Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1974, p. 19

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The Acton Free Press Wod Dec 11 Editorial Council setting precedent Hills councils refusal to participate in the Acton Christmas Bus service comes as no surprise Hut their reasons for voting it down leave a lot to be desired I It was estimated the service Which has been operating In Acton for the last two years would cost day or for days Councillors decided it was too expensive and suggested other parts of Halton Hills should share such a service if It is operated In Acton Such nonsense I If it was a new venture proposed merchants to line their pockets At the expense of taxpayers we Could see the reasons for the refusal but it has been operating in Acton for the past two years with Some success As we recall it was first inaugurated to serve as a dual to stimulate interest in the downtown and its services and to give the people of Acton who may not have a vehicle or cannot taxi fare to get downtown at a time of year not conducive to pedestrians It was meant as a public service To suggest that all parts of Hills should participate in the service because Acton has It is ridiculous In the future docs this decision set a precedent When Georgetown gets a new fire hydrant must Acton and Esquesing also get one If residents have the services of a livestock does that mean both Acton and Georgetown must have one too Expensive For a council that hardly blinks an eye paying architectural charges of thousands for an arena concept never used for a Christmas bus service is hardly going to break the bank Chamber president Mike Worthington said the Chamber is willing to cost sharing with council Councillor Joe Hurst felt the town would be paying the full shot This would seem to be a matter of poor communications between chamber and council As we see it an arrangement for the town and Chamber to share the cost is the only suitable method for continuing the bus service if for no other reason than to pacify councillors in words three and four who arc opposed to the project The chamber now is trying to go ahead and raise enough money to operate the bus service on its own tack but likely they will only be able to operate for a few days Good for them It seems council with the exception of former Acton mayor Duby does not want to keep up the public service project the former town of Acton decided was in the best interest of the community We can think of no better argument against regional govern ment than the fact that an amalgamated council does not continue the precedents set by the three municipalities prior to amalgamation WW MISTS DRIFT througli the layers of woods at Eden Mills in the early morning Peter captured the mood this hum let Sugar and Spice by bill smiley wink pissing through the in Hitit til r unci 111 In In million a how 11 voting linst all motions nun whk linn usually so silly llin r i Hydro commission Acton hydro commission hasnt heard any definite word when it too is to be absorbed into regional government Last January Acton committees and boards were dissolved their duties taken over by regional councils However Acton Hydro Commission remained although members didnt expect it would last Now perhaps the provincial government will reconsider plans to regionalize these commissions as they look at the added costs regional governments have incurred The local commission has done a good job for years and not lost touch with the people Here at least there is a full staff designed to serve Acton people only No regional bureacracy could hope to achieve pleasant rapport and at reasonable cost Theres no hope of one small commission and its staff empire building at public expense Regionalized matters can get out of control while the little taxpayers doesnt really know whats happened In Halton general government costs to run services in 1973 were Under Halton region government the same cost has risen to 1 million Hydro is still out of it Perhaps it would be best to keep it that way About lime of year very year nil sorts of queer things mint creeping out of the woodwork and Hie underbrush and prut ceil to treale 11 In saucer 1 referring municipal elections II begins in October when the paper starts writing editorials urging people to offer themselves as volunteer guinea pigs to set whether or not the guillotine Is working Dili any weekly editor worth his Halt will lit able In demand the paradox of new blood and solid experience on Hit town council or whatever These editorials have almost no to fan the tiny In the occasional guy or gal who has a hi tret imbltlon be called or or even Your Worship to he on Hie inside helping shape tin future of our community papers In a creditable effort to drum up homt intertst to Interview the incumbent members of town council public utilities lommlssion board educitlun nil i dog catcher to find out who is going to stand again for office asked reply that they Imen up their minds or that It time for someone else to take on their work load or that they have found the very rewarding but Behind this of generalities the potential ineildntc in many eases mi ins I sec how the wind blows or 1 11 stand again if I assured a sent by acclamation or Wait till I sec how lough my opposition is Tint is not so in all cases to be fair Some smalltown politicians have a rare combination of hones and pugnacity lovt i rt LAST SURVIVING member of his family J Kerr Brown sent the Free Press this picture of the old farm house just east of Acton Dear Sir I The writer received a of the Free Press to honor the 100th of J publication This proved of real interest to me as 1 am the member now living of the J family who lived on the farm Just cast of the town I was born in I served my apprenticeship with my brother A T Brown commencing in the 1898 and completed this in 1901 the Ontario College of Pharmacy in Toronto and secured my from the University of Toronto I was told the store my brother had purchased was once the building where the Company commenced their operation They are still marketing Fowlers Wild Strawberry Kidney Pills etc Enclosed you will find a print of the old home on the farm where we were all bom I never knew my father as be died eight months after receiving a fractured skull from a horse kicking him In 1903 I went to Montreal and was employed in charge of the dispensary In Morgan drug department this proved a very interesting experience llowcvcnntncspnngofl9tM received a letter from McKcague now in Win nipeg he having practised in Acton for some lime The letter slated that his brother wishes to open a branch store in Winnipeg and united me to come out and lake charge this I did for a period of one Due to the brother not carrying out an agreement I opened a store of own in a suburb of After mans moves and some years of depression I retired in selling the store to my eldest son who had carried a lot of the work since graduating in the world war I also had a daughter Margaret graduate in pharmacy and during the second world war was my main help during these years One son John K graduated pharmacy from the University of Malmtoba later inpharmacognosay from the state university of Washington in is now a lecturer in the University of the Pacific in Stockton Cal and he and his wife have been enjoying six months bait leave spending the time in Holland His work has included a study of the street drug problem and has been doing work in Europe M wife and retired lo Victoria three vears ago after visiting for our winters and must our living here very much Our niece and her husband Mr and Mrs Mel lough as you no doubt know are still living on the part of the farm retained and I ftlll can recall the old home as it was bciorc the addition was built some time ago With greetings to the residents of Acton Sincerely Mr and Mrs J Kerr Brown Avenue J Victoria a ami out swinging 1 the In II Musi an old lid by atiliiiiinUon who don want come in In a donny brook all of municipal Hurt In InmoiUasts viryliltl fin if a stand up slugging in which mini and insure slung about with rttkhss abandon tin public villi lien bin mi Hit Html in s liny in IU sir Hi and sib L art link it as mill wbin liny in really Jiisl Musi siy at 1111 II 111 mil sun nit I mule stand all tin ins imloul if Mil 1 In thing but I II go will Hi mtjorlty mi 11111 people Ik mid Hi Ids an net l mil liiij ihiul Ibis I what I vr Men of this group Including my own I lint irlv want Hum to have tin wllh my mi my kinks thin an fi w pi 111 inh rcstid in a up in 11111 It surprising how Ah a rule however tin It did an ihiisui or public tiffin art limit si ss tnismins for tin tiny ait ipiiU us bad at Hit aliernatlvts who art running fur ihi Job Many a man or woman has bun tinted nolxidy dirty Job And ninny ami tap indidati has dtfmtcHl dualities effort to get action Mori and wmttin nil running for various muniilpal Is a good thing Indud Womoi can be when tomes to getting things done and are less sit around ind gossip when on than an men there in a certain who wants to be iliettd o that In or slit can go to mtelings I hoy usually home They love meetings 1 In mi III ll ll inbi lilt nil two Ifiigis and kids tint 1II01 I luliiii Works bid of lln win liing struck I til mi on the run 111 I know a After two years I owing to a inlrresl I was si in hi ing in lid my in oat vtniltg 1 A in most our slit won In ill hi Hit dt ilicat s If who win iltttiil and have to put up for irullliliu whining mil if Hi rsl us iling in in id you Disappearance of rural area Dear Sir According to recent press reports tin development of the Halton Hills region may be retarded because of as I it an Insufficient existing number of municipal water mains in the area As usual devilopment is to be unikr stood as the covering of land with houses schools shopping centres lots the whole spectrum of suburban achievements Indications that we may lie spared this wholesale destruction of the fcsqueslng countryside can be regarded as the best news to reach this area for some time particularly in view of the bankruptcy of the much heralded Toronto Centred Regional Plan which would have given us some measure of protection Yet Incredible as it may seem are voices In the councils of the northern region protesting the lack of for this area defending the completely discredited notion that more houses more people more acres covered in asphalt will lower the individual tax burden or as the somtwh it goes ichicve who pit id for continuing rcent of the run ire to tint if follow would almost hi for conversion it ibis rile would the dimple It ir inte of the rural in irs in the opinion some councillors desirtible slate of 1trhapsii should be then that mike 1 effort gel the bull d07trs re illy going on 1 percent or better still in percent of area per yeir so that Ihi condition of living in Suburbia in our own lifetime and not in thit of uur children 1 nscnt being represented in the municipal council by from of tht tiuncillorsloprotrtss with to protect rather thin to to destroy the I ind with the of which they been tntruslcd Worries about lake water Dear Sirs I am enclosing an article w hich appeared in the Canadian Champion Milton day November re Fairy Lake Acton I was most concerned after reading this article as my family has camped at Small wood Acres on Fairy Lake fr the of to Thanksgiving for the past nine using the lake for swimming fishing and boating If the water is of such poor quality fish would not survive what about children I have always been led to believe the water was tested yearly and found to have no algae whatsoever and to be one of the cleanest bodies of water around During this past summer Mr George Bain was interviewed and photographs taken re this matter in an attempt lo get some action In cleaning up the mess In Fairy Lake if you were to publish said article you might stir the powers to be up a little I would appreciate anything you can do in this matter as another season is just around the comer and it would be nice to know If the water will be safe f r children to The Free Press Back Issues years ago Hie 19St I our children were Acton on Sunday morning dull Noretn Douglas mill twin and Donald Robert iliurth was well filled for londutted by A I Hilt damage was re ported In a noon today at Motors where one the thing burn 1 rig Invihtigatioriln the of the Mill SI building found one tome of tho area wan led rags aust of the unknown the section where fin was Ik Ik at opposite r to Hit furnari Draws for tilt Atlon ille Hand and Hit Alton I in lighters Association were highlight of the lire rs annual dame hold In he town hall on rlday ing A good crowd enjoyed to Ihe raalns A broke an Irate contractor a high si boo addition an lib Insurance lalrn and elt itiands for town all Inli rsperst d with varied a nature Acton count Tuesday win It In re gular hi tie layid to elections I gun their lopping play on Tuesday storing points Mills anil Tiger 50 years ago I rum an hum tit I nt I In of he a It llgbtful evening In last lluirsilay Hit guests of Major ami Mrs Hit of and groom was unbounded mil all pre suit tlu occasion very much Id Mr who is hlmst If a vocalist of choir and Julnetl the musical programme rendered tho kindness of the host and hostess and also of Mr and Mrs W Kinmily parents Major Kennedy was illy apprttiated I Til Lodge No Alton Wednesday was n ss Mr I It Id chairman explained tin work Hit r I were doing for the or ihlldren left without the care of pan and thrown on the mtrcy of world an to the I I I Orange Home at HIM and et Hit tan of a good arc clothed and well fi receive good training for Tin was given free Mr Slock Donaldson of and Mr Harry of Alton wire good in their comic Minns Thomas and pi d lb audience with their mouth organ sell 1 lions Those who took part In mi piano numbers and songs were well Mr Holland Bandmaster Holland of 1nston has removed to Acton with his family Hi a good position in the shoe f an he Is quite in acquisition to Acton a Hand years ago from or I IN3S Mr Kloenfcr tht member of the House of Commons for South Wellington was ig nominated as the stand bearer Ihc at the convention held in last Mr Klocpfer is a strong man with his party in that riding Christmas Is in three weeks and the best you tan give a friend in Ihe Free for 10 It is one of anada bright est and newsiest pipers and will make any one happy who receives it Mr Thus Atkins wis taken seriously ill last week with followed by an of appendicitis McDonald and Webster performed an operation on Thurs clay for his relief and Is now slowly recovering Mr J and family arc dentl destined to remain permanently in Two ago he arranged to remove to tht North West and subsequently decided to stay here His recent arrange ment to remove to has fallen ind he will continue one of our citizens This decision will be agreeable to ill Acton lost one of her best citizens this week in the removal of Mr James Clark miller He left on Monday for Cheltenham where he has leased the well known mill on Credit from Mr Fred During his nearly three years residence Acton Mr lark has proven himself a very worthy and useful citizen has won general m Mrs I ir2anDuscnllvd Toronto IB Ontario refers to two sentences In Champion a resume of a full report of a Hills council meeting In the Acton Free Press of Oct The water is of course tested regularly or swimming would not be permitted Beard mare also tests regularly since the water is explained at length how pickerel cannot survive in slow waters here while pike and bass do very well Mr Bains complaint was of Ihe over luxurious growth of weeds rather than quality of water Copies of relevant articles in Ihc Free Press are being sent to Mrs Ashton in the hope she and ncr family will return with confidence to camp here THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Busmessand Editorial Office

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