The Acton Free Press Wed March 12 1975 1 Requests increase for GAY LENNOX of Scarborough gets the finishing touches to her hair by her mother Gay competed in the senior division and finished third NORMA AND KEITH ARTHURTON look over multitudes of trophies which were awarded to girls winning in the Georgetown Majorettes and Drum Corps baton competition at Acton high school Saturday school Building demolition buildings on con authority properly being disposed of by or demolition of Ihcst sheds or barns in poor repair The removal of structures will occur Ihc site on he north side of on all land below the 1 ft elevation This Is combined with a one- half million reservoir clearing program presently underway the management division George of the Animal Control has lust renewed his agree ment with the town to act as an enforcement officer Mr agreement will remain the same as year with only one change During he patrolled and controlled the town or Hills for cents per resident for each year was the controller However during the past year I added two new mm a new van and radios In the trucks Mr told the Finance and Personnel Committee on Monday evening He also said that with the increase In gas prices he could no longer afford to continue on at the present rale He asked the committee If they could raise his rate to cents resident for each Camping Winter camping will be allowed below the dam this ye It will be held on a trial basis to see If use warrants the opening of more parks for this purpose next year vision potable and firewood are for a minimal entry per tent according to C A There arc no group rates and all camping walk In only year he Is In charge of animal control payable in monthly allotments Miller acting chairman asked Mr if he could hold the mailer over until such time as all the committee members were present On Monday evening meeting only Mr Miller and I were there CALL ROY CRAWFORD MASSON MOTORS Georgetown CIRCUS IS COMING ACTON MAY 20th Thompson SHEET 1 si 1 We are Craftsmen in k Air Conditioning Exhaust Systems Heating CALLUS TODAY DICKSON and Shelly Jacobs of George town end their partner show The Georgetown hooted the contest INTO A CATCHY THROW Hearn of her talents with fancy foot Asparagus Quarter charge for Bell calls is being m for ill to Director llod Ik I Manager reminded cits lomcrb in this irea The is being iluecd in ill parts of the regional of tergus Hon llockwood and said Mi by there is no need for to ever nielli toi charges barges will be I when i customer is pro ided with number that is dread listed in the telephone book In addition there will be charge for the chirgeable calls nth m residence services Ml calls from business telephones will subjected to Ihe chirm When the rrquis led is listed in me directorv ire has been iken to lint upon ipph it Ion of dirceton those of nor will fnm ehirges In nun with agencies and with dealing with the disabled prior to iiepinng the to for calls Hell explored methods viding assistance at 10 to those customers who require it Most organ which the and the have a supply of exemption forms foi their mem who can use dirctoiv because of ind those 65 and need Rive us a nri II mail the lon m to them Or if a I prefers to drop into r ess office we can con the form then Here Mr said l- mergence Other calls to to be exempt from charges include those placed from pay phones from hospl tal hotel or motel rooms and emergency calls There is also no charge for long toncc directory assistance service Introduction of the charge was requested by Bell Ca In light of the increasing volume calls to Directory Of Ihc close to calls placed each day throughout Ontario and Que bec more than per cent arc for numbers already listed in the telephone book Studies also show 10 per cent of all customers place more Ihnn per cent of the necessary calls As now devised those who make unnecessary use of Directory Assistance will bear the cost of supply ing this Treat yourself to good eating with My IGA TableRiteBeef CANADA GRADE A BEEF SALE Blade Roast or Short Rib Roast Crosscut Rib Roast or Boneless Shoulder Roast FIR AAA i- MM Meaty Chuck Steaks 89u Corned Beef I SHIFT PREMIUM VARIETIES J si Sausage Salami Chubs I OS iu Side Bacon HI fis Sandwich Pick Cor Wyndham Gualph Phone Serving Guelph and for over HS HOLDEN OPTOMETRIST Ark St Eiil Phone CANADAS mm BUILDING NEEDS ACTON 111 153 IBM NOMINATION FORM CITIZEN YEAR The following are my reasons for the nomination as citizen of the year tor the year The event is sponsored by Acton Chamber of Commerce with a view to honoring a citizen each year for outstanding service to the community The winner will be a guest at the Chambers annual meeting and dinner dance and will receive an appropriate award Deadline for nominations is March Mail your to The Acton Chamber of Commerce Box Acton SIGNATURE PeekFrean Biscuits Red Spring Salmon 79c Kleenex Facial Tissue Tenderflake Lard HI Betty Crocker Cake Mixes IGA Ketchup Soft Drinks Coffee Creamer Waxed 75 Paper PEI POTATOES 49 10 LB BAG LUCKY DRAW WINNER John Hardia Pt of one of Apples from PRICK If THRU SAT HAH II ItMII Quality Service and Value all at IGA