Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1975, p. 1

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Acton have own council again Why not Liberal leader Nixon Opposition leader Robert Nixon agrees with Acton residents that regional government has taken away the identity of small towns He told the Free Press during an exclusive interview here that it was no longer possible to air beefs to your mayor or councillors on the street or at social functions as before because you seldom sec them When asked if it would ever be possible for Acton to get its own council back Mr Nixon simply replied Why He pointed out that regional government is here for good but he feels there should be more emphasis on the lower tier of the two tier system He would like to replace some of the identity small towns that regional government took away Hydro lines Mr Nixon is well of the problems of hydro lines tunning through private at lie has towers sitting on his faun St I like my beer cold and my tele vision colored so I know the hydro line has to go He said No matter whore you art going to put it people will object He admitted that when you are on top of a pile of hay baling the lines seem pretty and some of his farm equipment gets caught in Hie bottom of he He also remarked on the weeds and grass aiound and under the tower which you cannot get at it causes an unsightly moss Ho told this wiper that he also has a main Impel oil pipe line running through his tracks and a highway He emphasized that pipeline does in no way hamper his fanning plowing or irrigations pipe is eight feet under even if building a foundation for a silo the pipe would not with the In Acton with Mr Nixon were I iberal party executive director Jim Coopei Toronto and disti let executive director While policy chairman for and Fast David liutlei and MP Frank Ihe day long tour of included a call on Milton Mayor Ann McArthur and attending a dance at In the evening MY It always voted for your father Lynda McDonald told leader Nixon during his half hour to Acton Friday Mi Nixon father was Ontario premier in 1913 and his son took over his scat the father death in Doris left also met Mr Nixon when he toured the I Press vmi Thirty Coots Questions equality Trustee Watson calls for new schools in North Halton ACTON ONTARIO Provincial Police were nam Citizens of the Year at a Chamber of Com meeting on Monday evening Cpl Bob Susan O Shea clerk and Const Bruce Mc Arthur were on hand yesterday to celebrate the rest of the detachment was on duty of must lake Immediate action to provide belter high school accommodation In the nor Ihcrn pari of the region If lh6 board doosn want to face dc legations demanding action That the message Acton trustee Torn Watson delivered to the board day night during a regular meeting of the board Wat son a speech Is probably the sternest since hi enure on he board It Is becoming increasing evident to hat Ihe needs of the children in the northern part of the county are not being met by this board when wc ill and pass approval on he Lester Pearson school In Burlington to be built in an area which today is still not a built up area while in Milton Local police named Cor Citizens of the Year ticket The Acton detachment of ihe announcement came the Ontario Provincial Police on Monday following have been named Citizens or a rigulur meeting Ballots the Year by the Chamber of printed in this newspaper Commerce executive were to be filled in with the Vandalism Want bouncer Acton swimming pool advisory committee meeting for the first lime on Thursday evening at the high school would like to see another person hired to act as a bouncer Anne Pickering pool supervisor told the other members of the committee of the increased vandalism in the room and her lack of control We only have two males on the staff who cannot work constantly The rest of us cannot Just walk In the boys change room when we feel like it Thefts According to Miss Pickering soap dishes were stolen within ihe first week of the pool opening soap is constantly being stolen keys to lockers are being taken home with the culprits leaving bathing suits and towels in If not taken home some have been broken off so the end of key cannot be removed from the lock Boards loosened by steam from the shower have been pried off and broken signs have been defaced and the door grates kicked out There have also been reports of young boys running looeein the change room and sauna It was agreed by the seven committee members that a recommendation be sent to council requesting Ihe hiring of someone to sit in the change room to control the vandalism Bruce Andrews head of the physical education department at the high school would prefer the person hired to be a student while Pickering lists her only qualification request as and tough If permission to hire someone la granted the person would be on duly during all public swimming hours from eight clock in the evening to 30 Monday through Thursday Fridays seven to nine clock and Saturday and Sunday afternoons It was decided that the cost of hiring a person for seven days would be leas than making constant repairs and replacements due to vandalism There have been no problems in the girls change room the pool supervisor said citizen of your choice and to Clumber They ihen consider each nomination and decide who the winner Is Ids not necessarily the person with the moit totes who nets the honor the ivviird and very proud of his coworkers It sure is a feeling to leaving town knowing that you Citizen of referring to the regional pol ice take over in September It ib ureal honor lobe Hie Chamber of urn I lie or port I said he was proud of his men and of Hie w rk they are doing The Citizen of ihe Ye irw is outstanding service ihe community Arbour and Con Ron liirrett Davt Duncan McAleese Bruce Murray and Hob are the honored men Mike Cham of Commerce president is hoping to gel George Kerr I rank ihllbrook to the to help make the tuning a total success mayor I is last ir Citizen of Ike Only a few hours the detachment of the Ont rovincial Polite were named Citizens of the Year Bob Arbour received a parking ticket from his own man lit left his ear parked the street from the police on Monday night because it was iced over and got a ride home with a fellow officer He meant to move the car into the parking lot but forgot thus violating the overnight parking law His ticket is for and the Corporal think he will light it There is no overnight park anywhere in Acton be tween the hours of midnight and seven a m Diving board unsafe could close pool Acton pool supervisor Anne Pickering is worried someone is going to get hurt diving off the three meter board at the swimming pool Miss Pickering expressed her fears at the pool advisory meeting Thursday evening at the high school She does not feel the board is built right because when some people dive in they come dangerously close to the boltom of the pool I don t know whether it Is the board or the sudden grade of the pool but someone is going lo get seriously hurt someday she told the other members The board is out of commission every two weeks according to Miss Pickering but the company it was purchased from does not believe there Is anything wrong Some people have told mc the board is too long while others do not think the bolts are In alignment Miss Pickering remarked She said the company has been in several times to Inspect the board but deny it is faulty workmanship Dave principal of the school told the pool supervisor that if the situation is not remedied he will exercise his right lo close the pool because of a danger If anything happens In that pool no matter whose fault it Is I am the person who is going to be held responsible Either the board la fixed permanently or I will close Ihe pool When an diving team was demonstrating at the pool a few weeks ago the trainer told the pool supervisor It was the worst diving equipment he has ever seen The Hills general ad ministration committee Is being made aware of the problem and Aclon high schools are at and have en time Tills despite the fad lhal and arc drawing the majority of the students from the borders of Milton r and distances ranging from to 10 miles You all have in front of you maps showing present school area borders which should show you why I feel It In time that the borders were redrawn more realistically and the children were modeled In the area where they live One of Ihe malar oh of this hoard was give equal opportunity to every student In County 1 feel that the exist conditions in Acton High ml are disgrace to this and an firtunatc him gi of t who willing put forth extra did to do a good Job under ry difficult llnlein something Is dine to allcvlati tin situation I am afraid that soim of these le tellers will gel mil we will lose them I eel very strongly unless the children In Nafisagnweyo Acton are given the same opportunities as Hit students in the rest of county we tan expect delegations of parents and ratepayers sitting on the doorstep if this building demanding tlon ti this situation Mr Watson six page fact sheet lhal illustrates the incomings in High School Nurses quarters iff room stage guklanei centre gym storage una art all smaller than iveragi for the region he says lie claims classrooms arc I used as cafeterias the school has two portable class rooms and three more are required and the science labs and resource centre are undersized The trustee con llnued to outline short comings of the school in most A motion that will be the next meeting of the board culls for a com of trustees to be namid to sit with trition with view to In positive plans for new high school that will give i more equitable tolht lemsof the north than we have seen in the past six years Walson said Assistant iter TOM WATSON reminded tht board thai on Dec a report had been com missioned by the board to outline Improvements for Acton High School He said Mr Watson had provided some of the details that would needed In the staff report Three accidents keep police busy David Katz is transferred David Katz principal of the Acton high school will be replaced by Dean Fink of Lord Elgin High school in Burlington next September Mr Katz has been transferred to Lester B Pearson high school in Burlington The school is at present under construction with completion due for September of 1976 Mr Katz will work there for a year before the students arrive In September of Mr Katz was transferred to Acton from his viceprincipal position at the Burlington Central school Prior to this he was a teacher at Nelson high school in 1961 and became the head of the math department in September of He held this position until January of 1968 when he went to Central Mr Katz holds is B S C and M Sc in Math from McMaster Mr Fink is also a graduate of where he achieved and M A in history Prior to his working at Lord Elgin high school Mr taught at Caledonia and In he spent one half year as a grade two teacher in public school Burlington and became vice principal of Centennial high school in September Provincial Police Investigated three automobile accidents this past week evening at 30 a car driven by James St and a homemade trailer owned by frank Gormun 107 SI Toronto 14 and pulled by a tar driven by John Kennedy 3436 Cedar were In collision The incident occurred on Main St at St David Cook of Dickson is in General Hospital following an incident at II 10 a Tuesday Mr Cooks car failed to stop at the stop sign and crossed Main St S onto the east shoulder where it struck an embank The car kept going until it hit a fence and shrubbery on private property The hospital reports facial cuts and a possible broken nose lo Mr Cook A freak accident at noon yesterday Tuesday when three parked cars were in collision A car borrowed by Terry McKee Albert St and owned by Wlllard J Mason Acton was In collision with vehicles owned by Clarence J Poplar Ave and Marilyn Victoria Ave One of the cars was left unattended wtlh the motor car which backed into the ihlrd car There was an estimated WOO damage to the vehicle damage to the Kunz car and lo the car Invite students for skateathon will be sponsoring a skate a thon Sunday at the community Centre and young and old are invited to participate in one way or another Students are asked to register through Ihe schools or else they tan receive pledge sheets by calling BS3 or ti I960 inch color TV will be awarded the person totalling the highest number of pledges and a cassette recorder and radio will be second and third prizes respectively Argonaut and Award winner Dill flu prize will be irded the school which has the highest number and amount of pledges per capita Proceeds for the draw wilt go towards the Rotary Community Brampton and fiuelph have had similar with great success M Z principal Cary Dawk ins likes the idea of a very much always depended on the weather and there was a constant concern for safely

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