Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1974, p. 17

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At the Georgetown Arts and Crafts show John White no Santa TOYS GRIN back at Mrs Nellie Beatty at the Georgetown arts and crafts exhibit and sale Saturday She was almost completely sold out by midafternoon BUBBLE GLASS articles are made by George town Arts and Crafts member Charlotte Ironside of Silverwood district She shows a pendant to an interested customer Saturday TRAVELS PROVIDE stores for Ethel above and husband Hernial to fashion into jewellery Their booth was constantly crowded at the Georgetown Arts and Crafts show Saturday in Norval Quarry hearing Consolidated Sand and Gravel Mill go before the On Municipal Board Nov with its application for ion log of about acres of land in the area i there but considerable has been expressed to dale The hearing will be held in the former Hall During discussion of the proposal Tuesday night council Milton Mayor Anne said she felt there were enough quarries in Operation now and new ones t be started until Kerr warns Halton region must spread out expenses Provincial Treasurer John White is no Santo the taxpayers money and Region Council wilt Just have learn to spread out its major ex West and Ontario Solicitor General George Kirr said in a statement las week Kerr said Ontario is fncing Inflationary times and Queen Park has to keep expenses to reasonable bounds why White cannot simply play Santa Claus wilh money and resolve Region problems In current fiscal year he said politicians were disappointed when White gave out only 1 million In start up grant men promised no additional SI million coming in and 1970 as special assistance grants Tin fell far short of the region requests Make do Kerr said he was to read press reports about poor being given help and having to Make do with what the Queen Park treasury offered Thanks lo such grants It Is costing taxpayers less lo run the region this year than it cost to run the old county council system in Kerr claims In his prepared statement the from Burlington said There Is no earthly reason why the regional council cannot spread Its ex on on official plan for example over a two or llirco year period I would very much doubt that sub stantial obligations for this purpose have been Incurred In 1074 By doing this sub stantial funds from the million In special assistance grants already approved for In 1974 would be available to meet Ihe cost of forming our regional police department Any deficits In police and planning ex penditures this year could be met by borrowing from the regions reserve fund and replacing that money when the additional ft million Is received from the province in 1075 and 1070 No hardship I should point out Hint in addition lo the million in spcclol assistance grants spread over three years the province has sharply In creased Its unconditional transfer payments mainly through per capita grants to This will generate an additional million a year In continuing annual payments to the region and as Mr White told council go far In providing with the resources it needs without imposing hardship on our taxpayers Included in these funds are substantial sums by an increase In ic per grant for police purposes from to based now on the total population of the region I want the people of the entire Region lo be aware that we have been given greater finnnclal assistance by the Ontario Government on a per capita basis than any other region Indeed as for as special assistance grants are con we will receive GO per laplla over three any other region in Ontario irrespective of size These facts and figures as Mr White told regional council completely refute any claim that is receiving less than ils share of provincial grants Kerr said Haton farmers told Farmers dominated by urban politicians The Acton Free Press Wed October Was oldest in county oldest resident Mrs Green died at Centennial Manor was years of age She came from and spent most of her life in and lived alone In her apartment till she was Of when she become a resident of the Manor In 1965 She was active until her death Friday Oct lime Saturday as Eastern Standard Time replaces Day light Saving Time Sunday me of the existing ones are depicted She said she would advocate thai stand at the Niagara Com mission meetings Councillor Gordon Kranlz said he had been on a tour of the proposed site and the firm intended to use Highway as a truck route Farm groups stand little chance preserving largo Iracls of agricultural land unless farmers in Ontario loin togelhcr and present a unified force Professor of the University of told about Hilton farmers at a meeting in Milton Thursday night said Ihefc was no unified force speaking for farmers He noted a definite lack of togetherness and claimed cash crop farmers support dairy for and dairy farmers I support beef raisers in crunch Speaking to members of Federation of Agriculture he referred to the Federation as representing the elite of agriculture Those of you who come lo mictions representative of farm people You re more apt to be scientific bent a little better off lhan others That something to Ik proud of but it is something to be con about too he said noting hat as long as that situation exists the association can speak for the farming community as whole Mayors appeal fails An appeal by Milton Mayor Anne lo have Hal ton Regional Council refrain from appealing land lions fell upon deaf ears The mayor argued Ihe area councils not the region were in Ihe best position monitor land separations She sug there still wasn I a regional official plan and tllsuchlimcastherewas the region did not have sufficient basis upon which to launch an appeal Planning Committee Chair man Harry Barrett said the province had delegated the responsibility of monitoring land separations to Ihe rcg ion He said efforts con the views of the am councils were made and the planners were abiding by the existing area official plans at the present Hills mayor Tom Hill supported major contention Culprit mid morning took police to the h me of Miss Clark of when neighbors reported broken Culprit turned out to bo a bird Had win said provincial and federal civil servants con sidcr family farm a dinosaur the sooner It Is the boiler like family farms to dry up and blow away said He noted the civil servants he had spoken with I made those feelings known publicly but privately lladwin said he didn think the family farm would become extinct I think they II be around for a long time I dont think farmers are ready to grow what they told I think they are ready to turn their farms over to government also dealt with the problems of city people moving to the country and occupying agricultural land He said there were two types of part lime farmers There is the part time farmer who at it you know like earth day and then there is the other type who takes another job in a factory or plowing snow in winter to subsidize an inadequate In come on the farm Dangerous people Some people come to rural Ontario just for Ihe summer months These are dangerous people They don I want lo live in rural Ontario but a park a place where nothing changes where nothing smells where there are no gravel They like to see Ihe local people do quaint dances He said these people bring with them demands for calcium on the road They dontwantdusl that is a little too rural They bring demands for bussing for road improvements for sewers all things that would be unreasonable for the people who have always been there observed many city dwellers object to odors and when the argument goes before the Ontario Municipal Board the Board will favor the city person and hts complaints He pointed out that once land parcels were separated the door was open Tor someone from the city He argued that even if the person buying the land initially kept the land In agriculture chances were a city person would buy It when the owner died Need rationale He said there was no general agreement about what should be saved It not as simple as saying we save class one and class two lands What about the corner of Yongc and Moor What about 10 miles from the city Where do you draw the rationale he asked He said many farm people wanted their cakeand wanted lo eat it too Farmers will say they want to protect agricultural land but they want lo sell it to whoever and whenever tor any purpose Farmers will have to protect agricultural land at certain costs or have the city people move in He recalled farmers saying that If they loae the right to do with their land what they want they should be compensated The Minister of Agriculture says no way forget it Farmers will have lo unite and look at the province as a wholeor otherwise it will be a matter of the closer you are to the city the quicker the agricultural land goes Not like union He told the group they were unusual not like the ordinary union where members could be counted on to support certain things at the polls said the rural people were dominated by urban people noted most of the people at Queen Park were urban people and acted to please urban constituents said there was little sympathy cities for the farmer plight He noted the domination was extended when city people moved lo the country and ran for seals on municipal councils They have a romantic view of the rural Ontario but t always In he suggested YOU SHOULD HAVE seen the one that got away Randy Upton of Crescent St proudly displays the days catch a pound salmon caught yesterday Tuesday in Bronte harbor The prize fish was caught with a worm harness and a rubber worm Chooss It lucks a Charge it TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS HEADQUARTERS FORI ItCJI Black White Color Stereos and Component and Appliances Phone J UELPH ONLY SPECIALTY LIGHTING STORE CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Guelph B24 Multi Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES tr He and Portable Clean Dev PfM lc it on IHoodl Fan etc FREE PARKING Jlly fl JO It Til NOW RENT A CASCADE HOT WATER HEATER i is P I alii -4- DOUBLE HAPPINESS RESTAURANT HE GST Ch yoonlt a Food ml Mi an In Hilton Hills HOURS Sunday Noon 8 Tel 8532060 look what your adventure tour includes Return airfare Complimentary in light meal with champagne and cocktails transfer to and from hotel nights hotel accommodation colour TV 7 continental breakfasts juice roll and coffee 2 dinners 5 days rent limited mileage one car per hotel room Bloody Mary orientation party Open bar cocktail party 7 days tennis court tees Entry to Watt Disney World with 8 attractions passport Tour Escort Service All FOR ONLY oo V JUST PHONE ACTON 8531553 MILTON 878 TORONTO LandL FORDMERCURY HAS A GOOD SELECTION OF TRUCKS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Shown above left to right is the PARCEL DELIVERY with 12 foot box and roll A TON with sliding side door with glass rear door with glass and V 8 SUPER CABcab will persons 8 box Standard TON PICK UP THESE and OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM See our complete line of 1975 FORD CARS and TRUCKS that burn Any gas from Any station Anywhere CAR and TRUCK RENTALS LEASING iiiuujjjjiiJim OB MAIN ST ACTON 8532370

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