Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1974, p. 2

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The Free Press Wed Sept bylaws draw mixed support t to Three by taws affecting lands formerly In Nassagnweyii drew mixture of support and opposition when the Planning and Development Committee of Milton Council met for five hours on Wednesday In the end the council a by law that would correct title problems in the former totting separated lob bet wan 19f7 and May of this year Die bylaw with two objections will go now for the Ontario Municipal Board A second and third by law iling with recreation uses id the location of houses not lofcer than fct to an agricultural operation were to be revised irtd recon The law restriction residential construction to not closer than 1 feet to any existing farm building is complementary to one in the by law preventing farmer from building agricultural building closer than 1 feet a house Several difficulties In the mast recent proposal were discussed and the planner wns study alter natives Mich alternative suggested would allow residential construction closer than 1 feet to a farm building if the owner would agree not to object to the farm operation ex ponding Such agreement vould be registered on the title of the land John and Gordon expressed apposition Campbell Thompson suggested was trying to make what was thought an error in past amend This by law it was emphasized was not to anything but to legalize what was done In good faith he former Nassagaweya Council Ambiguity Mr Kitchen suggested that while going through the process other areas should be rectified in which there was some Mr similarly suggested If we are to legalize mismanagement it would be good time to correct other clauses which hod been apparently dropped in earlier amendments to the Nassagaweya by low Council solicitor Bud Nichols endorsed proceeding with the by law in its present form which was the method suggested in discussions with the Ontario Municipal Board It agreed the by law would go forward for hearing with two objectors con their objections A second by taw which prohibited commercial recreation uses tourist trailer parKB and camp sites driving tracks or ronges for motorized vehicles drew support and opposition Piggeries banned The drafting of the by law Included a section from the present by law prohibiting piggeries drivein theatres or Kennels closer than 1 feet to any existing dwelling except where the dwelling is accessory to the use A number of the objectors THE STREAM FLOW Recording Station resembles a doll house in size and shape This device is being installed by the Ministry of En vironment in cooperation with the University of Guelph to measure the nitrogen processes in stream flow It is due for completion m two to three weeks Recording station on Sixth Line protested this paragraph suggesting It legislated against expansion of form operations Keith Anderson objected that he did not have the right to expand his farm operation without harassment Council agreed by law would be redrafted as well as by law which would have prevented houses from being established within 1 feet of a farm building Representatives of Scotch Block Parks objected to the by law provisions prohibiting their trailer park project from proceeding Ross pointed out the by law had received its three readings the night before they were scheduled to speak to the council on the project Timing Mr reviewed that the project was approved In principle on November 1973 by the former Township of In March formal application was made to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism and the Ministry circulated letters to various departments including the town No objection was received from the town by the Ministry and the permit was approved on April 1974 The evening prior to a May 7 meeting council approved the by law retroactively prohibiting our develop ment Mr emphasized the group had no opposition to adequate planning The OMB is not going to look favorably on our timing Councillor Don Gordon suggested Got feedback Councillor Jim Watson suggested the Council approved the project in principle but had to get feedback from the residents affected and we got lots of feedback from the residents which we can ignore he declared Councillor recalled it was passed in principle by because council understood it was a permitted use under its zoning by law Mr Runnals reminded council there was no ob jection filed by the town when the Ministry sought com ments on the project in March he Ministry waited 45 days and Issued lis per he recalled We re not objecting to planning we are objecting to the effective blocking of our project by retroactive legislation Mr said Do all possible Straw supporting the restriction of tne by law declared he would do everything possible to stop the recreational develop lie noted the residents group In the area affected by the Scotch Block proposal was to present a report on the water which had not yet been received yet They have not come to us with any agreement yet and thev have tried their best to split us A resolution to add the Scotch Block development to those already specflcally exempt from the provisions of the law was defeated by a vote of the committee Victim returned hospital The victim of a headon collision which occurred on Highway 7 near Acton Aug 10 is reported is being nut of intensive care and returned to Gcncnl Hospital Jack Frost of It Guelph wis the driver of one of the cars His passenger Sloven Jones of it 1 trentid for minor Driver aped serious Mr Frost was transferred from the hospital to St Joseph s in Hamilton and Inter taken to Hamilton General for a unique blood lest He was then returned to St Josephs where for some time he was under inttnsivi Thursday afternoon Mr I rost was transferred lo moral Hospital he is awaiting further operations A tax increase was no surprise to Davis FIRE IS speedily doused by extinguisher when apartments Residents gathered in the parking lot firefighters held a special demonstration Monday or leaned from their balconies to watch and near night for the residents of the Church and Maria St Chief Holmes advice Digest demonstration for apartments Chief gets red wagon Fire Chic Mick Holmes of Fire Area I will be sporting a brand new red Fury station wagon soon Last week council accepted the lender of Georgetown Chrysler at This was the lowest of four tenders Town brain finally arrives ThctlOOOOO brain Halton Hills purchased in April has ar rived at the town offices in Georgetown and should be cither this week or next new town treasurer Harry Henderson told the finance committee of council Monday A Basic Tour computer Mr Henderson said it was superior lo other models he had seen operating He invited the com to see how it operates If your cheques arc wrong now blame the computer he remarked facetiously The system replaces a bookkeeping machine which the treasurer department said could not possibly keep up the business created by the creation of Halton Hills Falls bound Works Superintendent for Hills Frank Morel was authorized by the works committee Monday night to attend the Municipal equipment and Operators meeting in Niagara Falls on October and 18 Firefighters canvass Acton firefighters were given permission by council last week to held their annual for muscular in the area of the former town of Acton Off to the races Mayor Tom Hill wants Hills councillors to take their wives to Mohawk raceway for a night at their own expense He said Wc re never home and don get to take our wives out very Maybe you should take it out of your public relations fund joked Councillor Roy Booth Noway replied the mayor we pay this ourselves 6680 for road marking Hills engineer Peter Morris was authorized to enter into an agreement with Modern White Line Services for the marking of lanes on roads in the town The cost will be almost cheaper than the lowest lender received when the lownadv twice Tor the work to be done Hockey tag day Prizes Hit of I merit in affiliation the of is in the processor installing a St mm low Station on a small lit station is to he on the Sixth I me Springs ltd just up from 7 When computed the station will keep a record of the of off the v itirshcti Tin stud is being un dirlnkenln tin of lo stud the nitrogen in the slresmflow Jim of the of who helping install the structure The will be nut together with the lineal analysis lo determine the final results The Ministry is paving for the construction while putting the funds for the anal sis commenced on August with completion dm in two or three weeks to be hooked up and recording devices to be instilled Prizes are out to the winner of the on familiar spots In first place won Mustang drive in tickets and deliverv of the Free I ress In second place Kathleen Nolan wt Mustang tickets m third place Helen won a Legion lenmal coin The Georgetown Minor Hockey Support Group were given permission by council to hold tag days Friday and Saturday October IB and Trailer at Plowing Match Halton Hilts will have a trailer at the International Last week council okayed the rental of trailer at the mutehbj the town plowing match committee The trailer will be used as a hospitality room for visitors Quitters and Respiratory Disease Association has sign up close to 100 smokers who want to quit for the group smoking withdrawal clime in Burlington this week Acton Firefighters Monday held the first demonstration for resldcnta of Church St and Maria St apartments They sounded the siren to call out the residents and gave a display of various types of extinguishers and types of fires Chief Mick Holmes gave advice to the residents gathered around the equipment and leaning from their balconies They expect to hold other demonstrations later Carlsberg hitch in local parade The Carlsberg eight horse anil English Luck will hitch and a steam calliope Ihe parade from will the Residents are reminded lisl of floats in this year s fail thit for entries in fair parade The I ions Club of thi panicle chss Aclon has arranged for There is no entry Iwo welt known exhibits to fit participate In and brighten ihe annual parade will line up at Acton District High School am Sat Sept where the parade will kick off it sharp It will follow Mill Street through town to Main Street and continue along Main to Knox Avenue and into the fairgrounds Acton Citizens Hind the Georgetown Legion Pipe Band and the Burlington Teen Tour Band will add to the floats imrchers in the Business and Organizations Commercial and Novelty entries Several riders and horses complete with western Buses back Gray Coach Lines are back in business as of last week The bus company wis out strike for several weeks as branch of the Toronto Transit Commission but differences have been settled the buses and subways have come of hibernation Mrs Margaret Galanos of Watson Restaurant the for Acton said that lot of people did not even know that the buses were running again She also said that a lot of people who usually go to the C E via Gray Coach were discouraged this year of lack of sportition Premier William Davis says that 11 would hi premature lo make any judgment on the success of regional government in llnllon at this time He told the press this after his up on talk show list Thursday It is our experience hat these things take a few months lo work out Things I ilright I oik it Metro Toronto and how it our region model Davis said Most people thought regional government would make Iheir lower but in Hills that wnsnt case In I squesing taxpayers face a whopping 11 mills rateimrense Acton and Georgetown less than i mill seems to a regional but that I Isn the eise the Premier said Pi said that then wen other factors such as Inflation which were responsible for higher tuxes would been tax inerenses without regional govern Davis added THE ACTON FREE PRESS Second Clan Mall Registration Number Church exhibit at match Hosts and hostesses from Georgetown and district churches will be on hand at the International Plowing Match to welcome visitors and interpret themes at a special church exhibit Churches have cooperated to provide on exhibit at the plowing match being held at the Craig farm a mile south of Georgetown The exhibit is part of Tent City which consists of displavs dcihng with home farming and community life A central theme the Search for Meaning is emphasized each day with information about family community church and in affairs Attention will also be given to social justice as well as personal values in a changing world or tun Thru Tnuri GEORGE KEWAHSSAW ROGER ROBINSON No Matinee Sat Sept 14 Man Tut THE OF THE GfiZZly I9 21 22 27 28 BINGO Lie No Every Monday Night at 8 pjn AT THE CREDIT VALLEY CLUB FORMERLY RIVIERA GAMES 1000 JACKPOT 53 Nos NO ADMISSION CHARGE Cards 3 for BUS SERVICE Sponsored By Georgetown Elks Lodge No Toyota Community Calendar Whats doing In the North Halton REGISTRATION Aclon Minor Hockey is holding a final registration date Saturday September 14 at the Acton Arena from to noon All boys between the age of 7 and IB inclusive are welcome to register NIGHT SCHOOL Night school registration wilt begin Tuesday bar at Acton High School from 7 to Thit sea ion offers a variety of interesting courses For fur Information call See how much ear your money will buy at HjAlLT0N TOYOTA 8262931 Hwy 25 Jmt North of J

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