Debate smobiles Those Interested in snowmobile regulations will be heard at the next meeting of the Milton Council ai ministration committee members agreed after studying by laws now if fectlng various parts of the town The present urban Milton by law will be considered a base for discussion with a clause added from the Oak villc by law Mayor Anne MacArthur emphasized that Milton has a lot of rural area and she would not like to see regulations too strict on snowmobiles in the rural areas She suggested snowmobiles should be en In the rural areas Opportunity Members or the committee fell snowmobile club representatives might want to discuss by law provisions and they should be given the opportunity at the next committee meeting It was also agreed that any others Interested In the snowmobile by law would be heard at that time I feel the snowmobile as evil as it made out to be Mayor MacArthur concluded Council queries day care The Community Services Committee of Regional Council was ap proached last week regarding the taking over of the May Court Service day care centre in The May Court Club delegation headed by Mrs Peter Wright of Oakvillc suggested the Region assume control of the nursery by June 1975 The service club can no longer support the project would be all rei residents should council accept the May Court recommendation Opposes closure Regional Councillor Tom Sutherland was enraged when he became what he felt was the victim of closure ing a meeting of Reg ional Councir Council was debating standards for communal wells In rural subdivisions Sutherland asked permission to speak but meeting chair man Ernie Sykcs had already called the vote ruled Sutherland had waited too long to express a desire to speak Support Sutherland challenged the chairman rule When supported Sykcs In his decision not to hear Suthcr land the councillor said the action was similar to what thev called closure in Ottawa This la ridiculous You people should be ashamed Never mind I saw the hands that went up he shouted amidst laughter from Forecast of staff requested Concerned about being nickel and to death Regional Council has requested Administrator Ernest Reed to prepare a re port indicating the staff needs that will be required until the end of Burlington Councillor Jack said he wanted to look at the entire staff needs of the region rather than one or two people every meeting or so Administration and Chairman Morrow agreed with the proposition but noted it should be used as a guide He said there might be some situations where new staffers were urgently re quired as a result of a change of circumstances or workload that could not haw been fore casted Yule do at museum Members of Halton Region Council will Join the staff of the Museum at the Kelso Conservation Area for a Christmas social event Dec a it was decided at a Com Services meeting last week Museum curator also discussed the possibility of a visit from Ontario LieutenantGovernor Pauline McGlbbon during the Christmas open house bet ween Dec and The Acton Free Press Wed Nov 1974 AT Mas The shelves of your nearby Beaver Home Centre are overflowing with toys and games that boys and girls really look forward to getting at Christmas time Hundreds of famous name items at prices you find hard to beat Come on in to Beaver while the selection is at its best Play Your Own Hockey Night In Canada Hockey Game gives 600 Square inches of fast action hockey Set includes overhead scoreboard sturdy plastic players in f colour delayed action puck dropper puck return chute and gear driven player control A real winner at this low price the roof opens and the side folds down to make a patio Barbies Pool Patty Barbie and her fnends are in the swim Bright gaily decorated port 16 comas complete with a diving board ladd and slide floating chaise and decor labels Dolls are not Included OPEN am to pm Monday to Friday Saturday am to pm 316 Straal I