens which favored using Ihe start Friday July Is still Georgetown Hospital would benefit must by having next year perhaps as high as up grants to reduce the tax conscious according to her lo the Ttnnln literal with working mills levy by one mill and apply the mother Mrs Ivy Ritchie lwolhcrpwinnirnln hind ToLovy however balance to the working fund Mills t by ceil of of town of Acton and llltchle were unco rue when taken to Ihe Toronto hospital First Haiton Hills budget continued from page felt in reality Ward 2 taxpayers faced a mill rate controversy over whether the startup costs should increase this year and would have to face it next or the other way year with no transitional grants to reduce the rate by two and half mills The boys at Queens Park arent going to Council voted for a compromise to reduce the continue forking money over he insisted rate across the board by one mill and send the rest Councillor Hyde contended that next year totheworkingfundthestoryofthecontroversyis lack of provincial support would affect elsewhere Georgetown as much as Esquesing and pointed out Councillor said they had ap- rural areas were not assessed for services the towns first budget by figuring out Councillor Ric Morrow also pointed out the what had been spent in all three former complete transitional grant from the Government municipalities last year and added 10 per cent for went to reducing the Esquesing mill rate inflation The only item which did not meet the However Councillor Coxe told this newspaper criteria was roads which will now be financed that the Province only gives transitional grants to completely out of current revenue This postponed assist the rural areas to make the changeover to several road projects In Georgetown and Acton regional government There would be none he including the reconstruction of Church St until insisted unless Esquesing had been in the union The Province determines the amount needed Most councillors seemed pleased with the Councillor McKenzie was optimistic about budget in view of the dire warnings predicted of future mill rate Increases insisting that as con astronomical Increases also acutely dittonal grants decrease assessment would in aware of greater costs in the second and third crease in Hills to offset the grants He also years of operation where provincial grants would felt setting the tax rate earlier would benefit the j be reduced in some instances and completely municipality which would be able to invest tax representative for Wellington eradicated in others returns rather than have to borrow and pay in county The honor of being Councillor Coxe maintained regional cost next deserving for year would be much higher and it could reflect on Hills was the first municipality in this year s budget where the responsibdittes are to strike a budget prodded mandatory He said this years tax rate is a false council into finishing it Thursday when feelers indication of the mill rate because it is covered up were being thrown out for an additional meeting by the transitional grants from the province He before a decision was made Council called a recess while treasurer Usher and Hutzal and auditor changed the original figures to agree with the one mill reduction voted to reduce Buchanan skull Monday following the fracture and regained ton on Saturday July he font occurred and Into been when In which they released Grieve has re re driving hit gained consciousness and on Fourth I of remain In hospital with two Hill about a mile of broken legs and lacerjtiont ilwy Driver he car Shirley Ritchie condition rioted lor cud mA bruises hospital 4H member selected for meet Stuart IllllBburgli wax selected rcccnily at It Provincial Conference to intend thi N Club conference it Chicago Dates have been set from Nov to Dec Selected for maturity an ability to relate to others was chosen from delegates and will represent Ihe It members from Optario at theweck long Duby praises budget explains Acton deficit Former Acton mayor now Councillor Lea Duby of torn explained to council it was good business for Acton to wind up with a deficit in the last year of operation He pointed out Georgetown and Esquesing both had substantial surpluses but noted tbe difficulties a town of lust over to wrestle with costs and paying 100 for police portection made reserves virtually Impossible The Acton deficit was paid off by part of Georgetown surplus The remaining surplus went to proposed new Georgetown arena In his view the union of Acton and Georgetown was a merger of three diffident types of municipalities a fairly large urban area of Georgetown with a substantial assessment rural area with further substantial assessment and a smaller urban area which struggled to maintain Its identity on a modest assessment praised the first Haiton Hills budget as a damn good Job wttha poor set of tools and situations to work with He also paid tribute to the work of finance chairman Pat for the hours be spent both at region and town level in the budget It proves of a regional councillor is a full time and a tiring one too said Councillor McKenzie was visibly tired from tbe many meetings of finance and council the tax rate across the board Hyde is acting mayor Hills council appointed Councillor Hyde as acting mayor while Mayor Tom Hill enjoys a vacatioa The resolution was passed at the budget meeting of council Thursday night One house one lot few pigeons rabbits and pigs Is not enough to constitute a farm according to administration committee of Hills They turned down the application of G Lot 32 Cone for a second residential permit on his property pointing out only a farmer housing hired help is allowed two residences on one property Thru Thtm n4 10 One Show Nlalit 8 rr ill mM What about money from sports groups Ward councillors and Dick Hewitt both ex pressed their opposition to the Haiton Hdli budget because it of hetlWOtt Eaqueswg surplus went to fund- proposed for tbe new arena In Georgetown and the reminder was allocated to reduce the generfievy They re he that got the arena complained Coxe and new what about the money the sports and service groups la were going to raise he asked Both and Howltt fell tie surplus should have been used to cushion tbe effects of the tax hike ratepayers faced Em Hyde said however town was trying to start out en a clean slate by giving money to those tbe need was greatest He foresaw more working together of all of all wards towards one and pointed out Georgetown a operating hat been medio wipe Acton deficit and the remainder went to the arena Hyde Wards and Georgetown had sacrificed more than War and had been completely maintained that If the five mill out of farmer township more ban which would only need one mill to raise amount A mill represents lit new town BINGO No Every Monday Night at AT THE CREDIT VALLEY CLUB FORMERLY RIVIERA AMIS JACKPOT Nos NO ADMISSION CHAROI Cards 3 for bus Sponsored By Georgetown Lodge No Toyota Community Calendar Whats doing In North Haiton area I CLOTHING AID doming will be available through a volunteer group known as Clothing on August from to noon at Mill Street Acton Donations will be gratefully received Enjoy Junior C Lacrosse Sunday August 11 at the Acton Community Centre The Acton Rams will be hosting This game is part of the playoff don miss It See how much car your money will buy of HALTON TOYOTA lIHtl I 8784385 8262931 Hwy 2S Just North of