Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1975, B9

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The Acton Free Pross Wed Jan 1975 B9 Eramosa library board appointed A full attendance of councillors were present lie Inn or the I inmnin township council Id township chambers superin dirk I were also n S viral mattem of business wire dTscusHed and I tic following motions win passed Thai tht following rcsldi nts arc appointed In ho I rnmnsii lira hoard for Mr Hill and lryden Deputy reeve board for Hie flrHl time and Instructed to for cubic more Iink of vc to In Klip crushed and dellveidl In tin township ronds direction the In Hint the clerk Is hereby Instructed to prepare an amendment to he parking law to incorporate no parking the en School In n Iasmnro That region of llaltnm he rt quitted to reel bus tinning signs to the- 1ittlferH as le tin principal nf lie llotkwnod nnial school Mint a law to icilnln officials for iirporatl not lln township I to fix their remuneration that of reeve deputy and lie read a thlrtF lime passeeliindiumbirid2 During Mi and tin Involving tin township It I Ivid any nitlci lownshlp Hoi in tuning tin It wni ditiiliii to hold dulsl In fin i Inf it Ion Is own II as a ininiiiiilei r wlnli with the hi piisldlng A it Mini tin mjil ml w lull if an si in tin village wtn ids mull thai tin building In ptclnrhi dirtettd nit a building lr a sic mil resident on an lot tin bylaw Is drnflul 1 1 qui from tin for irnnt was Hindu was lift In nheynnu until tin Midget In hi id for dosing Kin In I di n Mills will I hi Id until lil I Mass m obtains fin ihn mini to meet at call of he i am si hi rnlng tin hind I nil l iidvisid i CHOCOLATES Bo Bon Regular 1 19 SPECIAL 99 HINTONS Five in five BELL RINGING TIME and the grades one to students of Centennial are seen hack to the grind at their favorite school when the skating over bell rings loud enough to be heard at the local rink Students ore divided into two groups for the daily noon hour sessions Monday rink time was for the younger students Ballpark rink scene of activity A second fire alarm n I in m look tin lamina 1 tin It 1 nun I I lowir Matt A In vrolrl van wind Hit hard Apple ton hid I in si into flume sand hi lor wastnlhdli quill lire At cording I hi i no one id al tlu ml Hi hi d linked in linn llnd In flnnus ith rtiiKinahle txplann what had on in nil I he I Ignite pul out Hit fire rv quhklv dlsiovnv as lot aim of the llu van is cunsldi ted iff last tin 1 I flu SHOP and SAVE AT SILVERS A liihi WINTER DRESSES NOW HALFPRICE hour skating at Kink wood rink tor school students Is qualified as a prlvllcgi and mil a right for In hum tin nigh Ihtli lunch hour and lake advantage tin loeal or tlim outdoor 12 noon visitors walking I lie village nark must alwavs during weiks see I irf if skate rsof irltd ahllilli s and tnjoylng pnsllmi On careful will In null I 1 licit ages if those participating divided miliar Willi dlffirent groups skating hem told by school thai the privilege of 4 inf nearby cm if do not Hum In responsible manner No hockey or tag are permltttd dtirine lunch mil l living tin to fin the rink are warm I they must go to Hie rink and no place Students without Instruction Buck I lie school the skaters receive further lessons on the privileges of play I hey must place tlw Ir skates In the and hoot rnekh or lockers and must put school exits only or at the rink Kindts on are also part of the consideration and studentH told Dint In no the bus without the blades tiling adequately covered I 1 rosy kid slinwiiiH gnat prngrtss an they ste am around tin rink mined of eel smnll youngsWrs handle well as winter and ildcr ones I loyd of works wllb old man winter to tlu rink an foiunil lliat tin two e opt rati nough to provide the and fun Provincial festival draws Eramosa talent This ytnl talent tistlval In full days enter for apprnxlalely JlHi hnvt for this program which will held Tib I at irk hotel In will he d with several I township in pnblit singint squire dancing and genera talent iveiits llettj I aw will he taking In In public competition all will piirlicltmU In the folk sinking fcstlvnl The county choir under Hit tlireitlon of Alice I will he participating in tin choir festival and will he singing in vocal solo competition St otht r t vents in popular and and writing displays will also he of Interest Junior farmers across Ontario wilt to displays Umax limaxinu Rockwood UCW Unit two of church ladies held tltetr Jan the home of leirl on Jan 0 Cheer wert read and a report given bv Mrs Jcnn she ami Mrs Dunk Inti plans for It proved highly successful Business completed the meeting was tin with Helen convener 1 Hill re id Ihe parable from the llibk Miss then show slides of nidi and Ihe Indies found them interesting were much impresseet how modern buddings lay out of the kingdom I he us 1 1 den House re id a Cm from I- ik llnndatde Window It to homes and their icsidents discussion followed ladies talked about visiting and when to visit tl coincided with plans matte for the C V vlsil to den llouse nursing home in July Tht group responsible for holding the home birthday part for residents during that month Another lively discussion was sparked by Mrs Brown Sue led the ladies in the topic of The of Kccpi old Iteuirefc and Where to Keep it was a stimulating and pro- subject no conclusions were 1 he 5lh anniversary of the United Church in Canada came under discussion Members talked on a possible project The matter was left pending At the conclusion of the meeting delicious lunch of Iwmeniade hot banana loaf was served by the hostess with tea and coffee will perform to a capacity audience In the Canadian room One of the highlights will be a prcscn the moused Junior I armor choirs under direction of Mrs Marie Port Perry Also during this program winners several of this year Junior Farmer travel programs will he announced These will include the Australia and New Zealand visit the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and scholarships lo the United Kingdom Frank Gordon of I yon Ave has been nominated by Wellington county for Ihe United King dom trip Centennial briefs Trudy Clifford Courses crests noon hour skating have been port ant happenings at the school this past week Representatives from Centennial high school In College Heights and John collegiate have been visiting our school to talk to grade eight students They ore to help them decide an whit to take We ore having com for school crests for the new team shirts Also for class Class is in the lead in inter basketball gnmes so far this year the famous Islet Rock and I lorn my old and hist iric mills and buildings add istalgic lo tht making it the location for such a festival Tours mphasls will tic placed on historical tours of tht I lorn Salem The Grind itu Authority is conducting a logical bike of he gorge const rv area Incited nearby I rce hay rides bus service are being offered to transport around the to the events Displays of home made arts and a quilting bee by loc s Institute groups and will also be part of the diy activities Kids are invited to take skates and the old fashioned skating partj the Mill Pond for of all Proceeds generated b the festival will be donate to the municipal fund Ten clock is he Stirling for he event and booths ind itinenncs will Ik at Mora for information on festival CROSS COUNTRY SKIS and RENTALS TRY BEFORE YOU BUY LADIES TAKEABREAK AT ACTON YMCA J EXERCISE COFFEE SPEAKERS BABYSITTERS WEDNESDAYS 930 am to 1130 am Commencing Feb 12th Rum 6 Weeks FEE PER PERSON BABYSITTING SMALL EXTRA CHARGE REGISTER AT WEDNESDAY FEB from to 12 noon CLASS MAXIMUM 30 PEOPLE Anatomy of a Gas Range Elora sponsors festival I limned for Saturday I eh the village of lorn will host its first heritage festival 1ocated on Irvine reek three southwest of I tht I lorn region is me of tlu most scenic areas in stmt hern Ontario featuring Our latest gas ranges are beautifuJLy to be seen in the most modern kitchens And when it gets down to replacing your present gas range we know give that surface beauty a lot of close senium and thats when youll really be sold Todays gas ranges come with all the latest timesaving conveniences Take the oven its a continuous cleaning oven that does exactly what the name suggests It cleans itself continuously As you use it There are also selftiming ovens to cook dinner when not even home And microfay broilers to speed up cooking time But while all our new ranges are convenient theres one feature that still outshines the others Cooking control The instantheat feature of natural gas means the minute you turn on the flame vou turn on the heat And the feature means you have an infinite number of settings to choose from low enough to melt chocolate burning the pot or high enough to deep or stirfry in a wok Then too theies the matter of energy const With instantheat control vou waste energy just warming up or cooling elements Or for that matter you never waste energy just keeping our oven clean I s it when it comes to efficiency gas is a natural There no refining or generating involved you re getting fuel energy right from its source for a wise and efficient use of energy resources When it comes time to replace your present range get a natural gas range We think youll agree the beauty of is hat it does for your time union LIMITED

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