Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1974, p. 4

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The Acton Pre Pratt la Keep your garbage The recommendation of a location near Ashgrove lor the big regional garbage dump arouses plenty or questions here in the north of the county And a few suggestions for fellow down there Trucking 80 per cent of the countys garbage up into Eaqueslng township isn going to appeal much to the nearby residents And they ve had ex with trucks on rural roads as their council represents tives well know Dust speed flying stones noise and danger in an area expected to be peaceful all meet with disapproval from the neigh hours The proposed dump site at Ash grove is said by some to be too near the headwaters of the Oakville creek There seems to be plenty of evidence that dumps can pollute nearby water courses but some times not years later The garbage dump site map shown to councillors also includes two dots just north of Acton as possible future sites for dumps These spots ore located near watercourses which run south too Trucking garbage to fill up new is an expensive and a tern solution Better to truck the smaller amount of from the north down to the south The report states the region isn t ready yet for reclaiming of garbage A couple of meetings here in Acton arranged at the time of the proposal to fill quarry sites with Toronto convinced listeners reclaiming garbage is a sensible and inevitable answer to the growing problem Wicked Willie Johnson one of our northern neidhbours going to let us forget reclamation And as the Georgetown In dependent points out It seems politicians in the south of the region make many of their decisions on population figures For Instance when the site of the new regional headquarters was being discussed representatives from below High way 5 argued it should go in the south end of the region where per cent of the people of live Now that the Solid Waste Manage merit Study has recommended a site near Ashgrove we can t wait to hear their reaction We doubt they will insist the dump should be where most of the people are located Worrisome question A question for Acton If we had our own council would an applica requesting accomodation for senior citizens have been passed and pushed until some action was obtained Legion members tried in vain to get Ontario Housing Cor to buy their old building at a specially low price as a com service They knew doesnt everybody know more senior citizens housing is needed And especially with that perfect Editorial notes Inflation something that cost a few years ago and now costs to get fixed location downtown But O H C turned down the of A letter arrived last Monday with the official news 0 H C offi claim there had been no re quest from Halton Hills council Our representatives thought otherwise If the motion was indeed passed what became of if The same worrisome question again would this have happened if we still had our council The Canadian Printer and pub lisher has an article and pictures with favorable comment on The Georgetown Independent Author is well known newspaper authority Edmund Arnold of the Journalism School of the University of Syra The Independent is a year old this week OUR READERS WRITE Sudbury of the South heartened lo see the impressive at the Spevstde School last evening With I think one present that no rezomng for extraction purposes must lake place on The Niagara a verv and natural phenomena has been and is bung shamelessly abused by Ihe ixtrjc lion industries and sub sequent desecration will result in North becoming a moonscape or the Sudbury of the south I could dwell on the various in plications but very thought sickens me Another quarry on escarpment Dear Si or years a stead assault has been made ihr Niagara the Piece piece it is returned Toronto to build highway and buildings and help generally in the pursuit a large and higher megalopolis mounting public concern over the gradual and disfigurement of tin unique geological the Ontario aseventualh forced in to establish the Niagara With the up the Commission a good port ion of the Escarpment was lotted tneanl thai no new licences Mould he issued in the restrictive area until Che Commission has made public its fin dings Standard Industries owns some acres ewarpoutt of and is ben on starting quarrying operations there as soon as possible The plan submitted lo the Ontario Government for zoned the property rural Standard Industries contested this zoning and requested that it be zoned extractive Instead of throwing Standard Industries since after all escarpment was toned restrictive under the Escarpment Commission the Ontario Government passed the toning change application on to the Ontario Municipal Board for its ruling Since no new licences to quarry can be issued until 1976 or later when the Escarp Commission presents Its report it appears hat the Ontario Government seems to rune forgotten that it even set up the Commission or possibly It sees no harm in wasting public funds on senseless Ontario Municipal Board hearings Examining the question of the suitability of the property for quarrying operations one Is struck by how map propria a quarry would be there c property is heavily treed abounds in wildlife including heaver Jin 1 deer I is enjoyed year round I y local residents aid people fro areas for recreation A section of the Itruce Trail is routed through this property Many new type Ionics been established near proposed quarry The social to residents by crushing and trucking operations would be considerable Indeed the only We way of transporting re economical and and acceptable way of transport stone roil is completely prat Ik from the site The rehabilitation plans proposed by sound impressive but Ihey feasible To suggest thai a lake iould be created behind 1000 feet of lured and il jointed rock is ludicrous hat would be left of Ihe would a great wall rising the surrounding area with the Bruce Troll conveniently routed along its top a monument to bad planning Of course little of this would be realized w thin our lifetimes What a pass on to our children Better use for the area could be mide by establishing a provincial park and wildlife sanctuary now not in years Atreadv many alternatives to crushed stone have been developed These should be utilized as much as possible Sources of aggregate other than the Niagara Escarp ment should be investigated so that Its rap can be called to a halt People wishing to assist in preserving one of Southern Ontario s last frontiers are invited to attend i meeting of concerned citizens at School on October 11 at Ready and waiting for us Actons first indoor swimming pool Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Things at Inst seem lo be looking up fur writers after generations of elect by their own countrymen With i few liable exceptions it used to be that lo be a writer in Canada was almost on a par with being in Untouchable in India If you were not openly scorned you were quietly ignored which worse The big publishers most of them British or American with an affiliate in Canada from Canadian writers as though they had the plague the same time fostering insignificant American and British writers One of the exceptions was Stephen cock who mode a lot of money and became a well known character in this country at ter his first lionk been by a British publisher Typically was Ignored if not despised people of when he was alive He had Bummer home there Many detested him because he poked wicked fun at sonic of their leading citizens in Ills Mariposa talcs Nut so today Some sharp people finally re that lcacock was commercially able us a tourist attraction Nowadays you think Leu cock had wulked down from a mountain with stone tablets It is the in thing lo tie Ions the a icnck Society Museum with a full lime curator There is a annual award humour a Lea cock medal Lea lock a huge dinner the saint Is paid proper homage I bit Id guy is doubled up in his grave laughing It is all so Canadian in Us approach to writing tint it would be funny little Cinartlans arc builders They II spend billions on railroads and highways and canals dims But when it comes lo culture ippri ichis ways a two bit one A few dedicated souls formed the Thcylndnnn lluttvcrv year persuade a few people to act judges and these idiots w pick out the funniest book published inCanatn that I know I was one of those idiots for iibout four years which gave some insight into Can humour Must or the books sub milted were about as funny is kg Lei say you are ric of Vuncou a very funny wriler by the way This would be about 15 years arc in formed by wire that you have won the en cock Award for Humour and arc to it lend the Lencock Dinner receive the It cock Medal worth about cents in pawn shop and make a witty speech which will take you hours to rite The dinner is free but you pay your own wnv from and back to Vancouver Today of course it different The din price has gone up from to and the drinks from to whatever I believe that long lost some brewer has actually put up to go with the Medal Big deal So much for that I digress During the long painful aridity of the 20s jOsand iOs names of Canadian writers were not exactly household words A few writers toiled on in the Canadian desert Callaghan a fine writer with an International reputation plugKict away When he produced a new novel it would be avidly snatched up by as many as six or seven hundred of his fellow To make a living he had lo do hack work in journalism radio and later TV Ironically at about Ihe age of given two whopping great cush j rues by and a bank for his con literature He was also iwjrded i Medal or something like that which he refused In disgust And good for him the war came not a spate but it least surge of new writers bold writers Hugh Mow at They knew were they demanded recognition money Ann they got it though it is like diamonds out of imt mother rash f writers Kroetch I wood Afew courageous in gave them a voice st II the vounger ones arc coming on II null years in a cultural desert springing up everywhere This entire diatribe was triggered by an innounccment sent out to English depart mini from in outfit called Platform for the It will send poets novelists ihsts mil plavwnghts right into our to read and discuss their works with the students Good show At only thev can pay these people a div and expenses owing to government llm j letter fascinates mc whither sou would like a poet prose writer or playwright to visit jour school Choose one two or all three tours Okay chaps Send us a poet and I don want of Hayfork Centre Send a handsome guy with a smashing beard one blonde plavwright with a I bosom That It keep the students of both sexes happy As for a journalist send all any old one 1 handle him or her In this you can scarcely distinguish between sexes anyway Say second look that whole tour looks pretty good at per diem and ex penses i journalist of sorts if you want to point three Maybe II quit tcichinL ind join tour The Free Press Back Issues I 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the October 19M A veteran bread transport driver climbed uninjured from his truck early this morning after it crashed through posts and guard wires on No highway at the Eden Mills and flopped over limeson afternoon and evening as circled collection of goods around the arena at the g Men annual auction sale Articles ranged from furniture to livestock and books to clothing Disagreements between town and Warren drove sewer extension contractor George Sen were resolved Monday night but not before both parties in the disputes which had precipitated a two months work stoppage had their Inning In argument with each disclaiming for the contract rupture However as a result of this week get together of council contractor and engineer work Is scheduled to resume next week after the contentious well are installed and put into operation the well points estimated at a monthly cost of 2 Ik lo be borne equally by the town and contractor Reported in natural gas potential to be the largest single well in the province an 1800foot shaft in township six miles south of here below the side road has according to drillers testing gauged over pounds of rock pressure and the earliest test metered a steady flow of cubic feet of natural gas with a means of com municatlon between the various fire pumpers in Ihe case of Aid practice five pumpers converged on Sunday September 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the October IS 1911 Masquerade Dance will be held In the Town Hall on en under the auspices of the Ball Club Prizes will be for the beat costumed couple and jcky number dance McMillan six piece orchestra of Gait will furnish the music The en parade of that was such a success last year under auspices or Acton Citizens Band is being arranged again for this year Prizes for best costumes etc are being looked alter and with a line evening the affair should be larger than last year Full details as to the parade and prizes will be announced later The concrete pavement from right down to station entrance has been computed The last concrete was laid on Tuesday morning and the plant was at once loaded on cars and shipped to the Ottawa District where Mr King has a large contract The pavement Is now open for traffic from Postville to the upper middle road and a gang Is at work grading the shoulders between the upper and lower middle roads The whole pavement will be ready for traffic In couple of weeks when there will be a general rejoicing among users of this much travelled highway Morden and his Council should arrange for some format opening ceremonies 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press October It 18 of last week was given a very cold reception It impossible terms were not en tert aired by the British government From the latest reports there has been some stiff fighting between British and the enemy north of Three engagements are reported in all of the Boers were repulsed with considerable loss The armoured trams of the British earned Maxim guns which were used w a deadly effect ictorv has perched upon the banner the Crescents of Acton Three times in succession during past week in three of the est games of lacrosse this season thev have proven point of skill and effective combination work come off victors This splendid feat has been all more appreciated by the needs and ad mirers our boys when it has been realized that their opponents were the champions of the Western and Northern Districts Eight Hamilton were taken before Hamilton Magistrate last morning for shouting otherwise the service at St Lukes Church while loitering at the door and window Some hoodlum prowling about the streets at unreasonable hours of the fired a revolver bullet through one the Of rice windows The provincial has a place for characters of calibre THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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