The Acton Free Press Wed October Girls work for badge learn fire prevention The second Acton guide company went to the fin hull on Thursday night with captain Wilson While there they took notes on fire safety prevention and how to put out different kinds of fire Tim week will bo tested fire chief Mick Holmes in hopes of achieving their fire brigade badge Mr Holmes showed Ihem how use a fire ex tinguisher in case of emergency and showed the roper procedures for mouth mouth resuscitation The qualification of the fire brigade badge are- un derstanding the nature of fires its causes the danger of smoke and fire different types of fires un derstanding the methods of extinguishing various types of tires where no regular is available using common types of ire extinguishers They must know the safety precautions taken to prevent fires when it strikes understand inspect fire hazards The guides must know how to sound the alarm both lit the fire department steps to be taken to save lives They must know the dangers of panic and how to avert tt and how to extinguish fires in their own home or another persons clothing Artificial respiration approved by the St John Ambulance Association or he Red Cross must also be known as well as special precautions required for lighting and pulling out a camp fire and camp The final requirement Ihey must meet before achieving this badge is to recognize dynamite and detonators and know what action is to be taken on finding them Sheridan Scout and Guide news DAVID JONES TEACHES environmental science science and biology at the high school When not dragging his cast around Mr Jones likes to play tennis and enjoys cross country skiing trailer David Jones is science teacher The Sheridan College Arts and Crafls trailer Bennett public school in volves more than children These children lake five one hour sessions in the unit of choice These classes arc an elective and are not compulsory Ceramics leather work working with wool and are offered to in terested students during the mornings Adults On Tuesday afternoons and evenings the adults who registered will be taught ceramics in a hour course Classes are for weeks and three hours a day one By I uric Mel lor David Jones come to Acton because he wanted to teach in a small school and he liked he idea of caching with few good friends David has taught in an open classroom but he wanted the chance to teach in a regular classroom so he came here Mr Jones Is teaching Environmental Science Science and Biology lie majored in Microbiology at Mr Jones participates in the Outers and takes some of his classes on camping field trips He is also a staff representative on the students council Photography tennis and cross country skiing arc Mr Jones hobbies He is single and Is a Leo but says he only believes in horoscopes some days He has only one super stition- that it is bad luck to kill spiders Mr Jones likes teaching because he feels is a good wny to gel to know people and we nope he stays on at Acton day week TWELVE GIRL GUIDES were at the fire hall on Thursday night in order to learn fire safety This will help them on their way to the fire brigade badge Left to right Theresa Marie Louise Turnbull and Patricia Henry listen to fire chief Mick Holmes give instructions on how to use the dispatcher radio On Wednesday afternoon a working wool program is to be taught This includes men loom weaving macrame and crochet Because there were not enough people signed up for the harness loom classes and the painting course both had to be cancelled However as soon as enough people are interested the college is prepared to start classes immediately Acton Highs annual Commencement was held lost Friday well attended and ran very smoothly A banquet for graduates and teachers was held prior lo the exercises and a graduation followed Andrea was as well as winner of several scholar ships Last week Aclon junior girls defeated White Oaks This was fifth victory gomes This week they lake on Perdue in Oak Keep winning girls It is nice have a winning team especially when all of our opponents come from schools Hint are two or three times larger than ours Travelling On Wednesday October geography teacher Jim will be travelling to Imago to attend the count it AHS Notes by Jongsmn for geography education Also on Wednesday there will be a chess tournament at A High School Our team will be attending this Good luck On Thursday October Susan Burns from Ihe Guidance office is taking students to tour University This will bean all outing for the students On October 25 experienced outers from the high school will unite with Outers on a coop weekend Many activities are being planned for this weekend Tins will give students from both high schools a lesson on working with each other Also on Friday 10 students will be going to the Chinese Kxhihits June Art class will he enjoying this mtmg Beavers Rot off to a start Thursday evening It was an extremely successful night for the newest members of the Hoy Scouts of Canada They will meet every Thursday evening al The second Acton Guide Company visited the Acton fire hall last Thursday evening nnd were given training for their fire brigade badge by fire chief Mick Holmes This Thursday Ihe girls will be touted for Ihelr Kndgc Conference leadership begins at a young age Six scouts from Acton were among- Ihe Ihot attended the patrol leaders protraining conference held in Acton on Thursday evening Registration began at p m in the basement of the Scout Hall while Beavers finished upstairs The boys were put into two troops our patrols each This conference was lo brief the scouts on the North District Patrol Lenders Camp which will be held this weekend at Blue Springs Seoul II Is a wonder that was chosen for the con ference Perhaps some people are realizing that Acton foes exist Music training Music training took place at lloberl Little School Monday evening 7 p m Two Indies from Georgetown instructed representatives of the two Former MP at Sheridan In an informal and candid manner former MP Terry OConnor fielded questions from Sheridan College yesterday Tuesday morning OConnor who sat in parliament for 18 months from Dec 1972 until his defeat in the June federal election sold it was frustrating for him as an individual to run a good campaign and still lose OConnor strongly urges people to write to their MP and use him to get their ideas through Ottawa I was influenced many times by comments or letters from constituents I would get as many as a dozen letters and unless I felt a real way about an issue would consider them Many times it depended on the power and strength of the individual letter writer Acton Guide Companies nnd the Iwo Brownie Packs These girls will take hack what they learned their groups from which we will soon hear harmonious voices Since the second Acton guides gave up Monday meeting night Capt Murg Wilson led her Guides on a tour of the White Oaks ceramics plant in Milton on Tuesday night A hike 111 be conducted by the first Acton Guide Com In Ihe near future by Helen Howe They will hike out lo District Com missioner home near limchousc Outdoor skills will be prac Meed For Your HALLOWEEN NEEDS We have MASKS COSTUMES DECORATIONS MAKEUP TRICK or TREAT BAGS PARTY ACCESSORIES HALLOWEEN FAMILY POOL SALES MILL ST E BRIAN SKERRETT CONGRATULATES Debra on graduating from grade 13 and also for being an Ontario scholar ONTARIO SCHOLAR Louise right receives her diploma from Brian Skerrett and Sue Burns centre Moss Hardware 22 MILL ST E ACTON 8532720 STORE HOURS Tuei Wad Sat 800 a m to 600 Fri 800 am to pm Service for a Growing Community My life in the listening business BY BETTY KENNEDY GROW AHEADPLANT BULBS SHRUBS AX JUST ARRIVED from Holland FALL BULBS Tulips Hyacinth Daffodil Rockery Amaryllis bulbs TOP SIZE Open supply of FRESH CUT FLOWERS WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE- Caroline Flower Garden Centre mm Til Dark Phone CURLERS WANTED LIMITED MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE AT THE ACTON CURLING CLUB OPEN HOUSE OCT 21 25 and OCT 28 NOV Monti to Friday pm f to 11 pm Season Opens Nov REASONABLE RATES Curling Fee Lifetime Membership MALE FEMALE 4500 Social Membership Lifetime Membership Lifetime Memberships are paid in full after years APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 2 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL B or J SPRINT I find hasting an interview show is a lot easier than explaining how you do it I dont think you can be in this business without being genuinely curious about people about their lives and the million things that make them different each other But a persons difference doesnt always show on the surface and you cant force it out It takes lot of listening not only to the persons words but to the bidden man or woman behind them My main effort is always to make the person feel at ease to let my guests know the moment they walk into the studio that theyll he treated with respect and thought fulness Putting people on the spot or deliberately embarrassing them doesnt interest me I want them to relax and explore the things that really mean something to them When a longtime inter national star tells you candidly she has no difficulty relating to huge audiences its only in onetoone rela tionships she can never make it you know you have reached that person She becomes a real person talking not just a stage personality Its that kind of response that suddenly makes an interview take off What I am after is exactly that personal human quality of a guest which can often lend a new perspective to a story Many things about a good interview are the intangibles you simply cant explain The tangibles tire easy enoughthe amount of homework done in advance and your own ability to concentrate completely on the guest If someone controversial is presenting an unpopular view the listening audience is entitled to a fair and impartial presentation I believe it is the audience not the interviewer who judges the merits of a guest Audi ences have a lot of common sense and are quite capable of arriving at their own decisions Broadcasting takes you into many different worlds but always it is the people what they think what they feel why they do the things they do that count most