Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1974, p. 1

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FIRST WATER POURED INTO the centennial pool Thursday afternoon immediately after the pool had been lined The cool water cures the marmorite lining The pool has a gallon capacity with a foot depth at one end graduating to three feet six inches at the other Several setbacks have hindered the project s completion lions are hopeful that remaining minor problems will soon be alleviated and that a Sunday open house will be held within a few weeks Minor foctors ore presenting hold on Acton a beautiful Junior Olympic swimming pool Spokesman Art Burr ill of tho Halton Board of Education so id Tuesday that a amp control switch for hydro supply is one of the main holdups The filter system and lights will he completed as soon as possible he sold and figures the pool should be ready for use very soon Mr Bur rill commends the cooperative efforts of sub contractors and their workers who ho says have managed to dovetail every facet of work on the pool toward of The pool has beer built under extreme water table conditions he said Extra frills were avoided Increase in rates Ontario Hydro this wick announced rate Increases or electricity for Effective January 1 the average wholesale rate to municipal utility systems will go up by 12 per cent Hates to customers of Hydro rural system will be increased by 11 4 per cent and large In dustrial customers served directly by Hydro will pay an average of per cent more Acton Hydro Commission announced rate Increases a couple of weeks ago which will cover this increase according to chairman Wilf The new rates here were Intended to absorb some of the post increases and also cover these new expected rates Ontario Hydro has In creased its rate to local commissions every year but this was absorbed by the local commission from 1870 until now Our surplus Is pretty well depleted now com mentcd Mr McFochem which would have spiralled costs of the project All extras were discussed thoroughly at each Job meeting held every Friday with members of Lions Club recreation committee Hoard of tducalion and subcontractors he said He feels costs of the pool originally contracted at will not exceed which will Include equipment such as lifeguard stands diving boards etc Cost savings The Hoard of Fdueatlon member feels the Hoard of ployed their role In keeping construction down by allow part of their own building the Actun high school to be utilized aid Incorporated into the swimming pool facility He compared costs of the Acton pool to an Identical one built recently in New Hamburg with a final cost of Great savings by utilizing board facilities pointed out This pool Is being installed at most economical prices he said referred to the pool costs of morning saw the laying or the lining onto which fresh cold water hod to be I fur Immediate curing rapacity of the Acton pool Is 170 gallons and visitors this week will find the water clear and Inviting as it fills to of 13 ft at the deep end graduating three feet six inches at the shallow If 1 level two feet three inches Is the overall length of the swimming area with foot width An II foot six Inch deck skirts the outside of the pool and at the deep end a three meter diving board Is for high diving aspirants with a lower one meter hoard for less am bilious athletes A wood deck celling Inngerlno half walls over lower sections present overall picture of surroundings and Rood taste I verythlng Is set in accord with the Ministry of Health regulations with automatic chlorine and continual water filtering According to Art Gordon the I ions dub centennial campaign donations are still coming in He said that one substantial in from Industry Just recently and thai the I Ions club hope to make one final drive to gel the wol paid for before opening date According to Lion Gordon members 1 ope to sec the pool In operation sometime next wick Hut definite lies be established until filter system and lights have been completed ho said veryoi pushing Art who feels everything ready to go that right now not beating of the Ions Club are that once the pool Is available for swimming a Sunday open house will be held as soon as Cancel People hoarding centennial coins one class the start deadline to cash in the coins which were Issued in July to com the town lean la 1 The were or sold for each to be used In stores cash However the people of Acton liked so much they decided to keep them is souvenirs of tenniat year Ten thousand cons were Inted Gordon Mines in Saskatchewan One thousand each were lo the Rank of Montreal the Rank of Commerce and the Toronto Hank to the Hilton Hills Community Credit Union with the Duby protests less than 300 coins remained unsold Stores gave them out originally at value but everyone saved of circulating There were gold coins sold at cost price of each lOOsllver in addition to he SI nickel eoins The total on the special souvenirs was Of all these coins T D Rank hud just one cashed in the Hunk of Commerce got back and the Hank of Nova received 1 refunds The other bank received nothing Orders been received from Hawaii Fngland nil over United States Canada and tho Yukon Be rn cats and press releases were sent to world circulating coin magazines and ads placed in Canadian newspapers Acrylic objects such as paperweights and letter openers with the coin inserted into them arc being made to sell for Christmas presents Individual orders on these items arc also being taken by the banks Wesley Romano of Willow St who is five years old won worth of the nickel coins In a draw made during centennial celebrations on July 1 The coins have been put in trust by his father THEY RE HOLDING on to them Legion centennial coin been more than sue cessful not only in Acton but all over the world as well Monday saw the start of night school classes and a very successful season is anticipated by the organizers One class of the expected was cancelled landscape gardening However It will be offered again in January since about people have Indicated Interest In taking it Physical fitness began Monday and aching muscles were reported Tuesday Damages Sunday Sunday strong winds caused some damage in own and district A big limb blew down on Main St and the standby work crew was called out to remove it about m Nobody thinks of Acton Press barred from meeting meeting will be scheduled for some time in the future to bring the tcorgclown Little Theatre and residents together at a lis com meeting The group would 1 to use the hall but com n members want to hear the reactions of area residents before giving their The decision to the two groups before the committee was made at their September meeting I think the Stewarttown hall would be an excellent location for the Little Theatre but there would have to be some changes made In the sue of the stage requiring construction com ml I lee chairman Roy Booth told the councillors Head of Doug said changes proposed by the 1 title Theatre would involve widening of the stage raising the ceiling and a foot extension at the back of the building We must go about this in the right way Councillor Dick cautioned I think should sit down with the Little Theatre group and the Stewarttown hall board to have things properly worked out he said councillors Morrow and Duby agreed with that a meeting should be held and Stewart town s views of the proposal taken into account Duby suggested that if t pan out for the Little Theatre ihey might be able to use the A meeting of council termed a meeting to pick holes in Bill 1S1 by Mayor Tom MIL was closed to the Free Press reporter after a vole of council Only Roy Booth Era Hyde and Dick Howitt favored the reporter laying at the meeting ConncU plana to suggest change In the bill that established regional government They are disenchanted with the transfer of sewer and water responsibility to the region At present the local are doing the work and billing the region Mayor Tom Hilt the meeting should be closed 1 don t thtnk It right the Hon John White shraM read our mentation la the press before we present oar brief to aim He It was a working meeting of department beads and council where Ideas should be thrown out freely SPECIAL BOOKLETS containing Walker lodge history and the evenings program were distributed to attending the lodge centennial anniversary Saturday at the Legion hall The occasion was coupled with a district reception for the Grand Master of Ontario Most Worshipful Bro George Turner shown autographing booklets for Wellington District Deputy Grand Master Chester Anderson and Mrs Anderson The historic centennial anniversary of Walker Lodge was coupled Saturday with the district reception for the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario Dr George Turner and gathered In Ihe new Legion hall for the gala double occasion Representatives of buret lodges and Grand Lodge officers Joined local mem bers and the number of distinguished guests produced an impressive bead table of over people It was the first banquet of its size for the new Legion hall accommodations and almost everything went smoothly A staff of Legion Ladies and Legionnaires served the banquet using the shining new equipment in the kitchen were still not installed so propane was used As a result air conditioning and smoke ejecting equipment were not operating The warmth of the halt equalled the warmth of the welcome but no one suffered too much Kent Tocher played the during dinner and for dancing later Many sat and chatted while others danced Piper George Johnson member of the Erin lodge led in the long head table followed by junior piper Gordon Johnson Chester Anderson the District Deputy Grand Master of Wellington district and a Walker lodge member was chairman with the local Master Roy Knapton as co- GrandChaplainRLW Bra Rev Arthur W Watson gave Ono Hundredth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCT 1974 15CENTS IT WA5 HALTON HOSPITALITY at its best One area of the Region s Tent at the plowing match was devoted to providing entertainment for those who wished to slop listen to the music and have a coffee The coffee was provided by Haiton Hills and served by Georgetown and the entertainment was provided by Milton and organized by Ron Hams The entertainment ranged from prepared performances to im appearances Singer Fred Messervey fiddler Ron Harris and tap dancer Joe Hurst kept spectators amused Harris and Hurst are coun cillors on Milton and Halton Hills councils respectively and is an employee of the provincial government who worked with the match the invocation Toasts George Lee proposed the toast to the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge The world is full of systems he pointed out and Masonry is a beautiful system of morality and of education The Grand Master Most Worshipful Bro Dr George Turner recalled the who have joined lodges and worked hard He spoke of Freemasonry and how the member family is involved The lodge basic principles bring honor virtue ana dignity to the whole family he said He asked members to reded lent themselves to the tenets of brotherly love Wor Bra Lome presented Turner with a warming tray with thanks Bro Jim Spark a past D D G M gave the toast to Walker Lodge reviewing its history Those early Masons were builders in the truest sense of the word Active member The oldest acUve member of Walker Lodge V Wor Herb Ritchie replied recalling the past and looking forward to a good future A toast the visitors was proposed by Wor Clarence and Wor Bro W E Wilson of Credit lodge Georgetown responded humorously Wor Bro Richards past D D M thanked the hosts for their arrangements Bro Jack Carpenter ended the program with the traditional Junior Warden toast In the kitchen About 30 members of the Leg on Ladies Auxiliary set lire r new equipment work for the hot roast beer dinner the potato peeler masher meat sheer warming closets and dishwashers The first trays of dishes were done while coffee was still being served About half a dozen Legion members assisted to make sure everything went smoothly for the first big banquet Part of the large room was partitioned off for the reception preceding the meaL Then the sliding doors were pushed back and left open In charge of preparing the meal was the Legion Ladles group headed by Doris Angel and Teresa They received hearty applause from the roomful of diners while they were shut off in the soundproof kitchen unable to hear the compliments Introduced at the head table were the Grand Master George Turner Walker Lodge Master Roy Knapton and Mrs Knapton District lpuly Grand Master of Wellington W Bro Chester Anderson of Walker Lodge and Mrs Anderson R V Melville J Damp Member of Board of General Purpose W James C Guy Supervisor of Benevolence and Mrs Guy Roderick J Connor Member of Board of General Purpose and Mrs Connor R Bro Richard Richards Member of Board of General Purpose and Mrs Richards Rt Excellent Companion Robert Hay Dep Grand High Priest Dtst 31 The Grand Chapter of the State of

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