Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1974, B9

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Ballinafad Best wishes go to Australia ELAINE SALES and daughter Carol eagerly look forward to their 22 day trip on board the luxury line Oriano which will take them to New Zealand Here they find their cabin in the plan of the seven deck ship tfrtc District Page Limehouse by Mrs Tuesday Nov was the regular C meeting It was held at Ihe home of the Mm Ernie In spile or I ho foggy weather there was a Rood attendance The president opened with a suitable thought In Ihe Susan Doughty Wellington Calf Club member Susan of was awarded The Queens Guineas at The Royal Winter I- air In Toronto last or her hcrcford steer Wilson Susan who 16 years old won over competitors and her 1 pound purebred was sold at the auction for per pound to Dominion Stores I Imitcd This was the first linu Susan had entered con test She Is a third A ember and attends John Vocational Institute In Susan Is the dauRhter of Jack and Doughty and tight of Greta formerly of Nnssagaweya Township and Herbert and Pearl Doughty Susan lias one sister Sandra Snow secretary Mrs Jesse McEnery acted In her place reading the minutes and calling the roll The roll call was answered wllh a small child gift Various items of business were discussed after we heard the treasurer report In view of the fact that we have a balance of funds donations voted church fund Ihe maintenance and service funds and other direct funds Flans were discussed for Ihe Christmas meeting which will be a dinner to begin at on Dec The nomination committee gave Ihcir report most of he executive remaining the Love The devotional theme was love an extremely fine paper prepared by Mrs It stressed he idea that certainly what the world needs is love Love la a sign a symbol of the Divine inch one of us receives the love he is of to love wo must first love ourselves the soul that Is n us then we can reach out that love to others of our fellow men Love thy neighbour as thy self Ruby Candidates Several letters are being around to lee torn tea by candidates for council lo be voted on Dec It possibly would be a very wise move to have a representative on council from this area one who would speak his piece and give opinions en vital mailers concerning this end i Ihe township Ilnn party a recent meeting of the hall program committee a Christmas party for puients and children was planned A bad car ate I den I cur red on ho seventh line above Saturday morning when two cars crushed Acton Free Press Wed Nov B9 VOTE FRED COxlxl Draw winners news Mrs A Benton Mr and Mrs Jack Wallace of Sask visited Mr and Mrs Anderson one day recently They told high lights of their trip Australia where Ihey attended 14th Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women of World Perth In October meeting The I II Club held their and meetings at the home of leader Mrs Kirk wood They studied pari etiquette In I meeting studied at club meetings and discussed etiquette at banquets and dinners The club girls decided hold a Christmas dinner parly at the home of Gvcn KirkwoodonSat Nov m member invited a carried the theme for the party Red candles decorated Ihe dinner table After dinner a variety of games were by all Kirk wood reporter Mrs of Oxford Nova visiting daughters Mi They report a good time in Ml n and Mrs John titles built a tower Acton their husbands and fimilies sale Several draws were held at the Multi Sale in I Memorial Hall on Nov Mrs Jns Noble winning a hamper Mrs Goodwin a cake and Mrs Mouldei poncho Scouts and two leaders from have returned from weekend camp at Mount forest with The local committee held a euchre In Ihe hull last evening has good possibilities this new study and should prove of value to us A card was passed around lo sign and write down thought far Sales lo carry to Australia her and her family We hope the sojourn of a few years down under will enrich their lives and bring them back us again Lunch was served Margaret and Ospnnge Bring trophy to Wellington David Lei ten had a wonder ful and Interesting trip with the Junior farmers when delegates from different counties toured to Ridge town London Richmond Hill and to Toronto to the stock yards and the Royal Winter rair Out of 97 contestants David was second high in judging in the Inter County Livestock Evaluation competitions Dav id in company with Rob Bums of Bel wood and Arnold Small of Conn was a delegate from Wellington County on tor Junior Livestock Management tour from Nov 10 to IS This team of three young men brought back for the county the Ontario Association Challenge Trophy for swine Judging at the Royal Agriculture Winter hair They received points out of a possible Hike Nineteen very bred and happy boys of the Cub Pack would have no trouble falling asleep da night It was a beautiful day for a and under the of Wynne Max and Allan mi the Irtk began on Byron Bruce s farm They hiked through the bush to the and were liv en demonstrations on how to make leanto in an emergency and how to build a fire in a bush They continued their study in trail and wood fore until lunch lime when Ihey made a camp fire The boys made bows and arrows and ended the days outing with soccer games They enjoyed the Inn will live again of the Terra I Inn promised lint the stately Id gourmet citing spot will live of the Trrra Inn was gutted by Dimes on 16 Ihe ricclved smoke damage Some priceless were lost in the fire We will be In business thits for sure It jusl might liltle while Bong aid He plait ire now underway for lo nous groups Including Ihe Peel Region River t onsen ilion inri Hit Niagara Commission will need permission to rebuild One of our problems is vie were never conforming use structure DEC 2 VOTE NORM CUNNINGHAM FOR ERIN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Grade and pupils ac companied by Principal Lornc Brown Mrs Vera Denny and Mrs Mary wont lo the Royal inter Fair Thev all reported itwaanexccllentday Some items of particular interest were the dairy display of Princess Ann on horseback carved out of HO lbs of but the horse palace and Santa s reindeer made from flow en in the flower show In Erin Hillsburgh and Erin Township Vote REELECT GORD GREGSON In seeking re election as representative for Erin Village and Erin Township on the Wellington County Board of Education I ask for your vote and confidence December 2nd In sixteen years school board experience I have strived to ensure equal educational opportunity for all young people of this area in the interest of the tax payer DECEMBER 2 MARK I Virginia Kennedy For Wellington County Board of Education A vote for Virginia is a vote for Quality in education Effective visible representation Involvement Action Accountability On Monday December 2nd Kennedy Virginia Dec 2 ELECT TOM ORMESHER For Erin Township Council A Tom Ormesher FOR ERIN TWP COUNCILLOR A MAN WITH PAST EXPERIENCE IN COMMUNITY WORK Community Centre Volunteer Fire Minor Sports ON DECEMBER 2nd VOTE FRED C0xX ERIN TOWNSHIP Having served you previously on coun ciland lam interest in the affairs of the township Your support and vote for me as councillor would be Wm A McLean ON DECEMBER 2nd VOTE Jack Marshall For strong representation on the Council of Erin Township Water not what it used to be OUR WATER SUPPLY IS FIXED We have no more fresh water today than we had years jOgo so we must use our over and over again was our water like years ago is our water like today nil AT will our water be like years from now Think about it It affects you now equipment will produce clean clear soft by filtering out solid particles remove the hordness in top water and in addition remove taste odour colour and manmode pollutants such as pesticides and delerqents It also removes heavy i such as lead and parts per million ITS WHAT WE TAKE OUT OF YOUR WATER THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Call us today for a appointment and free water analysis phone Georgetown 348 Guelph St E WATER REFINERS A Division of Home Comfort Heating Gas Oil Furnaces Central Air Conditioning Electronic Air Cleaning Humidifying YEARSSERVICING HALTON COUNTY

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