Scout and Guide news by Mark Rows Responsibility was the key themo for Inst weekend camp attended by Patrol leaders Jim Saxon seconder Rob and Scout Geoff Saxon The boys planned and ran their own camp all weekend No leaders or parents were In attendance and the Scouts proved lhat they arc quite capable and responsible campers The boys held the camp to night group committee meeting In order to raise funds for the maintenance of the Scout hall the Acton group com Is selling draw tickets on a giant Easter bunny and two eggs The draw will be held on March Bell and patrol leader Jim Saxon have earned their Pioneer award after much hard work This is Rick and Sir Mark would like to remind last weekend campers that they will never surrender Many thanks go out to the parents that attended last at much The leaders of the Cubs and Scouts would like to thank John very much for his informative and in tcresting Scuba diving demonstrations We arc sure News from Robert Little Resource centre keeps ladies busy The Acton Free Press Wed March 1975 Yomh Itunn a resource centre is a full Mm Job for Harriet Knor the library technician at the high school tor this she has four part volunteer assistants Mrs lorn Watson Mrs Roy Arblc Mrs llowcn and Mrs I arc in the centre on different half days during the week lie four of them there someone ere every day except Harriet keeps them busy doing such rifts is typing earils processing books for eirculition and keeping the vertical file up to New Insight Mrs Wilson who works days recommends working as a parent volunteer if time per mi a You get certain insight Into the workings of a school j never get from your kids she said us she typed up some cards Working In resource centre has given the women a chance to learn the Dewey Decimal system which have gradually picked up during their work as well as seeing the new books which come into circulation Mr Wilson admits that sometimes she catches herself iookwig through the books wanting to read them and to force herself to set Ihemdown But it sail in a day New policy will stress 3 Rs Ely Merle Basketball season la now over having a tun season But the girls team is playing the women teachers at Robert little on Tuesday after school Students arc allowed to watch and cheer Who s going to win The Robert Little Hockey Team played their fint game HARRIET KNOR library technician at the high school parent volunteer Rene Watson a new book which just arrived at the library Mrs Walton is one of four volunteers who help in the libiury on a pact time basis Sex education A new curriculum policy announced Inst week by Minister Thomas Weill for primary and junior of Ontario public and separate schools stresses reading writing and arithmetic In presenting the new pol icy document to a meet of HA This past Saturday Miss Sue Burns went with twelve students to the Horse Show This Horse Show is the second largest in North America There were many different classes such and Driving students also visited many of the Tack Shops on display They were also fortunate enough to see Boy I en give display on dressage and Tom five an exhibit in jumping he outing for Miss Burns and the students was a very enjoyable educational one llrallh Today Wednesday Louise Oaten by with fifteen gride twelve Home students went to They went to visit two Food Stores which were the General Store and the Health rood Store The students learned 1 this food was sold At the Store the food was sold in open barrels while at the Health rood Store the food was packaged The students checked the prices and purchased some foods On the way back to the high school they stopped at a regular food store compared prices They plan to cook a meal from this food last Wednesday morning It was an exhibition game against which we lost They played hard but it was a good game Too bad w lost though The Student Council are to have a Spring ay Students arc to wear spring clothes AHS Notes in Thursday class This Friday at Acton high school Casino Night will be held The basic ideas of all those coming is to make money win prizes and to have the time of your life Some of the games being played ire rouleile checkers chess and bingo plus many mnny more So come on out and have some fun A so this Thursday the first report card of the semester will be tallied by the teachers They will be sent home with the students to be signed Three Intermediates and one senior from Acton High School competed the Fast Gym Meet The three Intermediates were Tammy Julie and Tineke Vrycnhoek lummy scored on bars and on beam scored on floor In the senior category scored on beam in which she pheed third In vaulting she placed second with a score a stoop vault On floor got GO and on Bars 43 placed third all round with a sco of In the senior category She is eligible to compete at the ILilton Meet on Thursday March Parents form group to advise on course Last Wednesday Family I meeting at the high school dealt primarily with sex education In our schools and how courses can be roved to be more and helpful to the dents concern parents attended the meet and discussed the family life program as it is presented In the school today and how it may be taught in the future the parents formed in group to help in this area of study and to improve and expand it Bruce Andrews chairman of the physical education pro gram told the gathering of the present course and how it is taught only to physical education students as an op- Hon Mr Skerrett director of Student Services at the high school feels many Ancestors Britain provides the best conditions for study records while icscarching ancestry cording to Don Wilson who is a three week tour to England summer Wilson one Studies at Sheridin I allege says in tish rce ire more access ible more complete and more detailed than those in On tiro who need this particular education are being missed by not having it on their curri culum to sec it expanded to other of study Definite need Mr Skerrett says there Is definitely a need for better education in family life In the schools Increases in pregnancies ind the rising disease rates Canada in young evidence of this need Help from the school pro gram the church In co operation with parents could be one solution to this pro blem Moralizing in itself not enough however Mr commented Some parents agree with the program if it has a moral approach according to Mr Skerrett But whose morals are correct he questions There ire no set standards of morals He explained that this is what the and frustrations among students The teenagers have to moke their own decision on what is right or wrong David Marsh the vice president of Pauline Johnson collegiate and vocational school in who is in in similar program in Brant county was pre- sei t at this meeting feels that Halt s lines or such a program are wav ahead of what they had in his Ho was quite im pressed with the Acton tern What is it we have to pro vide Mr ponder person has his own set of values and facts must be presented Information lend to promiscuity or to ponsible behaviour he told the parents He felt the informal on can only increase the eh of a mistake educators Mr Wells said that it was in response to general uneasiness about the In elementary the most publicly voiced con is with the basics what mnny parents and others of ten call the three Its and what the new policy docu ment calls the basic skills fundamental to continued education The new document the Minister said will demon strite lhat the schools had not lost sight of he basics and it if some had they would be put back on course The document entitled The Years sets our four basic goals for the elementary schools They to icquirc basic skills fundamental to learning to gain the knowledge and attitude need for active participation in Canadiun Society to develop Provincial 4H Carrier of the week leaders gather MZ Bennett weekly news Henry J Stanley Representative John Milton Bert Hornby Stan Hornby and Bob Bennett woukl like to make correction that was made in hut weeks article The price or peanut sales was wrong is for large or cum The profit is for small cans and for lirge cans hockey game is play Hubert tittle We beat them The scored by I was by share W ilhcrs The goals scored by M I were by Bruce Wade Pickery I Harding I Charlie KinaU Kevin Weir The girls pushball games started but not many rls showed up Hod and HI hardly had iny players the to lose their tome on girls get nut play your games team needs you Boy Mines are coming on great Badminton has started girls and boys pliying before and after school Good luck every me Approval The College Board of last week approved a report which outlined the basic concepts for housing a Provincial Resource Onto- at Sheridan for the development represented Haiti leaders at the annual provincial Leaders Conference held In Toronto on Feb nnd During the conference the leaders took part in workshops discussion groups covering numerous aspects of This included panel on It Councils a on on 4 resource matemls ways to improve local meetings and the role of social recreition in programs Flgin Craig a 4 from Peel shared his experiences at regional provincial and national activities communicating speikcr at the con wis Ken a students counsellor with Centennial College in Toronto Mr Lewis worked with the lenders for a full to improve their ibility communicating with young people Later the same d the II leaders eloped recommendations and goals for the 1ST5 progrim Margaret Woof Supervisor of Junior Home economics Ontario Ministry of rood wis guest speikcr at the annual banquet night dels on trie of Also ittend the banquet were William A Stewart Minster of and rood ind Mrs The nearly loo delegates to the conference represented over 1 4 Hub Leaders Ontario New carrier is Debbie of 121 Church St She takes the Free Press to homes on Elgin Agnes Church Mill Maria Eastern and rederick Sts Debbie is in grade seven at the Robert Little school She likes pets and at home liab a dog Susie a cat Smokey and eight rab bits SCHROEDER CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Queen St Brampton EDWARD H SCHROEDER Doctor of Ch ropractlc 416 l KKSTAlHANT TI IomiwIy T Chipi Food aid Fkh ml HOURS Mon 10m 8pm Sunday Noon Tel Toyota Community Calendar Whats doing in the North Halton HANDICAP SWIMMING rig or handicapped every Sunday ft am noon For more Information please call at FASHION SHOW Acton Curl Club Ladle present Fashions by anne of Georgetown Bennett Auditorium March sharp Refreshment tickets avail able from lady members See how much car your money will buy at H1AILT0N Truck Ltd 878438S Hwy Just North of J HAVING A delightful afternoon together in the United church nursery are Duff McGiMivray Margaret Sale and Maureen The world day of prayer service was going on upstairs confidence and sense of self worth to develop the moral and aesthetic sensitivity neces sary for a complete res life The I ormntive Years Mr Wells said will not every difficulty in junior education nor will it meet ill of the tlons every critic of the school system Hut it will pro vide clear sense of direction for those who plan programs for the schools and for the he said Lots of projects Students working With Credit Villc Conservation on projects this summer will be busy Hills Hills works com their Monday night meeting The students will be asked to work on cleaning up creek beds along Silver Creek the Credit do roadside on rural roads throughout the town 7500 jobs for youths will p summer jobs i special pi jIK HALTON HILLS ARTS and CRAFTS SOCIETY Interested in the concept of an Arts and Crafts Society open to public member ship Have you ever wanted to learn more about painting pottery batik Come to the first organization meet ing of the new Hills Arts d Crafts Society Wednesday pm at Public School Everyone el