Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1974, p. 1

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Our mail female One Hundredth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1974 Twenty Eight Pages fifteen Cents staff changesfor schools SHIRLEY SCOTT a new grade five teacher at Robert Little School gazes out the window in anticipation of classes which will begin next week Shirley taught last year In and lives in Georgetown Now cancelled Acton didnt know Both Acton and Georgetown haw had the privilege of special garbage pick of large item and councillor Joe Hurst learned of it for the first time at Hal tan Hills Works committee meeting Monday nigh I Residents in Georgetown who have been aware of the special service call in and request a pick up for waste which cannot be commodated in the packer in the normal collections This includes tree limbs fridges old chesterfields etc There have been as many as calls a week in Georgetown An average week might hate about calls However there have been very few calls In Acton since residents were not informed of the service The cost o Hills is between and each week and the recom that the service be cancelled was quickly ap proved the committee Outdated The matter of garbage pick up was deferred to the next committee meeting for further consideration on request of councillor Joe Hurst The town engineer recommended Monday that from October to June garbage pick up should only be made once a week Acton has had garbage pick up for the past years twice a week for the entire year Georgetown has had up once weekly except during the summer months Councillor Hyde suggested both Acton and Georgetown should have twice weekly pick up Superintendent rank Morctte pointed out a new garbage packer would have to be bought for this to be done all year in both places Presently they are renting one packer Costs of twice weekly pickup would be higher In the summer use Is made of student help with pickups Councillor Hurst aald he like the matter held for reconsideration Wednesday September 4 will bo tho first day of school for elementary and school students after a long summer vacation Each of the schools In Acton Is planning for arrival of new students and old ones and of course new staff members Acton high school has added a new addition to the industrial arts room since of the old structure Is ing used for change rooms for the new pool The typing class has 13 now typewriters and the interior or tho school has been repainted and the rooms renumbered Also new this year is a music course which will be offered at the band hall New staff members for the upcoming school year include Susan Baker who Is from the faculty of the University of Toronto and who will be teaching reading Rick from Toronto who will be leaching moth David Jones new science teacher No license shortage Contrary to rumor there is no shortage of marriage licenses in Hills Some believed that the shortage in Mlssissauga had spread to Halton Hills but Heather Dumarsh who works In the Finance Depart ment said that this is pretty much impossible We order the licenses as we get appointments You must make en appointment to get one she said t She pointed out that you can just come In off street and get a license There were over issued in Georgetown and Acton last year In next two weeks we have appointments for nine licenses and we have eight of them now The other will have arrived by the time the ninth appointment comes up she noted School near McArthur from Collegiate in London who will bo teaching phya cd and geography Roy McMillan who will be chairman of arts and applied science lost year he was of business subjects In county Beverly Rowley who will take over as part time homo economics teacher David Solo from Milton District High School who will take over the now music program and who will also teach math and Harriet Vanden Pol who will tho new librarian Well over 600 students art expected the high school a big jump over liiaT year as it begins its fourth year under tho semester system A special change for the grade 13 students will be the troductlon of final ixam nations At Bennett school registration seems In be higher than lost year They have added two new teachers Mrs Garrett from Georgetown who will teach two and three and Mrs A Mulder from who will lake a grade three class The school still needs another teacher to take the kin class The school added portable and everything looks ship shape School has projected a higher registration number than what they actually now They have 12 new additions to the staff though Including Novak Maureen Jack Iausner Robert Boll Scott David John Mareln Gregg Gardiner and now vice principal Gary I has real physical eh hut they do have three new staff mem Susan will teach grade two Mary will teach part time as will Mrs I Although actual enrolment figures cannot be determined now enrolment for elementary schools seem to be on tho decline ft r county while high school enrolment is increasing In past ytars the first day hack to school was the day Labor Day However teachers prepare on that day with a full day planned for alt the students on Wed New principals in north area Several staff changes In North Schools will sec new principals and vice principals at town area schools Ray Morrison replaces John Lcnz as principal at Milton W I Dick School moves to the new Robert Baldwin School as that school a first principal Barb loaves her viceprincipalshlp at Robert Little School in Acton to assume the principal s Job at Kllbr le She replaces Wcs Clow who left the system last June to go to London principals include A at M Bennett J KavanaghutJ M L at Martin St School at Robert Little Bill Tom at Georgetown District High School and Murray at Milton District High School Biggest gun show plan this weekend Canada s largest gun show is advertised for this Saturday and Sunday at Acton community centre Over display tables are expected Gun shows are held here regularly under the auspices of the Antique Arms Collectors Association Special guests have been invited and organizers are looking forward to the best show yet this Labor Day weekend Mill paving costs are up READY TO MAKE her rounds as Acton s first female mail carrier Mrs Margaret Bedard 2 She tried on her new uniform Tuesday at the post office and starts training Friday aready depends Advertising has changed at wfwaiw Advertising has changed at long lat on the Chamber of Commerce community at the MCA Outdated events were replaced by Ram games also now outdated on the day Win Do you 1 contests and can win In the Press Spots around Acton contest tor more information look inside A holiday weekend coming up and the birds at Fairy Lake will be fed Although Hills had finally approv the purchase of feed for the biros in the wildfowl the birds had only had official feedings In the mornings of regular work in a days This left the birds baffled Saturdays and Sundays and holidays when they at the regular time They had no calendars and know the weekends from the weekdays Esther Taylor continued to feed them herself on week ends and now arrangements have been made to reimburse her for the feed she uses then Ont scholar Another Ontario scholar from Acton high school is Debra who com her five years of high school in four years by at tending summer school She completed two credits at summer school to receive her secondary school honour graduation diploma She achieved per cent Debra Is he daughter of Mr and Mrs John Bousfleld Church St Acton The school has recorded II Ontarioscholars with marks averaging over per cent this past year Two other Acton students completed secondary school graduation diploma grade 12 courses at summer school They are Kathleen Bird and Tamra Thomson The work must be done said works committee chairman Lcn Coxe Monday as his committee agreed to recommend additional cost for the resurfacing of part of Mill St Acton The town had agreement with Jfingham Hill Estates to pay percent Apologies An entire section of class advertising was left out of the rec Press last week and apologies go out to id vertiscrs and readers Extra copies of on sales lists were distributed to try to compensate for the lack of advertising Tenders and articles for rent were also omitted from the paper in of the cost or part of the road up to a cost of The portion of the road Is out from the town to the new Hill subdivision past the new Legion hall Sidewalks are included Now the engineering staff has determined the project requires storm sewers and the costs have Increased Kingham Hill is still willing to pay percent and com miltec agreed to the In creased figure The work includes side walk resurfacing storm drain and paved d ich at estimated cost of til for the Hills share Wo fires There were no fires Carriers The seven new tetter carriers will begin their dutiesatActon past office this Six are men one a female mail carrier They are Lamar Church Stanley 10 Young St George Poplar I Mill I Dan Wellington St Rodney Liquor theft assault charges There was one liquor There were charges laid for plates from a vehicle parked held in Milton all and went to seizure made this week while theft this week One local at L Ford It was court yesterday Tuesday one person was man was charged with theft waiting repairs He will go to morning charged with drinking under under COO when two live court sometime in Sep- There were numerous age and a Guelph man was turkeys were found in the tember complaints during the week charged with having liquor trunk of his car On August a local man with regard to barking dogs of residence Also a local man was was charged with assault and noisy parties neighbor charged with theft of license threatening violence He was disputes and lost children Two accidents but no injuries Last week there two accidents in Acton The first occurred In a private parking lot A 1970 Pontiac owned by Larry Mitchell of St George St in was parked unattended when ft was struck by a IBM Chevrolet driven by Leonard John of IS Main St who was exiting from the parking lot The car is owned by Dorothy Lusty of Mullen Lane in Georgetown There was an estimated damage to the front of the and damage to the front of the Chevrolet The second accident at Mill St and Elgin St Fiona Wilson of lea Harris St drivings IMS Rebel was stopped awaiting the movement of other westbound traffic Police report Bartholomew Queen St in Georgetown driving a 1968 Toyota apparenUy failed to see the Rebel and ran into the rear of It There was no apparent damage to the Rebel but an estimated damage to the right front of the 191 Mill St and the only woman Mrs Margaret It Acton Mrs Is part time and the rest full time There were who tried the examinations after applying for the lobs I Gordon explained the choice was made strictly on the basis of marks Other applicants could be called on m rdor to replace the or seven if need be Uniforms and caps arrived Monday from London and the new carriers tried them on week to set If Iterations arc necessary On rlday they begin training Danny McDonald of the district headquarters staff in Iondon will be here giving them nslruilions All the applicants had to he from within the Acton post off service area Mr explained This ncluded the town and its rural routes More and more post bones are going up at homes as people prepare to have their mart delivered there Ceremonies initiating the service arc being planned for Monday Sept July building permits jump TEACHERS BORIS and Chris Shean relax in the Clare Court garden after their summer trip back to the Ukraine the home of their ancestors Bona plays a a gift from relatives See page 12 July building permits In Hilton Hills Jumped one and a half million dollars the months total In July the permits amounted while in June they reached only in July was the big factor in boosting the total The majority of house perm Acton area with a few in Lsquesing area Among the industrial and commercial permits totalling BOO are a US warehouse for Holdings on Armstrong Avenue and a permit for new auxiliary tuning huts for CHIC Brampton on the between Five and Ten A Pentecostal church using two portable school rooms will be erected on the Seventh Line Just outside of Georgetown Hills council gave the church permission to use the tables with a time limit of two years before the per church Is built Toft Contracting Ltd will build a new industrial building on Wallace SI Acton and D and J are planning an til ad lo their garage on the Erin tawnlwe B has taken out a permit for greenhouses and service building on Con 7 Permits for swimming pools continued their popularity with id permits totalling ICO 290 issued in July bringing the total so far this year to 190 new pools with a gross value of The town collected IS in permit fees last month and over the year to date collected

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