CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC SI SO minimum charge for IS words per word thereafter Subsequent Insertions no copy changes SI minimum charge tor words per word thereafter discount allowed for cash payment BOX NUMBERS to this additional it SO for first five IN Si for first lines verse or plus each additional line Tho Acton Free Press Wed August 1974 13 and Kay nee Chlsholm ere very pleased to announce the sate arrival of their son Lee weighing lbs at General Hospital on July A baby brother for WHITE Scott wishes to an the arrival of his baby sister Kathleen born August at Guelph General Hospital Proud parents are Pat and Larry Special thanks ANDERSON Dave and are pleased to Ihe arrival of Laura Kir on August A sister for Kyle KAY Jim and Barb Kay Roland Street ere pleased to announce the birth of their son Garnet William James at Guelph General Hospital August A wee brother for Mary Jean la7 MR and Mrs Harold Main Acton Ontario ore pleased to announce the engagement of daughter Helen Josephine to Dougles Reed son of Mr and Mrs Reed Pitcher of William Lake British Columbia and Mrs Ray Death of George Rockwood wish to announce the marriage of their daughter rend a Jean to William Pettllt son of Mr and Mrs Harvey Pott l it with ceremony to take place Sat Aug at 3pm at the Rock wood Presbyterian Church TOURNOUR at General Hospital on Thursday August rour of Acton In his year Beloved husband of Doroth and dear brother New York Mrs Coltatto of Wlllowdele and Mrs Julia Pant of Torino Italy Funeral service held Rumley Shoemaker Home Acton on p m Cemetery 5a7 ANDERSEN NlelsSuddenly at General Hospital on Wednesday August 7 Niels Andersen of Acton Mushroom Farm Beloved husband Anna dear father of Sonja Mrs Thomas King Hamilton Solv eg Judy Mrs Eugene of Burlington Hans of Acton and Mrs Terry Sim of Georgetown Also survived by five grand children Funeral service was held at Shoemaker Home Acton on Saturday m Interment Cemetery Acton WE WOULD like to thank our neighbors and the cart club girls for the partis which they gave us since wi mum friends relatives or calls cards and gifts I received while a pat In General and since coming home Special thanks to Garrett Phillips and bent and nurses and staff of the second floor Rosalind WISH to thank everyone who were so good to the children when I was In Also to everyone who helped me over a bad weekend Phyllis 4a7 4045 WISH to take the opportunity to express my sincere thanks to ail who remembered mcwllh cards vis tsand calls while I was a patient in Guelph General Hospital and since my return home These acts kindness are ap prec and will long be remembered Nellie Herbert 4a7 WE w to express our sincere thanks to our friends and relatives for their kindness end sympathy and floral tr butes In the loss of our dear thanks to Vukovlch Rumley Shoemaker Funeral Home and to Rev A H McKemle Also the am and emergency ward at General Hospital Sincerely family 4a7 CUTTS in loving memory of Charles Cutts who departed this life August Beautiful memories are treasured forever of happy together ngly remembered by s fe Frances and family ROBINSON In lov memory of a dear mother and sister Marlorle Eleanor Mann who passed away August 14 and mourn her And dwell on the memories that have been remembered Mann 7aT and guaranteed ft A color console AFT automat channel changer Call Farmer Jack Warehouse BRAND NEW VHP in boxes Only 1319 Call Farmer Jack s Warehouse ADMIRAL T V console glass topped table 1 radio 2 bedroom chest humidifier 3 pair gold drapes swag lamp TV TOWERS tower overall height Including all channel head Installed tower overall height ncludlng all channel VHF head Installed 50 tower overall height In no all channel VHF head Installed Extra heads for second TV set Installed F stereo head Installed head installed Combination color head and UHF Installed SO COLOR COMBINATION tower overall height Including combination color head VHF and auto rotor Installed RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East Milton Repairs of all types Phone 2336 GARAGE SALE Wednesday Thursday AUGUST 14 IS On ft mllo south Hwy Stone house opposite race track Beds rugs color and black and white televisions etc Call 2195 a If 4333 SOD for sale No Nursery Kentucky Blue and Merlon Lowest prices Delivered only or laid Phone John Hunter Landscaping before Hypo allergenic cosmetics now available at Glen lea Drug Mart Hal tchensulte Tones of beige Good condition Phono 3408 31a7 violet stand cupboard at bottom Westirighousc wringer washing machine Call after 4 p m 30 ELECTRIC stove In good on 1 set of cupboards with double stainless steel sink Phone after COMPLETE set Phone SECOND hand bedroom A COMPONENT set AM FM radio turntable and speakers Call 11B3 a7 FOUR piece drums ana stool Phone after pm 4044 WESTERN saddle like new complete th d blanket pad and horses hood best offer Phone CALENDARS for order I for I We advert sing specialty and business ft service Roy Downs Ad Products phone collect 878 Electric Beautiful new condition never used Phone 878 morn except Thurs day and evenings after 10 1179 it baled Call black a good family pony year old small pony excellent lumper 9392 24gam44 DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF CATIONS Adoptions 2 Anniversaries Antiques Apartments for Rent Auction Sales Help Wanted Boats a Motor Business Opportunities Camping Equipment Cards Thanks Legal Cartage Moving Coming Events Coming Marriages Personal Daycare Pet Stocks Ken Deaths Produce for Sal Employment Wanted 43 Engagements Recreation Sports Equ Student Employment Properties for on Resorts Vehicles for Sale Wanted to Rent ENGLISH 3 hands bay mare years pony club rider shown successfully In the ribbons owner regret fully outgrown YEAR old Palomino wall broken Call Marcus at Ranch Ltd 856 PET STOCK KENNELS popers female cars reg stored German months female no papers S75 FIBERGLASS boat 1300 Phone morr except Thursday and I Ings after 10 RECREATION VEHICLES I lie 3AI S I ihc he I Ihr new c j I 1 4 11 ill f m re me tL rid I II Get on to something good An Example ts BRAMPTON CYCLE 379 Main door hardtop automatic power steer radio top s guard mould re tuned new tires Gold lh match ng saddle nter or mileage Th Call Compbcllv client 29am7 FORD Ford Gal 1639 II ton pickup or hardtop Call 39a7 1974 VW CAMPER popup top sleeps adults lime green matching Interior refrigerator propane gas stove etc Now at great Ings Motors St Georgetown 877 TOYOTA Corolla 1400 4 door sedan original miles And it reflects careful treatment given it family car and It s priced at Park Toyota George town 877 29aq7 3919 1970 OLDS Royal door hard top automatic radio power brakes and steering In beaut dark blue with while l or See and sure you II agree the price Is very reasonable Park Toy Georgetown 39ag7 TOYOTA Corolla door sedan This little beauty with automatic transmission Is perfect for the lady See It at Park Toyota Georgetown 39ag739l7 VEHICLES FOB SALE 1 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE GALLING ER MOTORS 1969 iPER Beetle one owner lie no Motors Guelph St Georgetown B77 39ag74048 radial balloon tires heavy duty serial no 184222 Bai Motors Guelph St Georgetown BUS all recondif on percent warranty ideal for big family with small gasoline budget Bai Motors Guelph Street George town 877 a 4046 Milton Plaza Our brought price Now car show time approaching with big Increases This events has really stimulated the used car market COMET 4 DOOR cylinder with automatic transmission and value op lion package Lie No HOX PINTO With automatic and radio Gas Saver Lie No DRX951 MX DOOR HARDTOP Popular model In Inter notional field Lie No MARQUIS 4 DOOR standard power features You buy luxury ear features at compact prices Lie No METEOR DOOR HARDTOP One owner since Lie No DAX DOOR With cylinder automatic Another way to lower cost in motoring Lie No TOYOTA COROLLA DOOR With speed transmission Lie No DUO DATS UN DOOR With 4 speed transmission Lie No FORD XL 3 DOOR HARDTOP The condition of this car Is above average Lie No 1966 MUSTANG DOOR HARDTOP With lots of unused miles Lie HOY Our Convenient Plaza Location Gives You ONE STOP SHOPPING LATE NIGHT SERVICET04 MONDAY TO THURS DAY Closed noon Saturday July and August Gas pumps open Saturday till GALLINGER MOTORS LTD Milton Plaza 8782883 1970 VW STATION WAGON all reconditioned brand new radial res carries our percent warranty Lie no Motors St Georgetown 877 Motors St Georgetown 39ag7 1970 FORD Maverick In room condition Lie no Motors Guelph St Georgetown 877 FOR THE economy minded V automatic radio one owner tic no Bai Motors St Georgetown 1944 DODGE Station Wagon In good condition WOO Phone 1921 anytime 3909 dak i Anniversary GUARANTEED PRE OWNED AUTOMOBILES FORD DOOR HARDTOP 351 V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio finished In Arctic White with blue cloth Interior with matching vinyl top white wall llret original miles Lie No DSM MUSTANG cubic Inch Cleveland V8 4 speed and rear end equip with factory mag wheels and series white letter tires finished in ascot sliver with saddle bucket Interior featuring a low Lie No BTK ONE OF A KIND SEE IT TODAY 1969 FORD LTD BROUGHAM DOOR HARDTOP V automatic power steering power brakes radio stereo a and f rn In Burma brown matching vinyl top and matching Interior Power windows while walls and wheel discs Lie The price Is right PRtCEDRtGHT SEE IT TODAY DODGE ft TON PICK UP cylinder transmission heavy duty suspension new tires miles Lie No P30B4 CHEVROLET fi TON PICK UP cylinder standard Heavy duty suspension J C mirror new paint Finished In light yellow Low mileage priced to sell 1795 1970 FORD VAN 4 cylinder standard smlsslon new tires and paint A real sharp unit for the camping enthusiast Low mileage Lie No Co9 1995 1970 LE MANS DOOR COUPE cylinder automatic power steering power brakes radio new paint and white wall tires finished In Hon Maroon with whlto vinyl top Lie 2295 FIREN2A DOOR FASTBACK cc 4 speed transmission finished in blue with mat thing blue cloth Interior White wall tires wheel covers One owner low mileage Just like new Lie No PICK UP Like new Finished In medium blue with matching Interior Lie C70B54 Closed 12 noon Saturday Ing July and August Use our Convenient Time Payment Plan M Main St Milton 878 7355 METEOR green 4 door hardtop all power exception ally clean this car Is for the big family Lie no Motors Guelph St Georgetown 77 fH L- CHRYSLER DODGE 8782962 878 ONTARIO ST MILTON Trafalgar Motors USED CARS I MILTON 2309 We need your used car Our Used Car stock is at an all time low As a re suit we are prepared to allow you a premium price for your trade in See us soon FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERIVCE Chuck Beaton Bill John Gerry Barry Bee ton Hugh I Buck Gervals Ron 409 MAIN ST MILTON 878 2369 I WANTED VENDORS FARMERS MARKET GEORGETOWN If you have anything to sell this is the place to sell it Fruits Vegetables Antiques Knlck nacks Anything IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT DAVE KENTNER 41amgif WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phone 4talf mi 43gam THE TOWN Halton quires a temporary secretary for the Depart ment employment weeks August to Nov weekdays Contact the Recreation Department for further Information at 43ga4 FLOOR Inspector to Inspect material as purchased In process and finished Ontario Services Life Inst ance and sick benefit plan paid by the company Apply to Personnel Department Products Canada Ltd Georgetown Division st Georgetown Ontario 877 6931 43oam44 HELP for Poultry farm and tractor operation Apply to Sargent Farms Ltd After 6 m 878 43mlA1090 BEAVER Requires TRAINEES We have opened two new home centre stores In Toronto this summer another will open before Christmas We need people now throughout Toronto to serve our grow number of customers Beaver sells everything you need to make It on your own Our sales clerks need ex tensive product knowledge to advise our customers on how they can make It on their own We provide both on the ob and off the job training to our employees so that they can provide the standard of service requlr We offer a starting salary commensurate experience a full range of company benefits a day hour work week plea working conditions and excellent op portunlties for rapid advancement Why don you investigate joining the Beaver team To arrange an appointment phone MOORE PARK PLAZA GEORGETOWN GENERAL SERVICE MAN General service duties Truck tires etc All benefits paid Phone for appointment or Apply In person to the STORE MANAGER MR DON TUCK JOB OPPORTUNITY With rapidly expanding Company in Georgetown Wo are looking for the right person to fill a position In our purchasing and material control department This person should have some business experience and will assume some responsibilities for purchasing and material control This position will allow you to ad vanes depending on your ability and desire Soma practical experience would be beneficial Full Company benefits Salary negotiable Contact Mr Frank Chlng 5224 2135 Or send resume to Baltimore Alrcoil of Canada 35 Sinclair Ave Georgetown Ontario 4igam44 Halton Board of Education ACTON HIGH SCHOOL ACTON Requires Instructional Supervision Assistant The responsibility of the person appointed to this position will be to assist with supervision of 1st year school students and to help establish sound study habits Some training in human relations and psychology would be an asset but a desire to work with young people and help them in a school setting by establishing good rapport Is the only prerequisite APPLY IN WRITING TO MR KATZ PRINCIPAL ACTON HIGH SCHOOL ACTON ACTON ONT J Singleton Director