Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1974, p. 8

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The Acton Free Press Dec Editorial Pagt Acton protests appointment Considerable annoyance and lipid resulted in Acton when members of the recreation committee and library board were not notified when their term had expired and that they should reapply for their positions under Acton council a letter of appreciation was sent to a person whose term was over thanking him or her for vices rendered and if he wished to serve the town again This was apparently also the accepted prictice in Georgetown and prior to the of regional government Surely that is only common courtesy This year an advertisement in the I Press informed all leaders that terms were expiring Hie deadline for reapplication was the following Monday five days the only time the ad appeared Not one soul on the recreation advisory committee applied They have another chance But Fred New of the library assumed he had to the and of the year to apply Next thing he knew his place on the board was filled by a Georgetown woman who had applied Mr New has served on Acton board for years and on the south central regional library board He is a valued member His loss leaves Acton with only one poison sitting on the eight member board George Lee He did not have to reapply as his term wasnt up yet Mr New is we are sure disappointed So are those he has served in Acton so well for so long As for the library staff and councillor Los Duby they are extremely annoyedto put it mildly The decision was made at a meeting of Hills council when the public was barred Us has assured the Free Press he opposed the decision to oust Mr New without having even spoken to him on the subject What happened Ihe people will never know since the public which includes the press were not allowed in Apparently there is no legal requirement for Acton to have a certain representation on the There aie two main libraries in Hills ours and Both are fine facilities There is also a small branch library in Stewarttown Surely there must be a better lepiescntation than one person for the library of which our towa is so pioud But consideration and courtesy could have prevented this awkward situation Mr Councillors Acton protests The first year is over A happy new year to us all Oui first year of regional government is over We have been assured the first vear will be the most difficult Town and township councillors have been interviewed m todays papei so leaders may hear their opinions on a wide range of subjects We know readers will be much informed by their splendid answers Pat Joe Hurst and Let have had a demanding and difficult 12 months and deserve a great deal of consideration and thanks for what they have done Their personal reactions have ranged from hopeful pride to exhaustion to But the three town representatives have maintained the gentlemanly traditions of Actons and presented in a highly commendable manner The Esquesing councillors too deserve bouquets Thanks to them The giant Christmas treeat gate BIRD EYE view of Acton high school gymnasium and the Christmas concert festivities held last week Actons citizens band and the Legion provided entertainment Ami same to I probably should Inve sent off Christmas column to ill my reader about the first of November Id make sure It was received by December I know this won I be liut it not jour faithful chronicler fnult nor the of jour favourite weekly newspaper blame must on shoulders they hive lobe broad of lint modern phenomenon of Canada Post People In august institution must be ifraid of getting their hinds soiled by handling the average weekly newspaper full of violence ram murder and muggings They probably use i shovel Shovel It Into a corner until between toffee breaks they ire so bond that they to sorting and sending tin weekly paper When I w is m the business we used to mail the paper on Thursday and people in Ohio or Texas would receive it on Monday Nowidnjs I count on my weekly paper a week late in arriving Time after time I been tempted lake up Ivpewrller dash off an encouraging note to a weekly editor who has written a pungent editorial only to pause in the certainty that the time I d received his paper and the time hod received my the hot Issue he d at ticked or defended would be three weeks old and is cold as corpse Well we mustn be mean at Christmas must we Although I don t sec why not The same sods are going to be around on Boxing Day and the same Inefficient insolent institutions will be back In business on Jin Since its too late to wish everyone a Merry I II put everything in the tense I hope von got exactly whit you wanted for Christmas whether il wis a baby or kizoo or sober husband I hope got Joy And if I I hope were hippy with Myrtle or Haze or Pearl or Genevieve If wanted a pair of those foirn rubber net pads for scrubbing I hope you Cot them And if you wanted a mink wrap I ope didn 1 hope you were not pregnant if you didn l lobe and were If vouwanted to be I hope didn t bust bum on those new down hill or bust your on ihose new cross both of which jou are loo or too old to be doing anything with except feeding the living If you ire old lonelv hope received a telephone call about 15 minutes worth and not collect from someone who is young and loves you And if vou ire lone I hope got a long telephone call collect from someone who is old and loves you If in i farmer I hope you slept on Christmas with visions of sugarplums ind reindeer fast in your Jew a guy can t make money on beef these dajs Might as well get into reindeer If ire a schoolteacher I hope vou remembered at Christmas that too were once a fat and ugly duckling riddled with pimples shy to the of fainting if asked a question lazy as a cut cat sort of dirtv reallv and yet a earning beseeching human bean if were a mother at Christmas- well all 1 can say is that I hope sou believe in a life after death And if you were a father well all I can say is that I hope too believe in a world in the hereafter Preferably segregated If ore a business tycoon a union leader or am one the upper echelons of education I nope your ulcer ruined dinner If you are an old maid and have been lurking these many years in the fold of your sick mother I hope you decided at Christmas to unlurk Same for old male spinsters Boy that Sugar and Spice by bill smiley almost sounds like a dirly word it you practise Try it ill happened at Christmas hang In Inert We need you We of woo ami drawers of water as Canadians are known have to stick together and keep on hewing drawers time there a crack about hewers and drawers 1 burst Into a hue and cry nursling into a hue is fairly simple I turn purple on very little provocation as my family will tell Almost tun hew or hue liut the drawers are the problem Nobody wears drawers my more How in you ery them win there am none This is a problem tint Can arc Ruing to give a good il of though to In the coming year those my season greetings to and Sundry legal rcprc is well as to all you fillhful And 1 may Him reek on New OUR READERS WRITE Need more on library board Acton Free Press As the kids say It a Ripoff And in the loo to make it more ironic Thinks to the Regional government Santa who only got into the handout business a year ago Acton also dubbed Ward One Ibut not by old has now just one representative on Hills Board Hills in case anyone has derived from a shotgun union of Acton Georgetown and Who the shotgun Queen Park or our provincial politicians the friendly rascils I year Acton library board spokesmen were two veterans George lec and Fred New Mr Lee ex chairman of the board regional government has another year to serve Mr New who has served since 1966 Is a council appointee His term ex pircs When Acton was paddling lis own canoe and doing quite well thank you the municipal council authorized letters of thanks all incumbents of appointed boards whose terms of office wound the end of the year At the same time wen queried their various Acton s new political partner did things differently Council advertised the open positions selecting suitable replacements from written ap plications Hilton Hills council opting natch for the Georgetown method advertised once in the press for library board can dtdales deadline for replies December 16 Free Press carried the ad on December 11 No Acton applications were recened by the deadline At an in camera meeting two weeks ago council on a majonl vote appointed a Georgetown woman to replace Actons Mr New who not having seen the Free Press ad vertiscment assumed he had until the end of December to Inform council he was willing to continue on the board Consider the makeup of Hills Library Board Last vear there were four Georgetown representatives iwo from and Actons tandem In 1975 there will be five Georgetown spokesmen plus two from and Acton s lone member Mr Lee is a very able con citizen who understands thoroughly the ins and outs of library service But he is still only one person and one voice Obviously Acton was out numbered in but there was scope for lobbying if the need arose It s all very well for to mouth platitudes about All foroneandoneforall and down with parochialism Human nature docsn function Ihusly If any proof ere needed consider months of regional government On almost every issue with rare exceptions some and Inst some Likewise Georgetown The and outcome of same was not one sided as in the case in regional politics Georgetown by virtue of Its size and population has gamed most and will continue to most from the union of North municipalities Has former councillor Greer advocated the question or regional government had been put to a public vote would have rejected il resoun With one of its dubious blessings local citizens arc well nigh unanimous KG arc dirty words around Bella Why the flak over the loss of an Acton voice on Hills I Board This is just another example of a majority rule would have been nothing more than courtesy ask Mr New the incumbent if he w lo be reappolntod He did not see the advertisement in Free Press Willi apologies lo the local press and to quote is to say you have to a paper Acton has a fine libriry the building itself and site envied larger municipalities project it is way of being a monument former Mayor Les now a Hills councillor He strove to get a new library for Acton and has continued to be interested in tins town library service It will be necessary for three councillors Mr Garnet and Joe Hurst to go hit in hand to Hills asking for help lo build a library Acton library thanks to Mr and a few other dedicated and determined citizens was a foil accompli before regional government How Councillor view the screw up that reduces Aeton weight on Hilton library Board He is fighting mid an unusual state for a nor mally cool character To quote the former mayor It was improperly done In cumbent should nave been written thanked and asked If he wished lo con Councillor Garnet tags the set up as Unfortunate I sorry it happened this way Other old time disagreeing with the big is better syndrome are concerned about the trend to uniformity in regional library circles More and more It looks like the exports figure on rolling out libraries and like cookies In order to retain its autonomy and distinctive small lawn atmosphere Acton library should have at least two spokesmen on the Hills board Our local board got along very neatly before With their background of experience and practical know how both George Lee and Fred New are able appointees The yearold Hills board can not afford to lose one of these veterans Taylor The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Tvkrn from an of the I 111 I of Allium Industrie I linllid will inter the of major it was learned this when mi was mad liigruvul gold wnlibis for Id hi rvlre with I v in lo Mrs A and I win the pi ml In Id lift party on of lust wick Iht Auxiliary e i lend In tin r for plant in the A urn built and r ilry wan over Highway Mi Nelson of fi cor Smith It Piisllneli Ihe In Ifulc truck ami lie vehicle was dim lo Hit I in wild It v I A and Armstrong a program at Million n I il inor Memljeri of band tile and in Is flu public stliool list for on if It rnoon last w r tilt r ism in the auditorium mil to program with ipiint one of tin of illerncn Hill was whilt Miss r pi 50 years ago nils linst hrislmas it history of Post here more mis than fori and the number of wis enormous wen a Hums p in Is in if rnlng dchverns The ruril mule wire grcit en III for work during tin is mill latter inks gin to for Iht iy of them wire ft to be from g is hum from tin furnace in St re 1 id prcvuled and Miss Know Its in going from one loom v is so overcome that slit fill downs I or she was not seriously injured ht doors and windows were opened mil II who were recovered Hid il not been for the risers con ituncps might have serious The is new quite proof un the smike flut hud mil been reversed after the night supply of coil had been put Mr I I lecount intof tht of staff has been when hi will have of the Branch His removal from is regretted but his frit nils hen are congratulating him on his His successor will Mr of Toronto Mr and Mrs wis will like up their residence In Mr duplex house on Church years ago Taken no the I- red reus 11W The nomination meeting il noon last rlday was not attended but there was no lack of nominees for various positions of honor the gift of municipality Messrs John M Warren Kennedy attended the sale of Phil of imported thorough bred im at Hamilton last week sixty head were sold the females avenged over MOO each and the miles from to WOO i bull calf tour months old sold for fancy prices farmers wirent incy Buyers were prtsen from in the United Miss Clark will continue her in music after the new Pupils information as to terms etc will be in formed upon it limn on rrcdenck Street Mr Anthony Mason has secured position il Bros fishponds removed his family this week the house just finished there His business has been purchased Mr Kingsburv Miss Maggie has ap pointed teacher of the school in Knox Church School New tars entertainment will he held in hall evening Tht pmgr mime is in excellent one THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Dili Copyright

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