J ft Mb Like all hosts preparing for party W Craig Held Is busy these days getting ready for a king sized party somewhat larger than the average house party Craig Held Is expecting up to guests at his parly on a farm on the Side road and the Ninth I Ini site of the International Plowing Match Sept to 28 Plans for this took little longer than hot lng a few people over to the They started three years ago when the Itcid Farm was chosen as the site of the huge tent city which will cover it during the four day event An adjacent 500 acres will be used for plowing matches crop demonstrations and parking Spencer selection Spencer Wilson now billeting chairman for the national Plowing Match and backed by a line of walnut ready fit farm for the when Developments plowing match Mr bought farms In the area and to make sure the site was all tripled the size of the town in grassland by this year so His form Ihe area the ground would bo suitable where school and for the tent city In order to do many houses now stand Ills this he had to rent a farm uncle farmed where he raised corn where George Kennedy and grain for his own school and more houses situated He built his house on Chipper Ct at this time but after eight years out or far he stand it any bought the present form on 10 at Ninth Lint He has never lived Sts The lost two honor the here he rents the old far chairman of the mhousc sitting at the end of committee for the Inter tree driveway purebred herd The 100acrc field has been transformtd and boasts street lights street names and numbers and even has a main drag There a First Second and Third Ave plus worth and Held Internationa Plowing Match and a longtime member of the Ontario Plowmen Association had been pushing for to host the big match for years since most counties In Ontario had already done so On a casual drive past the farm a frequent occurrence since he lives nearby Mr Wilson Mexico Spain and England Automated Little drudgery is involved the host farmer respectively trees but farms Iho land and Culverts been placed keeps his cattle there under the entrances and Once a farmer always a piped water flows to the farmer says Mr Held as he various tents Trenches for explained his restlessness the pipes were cut by without land of his own to till farmers in the area using By an odd coincidence Mr their own tractors discovered when he Miiiedlt bought the farm the original Host Craig Reid has fanned crown deed showed a relative all his life as did three of his wife a had owned It realised the farm had no generations before him but In addition to farming Mr Internal fences separating the not at this farm He sold his Reid has been a cattle ex fields so be recommended 100acre farm In what Is now porter for the past years this farm to Ihe International Georgetown years ago dealing almost exclusively In Plowing Match committee pedigreed Holstelns for The committee chose this breeding purposes He ex farm over two other Halton ports cattle all over the farms the form In but and the farm at Milton partly because of the lack of fences and partly because of the easy access on Guess who coming to the In this modern automated good roads from all dlrec- this year farm Thecowsaremilkedby Fiona Heavyweight boxing machine and the milk piped champion George Chuvalo directly to the stainless steel and Canadian Com tank wclterwieght Its a big change since I champion Clyde Gray that was a boy helping my father who milk cows by hand I don The two boxers will take on even have to empty a pall unfamiliar roles when they commented Mr appear at the Pride Hybrid At a nick of a switch the Com Co booths to promote gutters in the barn are the product Pride theme is cleaned as a conveyor belt Pride a Power and the carries the manure away company advertising There not a manure fork In features a boxing glove sight Clyde Gray currently The Farm has number one contender for the been all spruced up for the big World Welterweight title held day and stands spanking by Jose Napoles of Mexico clean with a new paint on Gray lost to the Mexican barns silo and farmhouse champion but hopes for a and a brand new gateway at rematch In Ihe near future the end of the inviting lane The lack of fences is not due to neglect It Is a deliberate move in a form of grazing known to fanners as zero- grazing It means the cattle arc kept in a corral and the hay is cut and brought to aging fences when he bought the farm 10 years ago and decided to start zerograzing He claims It Is more economical since the equipment can move across the fields faster without Foresight was necessary OWNER OF FARM Craig Reid rests for a spell before starting another job to prepare for the International Plowing Match to be held farm on the Slderoad and the Ninth Line Spencers looking for 200 more rooms Spencer Wilson Billeting men Association or Hamilton In less than an Chairman tor the Interna The biggest headache for hour Their interest right now tlonal Plowing Match Is look the billeting chairman is the Is one mainly of curiosity lng for rooms No be t lack of motels In the northern They are puzzled to hear been evicted from his more area of This area about a tent city covering 100 than a century old farm closest to the match for acres and can t figure out house he searching for exhibitors and people who whet goes on beside plowing space to house some of the have to be there every day A parade every single day j be the ideal place to Innumerable food booths fea lodge for the five days luring homecooking horse- Eat at match shoe pitching contests tug of Mr Wilson wants as many war contests and many other visitors as possible to taste events found nowhere else hospitality but a lit should convert them to plow mii tasting Is not necessary ing match regulars Hospitality since the or hostess does not Sample hospitality huge task of trying to find have to provide meals unless Mr Wilson stated re rooms for some of the they so desire but many arc depending on the people in the planning to serve breakfast area to open their homes and the big event The other meals will be eaten hopefully their hearts to the at the many booths of home- visitors so they will go away nioht mints in Mr at match hospitality a to up Many city people who have The chairman never seen a plowing asks anyone who has a room thousands of visitors who will visit the Internationa Plow lng Match Sept to well too since he thinks he close to now and plans to line up another 200 before event Put on list When calls are received at the Wilson home Mrs Wilson makes 11 clear they cannot guarantee to use every room But want to have a list avail able at the plowing match for weary visitors who decide to stay another day they box lunches Thats a lot of breadl SPENCER WILSON billeting chairman for the International Plowing Match makes sure everyone knows about the big match He has carried this sign on his truck for six months A total of close to 1 box lunches will be sold at the to plowmen and workers in the fields who con t get to tent city for their meals That over lunches per day Claude of CampbellvUle Is In charge of this mam- Wilson has already Church In booted all the hotel and motel space in Acton Burlington one meat and one and Mohawk Inn other Riling plus two ansoole and coffee The Holiday Inn at the Seven- Under the chairmanship of Mrs Roy United Church th Line and the Queen Eliza women will be at the church by InordT to have beth Way will be headquar thefrtsJihinchesauttothefleldbyDooa ters for the Ontario Plow The price for each box lunch l