Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1975, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed Mar 1975 People with answers There are services available to help people who need them but how are people to know The Free Press has had a couple of calls in the past week The questions were simple but the answers werent How do I get in touch with the Red Cross How do I get in ouch with Helping Hands Neither are in the Acton or Georgetown phone books leaving the person in search of assistance pretty confused Someone gave us a good answer to the questions which we pass on Phone the Contact Centre which Is listed plainly in the phone book right under the Cs and which ad vertises its phone number regularly The person who answers phono there has a complete file of all services available and will be happy to tell the questioner whom to call The Contact Centre doesnt just exist tor dire emergencies but to lielp anyone Editorial Page Welcome in all homes are a couple of changes in the Free Press this week that we trust will please readers Two writers have started up their columns again Chief librarian Mrs Isabel Watson will be writing about new books in the library once a month or so Jennifer Barr had lots of com plaints when she stopped her Let Talk About Horses column so she is beginning it again today And federal member of ment Dr Frank has em barked on a column to keep touch with the people in his riding Tell each other something flie number of Letters to the Editor on the subject of regional government continues to be impressive Never before can we recall getting so many letters on Dribs n drabs A lakeside neighbor tells of a child who cried all day when she discovered tint her favorite duck had been trapped and taken away It have a soft spot for a lain person consider filling out the form for nominations for ilion of the Year The Chamber of Commerce executive wants lots one single subject For the Free Press it is a remarkable reaction People are trying to tell each other something all right of input before they make their decision March came in Saturday sunny and cold February has been a lamb like month on the whole quite lacking in storms and freezes Don really know what Saturday weather means for the end of March Sugar and Spice by bill smiley I almost throw up every time Hon llryce minister In charge of post office comes on television to bluntly that postal employees lost only a million dollars or what ever w is just a drop in Ihc bucket and Hut have ihc third best postal sen ice In His first statement condones tiled public employees His second be something he hallucinated while re covering from an overdose of stamp glue Admitted hat postal employ it- sorely underpaid and most of Hum were in the Job only for the security it But the security is still there and they in now ir from sorely underpaid Some of hem in of what they do and Ihc re lative l simple required ma lx overpaid in comparison with some jobs many postal jobs are unexcit ing en boring and monotonous This Is no excuse for the flouting of the public needs or or ihc thumb- to- the- nose attitude to wn the government employer of the pusuil workers Nobody forced those people to work In post office Plenty of other lobs are just as monotonous If they wanted excitement why dn they go into high steel work or massage parlors it about time for a showdown Canada gets a first rate postal ser vice as used to have or we scrap the whole thmg and turn it over to private enterprise In my far from humble opinion the lat course should have been taken years lite past several decades the per- forma tic of the post office in this country has bet n a dismal one efficiency decreases each the costs increase new broom appointed us minister has carefully swept lite dirt under the rug Instead of out the door It think it too late for a purge in the post office w has become so cons It pat that nothing short of dynamite would move those turgid bowels No new has the guts logo In and ream out the dottle of the public pipeline It would be his head on a if he tried Nope Its too late for half measures Its lime to put the whole shambling sick half paralyzed leviathan on the auction block and bell it to the highest bidder buildings equipment and Jobs let not get any phony mixed up in it If one of the new rich oil countries wants to buy the mess and put it in running order why not Canadians iio it apparently You think this is too drastic It seems the only alternative we have to limping with a postal system tint the word rotten inadequately describes You think something as big and as the postal system should be con trolled by the government one with cars to hear or eyes to read knows that government is notably inefficient as employer Let look at one example have two transcontinental CPU owned has shown a thumping profit year alter year The CNR government owned highly subsidized is always in the red think I in a little hot today re right Postal strikes have cost me consider able in terms of anxiety and cash And I m only a little frog Imagine what the lousy service is doing to slow down and thwart large companies which hire hundreds of thousands As write postal employees in Toronto while mail piles up in thou sands of tons Why are they not working Because ihey won I cross the lines of another comparatively small union that is on strike And get this The Post Office gave its nonworking employees leave of absence Thcyuercnotfircd And those employees have unbelievable gall to talk of suing the post office because they are not drawing their pay when they are not working even though they arc not on strike Can you figure that It makes my head This week I sent a letter special de livery It cost me 48 cents in postage To moke me expend such a sum the letter had lobe mighty important It sitting in a post office unsorted In which the employees NOT on strike I ve had enough Who II join me And In closing may I add that l don put the Name on the postal union not all of it owned by John and Lorraine Golden Cobblehill love to pull a sleigh after a snowfall Here John Golden rides behind Poko and is an eight monthold female husky and Kovic is a year and a half old male He has had the dogs since they were six weeks old Another was killed by a car almost a year ago In the accident Kovic was also injured but survived Our readers write Give us our town again 111 R Ontario 1711114 1 1 rcid the Press faithfully every week there is usually something in it to me or inform me or lhat I with but of what I re id just mikes me and re iding the reports of the regional council or lick of ittcndnnce at meeting Perhaps the re ison people stayed from the of Commerce meeting is because they feel is I do Why talk the elected re presents lives of this regional Did Ihey implement his tern in they possibly do anything ibout getting rid of it No Their only sin is In running for office when the Ontario Government decided to ilninge our way of life The only things that type of meeting produces are more lions and no inswen People iren t looking for meetings to improve the stilus quo liny to see the end of this situation we find ourselves in through no fault of our Where were the meetings to ittend when tins system was going to be introduced well publicized cither his is the second meeting I have about lhat was by the led Italian Hills Area but not intended for or by the people of Acton The women association held a meeting supposedly for all women of Hills hut only one poster was brought to the municipal offices four prior to the meeting and none of the Acton area wo men s clubs received prior notice I guess ladies went in our place No number was given no to ict so that if you wanted know more about it or express regret it not being able to ittend not do so It is obvious tint we ire most difimntlv the lulls part this community Meet inus are with little advance notice he lei in secret and then it is made to look as though we interest in whit was going on What have we gained from this region il system Ulcers gray high blood sure ind a new garbage truck with doors ind steering wheel on both sides I was prised to see it on our this week with one employee driving it ind jumping out it driveway to collect Ihc refuse The government must think this is time saving device They more gas going up one side of the street ind down the other id of paying two men on the truck to collect both sides it the sime time What happened to our new girbage truck thit Georgetown commandeered a ago I ivcn seen it since Neither have I seen our ploughs sand trucks or street cleaner truck which disphys a sign saying Help Keep Georgetown Clean streets is insult Not to mention it comes on diy and ill tht bags cans into the ditches or washes the streets on a cold morning necessitates to come ind make the streets Where is their common sense Whit have we lost from this system garbage pick up its to the post office our town and our identity Included in this we have lost most of our town staff our police force and all of our marbles Now wearcet en losing our birds I notice that none of the employees arc writing to the paper about the regional system should the when they ire making more money now which comes out of our pockets 1 bet were just is hippy living in and working for Ac ton though You II notice that the Bell Telephone company books include the Town of in the I eg tonal Municipality of Waterloo human and will The real root of my rage and the filth- rote Canadian postal service is the gut less poll turn in while the own of Hills is included in the Book Docs the tele phone company subconsciously wish wc wire mil of Hilton Hills So do I I is good but not when it muses ill tins and dlssen lion We used have good little town here but somi time in it went the of nil cood things It ended too soon Time passes quickly when you ire ivlng a good time nine years flew by but tne last year two months hive crawled to i stop Things just I no one is hiving good turn anymore Slop smothering us kind Mr let us live in our invite Snow to debate Note The following letter was sent to Halton hast Jim Snow and a copy was filed with this newspaper for publication Dear Sir I feel I musl write lo you as our East I am writing to you as Registered Nurse in protest of Ihc new drug plan for the elderly which says Drugs must be dispensed individually for the dents of homes for the aged by a trained plnrmacist of buying in bulk have had three years of hard 12 hours a day training and years of experience 12 of these at Centennial Manor in Milton Therefore I feel I speak with lence and authority in saying cist or individual silting in a swivel chair in Toronto somewhere knows the first thing relating to how a home for the aged has to operate You are not dealing with mentally alert patients as In a hospital Most of the resi dents in a home are senile and are there for Tender Loving Care hours a day as they can no longer live alone and take care of themselves Their families cannot cope with the situation for hours Secondly the cost to the taxpayer will more than double under the new plan due to waste of drugs that will have to be flushed down the toilet thus polluting the lakes in time I lived through the depression years of the 30 s when a nurse had to care for these people in their own homes as there was no hospitalization old age pension or money to pay for a doctor medication or a nurse Therefore you nursed hours a day for your board Thus I cannot tolerate such waste and the high cost to we the taxpayers when millions in the world are starving and of a Registered Nurse not a pharmacist who has no contact with the resident whatsoever How does lie know when arc in pain restless or hallucinating When we had bulk drugs we hod some thing on hand to give them when needed but now we have to order from a pharmacist and wait for delivery By that time the rcsi dent may have died or become so noisy that the whole wing is upset It looks to me as if A nurse is considered no more lhan a moron in a white uniform and cap What is the role of a nurse coming to Thirdly more nurses will have to be hired raising the operating cost some more as one nurse can no longer prepare medi cations for 220 residents each time when you have to open hundreds of safety top containers which Is a waste of precious time and blisters on the palm of your hand A hospital has only or patients on a ward where the doctors visit dally and re view medications A big difference from a nursing home of residents where the Registered Nurse is at the helm to use her training and common sense when you have ind standing orders to go by Years ago I won the award for County debating team so how about the challenge to debate the subject Resolved lhat Registered Nurses are better qualified to prepare and administer drugs to dents in homes for the aged than a acist who Is ignorant of nursing care and procedure of such homes An open invitation is extended to those who make such laws to spend a couple weeks in a large nursing home ind follow the nurses in their work and learn the ind habits of our residents This is how I feel and felt I must voice my opinion as a taxpayer and a Registered Nurse ours truly Lillian Thomas 1 Campbcllvillc A parent speaks out Feb 1075 Sir We tint it now I want to speak on mother topic ichers even where are striking for more money more time off and less work load We pay the bill and they have more linn off ind longer holidays than any other profession or trade Last our teachers tilled a strike and got iway with it They and shorter days not our children Many ire in it strictly for these reasons The litest thing is to have parents tcath cooking ind sewing to give teachers more tunc off These are called bee the teachers elect not teach three It time up let wist ind not give more money for less and Accident on Feb 21 On Ihe evening of 1975 my car unoccupied was parked in front of residence at Mill St Acton when it is struck from behind by a car driven by Mr Douglas Warwick Long field The damage done to my was SI pi us transmission repair not as reported This notice w ill clear up any misconcep tions which seem to hue from this collision Another request for poll February Tht The Free Press Acton In reply to your editorial re regional government think i poll would give the i excellent opportunity to express their dissatisfaction or satisfaction if they and Fed Up Surely Iherc is somebody that can get things moving to regain Acton Signed One More Dissatisfied Taxpayer The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago Taken from an iniueorihe Free Press March 1955 Alertness and well calculated action on part of Mrs and promptness and on the part of Constable Harness and Corporal Ray Mo son foiled a robbery at Acton Post Office early Monday morning and prevented loss of thousands of dollars in cash and ncgoM The left slightly over a dol in cash but were prevented from cut ting into the safe that contained about and more In stamps and money orders that in the hands of such i ging could have net ted them more than By a m morning three men were being held m Hamilton under eion and were questioned lhat day by Cor Mason Mrs Irishman wife of the was aroused by talking Upon looking out the upstairs window she a m in at the rear of the building Shi was however unable to distinguish if the noises came from outside the building or inside until she stepped into upper vestibule She is then sure it the men were inside promptly tailed police Miss I spent the weekend with friends Mrs I- Gibbons who is been sick for the list three Weeks is ihout be out Spending the weekend wilh Miss Fern wen Miss Berth Brown and Mr I rn of Toronto 50 years ago Tikcnfromllicissupolllielrer Press March At the annua of the choir of Church commit tees for the were elected is follows Hon I resident Hex I Culp President Williams Viee President J Hill Musi il Amos Asst Musicil It ilvogcl Miss Speight Trcisurcr J C Matthews I J Newman Ore mist Mrs It Arnold Musical Committee Miss Bertie Smith Mrs Ktltv Gown Committee Mrs Social Committee Miss I ison Mr Ma sales To invite new members Mrs Kil The now engaged in preparing their fine aster The King of Glory which is very fine musical position mill of Sask composition Mr Pete s of a this milh lived nth his on where the Trout Ponds ire now situited when He attended Acton Public when I was the the Presbyteriin Church and Sun day school Whin a young in he moved with his f ither to County near Mark where he resided half a dozen ye irs when hi removed lo in where he has a son and a daughter Mr Smith hid lie sad experience of losing his beloved hie Inst yeir Mr and Mrs Joseph llemmont of Glen Willi left last week lor New York from which port on the Adrntlc Thyrsd iy jnorning lor They will Svutzcrl the Isles returning home the end of years ago Taken from Ihe issue of the March I Mi A spent scveril lis week Rev Mr Merrill in speenl services The Guelph siys of him Mr s pre sent it ion of gospel truth is strong clear and effective smgmj idds greatly to the injoyment of the service A vast imount of and interest respecting the country up on which eyes of the whole world arc at present fastened w is giv en in Methodist Church on Sunday Mondiyind Tuesday evenings by ex M School I of Ihe Mounted Border Police under the mspiccs of the I e igue Rev T is supplying the pulpit of the Congregitlonal Church Listowcl lor i couple of weeks His pulpit at Churchill was occupied last by J A M A next Sunday Rev tor Melean will A sleigh load of young people drove over from Tuesday evening to spend a socnl evening the home of Mr and Mrs Turton where i most enjoyable time was spent by all Mr McDermld of Woodstock has been in and vicinity the past Iwo days investigating with view to the establish ment a creamery hire Such in lion would be of genuine benefit to the farmers within i of five miles THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office ncuM r nlry n I I Big 1WB I-

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