Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1974, p. 1

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bid turned downGeorgetown TV gets cable Arthur Jomiason Georgetown Cable TV Ltd was given approval by the Canadian Radio Television Commission to expand Its operation into Milton and The decision was wired to the five applicants Monday The other applicants seeking to establish cable TV In Milton were David Hauraney Johnson and Harry Rldglcy In Acton John I Goy sought tho approval Georgetown Cable TV Is the only established cable company and the only pi leant intending to cover the whole Georgetown Milton and Acton area with one service A surprise to Georgetown Cable Tv president Arthur was the Inclusion of and in distribution area He said this area could not be ser viced for some time but work on servicing the urban areas of Acton and Milton could be started this year He warned the long delayed CRTC decision could hold them up because of the underground work necessary In winter weather The company which plans to change Its name to Hal ton Hills Cable TV will spend one and half million dollars in the next five years on new con and equipment to cover the enlarged area The present tower at will be torn down after a new foot tower Is erected at The company already owns land for the tower which It claims will Improve the signal to ail areas A studio will also be built in Speyslde where increased local programming of Interest to the three towns will be staged A trunk cable will be run to and then split off to Milton and Acton The basic monthly rate will be Increased from the present BO In Georgetown to for all area residents with an optional converter system at an extra a month At the CRTC hearing In March Georgetown Cable TV the converter would be optional since a survey In Milton showed percent of those canvassed would take cable TV at the basic rate but only ID percent would hook up to cable II he converter system was mandatory A similar survey in Acton showed per cent wanting the basic service but only percent willing to pay the extra for the converter system The basic service at present offers channels the channels could eventually Increase to with a con verier but for a while would give 17 or channels The converter is a black box placed on the television set and operated by push buttons rather than the channel selector The com leases the converter to he customer Georgetown Cable TV with subscribers In the Georgetown and Glen Williams area at present offers seven and a half hours of local programming a week and plan to spend an extra the first year the second and up to In the fifth year to increase local programming from the three communities and surrounding area Georgetown Cable TV also asked the to have CITY Channel the home of the blue movies put back on their service as ft was at one time The decision has been deferred Mr said he hopes to have back any as noon an they transfer to the new CN tower With the In creased signal the channel would then be as a A contour meaning optimum reception When optimum reception is possible from a Canadian station cable TV companies must carry It rather than an American station One loss Georgetown customers will regret is the change which will make channel 17 available only to converter subscribers In seeking the increased monthly rate from to IS Mr told the CRTC hearing in Ottawa office salaries had increased percent technician salaries percent and truck and gasoline expenses 17 percent since they began operation In Georgetown In IBfiB He pointed out the SO cent In crease represented an percent Jump I am really delighted the news said president and ringer Arthur It will put the company in a worthwhile portion to offer more and better services to our customers The Acton applicant John GoySr received the decision from the director general of licensing Guy John toy his Aclon associates the four other groups attended hemtogs In Ottawa In March Phone calls from this newspaper to Mr to ask why the local applicant was not successful were not returned We are naturally dlsap pointed Mr Goy said The decision seems to have been made on the theory that bigness Is best Wo had been very ton den I we could do a good Job In Acton expression Ho changes regional government has made in the town and com merited ruefully that an Actononly cable TV station could have been one of the few areas of Individual ex press Ion left for this com unity Mr would have been the major shareholder In the Acton company Minor share holders who had been In In the planning of the Acton station were Steven Dave Manes Lome Doug Garrett and Dave Dills A consultant had been and lilt whole operation planned and financed on paper far the hearings In he spring In Ottawa They had planned a local station and equipment with a tower north of town local programs produced by local people The commission had required the Georgetown applicants to serve not only Continued on page 3 1 One Hundredth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14 Twenty Four Pages Fifteen Cents L7J that s us when machines take over ff Acton not yet quite recovered from renamed Hills gets another monicker September that even more Impersonal It s When letter carrier service is Instituted that day is the new prefix which will indicate a letter Is Intended for Acton The next three figures will pinpoint the street However as postmaster Gordon explains the for use by our first mall carriers Its Tor the sinistersounding day when the machines take over These machines will automatically scon addresses and sort mall when they re all Installed and working In the postal- -centre- That could be January 1 197G The machines should be able to process mall far faster than people Mr McKeown says apply The who applied for the seven letter carrier positions in Acton will bo taking tests Monday at the Legion hall Mr said the choice should be mode very quickly afterward The six fulltime and one part time carrier will then be measured for uniforms and get instruction In the duties unique for Acton House to house delivery starts Monday Sept and It starts with formality A special ceremony is being Claimed which be outside front at the post office II the weathers sunny This is one time weather can delay the mall a little If it rainy the ceremony will be In the Legion hall A letter will be read from Postmaster General Andre mementos presented The first letter will be symbolically presented to ex mayor Lcs Changes The weekend before house to house delivery a whole section of boxes will be taken out of the post office replaced by smaller ones Many esses will be keeping their boxes for conveniences however Already the postal carriers sorting frames are ready On Monday dispatch boxes arrived which will be located throughout town to hold part of the mall carrier load Truck The contract will be let soon for the parcel carrier a red truck whose driver will have the introduction of seven mail carriers won t necessitate loss of jobs for anyone already In the office They are presently one short and this could eventually be filled by parttime help There been over names in general delivery requiring one person full time and sometimes two people Mall which the staff used to sort twice will now only be sorted once The carrier will then sort his load Into con order Hills The introduction of regional government brought a new name which brought problems to the post office Letters addressed to a street name and then only the pedestraln carriers will pick up mall from street boxes deliver parcels heavy volumes of mall and special delivery letters Closing date for applicants Is Aug 14 Postmaster McKeown says actually In Acton It takes a full day longer to arrive Mr nays However sometimes Georgetown letters bearing only Halton arrive In Instead creating the same day s delay in the other direction A letter to Hills only could go to Acton Georgetown Llmehouse Hornby or Terra Cotto No change The problem or duplicate street names Is one that been tackled just yet Mill Main Queen Church and John are all typical names repeated In many towns and villages Postmaster McKeown says he hasn heard of anything that would lead him to believe Acton won t remain an in dependent post office How ever he says he always has worked closely with George town post office Many have their mall boxes Mr says all he seen are in the correct positions There are regulations covering this For instance the postal carrier cannot go out of sight of the road soy to a back door Boxes or slots are equally acceptable Pet population creates stray dog problem pet population of Hills is growing drastically according to dog control officer George and it creating stray problems Herri told the finance committee Hills council he had picked up dogs since the the year in Hills 74of them had been placed In homes and were reclaimed Most of the strays resulted EMPTY SLOTS wait the arrival of seven new mail carriers in the post office September Post master McKeown is getting everything ready for the service which includes a new postal code from people dumping their pets out on the road somewhere at the mercy of the elements the dog control officer claimed They keep them for awhile and then get rid of them on some lonely road Councillors were shocked at the Information and the callousness of human nature but told them the figures were an Improvement over and which showed dogs had been picked up in Esquesing and Acton alone He felt the dog control service had Improved the situation and Councillors agreed noting complaints were fewer said the service would get even better when his vehicles were equipped with radios He employed two men full time plus himself and said this covered the town hours a day 1 don care what time it is if there a stray animal he said Herrington appeared before the committee to explain the treatment of injured stray domestic animals in Hills which encompassed dogs and cats He said he gave the pets care and If necessary took them to Acton veterinarian Frank Oakes for treatment as well as trying to find the owner Questioned the dog control officer said fees were reasonable and It was worthwhile to go extra miles Rams face showdown Acton Rams meet the Orillla lions in tonight Wednesday in a game which will decide which teams will meet the Owen Sound Satellites In the Gen tral Ontario Junior lacrosse finals Rams have a record in their round robin series with Orillla Long Branch and after whipping Huntaville twice on the weekend and 3 across town If necessary for the service Councillors were concerned about correct procedures Councillor Levy said the public should be made aware an injured stray animal should go through the dog control officer Asked if veterinarians got paid if the pet owner can found or If he gets stuck with the bill on occasion Herrington said his decision on treatment was based the dog value and if be had been able to consult with the veterinarian He was cautious In the case of a broken hip for instance when the cost would be Why subsidize people who don buy tags anyway asked Levy It s not air to those who pay Dog owners can be traced when there is a tag told the com that Georgetown had been pretty well sold with dog licences and they in tended moving into Acton and the Glen next He asked council to consider swearing them in as Halton Hills by law enforcement officers to which the committee agreed but they balked at in traducing a new system of writing tickets to dog owners who let pets run at large Fines would be paid at the municipal office under the system Some dog officer who doesnt like Joe Sookes could give him a ticket It leaves the door open to too many legal tangles said Coun ciHor Levy Clerk Doug agreed You need more evidence man I saw it you have to catch them he said I could use a tranquilizer gun but there are too many dog lovers explained The dog control officer assured chairman Pat that dogs In rural areas bothering livestock can be shot although the former township was now part of the town advise farmers to shoot dogs molesting their livestock Herringtoii said FRANK ANTHONY combines a field of wheat at a This operation is the first of many before farm east of Acton Area farmers are busy with wheat is milled into flour Turn to page three for the harvest despite unfavorable weather con the story To close Third Line Hills council intends to go ahead with the closing of part of tht Third Line and its relocation around the perimeter of Indusmin Quarries despite objections raised by residents in the area Thi decision was made Wednesday night after a huddle between town solicitors and A solicitor for residents the area the previous night section of the road in question is north of 22 Side road by Ltd Council instructed the works committee to negotiate an agreement with Indusmin regarding their building and paving the new road at their expense before giving the third reading to the bylaw to close the section of the Third Line Tht motion pointed out a public meeting to consider ob jections had been held and council ft It the area could be rehabilitated much more successfully if it is one continuous area rather than separated pieces It stated quarrying on both sides of the road necessary if the road is not closed would be difficult to maintain and would cause deterioration of vegetation Mr solicitor representing the residents told council the previous night closure of the road would mean the residents have to travel further to go to Acton He asked how the mattir had progressed as far as the third reading of the bylaw whin objections had been raised by 12 residents over the four years He said the first proposal by Indus min did not ask far the Third Lino closing but suggested hey tunnel under the existing road this plan was feasible and had been done m other quarries He disputed council claim that it would be dangerous or that it would kill plant life Mr Ha I lac hey said Indusmin had more land south of and warned council it would not be an isolated case Hi claimed the lands owned by the residents were owned before Indusmin started toquarry He said no municipality has the right to the property rights of the owners especially when there is only one ingress and egress You men arc elected to represent the small land owners is well as the big ones stated Mr He said residents already had to tolerate blasting and dust from gravel trucks Relocation of the road would benefit only Indusmin Ltd he said stressing residents wantftlcftas It is Repealing an earlier charge the lawyer said the bylaw was discriminatory A Indusmin Division Manager contended it was the company to tunnel under the road but asked if Continued on page No bus services here GO traffic increases No bus tickets are being sold in Acton this week as a strike of Gray Coach Lanes and Toronto Transit Commission workers has crippled province and city transportation The many who use the frequent buses which pass through Acton have had to find alternate ways of travel Some use the bus service to get to work others for shopping or doctors or dentist appointments in Guelph Georgetown or Toronto Agents at Watson s restaurant point out at least the commuting students haven t started back to use the buses yet However theyre concerned about the usual crowds which go to the E from Acton each day Special Exhibition buses in past years operate right into the grounds There has been an 81 per cent increase in traffic from Georgetown to Toronto on the GO train Over extra commuters climbed about the train at their various stops About 60 people or 32 per cent more riders took the trains from the Georgetown station Most of the commuters walk to their offices in downtown Toronto said Joe of Go Transit there Under normal conditions only about people ride on the trains which originate in Georgetown There are three trips in the morning leaving at 6 55 7 25 and with four six and five trains respectively on the runs There are three trips back after working hours There arent normal conditions so as many as 30 people have been standing in the cars this week Employees at the GO station at Georgetown say there are no plans for more trains the strike Official Doc wins by voters showed sub stantial In July election the Una 1 1 gum The exact turn out was si cent of eligible voters meaning thai TIB people went to Ihe polls new I Iberal Frank received votes Incumbent Terry Connor got and NOP Archie Brown got MO There were 144 rejected ballot Light to be fixed The stop lights at the comer of Mill and Msln Streets Ac ton which are out of kilter will noon be fixed Councillor Era Hyde had been concerned that the ad vancc green was too short Town Engineer Peter Mor ris reported Monday night he had gone there and found the advance green not only too short but the amber too long I m going to take two sec Oil each of the amber and add four seconds to the advance Morris said Hyde said that the second car always seemed to gel stuck Advance greens are normally 10 seconds long he reported Well this one Is only six Morris noted He said that since it is only a minor adjustment the town can do it themselves Youths charged Monday August 12 at 1 OS am an Acton constable checked two persons on Victoria Ave and found them in possession of house breaking Instruments As a result two Acton youths have been charged with possession of house breaking instruments conspiracy to commit an offense and an earlier break and enter at the community centre when about and cigarettes were token An juvenile was charged later August 12 under the Juvenile Act following report of the theft of about IS in cosh from a Maria St apartment damage Just one collision was In vestlgated by Acton P in town the past week August II at B SO a at Young and Eastern Ave two cars which each crumbled the front left fender received estimated damage each Driver Donald Mark of had minor injuries Driver David Downs of Longfleld Rd was unhurt Grease fire The Acton Firefighter were called out last Sunday night to the Cslver home at 132 Bower Ave Grease in the oven caught fire but didnt spread There was no real damage said Mick Holmes

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