Double trailer fee Same services as rural residents Hoi ton council are satisfied residents of trailers and mobile homes receive exactly the same services as residents In the rural areas of the town so decided a month licence fee was warranted Councillor Roy Booth questioned the Increase from to saying he wondered If it warn ttoo much for a unit measuring 700 square feet He said the property itself la taxed and Is Utile more than the size of the trailer In comparison to a square foot house with garbage police ana light services ft seems a lot Booth stated He claimed they were paying three quarters the tax without having water and sewers Booth said he under stood some or It would go to school costs but wondered if anyone had ever looked Into the actual costs Mayor Tom Hill pointed out they were receiving exactly Booth replied the land area could not be compared They second class citizens they have the right to live here the same as anyone else Councillor Russell Miller emphasized the residents of mobile homes have education recreation and roads as municipal services the same as any Ward Two resident He contended they would be assessed almost the same and would be paying the same taxes as a house of that size In the rural area Councillor Harry Levy pointed out the licence fee been in force since and claimed it was time the residents should pay their share of the same benefits as the rural residents Seemingly convinced Booth voted along with the rest of council In favor of the licence fee L0VELL BROS MEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF aide on Prime Rib Roast A Sirloin Tip Roast Shoulder Roast y Chuck Roast 3 Blade Short Rib Roasts ll0 Ground Chuck 99 Small Link Sausage Mania Sliced Side Bacon Grade AD RED BRIND BEEF Sides 99 YOUR FREEZER Hinds Fronts ll9ib Ground Chuck fmm 50 LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET 77 Mill St E 2240 One Hundredth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY 2G 1975 o Off fa Femininity keynote at bettianne s show la back again happy pre spring group of saw club ladies fnihlonshowThursday Betty Ann Smith owner of bet tlannes of Georgetown acted as commentator on eight models strolled smartly across the stage and down the centre aisle the Bennett school auditorium Opening featured all trie models In this spring newest color a muted hnli Coordinates arc featured at her shop One model after displaying all the variations on the theme of her ensemble a bill with n very modest total cost Approval skirts glamorous go to wedding gowns tans housecoats suits dresses pants and lops nil won the approval of the audience A couple of the women who work in the shop took part in the show One of them Dcwhurst Is a capable seamstress who looks after alterations and makes up dresses as well Other models were Angle Do ft Acton Sandra Terra Colt a Ann Smith Haines Diane Alls I ynn Partridge Susan and Gary Smith of Georgetown Audrey Duff played the piano and Sandra Grelg sang Kae Hansen welcomed he crowd refreshments were served after the show tanned and refreshing lookscharmingina coordinate and casual slouch hat at s of Georgetown fashion Bennett school The event was sponsored by Acton curling dub Sunday April 6th PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK Please Sponsor A Skater There will be Sports Celebrities on hand to join the skating One celebrity will be former Bill Symon FOR INFORMATION CALL 8531960 or 8531642 A COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF ACTON in Dog and catnappcrs are on the loose in the area it seems Five dogs and three cats all purebred animals have disappeared in the last few weeks from their homes in the Fifth and Sixth Line districts Among the missing dogs are a Saint Bernard lied Setter a Wire II Terrier an English Setter and her pup The three cats are Persians Mrs Schuli called thin paper in the hope residents would be alerted to keep a close on their pets Toyota Community Calendar Whats doing In the North Ha I ton DAY OF CHAMPIONS Acton Legion Minor Hockey Assoc presents Its Champions Is the wind up to Leg on Minor Hockey Season Games slart at a March Nth Plan to attend these hockey The draw lor Ihe Maverick Is th Saturday March at the Acton Leg on sponsored by the Acton Minor Hockey Assoc lor Is Club part See how much car your money will buy at A LiTIOlN at Truck Ltd 8262931 Just North J Ann Smiths outfit Raise questioned by 2 councillors Sandra Greig sang solos Councillors Pat and Harry Levy are not in of a 13 cent pay in for the George Herrington s Canine Control Mr Is paid cents per year or every person living in Hills and would like this increased to cents per person He made his request at the last meeting on March 10 I certainly not going to raise his wage 13 cents at this time Mr Levy told the other members of the finance committee on Monday evening We gave him the MARCH 28 30 FRIDAY lam Omar i largest play of KAWASAKI TRIUMPH NORTON J AW A CZ DAVIDSON SCOQTERS and Over in stock Prop for FREE FREE Kennedy BRAMPTON Come in and rids a Moped l thought he received a reasonable Increase last year Councillor remarked I per crease at this time Is not feasible He would like to see a report from last year a costs and controls as com pared to 1973 before any agreement on the matter is settled When Mr appeared the com mittec on the 10th he ex plained he had Increased his staff by two men Installed radios in his trucks and could not cope with the sharp in crease of gas prices This is Easter weekend attend the church of your choice COMING TO ACTON MAY 20th