Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1975, p. 9

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The Acton Free Press Wed May Emmas DEMO SALE 1975 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 Finished In Bright Red with black Interior reclining bucket sms tachometer radio radial tires speed transmission Lie JKH504 1974 TOYOTA ST Finished In Bright Red with black Interior automatic transmission radio tachometer tinted glass reclining bucket teats Lie JKHBIJ USED CARS 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission radio Lie 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA STATIONWAGON speed transmission Lie 1969 VIVA STATION WAGON speed transmission Certified Lie HALTON Division of HaltonTruck Sales Ltd 8784365 HWY Just North of MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE 8782962 8785394 88 Ontario St Milton ZELLERS GEORGETOWN Requires lull time aggressive commission sales person or our home furnishing and maor appliance department Reply in Confidence to MRS PACKER 8775131 ARE YOU A GOOD SALESPERSON YOU MAKE A GOOD INCOME FOR YOUR BOSS Why not make the switch try real estate Your Income then depends on you Help availablebefore during and after government training course Investigate why we have been successful since Your success creates our business Call Noim Elliott GIBSON LIMITED 152 QUEEN BRAMPTON PRODUCTION OPERATOR Required to train as leader Initial training period day shift transferring to permanent afternoon shift after appro I month Full company paid benefits Excellent pros for the right person Existing applicants are being con and need not apply at this time CANADA LIMITED 100 FREDERICK ST ACTON 8530280 HELP WANTED CERTIFIED WELDER For building manufacturer in Georgetown Good fringe benefits Definite opportunity for advancement Apply in person to R MARTIN STRUCTURES LTD Armstrong Avenue Georgetown Ontario AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can Ira In right here In Canada Tuition Tax Deductible Placement assistance guar anteed Weekend training also avail For application and Inter view write Safety Department The Canadian Instituted Tractor Trailer Training Ltd Queans Quay Toronto Ontario OR CALL Formerly Trans Canada Transport Training LICENCED MECHANIC 4 nights per week ex cellent working and company benefits Gallinger Motors Ltd Milton Plaza Milton 8261434 Sheetsville SALES PERSON REQUIRED To sell drilled ready poultry products mainly by Mo phone to Institutions and all of retailers In Toronto and surrounding area Must be prepared to travel long distances plus overnight stops Candidates must be aggres slve and outgoing with a wll llngness to learn Previous sales experience Is not sary but definitely an asset Good salary and benefit program Apply to MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD Line West of Brampton Winston Churchill and A mllo north FIRST CLASS Machinist with to 10 years experience Apply in person to Acton Tool DleHwy IS south Acton or phone RELIABLE person for house work 2 or 3 hours one day a week Call mm WORK It SUCTION SALES EMPLOYMENT WANTED DISCO English stylo music for alt occasions weddings parties dances etc presented by English For bookings please call 3003 VI do electrical contracting Industrial Commercial and Residential AVAILABLE to Clean basements or general clean up Phono 43a49 RIDE required Acton to Georgetown arriving at am departing 6 pm Call 3045 63a46 WANTED dally ride to of to arrive 30 a m depart Phone 0147 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE WILL MAKE YOU RICH In your own business that repeats year after year If you will work a minimum of hours a week and tallow our program exactly No In vestment or overhead requlr ed A car Is needed Apply to Vice President Marketing Department B Box Lon don Ontario 46 Ontario Call Agencies Erin Mountain View Farm Line Halton Hills RIDING INSTRUCTION English Tack Spring Sessions Commencing BEGINNERS INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED DRESSAGE Day Event Preparation Schooling tor horse pony and rider Now registering Call Mrs Lister 416 STUD SERVICES Shine Sun Regd Trior and Canadian Hun ter Improvement Sire 67amg46 TtNKERSDALE Stables English riding Instruction ana boarding outdoor arena with lumps Jennifer Barr 1409 DAY CARE available In my home preferably a child years and up weekly Call 61846 EXPERIENCED mother w babysit children of all ages East end of Call 3636 It AUCTION SALES NOTICE AUCTION SALE EVERY TUESDAY PM EVERY SUNDAY 130pm New chesterfields bedroom suites kitchen suites lamps colleeend table sets bedding stereos component sets bunk beds recllncrs and at BALL AUCTIONS Speedvale Ave Guelph Ontario 8213621 Budget Plan Available CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS CONTRACT No TENDERS FOR STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION Ward Georgetown Sealed tenders marked as to contents will be received up until noon local time on Wednesday IB May Each tender submitted must be accompanied by a certified cheque or bid bond made payable to the Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills In the amount ten percent of the total tender Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Town Engineer Maple Avenue Georgetown upon receipt of which Is non refundable Lowest or any tender not nee PRITCHARD CLERK ADMINISTRATOR TOWN OF HALTON H I LLS 36 Main Street South Georgetown Ontario NOTICE OF A BY LAW to stop up and convey to the abutting owner Adams Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 53 for the Town of Acton and the laneway shown on said Registered Plan Number 53 lying between the southwesterly limits of Lots and and the northeasterly Jtmlts of Lots 5 ard on Registered Plan Number TAKE NOTICE that The Council for The Corporation of the Town Hills proposes to pass a by law to stop up and convoy to the abutting owner certain lands being composed of Adams Street as shown on Registered Plan Number for the Town of Acton and laneway shown on said Registered Plan Number 53 lying between the southwesterly limits of Lots 4 and 10 and the northeasterly limits of Lots and 11 on Regis Plan Number 53 now in the Town of Halton Hills in the Regional Municipality of Halton which said lands are more particularly described follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being In the Town of Hills In the Regional Municipality of Halton and Province of Ontario formerly In the Town of Acton In the County of Hallon and Province of Ontario and being composed of Parts 4 and 7 on a Plan of Reference deposited In the Registry Office for Registry Division of Hallon No as Plan Number THE BY LAW will be dealt at a meeting of Council to be held on the 3rd day of June at m oclock at the Municipal Of flees of the Town of Hills located at the former Town ship of offices on the 7th line In the Town of Hills ALL DOCUMENTS In relation to the matters aforesaid may be examined at the office of the Clerk Administrator of the municipality the municipal offices aforesaid DATED at Halton Hills this day of April A D D Clerk Administrator The Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills First published the 30th day of April A D 1975 AUCTION SALE FRI EVENING MAY pm OF HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUE ITEMS LOCATED IN THE VILLAGE OF FREELTON CORNER OF BROCK ROAD AND OLD NO HWY S Ml NORTH OF CORNERS Consisting of Bell antique pump organ pine corner whatnot Gone with the Wind lamp new top globe wing back rocker pine blanket box child s press back rocker large ox yoke pine cupboard round gateleg table oil lamps bracket lamp paintings by West S piece mission oak dining room suite Bell upright piano treadle sewing machines 4 ft glass bookcase pine night table wrought Iron fern table large walnut with framed glass top small grandfathers clock good shape pine bon net chest press back chairs cuckoo clock antique Dutch buffet wall telephone oval maple drop leaf table brass pan press back rocker Boston type rocker old buggy jack mantle clocks selection of old pictures and frames 2 rugs I tapestries Indian design bottles and crocks water color pieces of glass and china Royal Norwood old carnival milk glass Nippon and others Canadians coffee grinder old wicker baskets Many more antiques and collectable Items Owner or Auctioneer not responsible tor any accidents Preview Thursday evening jim McCartney auctioneer WATEROOWN MEAOOWVIEW AUCTION CENTRE Station St Ont ANTIQUE AUCTION Monday night May 19that7pm Glass China Furniture oil Lamps etc NOTE NO AUCTION SALE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT Auctioneer Brian Hill Guelph 8229872 or AUCTION SALE OF OUTSTANDING ANTIQUES PRIMITIVES AND COLLECTABLESATTHE FARM LOCATED ON THE LINE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF STEELES AVE APPROX MILES WEST OF RD OR MILES EAST OF TRAFALGAR RD FOR MR and MRS JEFF HALL SUNDAY MAY at 12 NOON FURNITURE Large butternut each door panes of glass schoolmasters desk flame maple open washstand very old open pine hutch ref childs Bowmanvllle rocker corner cupboard ref Bird Tiger Maple small chest set of gunstock chairs golden oak china cabinet rocker original stencil set pressed back chairs buggy seat pane pine Gothic mirror ref stained glass window large blanket box with drawer several ref wash stands primitive large wooden hay fork oval walnut parlour captains chair love seat pine blanket box ref childs hlghcheir ret hall stand mahogany hall table pine table with one drawer ash chest of drawers large pine cherry chest of drawers large old double ox yoke pine lab desk ret chicken coop chair New Brunswick open hanging cupboard or I fish stencil pine window glass Golden Oak chest of drawers with oval swing mirror rocking chair ref piano stool ball claw feet am cupboard plus other furnifure GLASS CHINA Flo blue ardlnlere floral R S Prussian cream sugar creamer old footed cranberry vase applied decoration cranberry fluted dish on brass stand RS Prussian jug Mill Scene bottle cruet set pc wash bowl set Carnival bowl Stage Holly small check cranberry covered butterdish old wash set i or dark carnival vases Inverted thumbprint amber syrup lug Royal creamer hunting scene Royal creamer blue Mary Gregory handled vase cookie barrels Royal ash tray blue a white Rlngtons tea caddy large vase do blue platter 4 flo blue plates blue mug several good old plates green vase art large Bristol vases Staffordshire dog Kaufman LAMPS Beautiful banquet lamp green font matching fluted shade brass oil lamp with cranberry shade patterned milk glass base lamp Cobalt blue finger lamp matching Colonial lamps finger lamp old miniature lamp BOTTLES CROCKS bottle Canadian New Glasgow Nova Scotia bottle torpedo bottle ginger beer bottles welding blue lowered perfect plus other crocks BRASS COPPER Oval copper foot warmer of brass and copper port and starboard ship lamps set of graduated brass shaft bells small old brass elly pall strap of sleigh bells large brass scales brass tea copper keltie brass umbrella stand brass wood box brass tire dogs beautiful coal box with alt brass hardware scales with brass pans sets of brass tipped homes brass jardiniere plus other pieces CLOCKS PICTURES CAST IRON Waltham gold filled watch working Ogee clock hanging Vienna wall clock school house clock mantel clock large still life water color signed fooled cast Iron pot oval picture frames Victorian frames signed Scottish oils wafer color dated 1B91 Scottish oil painting and easel large print broad axe original Currier and Ives winter apple peeler c plus pictures frames mirrors etc too many for listing TERMS or cheque with Identifications Lunch avail NOTE and gentlemen this is again on behalf of the Halls an outstanding sale Won I you join us this holiday weekend Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents AUCTIONEER CHRIS A SCH0UTEN 878 AUCTION SALE AT THE FARM LOCATED ON THE LINE OF NASSAGAWEYA JUST SOUTH OF THE SIDE ROAD MILES NORTH EAST OF CAMPBELLVILLE AT JENNINGS GENERAL STORE GO EAST ON 15TH SIDE ROAD FOR FROM HWY AT THE GENERAL STORE GO WEST FOR MILES THEN SOUTH ON THE LINE CONSISTING OF HOUSEHOLD FURN1TUR ANTIQUES GLASS AND CHINA ROTOTILLER MISC ETC GEORGE DREDGE SATURDAY MAY at 12 NOON FURNITURE ANTIQUES Very old buffet painted old oak sideboard painted oak bedroom dresser painted wardrobe washstand with towel rack very old pine blanket box from Ireland piano stool shelf bookshelf various odd old wooden chairs double sfeel bed with spring mattress pine benches partial brass bed old bird house small harvest fable old wicker rocking chair old wicker flower table radio cabinet Windsor back chair old oak mirror round oak table walnut footstool small pine table four poster bed small wicker tern stand small walnut floor lamp childs cast Iron doll bed Canadian Empire Loyalist chair Inlaid smokers chest old carpets pressed back chairs pine picture frames cast Iron planter Ire place dogs large glazed planters gat jug very old crock butter churn complete gal flo blue J Taylor ug sliver serving platter with lid CNR oil lamp captains chair base lamp old metal train set crystal rose bowl end of day vase amber hen on nest clock blankets coverlet cast Iron dog and other Items not listed COL LECTABLES Small 3ph lower snow blade for Ford tractor steel water trough good as new Teco rototiller set of farm scales emery and motor chicken feeders of steel electric fence post gal gas tank and pump shallow well piston pump motor electric fencer bundles wooden shingles extension ladder barbed wire and other wire pulley for Ford tractor single barrel shotgun 2 space heaters space heater good one kitchen some wooden doors large maple syrup bucket old belt driven sausage maker some scrap Iron of brass wall lights lanterns old cow bell some plastic pipe small Iron kettle butter bowl sealer ars bag cart crocks set of chains Ford old Coronation beer bottles cubic ft deep freeier etc Terms are cash or cheque with Identification Lunch truck on grounds No reserves Owner moving to town Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents AUCTIONEER CHRIS A SCHOUTEN 8782576 WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phone 853 MANUFACTURERS represen tatlve would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool Call colled Tor onto 1 416 41gatf 4829 LARGE 1 or car garage with hydro preferably In Rock wood or Acton or surrounding area Call 4 miles south of Erin German short hair pointer Gunner Male years old wearing chain collar but no logs Has A K telloo Inside back leg Reward 70ga31 4793 WOULD person who by mis take picked a lady s off white spring coat from the dance at Acton Legion Saturday May 10th please call me I have yours mi IN ACTONSmatl required tor Jur alter TWO responsible women teachers require first or mid August In Milton or Georgetown area Prefer 2 3 bedroom house or bedroom apartment Reliable references available can be reached Box Bala Ontario am 4480 type apartment or similar commodatlon In Aclon area Box Acton Free Press Ont OR September 1st small lpirtment downtown area tor lady Apply lo Bob Acton Press For Rent Acton Large new office building has square feet torrent Self contained Main St location Will divide heat and air conditioning sup piled Immediate occupancy For appointment call 853 Days 8531235 Evenings farm for rent south Aclon For or cash Call 416 2720 81A46 UNITED TRUST COMPANY ESTATE down Townhouse bedroom brick and alum In urn Electrically heated Full basement End unit ELMORE DRIVE down 3 bedroom brick and stone bungalow Taste fully decorated on large beautifully landscaped lot backing on cedar bush Fin Ished room attached gar age 3 bedroom brick bungalow on acre parcel Magnificent view Hardwood floors cat in kitchen HOBBY FARM Twp acres with bedroom stone home near No Field stone fireplace In living room huge kitchen pine floors Spring fed pond Nellie Pitt 519 824 5054 Of 49 ACRES panoramic view Just2miiesboveHwy No 7 east side About IS acres lovely bush Pond site Call Peggy Bowes Cocks Ltd Realtor MORE REAL ESTATE NEXT PAGE O

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