Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1974, p. 15

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LIMOUSIN Something better for beef industry promoted at Mohawk Inn meeting Ttio Acton Free August A LIMOUSIN COW and her twin calves were stars about the many qualities of the breed imported of the show when the Canadian Limousin from France The animals arc from Nordic Association held a gathering at Mohawk Inn thclargest CampbeUville Abner Martin right foreground purebred Limousin herds in North America president of the Ontario Association tells guests Churchill Summer visits trips flourish in Churchill By Mrs Fred MacArthur Churchill Community Church morning worship with our Acton Baptist friends was very well attended Rev A W gave the message Mr A Cooper sang a solo Let It Be by his son Michael on guitar at the morning service Chaplain Leslie or Cold Lake Alberta made a brief visit on the weekend with his sister Mr and Mrs Clarence Denny Major Leslie Is an Armed Forces delegate to tho United Church Conference in The Down children from Sunderland holidayed last week with their aunt and uncle Pat and Bob Kerr and children Christine and Jef frey Their mother Helen Mrs Down came for them on Thursday Mrs John Bonnell and daughter Lisa attended the wedding of her younger brother Bob at Cal gary on Saturday August 17 and Mrs LecSanfordof Winnipeg are visiting with Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr for a few days Mr and Mrs Norman Turner David and Julian attended a family gathering last Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs James of Nerval Mrs Wllbcrt Brown ac companied Mr and Mrs Gordon Lindsay of ran Se ville and all attended the wedding of Mr Kclvyn Brown and Miss Ma dene Kerns of Montreal on Saturday August In Knox lerion Church Montreal Reception afterward in Prince Albert Hall Montreal On their way home they visited with Mr and Mrs Walter Brown In Itiverfield and brought Leslie rown home with them after spending his two months holidays at their home Mr and Mrs Frank Burgess called and had a brief visit with his slater Mrs Mary ana Mr Angus McEachern Mrs Stewart Hamilton Toronto and daughter Mrs Bob Fowler and two children of Maple vlBltedwllhMr and Mrs Ward Hamilton along with Mr and Mrs Ron Blake and family of St Marys Mr Ross Carroll of London joined the Ward Hamiltons on the weekend Little David Milne Is sporting a new cast after falling out of an apple tree and breaking his wrist Too bad David Mr and Mrs Moore visited on the weekend in with her mother Mrs who returned home with Ihem to spend a lengthy holiday with her two daughters Mr and Mrs Don and Mr and Mrs Moore and their families Mrs Marian MacArthur of Wetland visited last week With her brother and His tern law Mr and Mrs Fred Mrs Hon John and of Welland also our granddaughter Carol Ann Mr and Mrs Bob of London and Mr and Mrs Ron MacArthur and baby Michael of Acton were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Fred Ballinfad Butchart Gardens visit highlights trip Mr and Mrs Snider spent last weekend at at the home of their son Ted and Grace and family Mr and Mrs Rogers are in the process of moving to Mr and Mrs Charles are building a new house on the Seventh Line in the Fad Mra R ShortlU ac companied by Lillian and her friend returned from a trip across Cauda to Victoria Vancouver Calgary and Banff Victoria Is a beautiful city with street bus rides with drivers who pointed out parts of interest Flower baskets on the globe tight posts each held twenty varieties of flowers A visit to Gardens was very enjoyable A guide explained how this beautiful acreage of gardens was once an unsightly hole left by quarrying greet slabs of rock The owner in that day con ceived the idea of bringing in fertile soil by the return trips of scows which bore away the quarried rock This was placed on the cliff ledges on which floral arrangements were planted and as the years went on so improving con tinued imagine an unsightly stone quarry Butchart Gardens One cannot help regret the commercializing of all these grand places though At church attendance at Central Ave United Church we heard a fine sermon based on Paul a letter to the Romans leading up to a link with Watergate Fine music on a lovely pipe organ and a fitting solo helped out the ser vice a pleasant interlude for our holiday Many Ontario people have made the West Coast the scene of their trip this year New residents Mr and Mrs Randy De- Forest are now living in an apartment In Ballinofad Mr and Mrs Hodgson have purchased the former stone home and have moved here from Toronto area They are newly married and we congratulate them and welcome them to our community Mr and Mrs Crispin have returned from their western honeymoon They reside in the apartments EASTERN CANADIAN MAINEANJOU ASSOCIATION SALE MONDAY AUGUST 26 pm ARENA GUELPH ONTARIO Featuring I Full blood Embryo Transplants Bred Blood Heifers Heifer calve Bred Blood Heifers Open Blood Heifers Come early and the trip to Niagara Falls and the Field Day Contact Colin Ontario I7Un Sa las Managers m- No 10IA Csbjary Alberta Ml Nursing graduated from the Credit Valley School of Nursing In on August of this year Ik the daughter or Mr and Mrs M Road Acton and attended M School and Acton High School She plans to work In Vancouver Show clipping By Parsons The 11 Reef Calf Club held their meeting on Thursday August IS a Credit dale Farm on Sleclcs Ave The meeting was a joint meeting with the Peel The two clubs then Joined together to watch demonstration on clipping and explanation on trimming the feet given by Mr Mohcr A demonstration on brushing a Hereford was given by Mrs Evelyn Gillies A demonstration was also given on how to show vour calf Limousine stands for better In a motor car and the same in Industry That was heavily stressed lust week when the Canadian Limousin Association held In formative reception and dinner Inn for about M guestH The gathering was a promotional venture far the Association designed to give the Limousin story Id those contemplating making an investment In Oils Canada breed anil bring those already in the business up lit dale on developments In Ihc According In Marlin of the Ontario I general Kitchener are making impact the industry In North America Viirioun speakers through evening dolled the of the breed Investment denier llurtis said Limousins can hi a good Investment rent Impact Dennis manager of Nardil Farms Mills had a inw and twin calves on IfHplny outside Mnhnwk Inn Nordic has a purebred Limousins one of the largest herds In North anil Mr Mrs Mac attended Ihr anniversary of the Junior armors Association or Ontario which held the University of iuelpli Saturday August and Sunday August Mr former Nuffield Scholarship winner and Provincial Executive member of tho Junior tar mors Association of Ontario attended Ihc reunion of Overseas Trip winners and Provincial Directors reunion during Ihcse two days Mr Mrs Henry and Pat have Just from a six week camping toli where they visited his brother at Port Mr and Mrs Leonard La m her t from Nova Scot I it arc visiting with his mother Mrs Nlelson jtmbert and Ills brothers In Acton and his sinter In Miss Grace Mc Kiddle of Toronto was a Hurst of her friend Miss lark Inst week Recent guests Mrs J C Dennis were Mrs Mac Donald and Miss Mac Donald of Mr and Howard Mac of and Mrs Ponder of and Mrs Men delson of Philadelphia Pa and Mr and Mrs Bruce Algle and sons of Or In have visited with their mother Mm recently Friends were sorry to hear of the accident thai befell Mr James Van Fleet last week when he fell oil ladder He suffered several fractures and In now recovering In General Hospital Mrs Van Fleet has also been a patient in the hospital predicts Limousins lire making a Impsc on the Industry one that Kill to fell for years to come explained Limousins came to rein France In 11H17 They lire originally from the high rocky hill inuntry of France where Utile feed grain Is produced the principal agricultural production Is horses cattle The initio are basically range animals bred rustle for themselves and wintered outside They drop their calves In Ihc open The result in an animal thai converts to Iwet more quickly than other breeds thus producing more cheaply than ever before In they are raised on high ton cent rule grain ration Market who recently bought pounds reach a heifer fur marketable 1100 to I wo Hie firm removed pounds by months of eggs from Saturday Ana when transplanted sir he Martin talked at length about the liluh fertility rule told of lows In producing at in yearn He urged anyone In in I to attend the second annual Opportunity Sale University of the excellent dent Ihc good formation of the Itody with beefy hind quarter They are wenncd an tunica Home Ilia end ho Mr Iorne Is a In St Josephs Hospital where he underwent surgery lasl Wednesday Mrs J Mclntyre and Mm J Dennis are at McMnslor University Hamilton his week at lending Ihe sessions of United Senior of Ontario Convention will offer M lots lor sale of those loll are from I no local Nordic laims Limousin enthusiast ex to better their sale of last year whkh brought some of ho highest priies ever for percentage and purebred beef In Mr Martin says It will bo Dialling nnd we expect Hint attendance will he double thai of years events which hod over people Attending We are also predicting record prices Hie daylong events this year will feature some of the top geneticists In North Am eric ii participating In symposium on Limousin Production and Reproduction for Tax Limousin breeding were discussed by John Lynili a Dr Don Wilson Modem Ova Trends outlined the system of cm transfers en utiles cow In have as many off spring In one year us she may have had In her whole He old of one them animals enjoyed an outdoor reception and beef barbecue arranged by owner Anna Spencer and he staff of Muhnwk Inn A film on Limousin was shown by George McLean of Kin -4- ft T lb Chip i Drag In forU Food nd CHlpa In Hallon Will HOURS Fit Sat 10 Tel 8 97 SPECIALS 72 BEVER PITCH Space Saver PITCHER Reg SI 97 in Now 3 plastic SALAD DISH SET Now Bowl Fork Spoonfeo St WEATHER STRIP DOOR SET Wood ft Foam- Ren SI now 97 Aluminum RubberReg SI NOW CAULKING COMPOUND linn feet NOW 397 CAULKING GUN Now 97 lb SI Whitman Golden STORY BOOKS For Chafer Reg SI NOW 97 ORANGE FLAVOURED CRYSTALS I Wash or Tot CUPS R Plastic PICNIC SET Now 97 SI SIMPLICITY and STYLE PATTERNS SIDEWALK SPECIAL PRICE t I NTONS TO STORE The that you tetter a chofca price

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