Acton Free Wad Norton Bus Lines Requires School Bus Drivers In North Milton North Burlington Norlh Oak areas Wo 1 1 paying regular route Approximate hours is a to 9 a 45 Charter work and noon routes alio available Ideal for semi retired or Self Employed people J WANTED weekday Phono MSB CUSTOM combining gram and corn and filling silos ONE woods lent sleeps six Used ihreo times Phone Sleepsfour with stove fridge and toilet Electrical hookup hitch and two mirrors WOO or best MM TWO SWANS used tor wedding decorations at Acton Music Centre on Julv Call Mi ring at Dennett playground gold band ruby stone Please call 4031 MOVING CALL CENTRAL CARTAGE MOVING 4168783351 JUL TENDERS FOR MAIL CONTRACT The Canada Post Office In vltes Tenders tor a five year contract lor the of parcel post special delivery items and the clearance ot mail receptacles in Acton Ontario One I closed van type vehicle painted red English Vermillion a minimum cargo capacity of One Hundred Forty cubic capable of carrying a load of one half Ion Is required Tenders will be received at the office of the Director Southwestern Ontario Postal Region London Ontario until p Wednesday August For tender specifications and further information contact the Postmaster Acton Ontario or the Director Southwestern District Ontario Postal Region floor High bury Avenue London On IA3 phone 1519 Extension The lowest or tiny tender not necessarily accepted NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF late the Town of Hslton Hills Acton In the Regional Municipality of Hal ton Gentleman deceased ALL persons having claims against the a lore mentioned Estate Ma reel who died on or about the day ot June are required to file with the undersigned solicitor tor the Executor on or before the day of August after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then tiled DATED at Hills Acton Ontario this day July F Leather land Q C Barrister etc Acton Ontario Solicitor for the Executor AUCTION SALE OF PIANO ANTIQUES GLASS AND CHINA ETC ATHIS RESIDENCE LOCATED ON THE LINE OF ESQ LOT APPROX J Mil CAST OF ACTON AND MILE SOUTH Or HWY FROM TAKE FOR 2 MILES TO THEN GO NORTH MILE RIGHT NEXT TO INDUSMlN QUARRIES lor ADRIAAN ARTS Saturday Aug 10 at NOON FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Hartman upright piano and stool Rot gateleg table small china cabinet wicker arm chair cottar chest and drawer large pine cupboard Rol sideboard with mirror old pine knife sharpener coffee table side tableland round coffee table all matching Singer treadle sewing machine several odd chain clothes hamper child table with chain door lamps wooden armchair upholstered armchairs walnut sowing basket 2 side tables drawer childrens comb ward robe and chest small child desk wardrobe machine brass bell rug wllh underlay copper copper bolter milk cans some sealer jars largo Eaton crock gallon crocks and kitchen table 4 chain 4 gallon crocks R lantern small barn lantern I small cast Iron pots some old collectable bottles hay knives buck saws 2 cross cut saws horseshoes assortment of wooden and ileal wagon and buggy wheels horse drawn hand cultivators walking plow all Items nicely painted tor ornaments very old lurnlp sower all complete cast Iron old hand pumps bathtub Commodore mantle radio good one S and My a Is very old pc dlnnorworo large 1874 family Bible In perfect condition glass base Aladdin oil lamp silver soup tureen and other silver Large and small pictures and china wash basin butter print light Carnival water old brass water pump assortment ol books etc etc ITEMS Large quantity of maple firewood to be sold by tho cord Power lawn mower barn jack towing chain Cullough chain saw quantity of mlsc paint nanny goats roll of bracing wire ZOO gallon oil tank metal door dard slie Gun rack 12 gauge double barrel shotgun army rifle single shot semiautomatic Terms aro cash No reserves Lunch available Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Soiling by bidding number AUCTIONEER CHRIS A SCHOUTEN 8782576 AUCTION SALE Saturday Aug 12 noon ram or shine TOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MR NOBLE KIRK AT HIS RESIDENCE IN THE VILLAGE OF TON ON THE OLD NO TURN WEST AT UNITED CHURCH ON TO WEST STREET WATCH FOR SIGNS CONSISTING OF shell corner what not shelf old one colour now Modern chesterfield and polo lamp curved lop trunk Gllson upright Beach electric stove refrigerator usual kllchen electrical appliances wing back chair quantity curtains matching gun stock good shape china cabinet with glass In oil 3 sides piece stacking bookcase press back arm chair oak book shelves largo drop leaf dining room fable selection of and frames Vaseline comport pieces of Nippon Carnival glass very good sliver candelobras glass comports china selling for Hobnail Vaseline pieces old pickle cruol 4 silver tea service Carnival glass clear glass water pitcher and goblets selling for Community silverware wringer washer crocks and scalers vacuum cleaner small spool table piece que bedroom Including wash stand gold wat piece mahogany bedroom odd mirrors electrified Singer sewing machine folding sewing kit small bedroom rocker pine box old kitchen cupboard mahogany writing desk old apple pooler top very old writ Ing desk selection of clean linen old books lawn chairs hall table miniature scales selection of garden tools Lawn Master power lawn mower rokes shovels levels motor and grinder high tool chest loaded with selection of hand tools saws hammers elc This sale consists of a good selection antique and modern furnishings glass china and many more Items to choose from No reserve Everything must be sold settle JIM 6891778 Acton Baptists attend Churchill church in Aug gr0 AUCTION SALE Wed eve Sept 11 at 6 oclock FOR Mrs Jean Barnes AT HER RESIDENCE LOCATED ON 4259 TREMAINE RIGHT OPPOSITE No SIDE ROAD APPROX MILES NORTH OF AND MILES SOUTH WEST OF MILTON FROMMILTON HOSPITAL TAKE MILE THEN GO SOUTH ON TREMA1NE FOR SMILES upright piano and stool In perfect condition Square oak dining table and 4 leaves Oak buffet very nice pressed back chairs Fancy wall mirror 4 walnut bedroom suite vanity dresser dresser with mirror chest of drawers and double bed with mattress Double steel bed with brass knobs bookcase double bed and dresser drawer chest oak flower table and other odd tables blonde coffee table with matching end tables day bed drawer pine chest pine blanket box old side board pine jam cupboard chrome kit table and 4 chairs kitchen stools old drop leaf table laundry hamper some odd chairs wall mirror chesterfield with matching chairs scatter mat gallon oak wine barrels scaler crocks Schuler Paris gallon jug some glass and china tab I lamps pole lamp No Aladdin lamp no shade Glass oil lamp linger oil lamp Coleman camping lantern I small and regular barn lanterns Some old books Coleman gas Iron APPLIANCES Moffat burner electric stove refrigerator other small electric appliances Hoover vacuum cleaner all attachments quantity of mlsc paint some cans never opened lower pots ft aluminum ladder wheelbarrow lawn and garden tools bundle welding rods one 200 and one 250 gallon gas tanks and other Terms are cash Nareserves Property Is sold owner moving to apt Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Selling by bid number Lunch available AUCTIONEER CHRIS A SCHOUTEN 8782576 MILTON Auction Sale of many antiques to be held at Meadowview Auction Centre Station Street Ontario August 9 at pm pm PARTIAL LISTING Flat back wall cupbqard table wash standi and commodes Victorian settee press back rockers old Bell pumporgan Guelph Ontario parlor table oak side board piano stool dressers wooden bed Etc lovely china set china chamber pitcher glass pitchers and vases cruet set old primitive Iron pots and oil lamps fancy picture frames Bennington Insulator copper bolters mantle clocks brass bells vases plus many more Interesting antiques TWO BEDROOM house urgently needed in area Phone apartment In private home Quiet mature person with references Telephone FANTASTIC VIEW North Milton Home and rolling acres Ideal for etc acres ccd ponds bedrooms modern brick bungalow walkout from basement fully broad loomed- automatic washer and dryer Immed lale possession I 87fl afternoons 8imagl5 EXECUTIVE TYPE Three bedroom home on extra large lot in I Georgetown per month Immediate possession For appointment to view phone APARTMENTS FOR RENT lot Close to shopping and schools per Call apartments for rent Includes all utilities drapes rig stove and park tor 1 car Phone APARTMENT tor rent No dons no children per month Hydro heal water Included Parking lot for two cars Phone PARTMENT tor rent No dog- no children per month Hydro heal water Included Phone ESTATES DOWN bedroom condominium in Immaculate condition Parquet throughout Full basement RAMOS A TOWNL1NE DOWN bedroom brick siding late BEDROOM and apartments everything eluded 2043 FARM ACREAGE WANTED and free evaluation please oil Inge or Residence Stone Ltd Real tor Rd huge kitchen with fireplace and sliding doors to patio Low taxes garage fenced yard spring fed pond SCENIC EDEN MILLS j bedroom frame bungalow on i acre lot Tastefully decorated huge living room separate dining 1 room modern kitchen Immaculate condition CHURCHILL STREET I bedroom completely brick side split with mansard roof Large family room with stone fireplace Attached garage Sodded lawn REAL ESTATE ESTATE SALE We are favored with Instructions by the executors of the estate the late Moffat to sell the property at Fredorlck Street Acton Consisting a bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage large living room piece bathroom family sue kitchen lull basement Having a lot Property must be sold to settle estate Mortgage can be arranged For appointment to view call BELOW MARKET VALUE Owners have purchased a farm and must sell quickly Property is being at Owners are prepared to negotiate for an early sale Mortgage can be Con silting bedrooms living room ground floor family room and rec room In basement Twobathrooms present all offers See It today DRASTICALLY REDUCED This bedroom two sforey older home in the park area Kit living room large separate dining room basement Reduced to for quick sale Mortgage available Johnson By Mrs Mo Arthur Churchill Community Church Sunday service church school was well at tended with visitors nnd members from the Acton Baptist Cong res I on who will be worshipping with UK through the month of August Miss I sang Sunrise loinur row which won greatly on Joyed A Baptismal service was also held Vacation Bible School will be held at Church beginning Wednesday gust through to August 13 All children of the neighbor hood are welcome We hope for a good turnout of is extended to Mr Jinii Mrs John Light in the Friday August 2 of nephew Hoy Carton of Kel Columbia Mrs Lome McLean of ton a attended the funeral John or Churchill In a cousin and accompanied a Robert Carton and they had return home utter visiting liny Carton Holiday visitors with Rev A and Mrs were C and Mrs Julie May their grandma Mrs flayllss of High Acres Inrlda Mr and Mra Cur rick and four children of were Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Turner David and Mr and Mrs Fred spent the weekend her sister Mary Foray the Mr and Mrs Pol lard and family Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mr ami Mrs John and family on Stewart a prominent Toronto lawyer old friend was a on Sunday with Mr Michael fray Mr mid Mrs Frank Hum of liny are spending week at her home with Mr and Mrs William Hobble Mr Mrs davlng Mr and family visited on Monday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Fred Mac Arthur Visitors last weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr and family were Mr and Mrs Hill Trimble and family of Mr and Mrs Murray Flett for days from Mr and Mrs onion Lindsay of ville Mr and Mrs flus sell and children of Chcslcy David Mflltby and family for a week and a half at Mori Mrs Mitchell with in old friend went by plane weeks at Or I and visiting relatives at Niagara Mrs all Mnltby her mother Mrs William and her aunt Mrs Inez attended a tea at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank logic Carlisle on Sunday afternoon in honor f their daughters forthcoming marriage August to la Sunday ter noon gust Mr and Mrs Wal held a ily gathering on the occasion of the baptism of grand son Jeremy Robert Hyde son of Rev Mrs Hyde of Manor Saskatche wan Rev Robert Fret well of reek a close friend of the officiated Community Church Attending were Mr and Mrs iernlii Hyde Kny of Mr an Mrs Murray Winger and Tom of Mrs John Hyde Jeremy s great of Irs Doris of Water ford Miss Hyde of Toronto Miss Pat Weaver Mr Mrs Fred Thompson Peggy and Steven of Mr Mrs Don and Miss Janel Render son Rae Janice John Thompson of and Mrs MacArlhur While there Ron and Uremia and baby colled First time he had been with tils great grandfathers at the same time Art graces gallery A station wagon nulelly pulled Into the Academy Friday July and left with a large object Another piece of unique sculpture created by Rock woods own special artist Yoscf has left the village to grace some area of Public Library and Art Region wants join he Metropolitan Toronto Industrial Commission at fee but not until Thats I ho recommendation approved on a vote last week after the region Finance and Administration Commit Ice reviewed for the third time he possibility of lolning Mrif Some mem were all fur joining right away but some eyed the cost In light of the region desire to chop the mtt spoke in favor of loving membership until next January Only Preston of Burlington op posed the He said lie wanted more study unit wanted to hear opinions from Ihc full time In Ron Cooks of and Cordon lllair if MJK him done work ili and In Hie past hut no other Jhillnn v re mem hers Anderson told the committee tie could name it least 111 Industries tint located in r assistance from eimmissioii working operation with Oaf Industrial These people have a proven record and heir Is are Our vicious lie ing in eo hour REAL ESTATE Jusl listed bedroom brck bungalow extra apartment Located on nicely treed lot on quiet street Newly decorated Priced right at Call Jim Goudy 2791 ACTON Theres still time to spend your vacation in your own backyard in an round poo and also enjoy the amenities of a delightful custom built raised bungalow one of which is the shag carpeted family room with wet bar on the ground level Come and see for yourself Just reduced to Call Artel Owen Two years new 3 bedroom brick com Spanish design recreation room 2nd bath immaculate Situated on over a ft lot Call Parkland setting enhances appealing bedroom brick Distinctively styled recreation room with shag and drapes Copper tone fridge and stove with continuous clean oven Completely Just reduced to 63900 Call Mel Owen BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LTD Realtor Queen St Brampton EARL HAMILTON REAL ESTATE REALTOR MLS 53Speedvale Ave Guelph Ontario FOR SALE 94 ACRE FARM AT HIGHWAY 100 acres good form land with good buildings WANTED acres four bedroom home Acton and Consultant Jessie Finley ACTON FAMILY HOME Spacious split level home featuring cot In kitchen bedrooms and a waiting to be finished panelled room with wood burning fireplace hardwood throughout Single garage exceptional value Call Patricia Jupp at a URGENTLY WANTED bedroom I acre bedroom lacre lOocres I have several buyers for wo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Re W Eric Nelson A A George Elliott MA PhD Director of Music H Keith Limited Realtor STREETSVILLE ONTARIO 8262253 Minuter Mr E A Hansen A Organist and Choir Sunday August Twelfth Summer Season of Combined Worship Trinity United Church Preacher Rev W Eric am Divine Worship Thome Is Religion a Cure All Nursery for Babies and Toddlers EVERYONE MOST WELCOME BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday August 11 Sunday Worship Services at m and 30 Pre school Sunday School during the morning service Sunday School during the service You Are Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister Tho Rev A Waller Fosbury BD Tldey Avenue Phone Sunday August 11 1974 Through August m Morning Worship and Church School Sermon subject Is human life vain or worthless We welcome to our fellowship during Au gust our friends from the Ac ton Baptist Church Wednesday August day August 13 Vacation Bible School All children welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE A O Churchill Rev Sunday August it 1974 10 am Sunday School 11 a Morn no Wor ship Speaker 00 Evmgo llstic Service Guest speaker Evangelist Barry Redly is from Frankfort A welcome Is extended to ill Tuesday a Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday pm Christ Ambassadors Excellent free town Services for children and adults to and from Sunday School on the All Red Bus Also Rural pick up For In formation phone or 07M Peter Verse The Lord is nol slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but Is long suffering to us ward not ling lhat any should perish but all should come re pen lance MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 177 Maple Ave Georgetown A Fellowship Baptist Church Pastor Rev Rout Lohnes Associate Pastor Rev Don Gorrle Sunday August 1974 45a m Sunday School for all ages 1 1 a m Morning Worship Evening Fellow ship Wed m Midweek Thought Peace rules the day when Christ rule the THE CHURCH OF THE MARTYR and St Sunday August Church Service Rev L Morning Prayer ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mill Street East Church Phone Pastor Phone 1835 Choir Practice Sunday August Is Human Life r Worthless Nollce August BAHAI FAITH Lay not aside fear of God O kings of earth and beware that ye trans not the bounds which the Almighty fixed Observe the laid upon you in His Book and take good heed not to do Injustice anyone be It to the of a grain of mustard seed Tread ye the path justice for this verily is the straight path Bah llah You are warmly Invited to attend a fireside discussion every Friday evening at Phone