Wed Sept 11 1974 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN 102 acres Acton area acres workable balance woods etc large bank barn plus 8 room 3 bedroom stucco home with new furnace and wiring Owner Is very anxious to sell and the price is right Try an offer Call Carl Angus Priced at SI 35 36 acres of rolling land on two road frontages building permission granted natural pond area some acreage under cultivation priced to sell at Contact Betty Ingle for further Information COUNTRY HOME Country home situated on 7 acres of rolling land with barn and fenced area for horses home consists of modern kitchen bedrooms living room separate dining room nicely landscaped priced to sell at Contact Betty Ingle for appointment to view ESCARPMENT One acre of land and a 5 year old bungalow located of Milton on the Niagara escarpment featuring bedrooms separate dining room living room modern kitchen with built in dishwasher and baths Priced at For further details please contact Redden PIONEER LOG A unique storey log home built In and restored In 1966 Offering pine floors beamed ceilings 3 bedrooms bathrooms and living room with an old fashioned brick fireplace separate dining room and a cozy kitchen with pine cupboards The walkout basement Is completely finished Nestled In 18 acres of mature maples and birch Please call Bunker for viewing Asking price Realty Services Ltd ACTON bedroom home on nearly an acre of land only years old Nicely decorated throughout with large kitchen and living room lots of cupboards An Ideal first home for a lucky young couple Priced right at 000 Please call Willena Redden for further Information EARLY CANADIAN Early Canadian stone house built in Restored and not spoiled Featuring rooms pine and oak 2 bathrooms and an excellent floor plan Includes a small barn and large pond Located on acres well fenced south of Milton Asking Please call Les Bunker for details EAST 108 acre farm with two older homes barn and garage The value Is In the land Further Information from Edna Joel Asking price BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LIMITED Milton 8784121 Bunker Manager Betty Ingle Redden Carl Angus Edna Joel Doc Toronto 8263085 LISTING WITH USGIVES YOU I WMkly advertising In Georgetown Acton Milton and Independent appraisal paid for by us Lilting close to marks value laving you and embarrassment Telephone answered day a week by a person not a machine Broker can be reached by mobile phone at any time TERRACOTTA OVERLOOKINGCRED1T RIVER About BOO square feet bedroom combined kitchen family room bordering conservation area minutes from Islington subway Priced over GEORGETOWN INGROUND POOL 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow on quiet crescent about Pool completely surrounded by wooden walks and wooden fencing Asking ACRES SPEYSIDE Seven miles from Milton All treed mostly pine 30 feat high Asking I FOR SALE BRIGHT 1 Acton EVELYN WOOD WK9 leriy Realtor 41900 bedroom baths 18 ft living dining room walkout from family room to private patio Country at mo5phere Call Mr Gibson Raised brick bungalow Family room broadloom throughout acre garden with pool A real delight Call Mel Owen Georgetown bedroom brick bung alow newly decorated finished basement on a large treed lot Price Call Jim Goudy BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LTD 174 Queen St E Brampton 2791 H FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD Family room fireplace acre bath ensulte 500 Colonial fireplaces 2 baths sundeck sliding door Ideal investment Open till FOR MORE DETAILS CALL TOR LINE