Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1974, p. 42

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JOHNSON Wed Sept 1974- RELOCATION fe MORTGAGING REALTOR 8775261 TORONTO LINE 4532700 FOR YOUR CHOICE OF HOMES TORONTO LINE 4532700 NGEORGETOWNBRAMALEABRAMPTONMALTONMISSISSAUGAORANGEVILLEREXDALEWASAGA COLLINGWOOD WOODLAND BEACH BEAUTIFUL large lot tree shrubs and garden storey bedroom home formal dining room den hardwood floor and all In Immaculate condition Truly a remarkable home end sotting Only Call Murray Smith CENTRE HALL PLAN in this home good size bedrooms a mother kitchen that sparkles broadloom Its all fenced and a full basement that has been started for a family room and Its under Call Flo Mat he son DREAM HOME In the country Many unique fee tyres Include a all stone family room with on exquisite fireplace Large rooms with the master bedroom and kitchen measuring x All this located on 7VS peaceful acres can even fish for trout In your own backyard Call Rosemary ACTON detached 3 storey stucco home 3 bedrooms deep lot trees and shrubs paved drive Good starter or retirement home Call Murray Smith ARE YOU WILLING to work to own your own home We have lust listed an older two storey home that needs some Interior renovations but the price Is right Call Murray Baker TOWNHOUSE SIMILARITY WILL END as soon as you step into this expertly and creatively decorated to appeal to the most particular home buyer today This bedroom with completely finished rec room Dont be sorry call Ellen now OPEN HOUSE New 3 storey noar schools and shopping bedrooms broadloom throughout 4 appliances Come and see for yourself during Open House Saturday September from it IN Sinclair Unit No X or calf Alice tor more Information JUST LISTED this beautiful brick bungalow formal dining room rec room plus den located on very quiet street with country setting attached garage priced to sell at only Call Herb ACTON year old raised bungalow close to schools and shopping This home Is maculate 3 bedrooms separate dining eat in kitchen I car attached garage for more details call Marion Carney WHY NOT A SCENIC ACRE especially south of town and when me home is a beautiful stone and brick bungalow with huge living room complete with fireplace and celling beams Everything Is GO including the percent mortgage For into call Reg Cooper BEDROOM SPECIAL Only with a full block basement large trees and a ISC lot Call Michael Carney MAKE YOUR MOVE to the country l acre lot spilt entrance car garage attached formal dining huge master bedroom Located north of Georgetown Vendor has purchased priced to sell at 900 Call Herb YOUR CHOICE construction has lust begun on your new home Call Marlon Carney and she will help you choose for the 3 bedrooms living area and the family room and den colours and even the type of fireplace acre GRACIOUS GEORGIAN STYLE home starting construction In Erin Twp on acre timbered lot Centre hall plan with columned portico and bow windows Feature 4 bedrooms baths main floor family room and laundry room double garage of course You can your own finish A lot Call Bill Ellis NOW HERES A DEAL Only for all this storeys huge bedrooms large living room and dining room plus family size kit chen baths and all this broad loomed with large garage and well landscaped lot with pool Quiet area Super family home Call Ross Irwin QUIET COURT for children Professionally decorated everywhere Built In appliances for mother end a family room and a car garage for dad A super family home Call Michael Carney WE HAVE JUST LISTED this four parcel with a custom built three bedroom bungalow end pear trees which are ten years old and entering their productive years This provides an excellent opportunity for you to have your country dream along wllh an Income hobby Call Murray Baker HOW WOULD YOU LIKE that is close to shopping and yet have a beautiful storey home that you can afford This older home Is In exceptional condition as well as the well kept grounds and the I car garage Asking Call Alex Glenn PARK AREA Elegant red brick two storey home Living and dining room 13 plus kitchen big bedrooms and one big percent mortgage nursery two washrooms two verandahs If your antique furniture ll too big for this one I m happy for you Call Bemle Clarke ROOMS PLUS 3 A beautiful bungalow with bathrooms frig stove Ideal or separate quarters for your Inlaws Call Flo Ma meson WHERE ELSE CAN you buy a year old bedroom brick home on acre of land for only 59500 We have such a home near the town of Erin Convenient to shopping end schools Interest rates are no problem since the Vendor will take back a 2nd mortgage at Wi percent Call Dei H I Manager 71W 99S5 Bill Alice 73 Del ill Mchael Carney Bernard Clarke j SERVICE WE BELIEVE IN IT Reg Cooper Murray Baku Alex Glenn Roil Irwin IS a 1 344 a7

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