Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1975, p. 4

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Nonsmokers have rights 1H imi HI lion predicts thai mm ir expect mow I it smoke tti l7 Hun the sew i il hopeful mi ie pi til i In Seal IMiuatioii Wis on Mo lo I Mil Hi hi i is Imm optimism tions taken In il ions lmln tst i tiohu Imisl in hi 1 toi the ion em avium it Ihwmvu viin i pollution In pit She 1 1 milt of thli In evidence how i that iitiuott be it mini to lion In imliente that Hi I the in pollution I to urn t In aid In people millet Inn tioni Iieait lewplm inv omlitlmii Mam p mine thivto Miittliiini Mi Kim mo li iiuUoitetlln No it tin In tee thai ii to pn hit In in lost il ton v and in linns sinikiunami Health Week loultl lonitluatieii nan 1 ion he mounted In IoImio smoke Jail a Parliamentary pay raises iVIipU Ml ink I lull tol tins lu ippu is llllx ill pull III ll tourum llu In nod who l ll1 lepK mi iNo in ttJolmOuinl ik I llttw s tlu i i i It he ilihwu i ihinuln 111 it llu I 111 It ii I i Ills aiultlulud I In I lo Im limit ill III III il I IH I SI I 11 Ik out linllui llnl Hit Mis knew liiiiliiit wi iluv i an in the July lion mil am eases appioved now should net Ik applicable until nit the election He added Hi it lu would suppml a small in 1 isi hut what Ihey have pro lien is of national stinging ci iticism was the lot onto Stat which sin in poll It is thai til a tune when inflation is so luilk the country Us leading cilicns can do nothing mote than look after them is comfortably and in doing so to set an example foi wage mil negotiations that would Lai the economy to pieces That is kadi i ship tounid chaos OUR READERS WRITE All birds freeloaders I i I tl it sound no ft Hit i mill I nine bun i it Wis mm up thrill hui I lusi ml in on Ituii Initio tin il tin l i li Hi I Ml Mil I in I HI is I I I iiiumtv in ii I SOI llllll lt iftu null itul I ih tin us in I II I know iiimili t A hush l links ilthuih hi with nil I Ink tun i I t tin pi mini addition is I llllil 111 I I I him tin i and did stihlkh ituiuti I J drink this ilk 1 1 I hi i lit tutalh in I 1 I- tills pull lto I in thin mid I I Hill two I do pinriiilk i I loupll of Mil plinini j i skid Mr l0 fowl l I minion as joined llie mallard i and i i I until ln I dumb mil unlit I I lrtnBtodniiiiMimi So I truth win i iluil and 1 most i limits Willi mis ambition I Him dots he know Did In III it Inst Xtitxruit or llu and sunk In tin of I Ik is Ml I fool mi mi in position torn this thru bun an unpaid immlitr voluntarily I ink jobs I ill I 1 ii pt loi I on a by 1 mil hi basis Inn mi the in It just that way starling i in trot ling over to Hi Willi in iiimira I was still ituiL thtn mil il find I in 1 lit about the duck I Hi ii l is ipprthensivo when llu in it wis first suggested is mini d to Mr about uld lurds mta and till is Mi do i tin Mm I i I l from llu ill tin I ilii in vain I who lur sin ir I i Mi ii i my for ruber at that point he was null Willi idea In addition to tin in liili 1 mi mallards that launched ii it In from one source st it in ida various Ih links unhiding wood ducks All i gntefully accepted il would Mr lownsley in Hint did whiti geese imi I nanus of Candy ii 1 owner mils because of In i ik li 1 1 i he the stuffing out i w is an inferiority 1 mil I up I id loie them ire I with Inline siuiked all kinds of lh t in tit u poor ii is in our tin dnm in a first inltr lilizud I hours looking for in mil mi i but then I or Sadly tint kindly in tit il mi collet lid a free diiuur Ietptr are ictin inn suspects llie think they in pi which actually it not too bright the hum in nature being it is or the first lim old Candy ml Ici pi parents springs whiclnuldcdiggs but no lwo gooM fins and yours Imught four eggs set Ihem in i nidi m on the dam Three Ink licit mil two goslings survived Willi tagger llion I can report thai his mate were the proudest Ontario It was a heart warmer with ihur offspring lor the f rst n I kit like a i and Peep began tugging ii mv In and the beat of my his I a friend of Dumb Dora a Mil duck arrival first to photograph Dumb mi re wash outs because she insisted in it ting on feet or better still Mi ir Id Dumb Dora A very friendly Ik si lumielv she vas I because she vanished t nun I missed Dumb Dora tirst summer of operation Mr had a ball clipping if could catih It the creature was thing mark vou to keep the I migrating Had there been flying Iced In of Sam Ifukiinibunti on Line took llu I his Is tin lim of Hi for out with tin old In ilh in w did dn this it wan liiighil duiwi light up In my first at I nipt to gt of lb old I tlu Id I as my projit ih an up my lulling desk Mils in iv siiuncl siniiU a mm iiiiiiulis of soiling mid Itut not my disk you iinu mini hailing mil tin in win with I In and linn was of yon know what A task did it Using a pit fork 1 1 rti flow through Hit slahls they lid tin inch side of my lypewillcr sits ring stack of papers rciulus proxlmalily toniy hi ad whin am sitting my Huddled them Ilk a spirrow two squids writ r isiunilly one of Ilk a glailr slides majislually loll floor wlf picks up llu miss and mull ring r In r Jams It bin k on desk to disturb anything thin or tun In dust It 1 1 it s in ill n tin s an two tut high I do allow In lo dust front of llu disk when tin drawers an nags around thai summer In would lipped wings ton iillmslasm thy was In tin fall I r ilitd with a sharp pang thai il is mtirtftr with a wild fowl instincts I just happi hand whin a flock In flying Can id gees Vewl over the lake honking a bid lo our pinioned seven They rcpllif pitifully every ex fruslratlon lo soar with llu flock 1irhnps no bird can press heart more poignintly Hum tin Canada ll w is Mr wlniset patlcrn for non migrallon of wildfowl It was he who sold the idea to Hoard Parks and that year be blamed for buying they like the rest of not being biologists I fault the Canadian Wildlife service Canada experts for granling license kiep wildfowl In cheeking on the liitently as a result of fivcreit messages from Mr thiy arc linking typical civil noises that it has I them all this lime to tin fid we harbour a few t should have contacted them last winter when our ducks geese swans wen literally trapped behind Hie an at di freeze up tim In January I and lurked around the turn munity worrit sick as the open iter shrank and Ihe frantic birds struggled to stay km once I slipped out of chancier Irving lo be diplomitic for sake of peace wildfowls vilfire There was then creak din regional govern men No Parks and board to harass and petition as other years I created and since kicked for failing to do Th birds were turded oier tn the dam side finally but not before some ducks froze to death and file swans Tour young and a male obviously in quest of open water Where then was the and concern that motivated Mr Townsley when the project was still young Long since dried up I suspect If this Idler begins to read as if Mr Townsley and I are engaged in a personal feud so be it I am bitter and wralhy and have been physically sick about recent developments that began before Christmas Mr greeted me one morning with the joyful announced delivered in characteristic style We have too many damn ducks We re going to start scaring them away Immediate and protest from yours truly unpaid and volunteer member whin I k I pi i up Hit Hist ll fin tin Il Ilia t In- I iiiss iiuiNlliiin was my slaiiilnnthi in ml I In I It i In llnitiiiiyiilliluil skak pike Was li i i Who So I put In Ih sink lain Hid Who Knows turns nut to In Hi of tin I lay ail mi I In pik In at sin In sub lain In is In ill Willi Minis I mill stink I ink hit Silly lid inks In Hi wind In Hi llu Hill iiidsiun llu stuiiidliiMstsliukist Mis II oils In I don I know win IJniht In list 111 things as a foi in a bill from Miami I I a lu islnuis i aril from my mm til a foi ll to do Smiley family fin only must small mill thai I am din vi runs lor ilnst ray I all about a way handling I put back on thi disk tin Hill which mon in ins old got into tin washlmskit is dm Silly ry slim fnn who lout ignt with Nu I Study gins on disk right in lop of look Into 1 his s k on tin ik sk on trip of i ds I r Study xl on growing on disk go In 11 ill Willi Sunn turn I lifl ami derm itli it Hit bottom if you II of the staff You can I do thai in the middle of Some of those ducks eat nut of my hind They go You II pann of the fowl What tin white the swin and the K point in the sanctuary saga their goslings Doug and Dome and our two swan geese and delightful birds were still in iter In hind the arena Ml but one of the swans were more or less strandi d on ice out it the Point arena having failed to Hum In in unwonted flurrv of day or so lalir Mr and or his ilketl Peep kids over I the and also moved the lone swan Oscar ind Annie the swan geese donated this summer by red arc still in the shrinking open iter behind arena The seven stranded swans perhaps cued in visiting Canudi shortly went on a walking jaunt down to the dam where are now being fed twice daily by WHO Mr and his staffers gotta be kidding The next word same week from Mr Were gonna do our hybrids gestures neighbour pouttryman he reported would make some traps One lias to concede when Mr cooking on gas lies rcitk cooking on gas While the lasts that is luiltily lu lln Ami thin my- Anil thin an fully aid di Ik ably I plan lop of III plli tin ft I ink lain it tuiiipliiiniitaiy Mm Ililalnn from spk in i In thrown out Hill sun ly you I Imu it litlk inntuiiul fu his any limn you would an old lady a in Hi iliiiiiiK whin an warm lln In llu an now only loot and a half high ami ll ban iy and a ill nor I tin in his may not but Hum inn I ass inn nmarkul go tiling i aim out of soiling I n mi red Hint I had n liltd from Harry of lost in a lln I il Willi a it No 1 Hud Hi r into tin ell mis or whin Hut mi of Dial Id hint at bant tin all llu country and Stalls isking whin a might In oh No I iiildnf inn tin mind d in of llnry itroadfool wrote In bis Iks writing another bonk tolled flit r Yearn and ho wo idind If I would in my for n inn of who spry and ink riHtiug so it lit them So then you art ivory body Si tin of spry ink resting of six to llroatlfoot of Publishers ilond St And s will In happy to provide you with a copy of I Hurt My first good it id yf And Unit going to cost you llrollu r rouu Itoyal will do Our next exchange took plate over is day feeding iturilly I planiud to under What about d iy I Whit i day 1 Ik inn will How will I get ixtrigrain regular pounds llhtln from tin bird lover who his whole deal Hum go hungry It won hurl not eat for At Ion number one Sucker retorted that the birds would fed if I hm to door to door Thtn Mr In limes of one Iks tow i vast Ah well maybe we can put hag out in the lock up After several reminders mil Dec phone call mm library whin I work from time time 1 treked over d irk to do my regular behind tin mm over at tin dam W is there a of torn in the lock up though hid left thi doors open as in strutted Ssthing roired around to arena locked hut still lighted Hi ivy pounding brought age body who reported Don I know where the corn is kept taxpayer You don I have know know When in hill is Ihe bag that wis supposed lobe outside for Christ furious plunge right to the back where the corn is stored decanted two more bodies on of whom allowed as We were just going to lake out gram All proper of course If this Ik a ten up old bag of had not thrown a tantrum there would have been no corn in lock up And well I knew it In spite mv t could see the hi dutiful irony of situation I literally to stomp hole in the door for the slugging for arena staffers on a paid holiday me at this hasten to correct my wrong impressions It gives me pleasure to feed our wildfowl regardless of the weather Tome they are not just lial dinners I regard them as my friends Sam who spends half his time chasing and Co Sad Sam the male swan and Cindy one of this years cygnets who was rejected by her family after convalescing iwa with an injured kg I hooked on all our creatures I begrudge no a minute nor a dollar 1 have spent on their behalf We all have our hang Mine just happens to be animals and birds it lhat do not chase men with same dedication What 1 want to clarify is the fact that I have been a willing dupe goat sucker whatever tag you prefer But I also wish to make it plain to Mr Townsley and the Continued on page The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Sinn lln hearing of AcIoiin Inn for mint nation of hind Ik tore the Muni I ion I Iiiih mui and tun liming many Inquiry at tin no W I of At km hem nglnlrar Ihe of llallon In fi livn t a party at Hall on legion mini In wivH unit iKortln during tin was Mm Mnrg Pin Ian I own i in sulou at tin llu iiniiilly a Musi in lull of vofis on iiiolluim out Hint 11 ti it I midnight Willi Mm I y llti art tin mud ra trk urn I s issin l In gin 111 I Ihrgnv has 50 years ago lln Alton inn sty annual on firiTi in Mil Past Mi nd lro Itnblnsori in nl Ihililli1ltffl Mica full ill Mis I- Mi IrMjrr Mr- Willi o Mrs INHofl H Mrs llhlr Audit Mrs I I t milk Mm Mrs Sim I Mrs lis Wilds Mrs I mink Kuimrty I I Mr I Mm Mrth limn Hi Irom Ins lift inn in sling Hi fill on a shppiry it his sustained i Wink in Inn y in at tin rink on Yiirs illirnxm nm th an iieukntal blow in an nut a loosi in two his i so Hut silk his I h irlcn Hill had in rink Hi was k mil It w is cess to a slikll or two put In to lost up tin wound Mr I- up of who wis accountant on Dunk of Montreal staff Inn I in in rrivtd In town hint 75 years ago January I IJQO I allowing in nanus in of miril of thosi whop mi I hi at Milton Model hive to all in tin urnnkrm marks 7VI to Dickinson fin I Holmes Wl Norton W1 du I tilth Springer ii Harriett look Hill Aggie Wooding Arthurs lolin wi M amp founcil mil or Us last session on vining Dicemlitr Mem hers 11 pristnl ixeepl louncillor James I lark Ikive Pi arson occupied chair About two morning tlu- Ire In r out its first alarm for the ar The new line house in course of trillion at the of Street and on Mount dinplull by W ampbtl is found in on fin I he id progress fop III laincs Ihi roof and the frinuwork fill in a few minutes ilhrwards flu wan promptly on stmt but building being itidtlnn nothing for to do The ixknor building was about Intmor was lathed or The tans of fire is known but is supposed to have originated i loan f THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office vtiuv Copyright

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