Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1975, p. 14

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Acton Free Press Wed Feb Where were you all have increased to a figure which although small is far more than usual on any subject A poll on regional government in the Free Press had been urged and now several people have written to agree But a vocal poll in a faceto face confrontation with our friends the councillors would have been even better Only it failed to come off Free Press reporter like the Chamber members could hardly believe the lack of response possible A couple of councillors suggested the message is loud and clear and it s time for Acton and people to accept the inevitable stop grouching and look forward Put up or shut up in other words Where were you all last Wed you people who complain about regional government Certainly not at the golf club where seven councillors stood ready and waiting for citizens to come Twelve citizens responded in all some of them not arriving until an hour after the tunc set for the public forum The three Chamber of Commerce members extremely embarrassed called off the meeting Excuses How can any be valid for such a depressing response The snow wasn t that bad The distance that far The publicity was good enough with news and an advertisement Letters to the Editor on the subject of regional government Weeklies are modest The annual winter convention of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association was held last week at the Roval in Toronto and out going president Bill Kennedy of Durham told all the weekly people fallen badly behind in communicating their achieve to others We re too he We just don think to boast about weeklies Studies presented to the showed weeklies are underrated by especially big ad ertisers Most homes get weeklies while many never get dailies at all There are 250 flourishing weeklies in the province and 350 friendly people attended the convention Newly elected president is Acton native Jim Dills of who takes o er the office exactly ID years after brother Dave Father George Arlof Dills was named weekly newspaperman of the year about years ago Many weeklies are run by the continuing generations of the same family The Milton Canadian Champion placed first in its category of Acton placed fifth out of 24 in the category Our ad vertising sports and photography were marked especially high A new member the Georgetown Independent also placed fifth in its group We dont need gimmicks It w as amazing and laughable to bee the convention through the eyes of the TV show 24 Hours hosted by home town boy Rob Parker Monday The reporters set out with an angle to prove and we found the TV impression quite distorted and unreal It s the kind of thing that makes us agree maybe weeklies are too modest We have a selfsupporting medium that have to resort to angles innuendo or government subsidy and we re glad of it JOUR OUR READERS WRITE Restore common sense I aiwavs like lo glance over the Acton I and have been doing so since endeavours to bring back old and lo quaint its readers with tin and activities of the surrounding hamlets along w the outstanding figures Similarly all from lo lime recall our past life experiences and regard them as inspirational learn of the empty pews however more or less convinced mc that we are ng not for the better in an ever changing world Our Christian and way of life has reached a low ebb for the want of God grace to guide western leadership is creating more Situation out of hand To The I have lived in Acton human suffering than our neighbors Therefore it would take the combined efforts of all creeds and classes invoking the grace of God to restore our social structure lo a more sensible degree Most of us are quite aware of what has our worldly problems selfish in justice that no one can hope to profit from Our deeds are and we have made enemies with God and our neighbors islhesadpartof iiali so let our slogan be 1oyaltj and unity 1 restore common sense to the world for the benefit of all with a glance to God ours sincerely I have lived in Acton approximately It is opinion that one of the best thai has ever happened in this town during this time was the decision five years ago attract ducks geese etc to Lake It has been a constant source of pleasure to many people know and to myself to watch Ihe gradual build up or the wild fowl that have come to regard the Fairy Park as their home It is quite an experience to see Esther Taylor walking into the park to be greeted by the swans geese etc These birds have come to watch for her and regard her and this town as their friend About two months ago as everyone knows a sour note crept Into this relation ship It was stated Mr Townsley that any Hybrid ducks on the lake had to go at the Insistence of the authorities This is completely untrue There is no taw that says one cannot have Hybrid Ducks mixed in with wild ducks true that the wild life authorities do not like this situation but once again state there Is no law We were toM that five or ten the Hybrids which were classified as free loaders by Mr were to be caught and disposed of 1 am told that there ore only about five people In Canada who ore qualified to tell If a a hybrid I doubt that Mr or anyone else In Acton ore one of these people All at once the five or ten birds became all of the birds What we now have is a situation that was instigated completely by Mr getting completely out of hand Not nave the townspeople and council been misled but it is now staled thai the birds are polluting the water although no facts and figures have been released to sub stantiate this claim One might well ask if similar problems were there other years and if so why it is only now that we are hearing about this problem if this is the case why the birds were located close to the water intake of Bcardmores Could it be that either this is a deliberate attempt to get rid of these birds for reasons unknown Unless of course Mr Townsley does not want the responsibility It Is also a peculiar situation when the townspeople ore misled by an employee of th town We have heard a tot about the licence that has been Issued by the Wild Life Authorities to the town The only reason this was required In the first place was to enable the town to acquire and transport birds to the lake Once those birds ducks and geese are free flying that permit is no longer required unless are going to sell or buy more birds Upon further investigation I am told that the directive to the Life people came from which I cannot under stand since they were in favour of this sanctuary when It was founded Yours truly M BENNETT PUBLIC speakers on Monday wire front row Reynolds Shelley Young the winner and Brent Vickery Back row Mrs Jean judge Luciano Kathy Mitchell and Mae Ndughton judge Shelley advances on to the North Halton championships at Robert Little school today Wednesday Absent from the photo ib the third judge Father I think we 11 all agree lhat there is nothing quite so downright miserable and annoying as the person who delights in saying I told you so Certainly all married men agree with Most of us know perfectly well that We are poor little lambs who have lost our way we have feet of clay and bones for brains But we hate being reminded of it It seems lo me that there Is nothing more redundant to wake up with a hangover mouth full of the boltom of a birdcage head full of porcupine quills and have a smirking self satisfied voice grating I warned you but you listen to me Who needs if Who needs a post mortem when he is still alive though barely I speak not from experience of course I from hearsay Not admissible in court After lhat preamble 1 have to admit that I told you so I told the whole nation so But nobody listened It must have been a couple of years ago when I warned in no uncertain terms the res of us were going to be picking up the tabs for Napoleon belief that he is really a reincarnation of the infamous em pen or Or maybe it Caesar he thinks he is Certainly he is giving us members of bread and circuses as Caesar did I tight an the bread and heat y on circuses I said it right here in black and white that the mayor of Montreal was going to take us for a fast buggy ride when he cot tilt OK mpic Games For Canada Don toe silly Montreal The handwriting is now on the wall loud and clear And as fast as M rubs it off or licks It off with his eloquent labial organ it reappears Sugar and Spice by bill smiley in Montreal Let blame it on inflation Let blame he million dollar and who knows how muh more on Ihe delusions of grandeur of the roly lest con man since P made that immortal statement Never give a sucker an even break Hank of Quebec and Pete Trudeau of Ottawa knew hey were dealing with a greased eel when they tangled with but all they did was make polite political assuring the suckers that it wasn going to cost more than maybe seven cents each to put on this ex trav agora ma Some of us those possessing the gift and a memory knew perfectly well wc were going to be reamed like an old pipe but they t listen well what the prophet is without honor In his own country You in your small corner and 1 In mine My severest critic of my point of view is not my wife as is most often the case She thinks the Games are something the teenagers play down at he restaurant The only connection is the proprietors of the are Greek No my chief opposition comes from my assistant department head only confirms my long held view that she Is bigoted thick headed disloyal to her chief a lousy shuffle board player Her argument goes like this The Olympic Games are for all of Canada Why all ans help pay for them Nobody asked me If I wanted stupid Olympic Farce in Canada And even though I t asked 1 said NO By me the Olympic Games consist of someone proving thai he or she can do something completely useless better than anyone else If Mayor had shown any desire to clean up Montreal which has the worst slums he worst sewage syslem probably the highest crime rate in Canada I buy a whole ten dollar tottery ticket instead of splitting one ways He not interested tic wants coliseums palaces and probably wouldn t object to a few graven images of himself scattered about he city Did you notice that when the Olympic Committee was on the edge of the abyss looking into it there exactly a among the worlds nations to pick pick up the tab The tcnlative offer was from the swingers who are in similar clr cum stances to the old lady who lived in a shoe They have so many barrels they don t know whit do Admitted barrels ire better than children these days but there a limit Say Pardon me for a moment Just had a thought Those Arabs are buying up anything these days wonder If they d be interested In some fine moose pasture I won up north Used to be called mining stocks Probably not However maybe they take flyer on a purebred hybrid cat Half wolf half pig And by golly the price is right This gem this Jewel this living loviblc creation Is going for four quarts of oil and a onebillionth share In the Holy Old Eruption Oil Company Now how did I get away off here in the old fields Let s sec oily oilier A simple mailer of conjugation It seems inevitable that you and me a is lern and brethren are going be picking big fat lab for the Montreal And games Is the word if the Olympics consist of running in ever decreasing circles until you disappear Lei not it on the construction Set up shop in Acton To The editor Free Press Ont Dear 1 agree with Fed up loo that a Ballot Form printed In the papers would provide people with a convenient way lo express their opinion of this expensive bungling form of Government which has been forced upon us It would be interesting to find out just how the people of and Georgetown feel about this new Town of Hills In m opinion if Georgetown is while Acton is the Hills How about It Actonlans let attempt lo get out of Them Thar Hills and set up shop once again in Acton No Hill Billy More letters on page FUTURE The Free Press Back Issues years ago Taken from Pre Vtbtuntyll IKS roar Iree frrppled the wrong way and smashed lo iwnfilorny house on Ihe ml of the village on Jumday Mr WllllumTiirnerwirelnlhe limn watching workmen Milling he tw Hiring It pitch ward their home they escaped ton back which was not caught In ihe path of ihe heavy lr About four feet aero at tree was me- of the largcxt that residents having Men The Aetna Junior Farmer held ihdr regular meeting at he home if Bill Fox on February The Junior Institute held heir annual meeting presiding over he election of They are post president Anne Mclaughlin Marlon forte to cut down tooth decay Harold elb old Acton Tuesday their regular meeting He louched on he contro versial subject during his ad during National Week A full treasure was found right on the stage of he public school auditorium thin week In fact it wars found twice once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday when he school presented lts Island 50 years ago Post Office Inspector T Murray of London was here on Tuesday lo meet and examine the candidates for the vacant Post mastership The persons applying are J C Matthews A M Smith Collier Hampshire The Inspector wilt no doubt send in his report to the department without delay and appoint ment wilt probably be made in the of a few weeks Little Jammle Jones the fiveyearold son of Mr J Jones Manager of the Acton Cooperative More had the mis fortune on Tuesday morning playing on Main Street wllh a companion to fall on the sidewalk and fracture his left teg bet ween the knee and thigh The fracture was temporarily reduced and the dear Hide lad was taken to the General Hospital by his father He Is doing very well Last Sunday was observed in he Methodist Church as Conncxlonal Funds Day when he funds of he budget outside the local church and Missionary funds are contributed Rev Henry Caldwell STL of Georgetown was the preacher of the day He gave excellent discourses abounding the gospel I ruth The of fenngs of the day were and when the contributions of who generally give but were absent the aggregate will meet the amount of the budget asked for Rev Mr preached at Georgetown and Ash grove Mr Charles Symon has been in the General Hospital during the week having an operation on his tonsils years ago The first inspection of the electric light system here was made last Friday evening Mr Johnston the Government Inspector visited town that evening and after a careful Inspection the plant and generally reported to Reeve Pearson chairman of the Fire and Light Committee hat everything was very satisfactory This result must be encouraging to the com mittce and reassuring to the citizens and patrons of Ihe light Owing to he opening services of the new Baptist church next Sunday the morning service or the Methodist Church and the evening services of the Presbyterian church will be withdrawn Mrs James eldest son of George Leslie of Ihe 1st con Erin has purchased the Samuel Johnston homestead lot 10 con Frln 100 acres The price paid was He will lake possession he first of April Mr A Stewart has purchased the Lamb farm adjoining his own on the second concession at a fair price Mr John Thomas Church fell on the Ice last while coming from work at the tannery and bruised his shoulder badly Mr Reynolds electrician who has now charge of the plant at was In town on Tuesday renewing acquaint Mr Reynolds was married about Christmas time and wears a very happy mien THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office MM Copyright 197S

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