BALLINAFAD Community Hall the site of many happy rural gatherings was the site of a party Saturday night to honor Mr and Mrs George Burt on the occasion of their wedding anniversary Well known Esquesing township farmers the Burts were greeted by many friends old and new and presented with gifts The honored couple led off dancing for the evening Erin township council No change in 1974 budget At their regular August meeting Erin Township Council Was informed the total 1B74 budget would be the lame in he higher road rale balanced by lower county rate Was notified of a meeting August with Minister Leo Bcrnler regarding the gravel situation In the township Learned the selling price of the Official Plan would be per copy Will receive from the Ministry of Roads percent of the initial subsidy local ion Were notified there would be an additional fund for roads Discussed a request from Bob Coles director of the rent Committee for a gift for the draw In Sep tern be When Council staled they favoured a monetary donation instead Clerk Elmer commented me an argument why they need the money I don t sec they do Reeve Lloyd Lang an swered I see as an in dlcation of support for the mui I don t see how we would do less as for Ihe community benefit Proceeds from the will be donated to a community project Councillor Bert Wheeler added Why should they gel less than Erin Fair A motion was passed to give donation to aid in work toward a com project Must repeal Ihe bylaw concerning licencing fees on mobile homes as there will be a provincial assessment on them from now on Passed a notion to donate to the Grand River Disaster Relief fund Received an insurance cheque fpr for a fire GO GLEN TAXI I 87777211 OR I Read an anonymous idler from an Erin township taxpayer Reeve Lang refused to discuss and commented We have no or responsibility to deal w letters like this If they re unsigned Suggested filing a letter from Damn the Dam Campaign which asked for support against a million dam at Ayr Councillor Bert Wheeler stated don I know enough about it Was approached by residents who asked to build a small chalet on Ihcir Seventh Line property or a hair dressing business citing Ed Peacock shop as an example of existing business In that area Reeve Lang informed that the shop was there dressing business could not be permitted without a zone change Was notified Ihe Lionet tea had donated to the Fire Depart men I and were asked for permission to use an extra buy a new resuscitalor Learned the new residential and farm evaluator for Wellington County Is Lome Thompson Passed a molion bylaw Imposing special rales on tile drainage acts Authorized payment of for Iwo livestock valuations Discussed a bylaw proposed by Ontario Hydro concerning specific insulation requirements in new homes to preserve energy and referred it lo building In Jim Delancy Met wllh village trustee regarding the new building in Park Council passed a motion o pay the final There was a previous ad of from the Glen Devon subdivision third phase Discussed complaints regarding Increased water rales in Ihe lown Reeve Lang suggested Hlllsburgh trustees contact the concerned residents to discuss the matter Passed a motion In the clerk to give notice lo the solicitors of Lake Ontario Cement stating Ihe municipality is not prepared to make a zone change on the Ismond and Sa under land this time Charged In court In Milton this week an Acton man received an additional years suspension and a fine for driving while his license was under suspension ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to advise that the practice of ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRY has been relocated to 214 Main St Milton 8783673 Gymkhana held by Trail Riders by Jennifer Burr Organizers were heartened by the overwhelming number of entries at the Rock wood Trail Riders Gymkhana and Junior Fun Day held Aug at the Pat Dales farm near The purpose of this event was provide opportunity for Junior club members lo enter the show ring no mailer how limited their horsemanship ability Classes ranged from a Horsemanship class IB entrants involving lending a horse and displaying rudimentary knowledge of grooming and showing to a gala costume class Leadline and walk and trot classes allowed members under len to show Ihcir riding ability within their agegroup and capabilities The older juniors ten o IS entered an equitation class demanding Honour Burts at Ballinafad About people gathered at the Community Halt last Saturday night to honor Mr and Mrs George Burt on the of their wedding anniversary There was a dance with the Fred McDougall orchestra providing the sounds and Earl Burl and Basil Watson assisted the musicians Refreshments were also served o the guests who had come from as far away as Guelpb Grand Valley and Toronto We received a number of gifts Bald Mrs said Mrs Hurt walk trot and cantering abilities A variety of games followed mosl of which required three heats due to the amount or competitors Exciting action was wit ncsscd during the mad dashes for sacks In Musical Sacks Some surprised and Wows accompanied the unexpected Jumps made by ponies In the obstacle race Juniors under ten were encouraged lo perform the games at their own speed usually a slow rot and In Iheir own agegroup Wee Darren DcBatlsta five of it Acton entered many games even though this was his first effort riding a large horse with a saddle His lack of fear and Infectious grin was the source of much amusement Hi entered the ring for the Steady Hand game clutching the reins In one hand and the saddle horn In he other When faced a cup of water to carry part of the game I can carry that I don t have enough hands Youngest rider Dnvld Johnson four of entered several classes assisted by Dave who was awarded a clothespin as the oldest competitor The finale consisted of a costume class In which such characters as the Scarlet Pimpernel Sitting Bull Robin Hood a tramp a gorgeous lady Dale JacK Horner and several others appeared An elaborately attired Arab came lo grief when his steed spooked at his outfit and bounced him in the dust NINETEEN COMPETITORS showed horses In hand for the Hor class at Dales Farm Sunday The occasion was the Rock wood Trail Riders Junior Gymkhana and Fun Day Press District Page Ospnnge 70 at Bible School at Everton last week The Free Press Wed Limehouse Visitors tour plant by Mrs Art Benton Mr and Mrs Carl Sinclair spent the holiday weekend with his cousins the Roy Birds at Lindsay Mr Enrte Scott of King City spent a Tew days with cousins Mr and Mrs J recently We wish a good recovery for Mr Wilfred Kirk wood who underwent surgery in General Hospital on Aug Mr and Mrs A Pat terson motored to Chalk River last week and spent a few days visiting their cousin Mrs Jack Crosson While in that district they enjoyed a tour through the atomic energy plant at Deep River They also visited Mr and Mrs at Rankin in the Pembroke area Returning they visited friends in Stouffville Rev Harold Martin is preaching at I Presbyterian Church at m during August Mr and Mrs Waddcll of lo n don are spending week Mr and Mrs Noble We are sorry to hear that Mr is again In hospital Mr and Mrs Willam Mills of Toronto spent the weekend here with his mother Ebenezer No services next Sunday There will be no service the are on vacation Membership classes for those wishing Join Ihe church will start the first Friday in September Holly Ann Johnson daughter or Joyce and Johnson and Daniel Henry Bonnell son of Susan and Jim were baptized Sermon Mr sermon was about Peter The way Jesus changed Peter s very nature tells us it matter what kind of personality you have so that everything will work out In Bible times It was quite conceivable hat a person could be bom again as a different person as when one of the disciples said hat was or one of the prophets Peter answer came as a flash of insight I the from heaven Christ the eternal Jesus said to Simon You are Pctros When we think of heaven we t think of a different place it is part of the eternal now If you believe intuitively no mntler where you are or what happens that Christ is part of your breathing when you are alone or in pain you can feel the eternal now within you When Peter followed afar off at Jesus rial Jesus gave him one look forgiving res healing and atlng and Peter went out and cried After the resurrection Jesus would Include Peter especially along with he others Peter sermon at Pentecost made con verts He was the first to con that Jesus was he son of the living God Jesus is eternally with you now as close as the air Mrs Pal James with her children from Montreal is visiting her cousin Mrs Wm and Mr McCnllum and family for a few days in the country Kevin son of Mr and Mrs John Is home from the Sick Children Hospital in Toronto where ho his receiving tests and medication for two weeks Mr and Mrs Stewart have returned from week holidays in Saskatoon Members of the church attended services in Bums Presbyterian in an Sunday morning Knox will again resume regular service next Sunday Mr and Mrs Carl Bunas of Ac in court visited on Sunday with Mrs sister and rot her in law Mr and Mrs Vernon Stewart and family Bible School Twenty five children from this community attended Vacation Bible School week The closing program was Friday Donald Whitehead was pastor n I A lolnl of under the guidance of 17 teachers The heme was Gods People Must Choose Mrs Vernon Stewart was In ehirge of he lo year olds Mrs Jackson assisting There were In their group Til daily collection wos assigned to the Canadian Bible Society Council of HS OPTOMETRIST J Cork Si East GUELPH VOLVO Huge Savings LEASING AVAILABLE GEORGETOWN BRITISH CARS Gualah St DOUBLE HAPPINESS RESTAURANT itj Q T f Give yourwlf a break Drop In am sea finest Chlnesa Food and Fish and Chips In Helton Hills HOURS Thura m Sat 11pm Sunday Noon Tel At Actons Leading Florist Do Your Planting Now SHRUBS PERENNIALS EVERGREENS POTTED ROSES POTTED SHRUBS ETC FERTILIZERS SEEDS ETC ALWAYS A BIG SELECTION OF CUT FLOWERS a Complete Line of Landscape Service Foundation Planting Our Specialty OpnrDmkWrkeani Til Dark WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Shop MEAT FEATURES 1st 2nd 3rd Ribi PRIME RIB ROAST Maple Laaf 6 COOKED MEATS Bologna Pimento Mac Cheat Chicken Loaf By the P BOLOGNA Cold Spring Brand FROZEN TURKEY PRODUCE FEATURES Grown Canada No LARGE HEAD LETTUCE Grown Canada No LARGE SIZE CUCUMBERS Ontario Grown RADISHES Ontario Grown GREEN ONIONS 249c JNCH ACTON ONT GROCERY FEATURES Maxwell Jar INSTANT COFFEE Carnation Jar COFFEE MATE Tida Box POWDER DETERGENT Whim Swan Pack TOILET TISSUE Carnival 128oz LIQUID BLEACH oz RICE Carnation Can MILK Mean FOIL PAPER Downty Mo FABRIC SOFTENER 85c 89e Open Sunday 900 am pm Canada No 31b Bag COOKING ONIONS fast same