Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1974, p. 8

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CURIOSITY WAS CREATED last Thursday noon hour when two trucks were seen on Willow St pulling two large school portables headed for Confusion came when they had to make the turn at River St and it was close quarters for a while Police escort was provided Reasonable first budget My wife called me Dear today Summer reflections some good some bad then the bad as the current goes If you don t know what means ask your family doctor Or somebody else family doctor If you don trust your own A family doctor is someone in the family That means try to get everything for free So if he tells you that you have little headache once in a while take an aspirin relax you knowyou havea monumental brain tumour On the other hand if youtake somebody else family doctor beware lie II probably tell you that have a possible brain tumour that you should relax and lake plenty of aspirin Well I hope that takes care of that I didnl really mean to get onto doctors Grand chaps actually But I have a lingering resentment against an A doctor who insisted on giving me my annual antitetanus shot fa dirty great injection In jour shoulder the night of our passingout party from a training course on Spitfires I told him I had a bad back a wrenched knee a toothache phlebitis and pneumonia It wis thrown by our CO who despite the fact Hint he had his pants pulled off and beer poured libenlly over his lower torso was still very much alive And moment later I had the satisfaction of seeing the C caught right between ho eyes by n dinner plate flung by a New who said when he saw the Commanding Officer fall his knees This was In the good old when it was more or less expected you smash up the mess before you graduated It vandalism in the modern sense You had to pay for everything broke and you took full responslbilily for what you d done It was a wild free careening sense of destruction perhaps based on the sense that you were destructible and were going to be Perhaps that is what If they tick Some of them don even seem be wound up let alone tick As usual I vc going far from my theme The good news and then the bad news Us like a Newfie or Polish joke both of which I despise Good news It not raining the town engineer is going to cut down maple trees until he tries again next year My ran baby Is a little devil One of mv students wonts to come around and talk My wife called me Dear today My bursitis Is not hurting too much There a Bill Smiley rose bed in the backyard which hasn produced rose in three years but this summer has a fine touch of green three baby elms I don t have a heart condition though I not sure about me liver The electric storm last night didn t hit my oaks plumber gave us big bag of fresh beans out of his garden Bad news My is a devil He his mother are living in a dome no lights no water no electricity no toilet I left in 95 library book out on one of the lawn chairs yesterday and it rained all night There a nest of yellowjaekets up in the roof and the roofer will quit after he a taken half the shingles off Two stings will do It The boys who are going to do the will all have fallen off a ladder and their right arms by the time they re ready to go My mistress has the mumps My doctor has a needle My wife has a tongue My cat is heterosexual My daughter cheerful My son Is cheerful This Is bad news because it means they arc both going to make a touch All in all it a pretty average summer Hills council has come up with a mill rate all of us can live with in its first budget despite the restrictions Bill imposed on the municipality Acton taxpayers face an average increase Georgetown remains virtually unchanged while Esquesing was given an 11 mill increase which was bitter medicine for at least two of the Ward councillors Coxe and Howitt They pointed out the former township had never experienced a hike of more than two mills at any time during their political careers and the 8 11 Increase was going to be difficult to explain It has been pointed out residents never before had to pay directly for police protection or recreation either but the two reluctant councillors said they have noticed no great in either since they have been merged into Hills Their concern was not so much for as it was for and when they larger increases hitting rural people as grants from Queen Park cease They pointed out the Increase this year could have been 20 mills If the Province had not rescued them in the form of transitional grants and the municipality had not designated one mill of the in start up grants to reduce the rate Both councillors were also pessimistic about future increased assessment baling the rural areas out because as they pointed out the Region is recommending only slow growth Halton Hills The rural problems will also reflect on the two urban areas as well if the Region has Its way Hills was denied some of the choice assessment in when the Province decided there would be a fourth municipality in creating a merger of Milton parts of and the entire township of Some of the choicest assessment went to Milton so it could be a self sustaining entity These were all problems the finance committee of Hills faced in drawing up the first budget Regional councillor Pat McKenzie said the committee worked out their budget by figuring what had been spent in each of the three municipalities and adding per cent for inflation The committee had to make some compromises surplus is going to help pay for the new Georgetown arena Georgetowns was used to pay off a deficit Acton arrived at in and the remainder went to the arena Acton was also faced with extra costs because of a debt which lias existed since the formation of the Board of Education The town was paying the debt off In instalments but Bill 151 decreed it had to be fully paid this year and this affected the Acton rate Generally we think council has done an excellent job with the first budget and much of the credit should go to the untiring efforts of Ward Acton councillor Pat who worked night and day to forge a meaningful and payable budget in the municipality s first year of operation If future budgets are as reasonable taxpayers wont have much to complain about There ore two schools of thought about future budgets among members of council Some predict the two years ahead are going to be roughest while others suggest that the municipalities will be able to cope with all the bills and hold the tax line Only time will tell The Acton Free Press Wed August Casey didnt strike out Last week this newspaper carried a feature story on beavers relabng especially to the nuisance the animals created on district farms and parks Particularly hit in this area was the of Casey Boss on the Fourth Line near The buck toothed animals were ousted from one spot adjacent to 22 Sideroad by taking them elsewhere and destroying the dam Casey breathed a sighof relief A year later beavers had constructed another large dam which destroyed several acres of cedars The story unfolded Casey s futde battle to oust the animals without destroying them But thats only part of the struggle on the Boss farm which has been hit with more natural and man made problems than most farmers face in a lifetime The beavers are included in a long list of obstacles such as quarries groundhogs oil spills and hydro lines which has hardly made agriculture a desirable profession for the Boiss If Casey wasn such a stubborn cuss he probably would have headed elsewhere years ago but he grits his teeth and continues to farm taking a lively interest in community affairs This past year the crop of troubles came singly a tribe of groundhogs in the asparagus that had to be gassed a decision by Queens Park that the ft 500 KV hydro corridor would cut a swath across his farm and the dam builders not to mention the wet spring and subsequent drought But the reason we started this epistle was to point out that in spite of the handicaps the Boss family still managed to come up with a win in the Halton Farmstead and Rural Home Improvement Competition Congratulations Here one Casey who won strike out Haton Hills is Georgetown A new lumber and building supplies yard In town on Queen Street east was opened week by Tom Cooke Three Hereford heifers were killed when lightning struck in elm tree on the farmof Gerald MacLeod R Acton during a recent thunderstorm The cattle belonged to Harry and MacLeod The Breeies a recently opened park on Fairy Lake near Acton ha been the setting for quite a few group picnics during the summer Latest was that or the Women s Institute held there day Wednesday Provincial Paper Mill of Georgetown will have an outing there later in the month Others say The federal 12 percent sales tax is still causing tangles for clothing and footwear retailers partly because the fall mail order catalogues were printed before the tax was lifted and partly because consumers are slow to grasp that the savings work ou to only about percent on retail prices writes Susan Goldenberg in The Financial Post Prime Minister Trudcau has said that the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs will monitor transactions to insure that any benefits are passed on to con Butjust how remains to be seen If the tax had been removed when the May budget was in traduced the timing would have been ideal for retailers It was a slack time for shipping as retailers and manufacturers prepared for a new season Tax exempt chandise would have represented newseason goods During the two month interregnum retailers either delayed accepting fall deliveries or postponed payment Born To Johnny and Helen nee Jackson a son Jackson Johnny at the General hospital on August 1954 About enjoyed an evening of pro euchre followed by refreshments A blond wood was presented to the couple by the group Owing to the resignation of Messrs Moore and I Gamble from membership in the Board of School Trustees an election held to fill the vacancy which will be announced Mr Gamble was appointed janitor of the School at a meeting last Thursday to fill the occurring upon the resignation of John P Mr Gamble will be paidthesamesatary 1 per year The School Board has engaged Mrs Libia Mew who has been principal of Sutton Continuation School for several years as the new principal to succeed Mr James Ma BA who resigned since vacation commenced Mrs Mews initial salary will be She comes highly recommended Miss IJIa of St Thomas has also been engaged on the High School staff Her salary will be Miss Hood who was on the staff last year will continue Miss Bennett Principal and the old five teachers on the public School staff of last ear have all been reen gaged There was real rejoicing in the home of Mr Harry last Thursday when Mr Mainpnzc and their two children returned from a three and a half months visit to her lather s home in Saskatchewan with friends in Manitoba This year section of new pavement was completed on Tuesday by the Guclph Pavement Co It is a very fine piece of work superior If possible in some respects The members of the Council were inclined to have the walk continued as far as the Crossing but finally decided to defer that section until next season Our it liens generally are so well pleased with the permanent pavement that they would be glad to see it replace the plank walks more rapidly There was a very happy family lost Friday at the home of the Misses Laing Agnes Street Mr Adam Lalng the father of the family and Mrs were up from Brampton and all the sons and daughters wcrehomeagain and Mrs John and Master Clarence from Burks Falls Rev Byron and Messrs and Arthur who have been travelling through the United States for several years and Misses A lie and Phemie who reside here It Is some four years since the family were all together last Miss Greer a well known society young woman residing on Avenue Brant ford bi at the police court the other day fined for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk Miss Greer and several other were served with summonses last week The others called and settled the fine of each Miss Greer It appears wrote a letter to a local newspaper In which she said the police commissioners consisting of the Mayor Judge Hardy and the Police Magis trate levied their fines for he purpose of raising money go on holidays In fining the young woman the Magistrate referred in terms to the charges of the letter THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office We expressed fears in these columns before the advent of regional government that Actons identity would be lost in the merger with two larger municipalities We were continually assured both at the provincial county and municipal level that such fears were groundless However convincing proof the southeast end of Halton Hills has Taxing dream Though the sun was burning up the We found a shady spot With my llllle pup I cuddled up Beside the garden plot From the bottle that I keep No one about we both stretched out And soon were fast asleep I dreamed about my taxes How I was going to pay I had to go and get the dough There was no other way I walked into the golden bank The manager was there He wild he even smiled And bid me take a chair He said My Boy the bank is yours Just take what ere you please Don lose your nerve we re here to serve He saw my trembling knees So I loaded up ten dumptrucks With golden bars and stuff He said I understand then shook my hand When I thought I had enough We stopped at the regional offices And started to Unload When the local cop Just holler d stop You re blocking up the road Then he took and locked us all in Jail I had no money left for fines The taxes got the banker a lot Including Solomon Mines It was then I heard a barking sound That saved me from disgrace My little pup had woke me up Licking teardrops from my face Victor Smith RR2 Rockwood more clout than the northern half was furnished by a post office memo to mail distribution people It included Hills We have reproduced it here for the benefit of those who might doubt that such a document exists There it is for Halton Hills the destination is Georgetown There is no mention of Acton raising the question again of losing more autonomy CANADA POST OFF I Georgetown of course is much the largest community in no one wants to negate this importance but federal provincial and regional officials better remember there is another urban centre called Acton in Hills with a growing population We hope our new Liberal M Frank Phii brook will bring this to the attention of the post office department ENNE1 D mumi hi or r Kit KM At SMC W IT I sr smile Oil Watch those prices is warning Dear Editor I had an experience the other day and I hope no one else has the same misfortune Last Saturday I purchased four items from a small boutique In Acton for which I got the blind man expense I bought two pair or Jeans and I was charged more than the price tagged on them due to a raise In the cost of the new shipment delivered later I was always under the impression that you could not charge the price of new stock on old stock after it was priced but not so at this boutique I was also not told till Tuesday the true priceoi the items I did not receive proper bill either In case of the need of returning When confronted with tbe above facts I was told We never rip anyone off unless they for It So beware If yog buy at IbH boutique proprietor has lost another nine faithful customers due to his attitude Other friends priced the items on Tuesday and were told the old price you don t know who you can trust any more A Utile bit angry

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