Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1974, p. 10

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The Acton Free Press Wed August Osborne Kirkwood wedding in Acton Playwright to direct workshop Georgetown Little Theatre Starting on Sunday August like to attend free charge will again be holding a series is and continuing each night Inatructor will be Fredrick of workshops under pro the guidance this year workahops will cover On Although Mr thanks to an Ontario Aria Stage Activity Direc been teaching in the One Arts by Wendy Thomson To begin with have a VFRY NOTICE concerning AMNESIA CLUSTERS which a cookie not an ailment Somehow two weeks ago I left out the oven tern The directions should begin with over to degrees After the cookies go into the oven the heat la By events so far this morning it looks as though this might be one of those days The first thing I found on getting up was the hound looking very uncomfortable with three porcupine quills in his snoot Thankfully they were very small ones and too hard to pull out but it still t my preferred way to start the day painted and papered much of the furniture In the house re arranged re painted refinished or re moved Outside trees were trimmed or cut down plants were growing nicely and 1 d bought and finished a picnic table toputin the shade of the trimmed trees Minor triumph And finally the dogs were washed That in Itself was In a double ring ceremony In Trinity United Church Acton Saturday July Linda Mnrjorle and Herbert David Osbome were married Linda is the fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs C Kirkwood Acton Bert Is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs David Osborne 7 Weber Drive Georgetown Rev Andrew McKemie officiated at the ceremony Organist was Dr George Elliott The church was decorated with baskets of white gladioli red carnations and white mums on each side of the altar Given In marriage by her father he bride wore an empire styled gown of white organza over taffeta with full sheer sleeves and lace bodice She wore a full length veil with lace edging carrying a cascade bouquet of red roses Maid of honor was Ruth Bister of the bride Bridesmaids were Thelma Lois Henderson and Marilyn Coxe all sisters of the bride also Debbie Osbome sister of the groom was junior bridesmaid They wore empire styled pink floral gowns with puff sleeves and wore opal necklaces which were a gift of the bride They carried nosegays of pink and white sipped tea till that extra computer that mothers develop solely or identifying odd noises finally did all it computations it took about seconds and printed out Cons it is Thursday morning and the new dog has just gone out the back door the sound is that of canine eye teeth being injected a one quart container of skim milk on the front doorstep everybody by leaping out of the chair and hollering THE MILK to find Ky proudly carrying a of milk around the front lawn I don think he 11 do it again The rest of today looks as though it be rather hectic the whole way through Number one son Jim and I must find shavings for a pig who Is feeling poorly I must find somewhere and probably out of my private savings account money to buy groceries for the frig which is looking rather poorly This column should be dropped off at the office along with a camera which quit on me after I had taken only one picture at a borse show after driving mila Gord home Then there Gord Yes he arrived home Monday night and since I hadn t been paying too much attention to where I parked the truck at the airport the crumpled fender glaringly obvious for the whole length of the parking lot So of course his first question was How did you manage THAT His next one on arriving home was How did the window in the car get broken As a matter of fact he asked all the questions I hoped he would t bother with plus a few I thought of like Did anyone bother to check the oil in the truck while I was gone Anyhow on Tuesday we hauled him all the place showing off the things we HAD done ones we were proud The house had a new coat of stucco and all the tnmwaspamted A pound boulder was into place as a step out the front boy room was into the bathtub but I finally had to get in with him for easier sudsing as he kept trying to lean his way out But Sueshe was something else Weighing a wiggling 120 pounds she defied all Jims attempts to pick her up and deposit her gently In the tub We did that each taking one end and bundling her bodily in shook for the duration By the time we were finished and the dogs had each shaken two or three times the whole bathroom needed washing down but ft was worth it was greeted he opened the truck door by two beautiful black and glossy dogs vying for attention My fears or making strange were unfounded and he spent most of the evening happily leaning on his new found master However yesterday was gathered up from the newly discovered comforts of home and deposited in the Hospital He almost turned around and came right home again when the nurse offered to pull the curtain while he got on Ten minutes later another appeared with a tray to In form him that since his elbow was to be operated on his whole arm had to be shaved including his fingers ana underarm And what she was armed with was a safety razor so safe that it didn t even cut the it WORE it off Anyhow we compliance it in less than an hour by her doing one end and me doing the other and Gord lying in between looking very Right about now he should be going into the operating room so I m in a rush to get this and all the little chores done gather a handful of clover the bank balance indicates bought flowers are out of the question so I can head for Oakville I off and running KIRKWOOD and Herbert David Osborne were united in marriage July 27 at Trinity United Church Acton Wm Stuckey Photo carnations and wore mat china flowers in their hair Best man was Don Parsons cousin of the groom Ushers were John Kirkwood brother of the bride Mike Cooper friend of the groom and Ron Osborne brother of tho groom Junior usher was George Osbome brother of the groom Ring bearer was Steven Henderson nephew of the bride Following the marriage a reception and dance was at the Acton Meadows Golf Course The bride mother received wearing a long dress with a corsage of pink miniature carnations The groom s mother assisted wearing a pale pink long dress with corsage of miniature pink carnations The bride going away outfit was a blue and while pant suit and she wore a white gardenia The couple travelled to Montreal and Quebec City Guests attended from Georgetown Erin Brampton Milton Scar borough Aurora Weston Hamilton and Acton Special guests at the wedding were the groom s two grandmothers Mrs U Osborne and Mrs Par sons Also the bride grand mother John Kirk wood The wedding cake was made by two sisters of the bride Miss Ruth Kirkwood and Mrs Lois Henderson Miscellaneous showers were given by Miss Susan Somerville Mrs Brian Mrs George Mrs John Osborne and Mrs William Coxe A presentation was made to the bride from friends at Northern Electric in Toronto where she Is employed Also he staff of Drapery Company Toronto made a presentation to the groom Mr and Mrs Bert arc now living at Avenue Toronto Council grant through loring and Design They Department of York Theatre Ontario n Oxfam in Acton Mrs King of Arthur St In Acton is trying to organize an Oxfam group in this area Oxfam helps groups of people They research each problem then decide which method of aid would be the best For example Oxfam has loaned money to typhoon devastated areas When the lime comes for to be paid back the funds ore not paid to the organization but given to other nearby areas where the money is needed Mrs King wants to start an interest In education of other people their ways of living their Injustices their progress When a group in this area is formed she would like to find one particular project and have their group work around It In the latter half of October will be the first Oxfam meeting at St Parish nail In Acton At the Acton Fall Fair a booth will be set up to answer any questions that may about the organization In the early spring of next year an trading fair will be held In it handicrafts fabrics and paintings from this area will be exchanged for similar items from another part of the world Mrs King first concern is getting as many people as possible in this area in and along with their support an group will begin their work NOTICE RICHARD DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Mill St E Acton will be CLOSED for holidays August to September 2 inclusive IN KNOX Church in Acton on July Heather Lea and Hams Stuckless were pronounced man and wife Heather is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Higgins of Acton Harris is the son of Mr and Mrs Stuckless also of Acton The newlyweds are living at 24 Ransom St Wm Stuckey photo Summon former Benson Shoes MILL ST ACTON 8530360 Stole ATTENTION BOWLERS League play begins Sat Sept 28th REGISTRATION DATES StTURDH 249 Ml to PM 9 Ml to 4 THURSDH SEPTEMBER P to SHSRDH SEPTEMBER Ml to 4 PJI registration can be maris la OH PHONE Linn REGISTRATION FEE BOWLING RATES Bantams An Juniors and Seniors RENTAL OH BOWLIRfi SHOES to anyone who might for the la it four and a half years he is perhaps better known as a writer composer and director His musical play Bolts and Rusty things had a successful run it Global Village In Toronto and has also been performed else where In Ontario and the USA PERRIE and Gordon R Miller were married in Madoc United Church on July is the daughter of Mr and Mrs B Thiele of Gordon is the son of Mr and Mrs Lome Miller of formerly of R R 1 Georgetown DECISION DECISION CRTC74 At Its Public Hearing In Ottawa Onf which com men on March U 1971 the Commission heard following five applications for cable television broad casting undertaking licences to serve Milton and Acton Ont MILTON David representing a company to be In corpora ted William Johnson representing a company to be Incorporated Harry Rldgley representing a company to be In corpora ted ACTON John H corpora to op resent I rig a company to be In Following a careful assessment of all applications for the areas set out above and taking Into consideration factors such as the plans for local programming and the proposed service areas the Commission AP PROVES he application of Georgetown Cable TV Limited to serve the towns of Acton and Milton The other applications listed above are accordingly DENIED The Commission will Issue an amendment to the existing licence of Georgetown Cable TV Limited specifying the boundaries of the new areas to be ser These will include the villages of and which are situated west of Acton The Commission notes the licensee intention stated at the Public Hearing to serve the homes located along the highway connecting Milton and Acton The Commission expects that the local programming plans of the licensee will be carried out as expressed In its application and at the Public Hearing In particular the Commission anticipates that the local channel will provide new opportunities for the Interchange of In formation and cultural expression between the com muni ties which the licensee Is now authorized to serve In this connection the licensee stated at the Public Hearing that Its local programming studio will be moved to a site between Milton and Acton In order that It will be accessible to the residents of these com munltles as well as Georgetown which the licensee presently serves Ion to Its application to serve Milton and Acton Ont Georgetown Cable TV Limited also applied to amend Its cable television broadcasting undertaking licence as follows a to change the antenna site to add mid band converter service to add the reception and distribution of CITY TV Channel Toronto on mid band channel I II CFPL TV Channel London Ont on mid band channel III TV Channel 49 Buffalo NY on mid band channel G d to change the distribution channel of CFTOTV Toronto from to II TV Toronto to III CHCH TV Hamilton Ont from to Buffalo NY from to midband channel v WNED TV Buffalo NY from 9 to mid band channel CKVRTV Channel Ont from 9 part time to mid band channel E Channel 25 Toronto to 11 The Commission APPROVES the change of antenna site from location near It is noted that the new location will Improve the signals presently distributed to Georgetown as well as provide an optimum location for the reception and dls trlbution signals to the new communities to be That part the application requesting the mentation of an expanded channel converter service is APPROVED The licensee will be expected to provide the Commission with full Information concerning the types of converters that will be supplied to It sub scrlbers The Commission APPROVES the carriage of CFPL TV London on the mid band service The Commission DEFERS Its decision on the carriage of CITY TV Toronto on mid band service Following the move of Channel antenna to the CN Tower the service area of Georgetown Cable TV Limited Is expected to fall within the Grade A contour of Channel The licensee would then have to carry channel on Its basic service The licensee has withdrawn Its request to receive a no distribute TV Buffalo Y as part of the mid band service The Commission also APPROVES the change In dls of certain channels it Is presently authorized to carry as set out in paragraph above with the exception the changes sought In sub paragraphs i and Ii The Commission decision on the to change the distribution of CFTOTV Toronto Ont from channel 10 to channels Is DEFERRED until the distribution CICA TV Toronto Is changed from channel The proposal to change the distribution of CICA TV Toronto from channel to channel It DENIED because channel Is an Impaired channel In this area It is a condition of this licence amendment that the licensee carry TVona clear channel and advise the Commission when the select I on of such channel has been made The Commission APPROVES the application for an Increase in the monthly basic service charge from to which conforms to the basic service charge prevailing In this region of Southern Ontario The licensee proposed Installation fee for converter service of and monthly service fee of SI JO is also acceptable to the Commission and Is APPROVED Acton Bowling Lanes MAIN ST MEMIER It Canadian CortseUdela RadioTetovtoion RatfloTetevisJon Commission CanacSenne DECISION DECISION Lots son audience publlque qui est a Ont mars Cornell a etudle les cinq sulvantes de licence radlod Illusion television par cable en Milton at Acton On MILTON David William Johnson representant constituer Harry Rldgley representant compagnle a con a examen minutleux de demandes pour regions en question en consideration des que les pro- locale les proposes le Conseil APPROUVE la demande de Georgetown Cable TV Limited en les Acton Milton Les sus mentlonnees son done REFUSEES La Cornell avis modification a la licence de Georgetown Cable TV Limited a desservlr delimltes com rend root villages Rock wood sltues a I de Acton Le note le fait que le tltulalre licence a declar cours I audience publlque II avail I Intention residences long la route reliant Milton Acton Le Conseil attend a ce que les proets de pro gram ma Hon locale du de licence solent realises to Is qu lis ont deer Its dans la tors de I audience Le prtvoit que canal local favor I ser a grandement la communication I expression entre que le tltulalre de licence a ac I A tltulalre de licence a declare de I audience publlque que le studio de prog ram mat I on locate am nag a sltue Milton Acton sollaccesslbleaux residents daces a Georgetown dessert Outre demande en do Milton et Acton Ont Georgetown Cable TV Limited a demand que sa licence radiodlffuslon division par cable soit mod If lee com me suit a changer I emplacement de I le service de frequence de la moyenne a outer la reception la distribution CITY TV canal Toronto Ont canal la moyenne CFPL TV canal 10 London canal la HI WBBU TV canal Buffalo Y au canal G la d changer le canal de de CFTOTV Toronto 10 li TV Toronto Ont a III CHCH TV Hamilton du 12 TV Buffalo N du a canal TV Buffalo N 9 canal la moyenne CKVR TV canal a temps canal de la vll CBLFT canal Toronto Ont tar If mensual S3 pour le service changeur frequence mensuel service de base a Le Conseil le I em place ment de I da Ont a pres de Speyslde Ont note que la emplacement I amelioration sontactueiiement distributes a George town et conviendra part alternant a la reception a la distribution les qui desservies La la demande la en d service conversion decanaux supplements I res est Le s attend que le de licence renselgnemenfs des pes frequence it lower a bonnes la distribution da CFPL TV London Ont service la Conseil decision relative a la dlttrlbu tlon de CITY TV Toronto dans la bande A le suite du emplacement I antenna de Channel a la tour du CN le desservl par Georgetown Cable TV Limited I Interieur du contour a du Channel 79 1 1 tula re de licence dlstrlbuer Channel a son service base Le de licence a retire sa demande en vue recevolr dlstrlbuer WBBU TV Buffalo Y comma du service de la Le Conseil APPROUVE le changemant de distribution certains que I a lie I authorisation da tel que soullgndanseparagraphedcldessusal exception changements sous paragraphs I Pour est la en changer Is distribution deCFTO TV Toronto Ont canal 10 canal I la decision du Conseil est en attendant que la distribution da Toronto Ot canal Le pro let consistent changer la distribution de TV Toronto Ont du canal canal est REFUSE car le canal canal falbl dans la region modification fa licence comporte la condition que le tltulalre da licence distrlbue CICA TV a canal libra avis le Conseil canal aura it cftolsl La APPROUVE la an vue le mensuel du service de base de S3 car ce est en conform It le tarif base dans cerl region sud I Ontario La raisormabtes d Installation pour la service de de frequence qua la mensuel pour ce service Guy Dtrecteur general licences Canadian Contend la Commission

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