Acton Press Nov wwwx- I Rockwood bowling altar laal bowline Naiihbor twins with Jr and GulpMii with Allay and with Four Cor I l npredlctablaa Trotlfri ana with Country with with and Al In nth will arena Ann MO US Itllu Vlv MI Barbara Hurray Jerry Hilton MO and Plana SO Mae over I Murray I Jim Heard Oar 111 ll toe Male Towkd to nil aa Jim Heart pounded In a its triple with Gcr da allowed a triple Trot tart Ted bowled US 111 and 131 Allan Me- bowled trial with alnilaa 110111 and III ntl the Tour win over Jr Farmer Nellie roomed In a 70S iripltwlth no and Don bowled with GlanCray the tanner with the Ml irlplewiih 111 in and in Harvey Allan bowled Sit aln- 80S IIS and Hi the Country Men with final to aa Bob brought In a Irl 112 and Mi nny howled a triple ainilea and Country Man Paler bowled triple with IIS 1ST and ITT Eva Botch bowled Seven nil the final aialnil with Gary Parke with is triple S and is war ainilea Chandler bowled 111 with 117 114 and Winnie bowled ISO with IIS 111 and US Don ItUta bowled MS with Unite HZ 111 and IBS Al a lead aialntt with to a arori totali Wayne Nightingale look a 311 triple with and Dave Da- land bowled with and lit Neighbor Doug bowled with tin lea Ml and 111 Dune Mc- bowled with 1B0 and KM to waa the Rocket win over ai Bock el Dune Klngibury bowled in with llarv Jeitln bowl and 111 to triple In at Bruce waa the Rambler with for the triple alnglea 111 and bowled triple with 13S and itt Alley CaU took a to win over Deity bowled triple with and Ken bowled with 113 117 and 111 Norton I John Gordon bowled alt with and Fred Ightlngale bowled 1S9 ltl and triple In at took a 4 to win over l Hi a Brian bowl a triple with up andlBl Randy Pearl bowled OS 13B and HI to triple Jerry bowled alnslee MB and JIB Gcrda bowled with in 117 and ITS Battle of Peace was text for Remembrance Day service No bugle of or the lnit Pent were lie heard In si Sunday at memorial day hi rvlct hild at the village The day and attention Milne u is mi In solemn of IIil At ton wen on tnnii to lent wreaths and to lit it nil Alma rt party Vttirnii meitiberii of Kit Hoy Seoul troop I he parade lo tin REMEMBRANCE DAY on Sunday dawned cold and foggy Viewers watched as Legion representatives and other veterans stood at attention as parade marshal Milne read the Legion Charge The ceremonial placing of wreaths followed and wreaths were laid by Root George Day Max Storey Tom Gellatly and Lou Hilts A special interdenominational church service was held at the public school after the ceremony at the village cenotaph Aim rtading of Iht ingot followed Hoot laid tin wriath for Ihe Irovlntt of Day the for 1 Mux Slon he I legion and Tom GUI thai of Iht and One other wan plated by lou IliltH a family of his John killed In at lion during World War mnrchcrH ami color nil moved off nnlal the mil Itimtmbrunto Day InUrdinominnlion thurch washtld moved up St heavy closed in Vlcwirn that Hit fog signiritnnt its moving Into the dimming light lo tin tin of passing A large group of village and residints llev Don as mini or ripnsenlallves of village and lownihlp Mm played for llonnl hymn and and Sinclair appro priate Hongs an ihoy If J of the Stone the morn lit gave uk title for addrcas Itatllc of Mr pointed hat it In ihe battles of jk act- we must for and an Chrlstlnnn we mast be constantly standing up for those things which constitute a belter way of lifi Hi paid tribute to millions of young mm win hod given their llvts to provide a better world for young people today He died to pro duce better world but wan if today in a belter one are grim that too often the pomp and glory ttasoaaled with warn the grim and horrible rrali IIch of Its really all about lie explained thai war In not eliment of Which cannot he dealt with but In man and warn are treated by man can Ik He the need for all pcuplii to flghl a blood Ichh battle to crane any kind of evil whlth our dally liven and dt tern from the of the world In which live Colli for the were iurntd the poppy fund for dlnabled veternnn TliurHitay evening popples wen throughout the community by the Stout under leadership of Most of attending Sunday wore one of the Iradllinnal Pot bellied Santas were colorful Christmas party plans Coins for Rockalong WI The was interest to branch mem shut on the ilillciouH ii fn on deck at he In tnhlis Project for tin win for mimunlty hall windows club held I dm of the and village Mills were deter mined to make the proceeds High enough to match the I mat count of the day In take was In the neighborhood of and community club members are envisioning the new look ixpcetcd for Ihe village Mr and Mrs Russell and Mr and Mrs Eric Locked of Eden Mills went Kingston recently to visit with Mrs daughter her husband Peter and Peter Jr their monthold son visiting from thunder Bay for a week and back she returned home Inst Wednesday and it was a great visit for both ladies town hall Jumped for two nights last week when the Ball Association held a dance for coaches on Friday night and the Catholic Women League held one other on Saturday night Both were fun affairs with Saturday s do the one which caught the most dancers Coaches of ball teams were the guests at the Friday affair but according to organizers many of them t show at the special dance Fun wise however both evenings were on a par and were the for the regular round up of Christ mas parlies and dances scheduled for the town hall t- December election could be a light draw with many candidates vying for few positions on township village and school councils May best man win is the way it s said but we all know that it doesn t always happen that way Arc you prepared to vote in the next election residents House nursing home visited and took out books to be returned as port of their every two week excursion to the village school Visiting library is a new venture or organizers at House and residents enjoyed the unusual outing The was hostess interest to branch i at the November meeting of Ihe Women Institute meeting when 17 members replied lo roll call a use for honey with Mrs George Mitchell presiding During business subscrip tions the Federated News bulletin were token This bulletin contains much news bers Summary day nounced for the course baked In a pic set for Nov 13 at Trinity United Church The meeting a dona lion lo be made to the Wellington County Historical Society Christmas cheer plans were also arranged for Recreation committee holds windup meeting Wind up meeting of the recreaton com mittec was held last Thurs- day night at the township council chambers Chairman Betty Lou Clark was on hand along wllh committee members secretary Bob Shaw Sally Hamilton George Smith and Lloyd Dyer The committee set up a tentative budget to be turned over as recommended requests for the Incoming committee which will be appointed by he township council at the January meeting Various reports were also given The committee mended senior citizen groups for both villages of Eden Mills and receive their consideration each soccer club arts Two recommendations craft classes and to wore mode at the Thursday be added to the holdings for meeting to be forv future tennis courts the Incoming committee One Roadway fence was that secretary of the Speaking for the Eden Mills I ions Club Grant be community club Sally requested to send a regular Hamilton requested an progress report to the amount somewhere between recreation com and for a six fl mitlcc in order to keep lines high chain link fence be of communication open and erected the village park the recreation committee roadwaj some 150 ft She also informed as to how the for a three high community centre is going fence be placed the back ahead of the park The committee The committee Is sending a suggested the community letter to the township council club investigate whether the requesting that in setting up roadway fence is the appointments to the responsibility of the roads recreation committee for committee if it is not they they include members of suggested the matter be the two senior citizen groups referred to the incoming m and Mill recreation committee for Wilful damage concerns principal Inquiries regarding Christmas and winter break periods has prompted the following Information from the Centennial school bulletin Christmas run from Dec to Jan inclusive Easter break from March to March Inclusive and winter break from April 1 to April 7 inclusive Handy for holiday ers what Don forget the Saturday Nov date at the when St Johns Church will sponsor a drive for raising funds for northern missions in Canada An exhibit of Chinese brush paintings by Anthony will be held with a wine and cheese buffet Tickets will be available at the Bank in and members of St John Watch for The township library at Rockwood Cen term public school had new patronage last week Several Wilful damage to public school property at Centennial is presently under investigation by the Guelph Cost of the damage was estimated in excess of 350 and names of some voting people have been recorded On Wed Oct a large stone was thrown through two safety glass windows at the antisocial behavior and Ihe same night two stones ight two stones were thrown through large plate glasswindows in room two of the primary wing Time of the occurrence was about 10 During the night of Wed Nov two screens were cut one the annex at the school the other at Centennial Two window Las Vegas does such a thorough job of cleaning we re surprised they haven named a detergent afler it Centre Reporting on the inns Club community centre 1 said the basement walls are almost completed with the next step to be the first floor installation Mr Dyer feels the community project is making Regarding progress of the district soccer club the committee decided send a letter of commendation to soccer coaches who brought the learns through final play against opposing leams from the village The league included In fact condoning this type of Acton teams Another letter will be sent to the senior men baseball teim the Rockwood Red Sox for their performance in the S A Ontario Rural Softball Association The team won the championship in Ihe B division shut ins ill and others the community party Next meeting wilt be m the form of Christmas parly il of Mrs A It is the hope that all mem rs w ill contribute a number the program where in ex of gifts will follow Mrs George Mrs John Thomson were convent rs for agriculture and Can in industries Mrs Mitchell read a poem en titled The farmers reed This was followed by a piper presented by Mrs lie on the topic of Mil Hiked about Ihe food line of honey ind ils wonderments as one of nature s wonders Mrs took her listeners through various phases of honey production supplying informative comments She told how it provides energy and requirements for human needs Ladies attend found Mrs ilk very interesting Many questions followed Mr and Mrs Trousdale answered lunch wis served by the hostess and assistants Honey was an ingredient in parts of the food fare which in eluded biscuits and honey honey nut loaf honey cookies and squares Ladies were impressed at its varied in the meeting Helen Ruth were named to attend the area con vcnlinn to be held Nov and at Iodgc Clifford Shi wan by of the various IktlyMonmallandfv Harden on he bake table lean and Kay Stevenson the penny lirownlt were sold by Jackson anil Pal Godding community was manned by Judy whltt elephant had Donna Gardiner and Mitchell books and games were sold by Trudy and Tammy Clifford and arrant In the kitchen were Tomllnnon and Snow Iran and Marion were on door Pouring tea were Gladys Marshall Edith Jennings Sada Gllbcrlon and and doing an excellent job as Christmas waitresses were Janet Adair Adair Michelle Bould and Irene Cole Visitors from many areas attended and winner for the Christmas marshmallow cake door prize wan Debbie MacDougall of Acton The story book castle was made completely of marshmallows with turrets doorways and windows all In place resembling somehwat the children a Imaginative pic Euro of a snow queen palace was the artistic decorator of the prize and many of herottttrtamong craft Abilities were also on sale during the afternoon DECORATED TABLES at Saturday s bazaar and tea held at Eden Mills many visitors with delicious goodies nicely displayed for whetting Tea at Saturdays function included Gilbertson Gladys Marshall and Edith Jennings In the centre is the over all project convener Donna Clifford who feels the affair was a real success THINK CHRISTMAS Carlton CHRISTMAS CARDS FOLDERS and CALENDARS Boxed Christmas Cards GIFT WRAPPING and TIES HINTONS l STORE Hike Bruce Trill club members hiked from to Terra i distance iccordmg to their nnllces of 181 kilometers guardscreens were pulled off the windows at the annex la I In a notice sent home to parents of students principal Grant said If we as a community permit these acts to go unnoticed ipal was soliciting assistance from parents and students to apprehend those guilty of vandalism Names the game for Eden Mills seniors Eden Mills seniors arc looking for a name for their newty formed club which scheduled to meet every second Wednesday of each month Heading up the executive for the group are Mrs Ed Jennings president Mrs Janet h secretary Norm all Social conveners on the list of I the of the village community club seniors expect to find membership increasing as news of the club spreads and all eligible members attend the meetings Although an organizational meeting was held earlier first regular meeting of the group was held last Wed Cooperation is doing with a smile what have to do anyway RESIDENTS Meet the Candidates Night AT ROCKWOOD CENTENNIAL SCHOOL sponsored by the and District Lions Club at 800 pm Tues Nov Come out and Candidate for the election COSTA DEL SOL Pioneer Tours Especially Mature Travellers FLT AIR INCLUDES Continental breakfasts ind Granada Airport transfers 514 Take advantage of this tour from Nov to Apr 3 or 6 week excursion Enjoy a care free apartment holiday in sunny Spain MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE Martin St 8782886 We build racing sleds from the skis up Modifications for racing Racing Engines Precision Lineups overhauls repairs Track and trail Our racing n drag Lei put you W Circle w Whathar It It an cation a prate I ion or the of North America f line of oval touch Pilaris We Guarantee First Place On in now Be Winner in 75 See Us For he Formula Mill Street Milton Ontario Phone 8784212