Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1974, p. 10

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10 The Acton Free Press Wed Nov W SKATING SEASON is here again Mc- Jennifer Coats Diane Schmuki Joanne Skeggs and Susan Fischer have fun holding each other up off the cold ice Only town walks to be shovelled Hills works com decided Monday nighl to just clean sidewalks In front of town owned property The councillors thought there was no sense in selling up a by law requiring residents lo clean the sidewalks in front of their property since it is impossible lo enforce We should only have by law If we con enforce it Towns a lot bigger than us hove had by laws like Ihls and enforce them so I don think we could do better said councillor Ityde The committee decided get the legal opinion of the town solicitor to sec Just what the town legal sibllilies are concerning walks SNOWCLOUDS cluster over picturesque community church these 11 days Its a particularly delightful sight on country drives WHO DOES IT J M Aluminum Co Installation Siding Soffit Eaves troughing and Shutters J G JIM R Res Bus D BRACE Aluminum Products Street Rockwood856 Aluminum Windows Doors Awnings and Railings Specialised serviceSales Service to Refrigerators Dishwashers Cull Manning Electric ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE GRAPHIC ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES DAVE RYDER ACT Acton Coll Expert AUTO BODY Repairs Hills Collision Crewson Corners 2B60 Dan Kociuk John datf CAR ND TRUCK RENTAL See us first when you need a car or truck ren or Business Trips Holidays Moving Low Daily Rates and good mileage Main St Acton Additions Renovations Rec Rooms House Roy Galloway JOHN SHARPLES Carpenter General Carpentry Rooms Cupboards Free Estimates 1966 A Personalized Catering Service Specializing in Your Needs 6710 No Occasion Too Small HI ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE SUPPLIES Tanks Well Tiles Other Concrete Products Plastic Sewer Pipe Pumping Service 853 1529 Replace Installed in usl Cathea Concrete Restorations Lid Milton 878 MASONRY BLOCK LAYING CONCRETE CLAUDE 6397 PAUL 878 DMATF Halton Hills Contracting Hi GEORGE GIBSON FERGUS 2240 t Richard Telford D C Mill St E corner of Elgin Monday through Friday All For Appointment DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Dead or disabled animals removed Phone Lie 7 and Dead Stock Removal LIMITED dead or disabled Cattle and Horses Phone 416 Blnbrook Lie No DR LEONARD EMBRACK Dental Surgeon Queen St Acton Ont ELECTRICAL SERVICE ELECTRIC Residential Commercial Industrial LARRY WILLIS Travelling Sounds Disc Jockey Dances Weddings Banquets etc Book Early tor Christmas New Year Phone 2579 FOR ALL OCCASIONS Q BAR J ENTERPRISE TRENCHING EXCAVATING TRUCKING DRIVEWAYS GRAVELLED ACTON Jennings Excavating R 1 877 Farm Ponds Loading Bui Idol FLOOR REFINISHING We now have a modern and We will your Moors or rent you the equipment to do Ob yourself J Frank phone Frederick St Ac Ion Thompson Fash Ltd DEPENDABLE SERVICE 7 PN ACTON ONT Distnbutorsof Petroleum Products For Farm and Home Heating Sales Service Furnace Insurance Phone day Bruce Shoemaker Prop GENERAL CONTRACTORS TAPING JOINT FILLING Estimates JOE SEELEN MILTON 3337 HHJIIIUIIUM BERTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS General Repairs and Decorating Wall Tile Celling Tile Recreation Rooms FREE ESTIMATES 1 or 13131 REPAIRS Brighten up your living room dinlngroomor room with our texture spray celling Glitter available In gold or silver Stucco wall in rec room for that old English effect AIM special I In platter repairs and painting FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL DAVE AT datf WRIGHT Phone user and Insuranc Serving Aclonand Vlcini tor Over Years Is Your Insurance Up To Date Denny s Insurance Agency Street West ACTON GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE Office Hours to Thurs to Friday toBp Alter Hours Call Milt Ball Harold Denny SERVICE CUSTODIAL SERVICE Commercial and Residential IMPERIAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Complete Janitorial Including Rug Cleaning Milton BOARDING KENNELS All breeds of dogs accepted Year round facilities Conveniently located at I and I Afghan Hound puppies for LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS NORTH TREE SERVICE House Wrecking Insured Special Fall New Is The Time ToCall Acton 2179 or Res 416529 Also Lawn Maintenance Weed Cutting Composting Lawns JOHN ROSS OPTICIANS MILL ST E ACTON ONT Open days a week Complete Optical Service Contact Lenses For Appointment Call Arthur A Johnson 0 MILTON- Main St 878 By Appointment PAINTING mi DECORATING Interior and exterior painting wallpaper vinyl wall covering rug laying and tile floors Call Roy s Painting Free Estimates GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Call now or Free Estimates 878 Box MILTON PAINTING and DAVID COHEN Peel St Phone 2815 Interior Painting Estimates Free R J Jennings PHOTOGRAPHY Photographic needs PHONEH53 W ACTON ONTARIO CARNEYS PLUMBING HEATING Plumbing and Myers Pumps mil Water Softeners Duo motic Furnaces Phone SERVING THE AREA FOR YEARS BROCHURES PUBLICATIONS Of- MCE STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS PERSONALIZED CARDS RUBBER STAMPS Dills Printing IIJ Publishing Co Ltd HOME RENOVATIONS ALL PHASES ESTIMATES Rec Rooms Kitchens Bathrooms Painting John Scott HOME MAINTENANCE REPAIRS REMODELLING ADDITIONS Free Estimates Day or Evening RENOVATIONS UNLIMITED Eavestroughs ESTIMATES Harry Hank This space is available for your commercial message Call 8532010 Mitchs Roofing and Eavesttoughing in and el work on Free Estimates Call Collect 856 I Western General Contractor Spec in rooting since Taping ERIC REID MILTON Call JACK ADAMS SNOWMOBILES SKI SALES fl SERVICE Tune and repairs tor all makes Acton Cycle Sports Corner of Mam St at River Street dag WATER REFINERS SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and Service LOWEST MONTHLY Rental Rate COMPLETE LINE of Water Treatment Equipment lor Homes Farms and Business PHONE 8776242 ST GEORGETOWN FAMILY POOL SALES General Conlractors Equipment Supplies Above in ground pools Pat Phone 853 Mill St East Acton DANNY TILE SERVICE 878 3987 TOWING Hour Service me PHONE 853 RICHS SERVICE CENTRE TV mi APPLIANCES I SEE THE I DEPENDABILITY PEOPLE 0 MAYTAG AT TV APPLIANCES 3376 John Salmon COUNTRY T CENTRE SALES SERVICE Hwy Line TV Service Author led RCA TV and Appliance Dealer Phone 9825 datt MODERN TV Sales and Service Of- RADIO AND TV SETS FIRST LINE TV SALES AND SERVICE Mill St Acton Phone 1057 for store and after hours Zen Motorola Dealer Antenna THE DEPT OF LABOUR Protects YOU by ssumg Cert of Qualifications to competent and ex TV service tech Call 9796 RYDER S TV SALES AND SERVICE MOORE PARK PLAZA GEORGETOWN SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial KAMMINGA ACTON WELDING Block smithing Iron work Horseshoeing farm machine repair portable welding plating antiquing R R Acton J

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