Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1975, p. 14

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Acton Free Presi Wed Jan Spilling the pins at Acton Bowling Lanes with Ken Hulford Dittrich family involved in varied life of north Jin II i ajwrt the from Ihen in rttiltviv hail mouth fin In hind la odd point for totals roll HI mi S3 KM Making tin Hollers Harry St While Ml arid IWJIni 111 win ininr the irtnl ill and triple Hill MO Donna III Sheldon Barker IS 3IT and CD t3 were standing Capers Rolttrl Six Park Seven Wall firat trim 1 aitlr llum Knee Mil 1 llwilbem M Jin II lul loU vftn lok Die league in hT t Mvlilnnlt and Jean va the headed up by Jtui lilt Mir I II wit in Male iiwtil I 111 llMi anil Hilly C IVebleTTi Karen rt Jemilruii MM If top irlnlen In til Maine lid he in ml err WhltelM 18SI limiting J lionletM Iakevlewetr mil Kin la win fir At Irrwi id iinl I Turk service if lrlp In 111 mi I Jin II Ml In n Urn I 111 fir ihe IP Ihe up the win Jack Van and Dan McGUloway with Ihplpi and Gclllni em tar IliX bred tirl Weil US and Helen aflrr go to Rockri and nil Inn for were Kevin 1 ill Skip Murray Terry Curlew and Millie as was Phil rahim Jake Van and Ken Hot Dog i up with a two and uil Kami Pin Up Making Irlcounll and for Hot were Vrycnrioek and Robnn XI Geltlna Pin triple and Larry and point split ith The leven won the In 1 and out In the the by Top lite or he I U and 1 dunt it Mirkin Ul 1I Top Irlcounlrra fur were Don Perry Ul Nick Hoy MI 3 and 173 It lien and John also had a point the Ranters winning games and the Harem making with a Mb In tor were Tlmbcri Lille 1230 and Joan It was another split when and Nut crackers toed ihe tout line 1W A a winner frm were n tho Oil lor Top trio tot Ihe Pre I Mc- I aura and trace 766 lion lulls Thunday Topper Jan Knockouts after dropping first go lo Mamie iris bounced bark or Iwo and Wall win Last close Knockouts look It by one pin lacing the win roll were Donna Mary McDonald Joyce Adams IK and 213 Beit tor Mamies were Irene Pit Wood Ml Mamie Allan and codings 301 212 the League Toppers Hot Pin Hot Dog IS Halloa Furniture Jan 13 The lowly Lime Lighten upset apple cart tor the leagueleading Bold Ones with a triple win the Lime- Lighters knocked Both Ones the top rung Top trio In the win were Tom BarbMalhlcs and frank Morion ISO Topi In the were Sill Ted and Muffs with a and totals win from Streakers up to the lop spot Pacing win were Dob 1 tint 288 Sir and Tulle l 1206 licit tor Ihe Streaker were Norm llumentck 8 203 Lynn Punt 478 184 was a two game win for the Wild Ones but they missed or when the Odd Ones made with a big win in the middle Top counters for Wild were lllll Mil hie I Art Lee 187 ind Heather Morion 4H 178 Odd Ones It was Murray 1219 June and M9 271 League standing Fluffs Bold Ones Odd 3s LlmeLlghlera 30 Wild Ones To rid ay Jan ihidy got away a pin In the tint go with Knee Knockers then made II all way for a three game win with Jennings 210 Irma and Owens the win Top trio lor Knee Knocker June Vemi chiton 1197 and Colleen 42 183 a triple win for the Five Bombers when hey met up with the Rovers Second canto was close pins decided Baker 315228 Tell Connolly 1212 and paced the win Top Helen ike y Ml and Sheila Wilson UK Hush Puppies poured on lor a win Hoi shod with Tulle Donna 11801 and Mac 111 pacing the win Tops for Mellon Mary Price 189 I7B and IM League Handing Lucky Scion John Harem Streakers Nutcrackers rial Jan 13 John Texaco Service lop billing when they made t Drive In being the la up Itellibte trundling were Bob Woodcock Larry Nolan 219 Tops tor Dr and last by wire Porte Lt wis i7i and Jean Cold Diggers best Hire Archibald 116 Jean 161 161 and League Handing Mamie iris Knockouts Iln Gold Digged 28 Href lies 21 Major Jan 16 Dominion Hold on Meadows and the trapped nar a win Top shoolcn tor Dominion were Steve lloare 279 Hill Colli r Top Plan accepted Hills works com decided Monday night the town should except the cheapest plan from Hydrology Consultants regarding the closure of the old Georgetown dump Town engineer Peter Morris reported the eon suiting firm suggests the toun allow to seep into the Credit without treatment The consulting firm think there will be much leechalc and it costs too much to it treated The total cost of closing the dump would be 77 with the town paying and the Province paying the remaining Jim 796 Norm Pro 241 Itwaialhrec game win lor Lane when toed the loul line against Reliable Tail Had and Dec 104 were top or the Lanes Two tor Reliable Hank and Don rem 220 lllnlon Store made with a iwo game win Silver Creek shell Service grabbing the Doe Gary 305 and Bob Turk on headed up a Store 30 Silver Creek Shell Service Dominion Hotel 21 Taxi IB again share newt from north through annual of Itouglni and Jean family at NorthWent Trrrllorlrn Ills mother Is laumnitirlcri of Acton 1570 NWT Many of you who receive our annual newsletter already Know about the death early In February of our six year old nan Keith resulting from 10m plications following a A let tern has hem placed in the church In his memory We appreciated the comfort of having had Doug mother Mrs of Acton with us in February She was able lo came soon enough to attend Keith funeral It was very old than degrees below during two weeks Hill eii coholder lie Custodians when look 113 I Inda Duncan 171 sparking win topi or 21 lining mans 06 and nda lln Hell league standing Thomson standing Her 17 slippery Jocks slipped ihrec over on the and II Ihe Sleepy ehrencc Harding 220 and Jim 200 paced the win efforts While COO and I ill lough 141 209 Streakers win toppled oil the lop of the pole by the Devil who took Heading up the Win were Hank I- race 236 and John Making with the must for Streakirs were Jerry MS I CO It win for Aces when they mel up with the who finally got going In time to the finale Armstrong Dill Man 160 Joan 2a 00 Dorothy sparked Ihe win Topping trundling cre Gerry Lenora Vlckery jH4 and John League standing Slippery Jacqs82 leiilst8 Aces Blue Chips lleadph Is January If jlreody done sec your league not hack bowling out the hospital and gelling Wilkes of course If we had known wc going to be visited by ru ally tail Saturday morn we would have had the like we usually do hen he with the Major winds It up once and Concord Moss Hardware 22 MILL ST E ACTON STORE HOURS Tim Wad Sat 800amto600prr Thurt St 8 a to 9 p m Sarvice For a Growing Community Your Horn PANELAND HOME DECORATING CENTRE SWIM Aw Milton 8785400 FREE ESTIMATES Open m to Than ft till she was here Separated The year began with our family separated Jean and the children were at home lu Inuvik while Doug was at Point Barrow Alaska BOO miles to the northwest Harrow Is situated at the most northwesterly tip of the North American continent miles west of the Hay oil discoveries and closer to Russia than Inuvlk Doug brought In the new year eating pickled luring the worst storm lie experienced since leaving IrobiBher Any in with group of ale from the Mackenzie on a four day cultural exchange traditional games and dunclng extend for a whole week between Christmas and New Years going the clock on Hie Inst day It was return visit as Harrow residents had participated in the Northern Games for four id knocked I rlO Willy MllcheS Dlaime Hepburn 161 and Jim tlcndennlng paced win Top for were Carmen Mailers AST Hoy 240 and John Hi ill Ins Ic the win cn Lou lleaullcu Noble and IJii Topi in imltis trundling wire Harry j89 205 Gary llllchle CM 173 Scott 42T Church at Harrow singing hymns In brought to mind the mile spiritual link Christian have across the top of the world from the eastern lip of Island to Banks Island to Barrow Winter games Doug was Involved in native 111 the 1st and ml Arctic Winter In and Tin limes were In Id In March at Alaska largest city Surrounded by mountains Is located mile Inn beautiful setting on the Pacific coast Doug travelled with about VI and Indian people from the NWT Visitor were at mi army miles out of tin city and It was not easy to get Doug did a ear for a and drove Home of older people to such spots an On I riilny 11 Anchorage suffered severe I en years Idler few of the disaster remain Ibis s Nnrlhti lit was vtry much looking rorwanl to visiting our for mtr after mi of ycnrM Tic aircraft level iblinwh and r burning off fin I finally tin to the airport Tin trip had be cancelled Tin loh was as Itlsliip of The Arctic in Hit new at I also became rim Admlnlstnilor of our after Cook retired at tin end of hint Sonic time in YEARoId Jane Dittrich wears a cotton Mother Hubbard over her warm parka her home in GUELPH S ONLY SPECIALTY LIGHTING STORE CHATELAINE LIGHTING Road Guelph Mufti Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Limps Door VI Limps Cib Flee He Sysl ms a Devices Frturc Pins etc on Hoods Fins etc FREE PARKING Acton Pharmacy BOWL or Pleasure BOWL for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER Its th IN Thing to do GO BOWIING ACTON BOWLING LANES DANCING Every Saturday n to 1am at the Acton Legion Jan Tho Fib 1st Johnny Tocher Admission Per Coupla 2 Miiin Si ACTON Phone YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR TOP QUALITY PHOTOFINISHING IN ACTON LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE BO BENJAMIN FILM LABS LTO II Is expected thai decision will be made on whdher I lie Mackenzie ami the Arclir will lie rrunllled Our wan all In when people one of whom was It were killed by lironlc drinking problems lead ill rue miles away on as Doug was officiating at That was also a sad be All Saints hurt former Arctic cathedral wan by fin Many IttniH of gnat in were lost An tin hi In dull d light loyt relurnid in tin tabs of hugt gravel Irueks tin Ik roads tin rivi r of till Dill I IMritntt Ihe iiiiini In Inly were on nils from Yukon com II In 111 N I W I Ibis annual vtut hi pi traditional tun Doug as of tin for five during which lim Hit established as a very popular and meaningful pari of northern life Secretary to the Doug is par these days is a new building is con at Ibis will replace the old Hall which lias in for a of yi After in my dehys work on the project finally began i in September The new centre 118 will two storeys built of logs of them The materials arrived at Inuvlk on labour about six weeks later than hoped It took two weeks to gel ill the logs out of tin river They been rafted down the over BOD miles from the Simpson ares In mid December work continues even though temperature In mulling il degrees low zero when Doug took a leave of new nee from regular parish work many prop 1 1 thai ho went with meat Thin Is not the inse Since 1071 lie has in employed by Nor lames Association one of native luted with he Com mlKtc for Original Peoples I iililliment recently tin Indian Itrotlw rhood Metis Association of sklmu i have hi n tori- staff nix stern Arctic com mill Ities sinlly it Is busy In tin to tin irt use for prestation to lb MiitkenU Valley which opens In March groups that the aboriginal ami claims and tin treaties mil it Im hi till Ih for ill lopmenls of kind an lo mittt for an Canada hi his Ik puhlldi its aims work In June Doug was guest at High graduation banquet He In coach of the High debating Pie students placed In d bates Jean was recently the Inuvlk Advisory along with and line left In June and en visits In I Calgary and Acton White a film mode In ll area fialiirid many known to us lilghlighl or our was lot until virsary gathorliik on AukusI elvlc holiday it amp Kolnonia an tvangelleil in camp ir I irry Doug left on Thursday Janes it I rlday Hi was nut by his mollir who drove bun It I Sound Hi it if nun iati hour trip Our with tin I gilts it years We it imp In tie sing our annual from lh send our wishes ind ihil turning In i good UP TO 5Q OFF formoily Bon ton I Mill St E Acton Choose it TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF WINTER FOOTWEAR AND READYTOWEAR for the whole family REDUCTIONS Eft UP TO IO ALL WINTER ITEMS NOT ALREADY REDUCED 10 OFF HINTONS 5 to Store 12 PRICE SUIT SALE DAYS ONLY Alterations Extra See Bill Jim Dave or Tony OF BRIMILEI Cm BRUMLU CENTRE

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