The Acton Freo Press Nov Bl Retiring reeve sees weighty issues facing new Eramosa council The man who lias been known in the district for past four years as the reeve of ramosa decided to retire and did not put his name up for office in the December election Reeve Warren Parkinson said his decision to step down was because of loo many personal pressures He referred the recent ones of having his farm ex preprinted to make place for the dam and the necessity of relocating some where else An accumulation of things said the reeve He said council business compounded the problems but they were easiest to gel away from Parkinson laid he might go back In on council again but right now he has no regrets about leaving Warren Parkinson Mr his served on council for seven lit had spent as a council member He had previously served for six ycirs the School Hoard before il became part of he Wellington County School leadership 11c explains his Interest in politics as having tried give good leadership in the township He bed never hid great political ambitions but had en by people in the community to run for office and hod been successful The reeve feels incomii council has mntiv tough decisions filling Into Its hands and cites water md sewer proposed for as probably the most pressing one He feels with a complete new council It will be a tough time start making important decisions At a held at the Centennial or new Reeve Parkin son referred the costs of the sewerage facilities The original estimate of for lots both and sewers is wrong estimate now as high as He the new township council will hive decide whether lo Re feels hot If the facilities arc installed village infill alone will bring pressure for development The reeve said council really has tried to put a lid on could be over ruled by the province he said but he feels the ince would respect the of the He also feels ihe people in first chance developers Hi says the planning board should be commended as mental In helping council keep tabs on projects looking hack Looking back his term of office Parkinson lists township library forma lion as one of the councils mcnls Re the fcramosi Planning Board was re activated and has done a tre mendous lob leading the way In draw Ing up the Suburban official Plan Re s ild the new mng by laws In process of being drawn conform with the Official plan are or great Importance Another problem which the retiring reeve feels will face Ihe new council will be decisions on recreation Re Bald decisions will have to be weighed on whether recreation monies should be used to pur chase more recreation land or applied to the Lions Club project One of the matters reeve said wanted to point out Is the Importance of a firm stand being taken by bolh councils or and townships in dicker Grand River Conservation Authority Council needs firm attitudes on what to be spent he said referring tore building and resurfacing costs required on approximately one and one half miles of road In the We II end up paying more than we should unless we are firm he sild Industry Speaking on land use Parkinson people will have to decide whether Industry or light industry is wanted in the township Then will have to decide where they want It In the township because very little land is zoned Industrial he said The present reeve will continue his duties to Ihe completion of 107s The reeve for 1971 will bring lo township council years experience When he got into municipal politics Dill chose running for township council as opposed to an office on Ihe school board He feels that everyone should have a go at council Mr docs not share present reeve concern of gloomy for mosa but sees problems facing the new council as challenges which will nave to be well handled He looks at the water and sewerage Installation one of main con He says It is a problem pending wllh council still hoping or added subsidy Re does not believe that at he moment any one has any alternatives on paper At any rate such alternatives are not promised he said The councillor believes council must work for one or the other or both depending on feasibility Challenges The new reeve for says that In next two years he wants to do as decent a lob as he can in that position Re says he has altitudes about getting office by acclamation hirst of all It a bit aggravating lo oneself and shows tack of interest There s always the question do people wont me In this spot He pointed out that several councils had been mil in simply by acclamation people filling holes type thing fie said from now on he is already thinking ahead to the next two years and that his acclamation will not be a consideration Control The future reeve said If waler and sewers are installed In moratorium could be lifted but that council wants to control development of sub divisions continually Ho said ho feels council will need all control they can muster at municipal level One day there be no doubt he said but stressed Ihe need for methodical planning In all areas of Ihe municipality Mr feels Ihe township council has not managed lo convey to the people in the district what Ihe planning board is all about He says the attitude or council and the planning board has always been eon trolled development He feels council and planning board are updated and looking ahead He feels people may be aware where things stand but If they dls agree on Is being decided they should make It known There ore reports avail able for usage he said Looking at Iho ward system in the town ship Mr says It a case of whatever people Ihlnk Is best Re t see enough reason to consider He said if It will benefit anybody or most people council will delve Inlo it As for incorporation is con corned Mr Adsett believes and need one another The Irritating Is that people have assimilated village sice boards and township council he said He went on to soy They arc two different types of boards Senior At the Nov Meet night held at the public school councillor said he was ready lo retire this year bul when reeve and deputy reeve announced intentions to retire he knew what was required of him as senior member of council s his the most orderly fashion receiving any delcgatioas which are orderly according to rules procedure The reeve has always been head of council and I m aware of the responsibility he said Re said he hopes the electorate will vote for an Intelligent level headed council with members capable of seeing both sides of every story welcomed Input from taxpayer in the township I appreciate the confidence shown whan Individual has asked me to act on his behalf she said Mrs Clark feels all members of council arc sincere In their efforts when for the township residents interests We nave differences of opinion certainly shcsald we are doing the best Job wc can depending on our experience She lists township by laws Ihe official plan and numerous such as the Municipal Act Ihe Drainage and I Ibrary Acts an ones which when studied give guidance in handling municipal I fairs Higher government Mrs Clark nays during her two years of office she has come lo realize the higher the level of government the less In touch It Is with people Saving our land for culture Is sound thinking she said nut after dealing with the Ontario Hydro Com mission and the Grand River Authority it Is all too clear lo me lhal much leas value on to grow crops on than we do in ramosa Township She says industrial non commercial rural land Is rlpo for gravel Rita garbage dumps for metropolitan area ydro corridors and country living sub divisions Granted most of ho candidates oppose sub divisions on the perl meter she said If these people arc elected wc can control growth at the present time The lady councillor feels as long as here boards of trustees In den Mills and as well as a council In the Town ship of residents do have a say in how they want their township to be run Cherish right accept the res ptmslblllty urges the new deputy reeve because the only way lo make it work Is to participate not lo seek although he had enjoyed working wiih Ihe village staff and employees pari of a competent earn Mr feels Ihe board of trustees has made some positive strides during the past two years we I accomplish all wc would have liked he said He pointed out there arc many things new board will hive on their priority list for llic two years Roads and sidewalks are a definite priority as anyone living in Rockwood Knows he said Ho meruit sidewalk service Is needed along both sides of High way from lion park Roads must be widened graded and paved en a slopby step gram as soon as the slalus 1 the sewers and water project is known he said The chairman feels a plan of gr be decided He said Although tin trustee board has no mutters Its voice must bo He It must be a rational and an anil development one but a voice re mealing controlled growth Mr Halt in said financing Is a definite in village affairs Most art aware that the Income of five house holds in Ihe village is larger than the whole budget he explained He feels must be done to increase revenue so thai the needs of village adequately met now and for ihe fulure chairman says Because of ill e Mi- feelings I have toward our it pod 1 will able see my way lie for office in 1J7P Stolen vehicles Three vehicles were stolen and recovered by Aeton OP the past week Two of the vehicles wore found by a police officer in the same field in at Lot Cone on Saturday morning A pekup truck which was stolen from a hotel parking lot Nov owned I y John It i found in the field The there was car stolen during the night of Nov from Ihe driveway of its owner Knight a Church Third The third missing vehicle of Iho week was a truck stolen Nov 22 from Viclorin Ave Adams of It 1 the feed mill Mill Aluminum ladders vinyl siding and contractors equipment valued were missing Eramosa Township Rockwood and Eden Mills Electors ON DECEMBER 2nd VOTE JOHN J HEWITT FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN I 3 years ru on the School Bojrtl and 3 on PI Board Betty Lou CUrk Councillor Belly Lou Clark stepped easily into her position as deputy reeve With only two years township council ex behind her Mrs Clark policy is that one individual does not make council policy She stresses that anyone wanting lo know attitudes of council on Issues should phone the individual and ask Better still come to council meetings hear discussions and how decisions are made she says The councillor who was recently claimed deputy reeve says she has always Gary Bite man On the front Gary chairman of the trustee gives his reason for not continuing as a village trustee He said he envied the candidates who are running for office but unfor commitments have made impossible for him to run during the next term of office 11 would be unfair the voters If I were lo seek an office that I could nol give adequate time and energy to fill he said He said for those reasons he had decided On December 2nd VOTE CLARENCE HILTON For Township of Eramosa Council Your Vote is Appreciated Eramosa township council briefs Correspondence by laws and enenl rounded out the the township council for meting it council chambers last Monday night Reeve Warren was in the chair with all council members present Clerk Lloyd wis also in attendance Motions were pushed THAT the resolution of the p of March requesting Ihe Province of to take the steps to encourage greater use of glass containers throughout the province be endorsed THAT the Liquor License Board of Ontario that fc ramosa council would not object to a dining lounge license being granted to the Colonial Hotel with a capacity of not more than 112 persons THAT a by law to authorize construction of a medical centre in the Village of Rock wood be read a third time numbered 17 1974 This law was approved by order dated Friday Sept 1U4 THAT the following applications for rebate of 1974 axes under section of Ihe Municipal Act be approved rollno horse turn demolished Sim no amount of business no 1 error In apartment no Comins and Goins Neighbors on Si art have Rose her touchy limi at the General Hospital The popular lad has been having numerous visitors and fur those who dropped in to welcome honk this send their sincere best wishes It also great sec George Ingle of Harris St back m the running His hurt hie St Johns friends were pleased to sec him taking collection in church last Sunday put a note on vour letin board and remember the Christmas variety program lo be held at the Centennial school on Wednesday IS Starling at the include children rom lo grade six and it sounds as every one who likes kids should be there Penny real estate on St seems to have folded the proverbial tent and quietly moved iway No one seems to know where the business is now located and not even a no ling sign on the front window of ihe former location Women lib really seems to be coming into its own Latest indication thai some- is winning was watching men at one of ihe Canadian Tire stores in stand by watching chick changed automobile tires with questionable Hey it really Is Christmas again and parents pre schoolers and interested members of the general pub lic are Invited lo attend the annual school movie at the Centennial public school A Disney film The Adventures of Bull hip Griffin will be shown on Thursday Dec l9from9ttn a m and Friday Dec at the same lime Christmas school holidays ore set for Dec until Jan and a ho ho ho for all rotters and pat who look forward to the little ones home for the holidays THAT the treasurer hereby authorize to return 1974 gravel tender deposit in amount of l Construction be Accidents in week A car parked in Estates parking lot was struck by an unknown vehicle last Thursday and damage caused Owner of the damaged car is Douglas Lockerbie Churchill Another parked car was damaged the same day It is owned by George Gray 4 Aeton and damage was estimated at by police Driver of the other car involved was Patricia Patterson Roscford and her car had a bout damage November payroll and include same on December accounts Accounts were passed and the meeting adjourned The next meeting of the township council will be held December at the council chambers SKATING AT CARLISLE par car Bui Load 10 Evenings car 15 call full details REELECT JH Bert Smith for Vifage Trujtee Fair Consideration To All YOUR VOTE FOR ERAMOSA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2nd IS APPRECIATED VOTE GROCERY FEATURES VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP jar loaf 269 COFFEE MATE TOWELS can TOMATO JUICE Non Bottle Aim COCA COLA GARDEN COCKTAIL Flnt Gradfl BUTTER WHITE SLICED BREAD Mix wt I Houia lb big 10 Bo Pack ACTON ONT TOSH CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS Cry0 Vac Cottage Roll DRUMSTICKS or THIGHS SAUSAGES Howry GROUND CHUCK BEEF LIVER Swifts COOKED MEAT PRODUCE FEATURES Pink or GRAPEFRUIT RED GRAPES