Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1975, p. 10

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The Acton Free Press Wed May S9VS Recreation Director Doug Collison Just trying to provide services people want Stones Country Corner Im not building recreation empire BUILT 1835 two Georgian home Is situated on acres rolling lawn overlooking pond and picturesque country side quaint home fealure Centre hall with winding in llvlngroom and one ilone wing houses a family room wllh beams and fireplace another wing a studio etc All restored very the style Located only minutes from HORSE FARM Charming I Man fireplace and beams In IMngroomarWdinlngroom Large x 100 ft stable All this on scenic partly wooded with year creek hold 1st mortgage COUNTRY RETREAT Small home located on 16 acres gentle rolling land spotted with mature maples and flowering apple trees Excellent opportunity lor Horse lovers Properties to sell farms and especially country homes on to waiting buyers For a i please call us evaluation v We building an empire Were Juil the services people tell they want Hills recreation director Doug said or depart in an who the target of ihnrges of empire building Hit IhbI of Ills department building for Hie town whal residents arc demanding He added hit staff is listening In said he the town hits made ureal strides in lite last In doing lob at providing an essential Ilotreiitlon an need Just look labor meals these day are going for higher wants and shorler work have cnuitniLllve to do Willi their leisure lime lnluess sits In mid decay hi socle follows He Mini especially nes of high STONE REALTOR Road West Oakvllle mipnilnnl In lime should ton to grow in importance fur people as the years go by he maintains looking ahead to ihe to years automation will mean it will be privilege I work and most people will have a of tune on their hands The government will lie forced lo slip in ami subsidize ae dies to keep people busy who became director in lJlt and Halloa Hills first reinillon director in 1874 said now the town is fin illy getting some of retrentional has Ik en sadly lucking cited the new arena In and new indoor pools in Acton and as some of the things which have been missing In llilton Hills for many While the town has moved ahead by leaps and hounds by building these three new facilities the recreation development job is far from over he declared pointed out the recreation situation in Hills will vastly improve when the new Georgetown arena grounds arc fully developed with tennis courts new hall diamond and a soccer field Even then the town may need more fields for soccer and baseball 1ookliip ahead 10 or years with a possible population of around people in Hills said he envisions the entire Silver Creek area of the town being one big park with areas sel aside for riding walking and hiking nature preservation and a variety of outdoor activities Another project might be hall because he there is a lot of talent In llalton Hills and It needs a facility like theatre hall to bring it out He also a Imputation or about r people would necessitate a fourth arena In adding IiIh department lias had reoueili to build ski hill mild lie thought development In the id lend It will have to he planned in unijunction Willi various service groups In community There are lots of tilings we tin for recreation In this town but have to keep cost In mind all the time In the hilure we will have to move more in direction of activities and away from athletics staled He tonlinued the town has Just spent over million on athletic facilities but for the person who doesnt skate or swim there won be benefits to reap said In ex plaining the need for more lUllurnllv oriented facilities He pointed out ports Is only one fifth of recreation and that really recreation was anything people do in their leisure time which is the reason the town helps run craft nurses and clubs I in not saying the public Hector bus to supply all these things The private sector groups like can provide a lot of these things and we simply try co ordinate our activities with llielrs of costs there is no way the town can supply all the things people want but the number and kinds of facilities that could be provided arc unlimited explained He firmly that those who are participating in town operated recreation activities should help with the Financial burden said regional government has its ad vantages and drawbacks as far as recreation goes He noted one problem for him has been just getting to know about recreation needs In Acton and and the difficulty In spreading things out evenly The recreation director added his department didn have the staff until recently to adequately operate recreation programs evenly throughout Hills We aic one town and funds arent divided up anymore so we have to try all the time lo make sure everything is spread out and everyone geld equal service It is hard to justify one activity rate In Acton and another in Georgetown so we are moving towards standardized rates throughout Ihe town lie pointed out Another problem of regional government has been that since town is bigger anil his department Is bigger things have become more impersonal He added Hint he doesut like It but It happens Among a els can now look at bigger projects and facilities can he shared and coordinated lie cited Ihe fact the town now has available open space for recreational development In strong point for regional government and added his department is looking at as he future home for ninny forms of outdoor sports and ac tivities In yearn to come was quick to point out that both the assets and drawbacks would have come with amalgamation or the three muni and couldnt really be credited or blamed on regional government He said there were few things the region itself look over as far as recreation was concerned he thought the biggest the region poses for is department is it slows down budgeting process He finds it regrettable that because of regional government his Job has shifted from running recreation programs ad first year of regional government as frustrating lor him and suggested things were a lot simpler for his department when he served only Georgetown who in years old first became involved in recreation as a playground leader when he was a teenager living In Aglncourt Later he became active in running curling and golf at the Tarn hauler Golf and Club lie noted when he was In high school he was active in football track and field curling and basketball following graduation From high school he worked In a bank for a year before enrolling In the first recreation course tin University of At he Interested In Ihercapeulic recreation and following graduation he accepted a position Home wood Sanitarium and there for three years At he worked wllli people who hud drug anil problems and set up a variety of recreation programs ranging from golf and baseball to sewing and bridge for patients people were faced with a lol of fort id leisure lime and we tried to develop a community like recreation program for A lot of people round it difficult In dandle social contacts so we worked to help Ihem solve problem he explained After leaving Hum wood hi in where he worked in municipal creation for five months before Joining the recreation department of for years In both Brampton and lie worked volunteer groups in setting up a variety of different creation programs in hiding various sports yoga fitness programs and pottery using volunteers as much as this si tile In addition 1 was looking forward developing programs since Georgetown hadnt had recreation director in many years lie stated Collison noted he took a cut in pay coming to Georgetown but thought it would be a great challenge It has certainly proved to be a big challenge Ive made lots of mistakes and learned from them Sometimes I wonder if I should have left There you were just a cog in a big machine and really the money was too good In there wasnt any chance for me to deal with council which Is another reason why I came here he concluded Womens Year Wl annual theme PRIVATE SALE Kingham Hill Estates Acton bedroom townhouie Large living and dining area broad loom throughout piece and two piece baths Completely finished room with bar and built In chesterfield and end tables Includes fridge and 00 Phone 3893 CHRISTIE WOODS Real Estate Limited Broker 189 Main Street Milton ACTON 3 brick storey home broad loom lafe condition corner lot garage breeieway ad joining house Immediate possession Call Ross Ball en line or office BARGAIN WEEK Erin Township room house pole barn streams sell with terms Call Tom ACRE ESTATE LOT HIGH ROLLING LAND ACTON AREA Asking Call Tom 855 or office By Mrs II Wilson District Womens Institute held the district annual meeting in St Paul United Church Milton on Wednesday May 21 with Nelson I as host branch International Women Year was the theme tor the day Welcome was given by Mrs and Mrs G McCormick who wished the 146 women an enjoyable and prof itnble day Mrs Rcid provincial board director was in charge of the ratifi cation ceremony Mrs Doris gave the auditors report and complimented the treasurer on her book keeping president Mrs reported attending Club days the plowmens banquet presenting scholar ship and bursaries as well as all the regular work of a WI president She met many new friends and came to know many new faces Presents easel Mrs Ann Carmlchael on behalf of the Silverwood Branch presented an easel to the district in memory of Mrs George Henderson who passed away while in office as provincial board director The easel will hold the flags and a picture of one of the founders Mrs Adelaide Hood ess The standing committee reports were given with Mrs Wilson acting as moderator Each committee report was given but some branches til II their district down by not sending their reports The bursary committee re ported that Ann McClure of Acton was the winner of the Ethel Chapman scholarship Susan of and David Alexander of Georgetown were the bursary winners A book of photos and information on past winners was presented by the com history The music festival com reported some new trophies being presented The history curator asked that house logs and family trees be started by as many families as possible Mrs C Patterson safety convener said the girls will be writing safety essays in their next project Mrs Las by Agriculture and Canadian Industries convener was a delegate to officers conference at 12 3 and she gave a report She we should listen to reports and announcements hold meet with branch conveners and keep files for the next convener The meeting took a break to enjoy a sing song session led by Mrs and Mrs Chisholm Provincial director The provincial board director Mrs Myrtle of gave her report and she stated groups should thank the editors of tnelr local newspapers for their interest and help in keeping the WI In the public eye Miss Me Kercher asked board members to thank the home economists for their untiring work and she said the junior provincial projects would be a bursary Mrs Austen Humble King City is the new provincial convener of hospitality all are asked to report any visitors that arc entertained by the group Artists in the organization are asked to submit designs for a new cover for the brochure by July 1 Womens rights were discussed by many groups and a toast master wrote to a national newspaper to ask about the toast to the bride The editor said the bnde should respond for herself One question asked by members is why are certain news items only for the womens pages of the newspaper The membership subscription is now and due March The 1977 convention will be held in Africa Miss Marjoric Lee daughter of one of the Ottawa Report By Dr Frank Phllbrook HALTON MP 9 As write thin letter I understand thnt John Turner Is about announce the date on which he will bring his new budget lo Parliament Of course no one but the finance minister and his senior advisors has any knowledge of what will be In that budget I do however share feelings of many constituents I have talked with In Ihe last of weeks thnt Mr Turner will ton Untie with moderate fiscal approach aimed at maintaining a balance inflationary and pressures The I get I ve with throughout the riding scfins be that business needs some stimulation In order to create Jobs but not too mueli stimulation that it causes undue Inflationary pressure I do not envy finance minister his Important task As I wrote in this column Inst week Canada has enjoyed a bolter state of economic affairs than most coun especially our trading part ners that is partly because we nave tread cautiously between the opposing fori of Inflation and recession The world economic scene has Improved somewhat the federal budget of last November hut still calls for moderate fiscal moves aimed at specific problem areas such as unemployment plan In make my first formal speech In after the budget is brought in I wns In tiding Canadian delegation to the Medical Conference in at the time of last debate and so missed my opportunity at that time I plan to sneak on a number of social and economic Issues but I will say more about hat when the time comes Tories form new riding and as far north as Mount Forest met in lost week to form an association for the Till Silling Member for Wellington M John Root refused to say if he would be contesting the lure nominating convention for new riding Humors have been rampant in the old riding that Mr Hoot retire and former Erin town reeve and Wellington Warden Lloyd Lang would contest the nomination How ever Mr Hoot merely said he is sorry to see some ports of tils riding being lost but at the same time looks forward to working with new Tory friends who have been added to the riding Mr meanwhile of It It was elect third vicepresident of the association Jack John of Mount Forest was led president a first vice- president has yet to be select from North Peel second president Is William Benson of fourth vice Is Mrs llrown of secre tary Mrs It Drayton and treasurer and chief financial officer David of Mount I- Nerd leadership speaker MP for Wellington drey Waterloo led on the new organization to pull together lo a Progressive Conservative government in Ontario He warned that it would be a had a I puppet for the federal government is elected in He compared he called strong Davis leader ship here in Ontario to what he sees as Quebec I bowing to the power of fed I government not prepared to take action against Ihe problems of the times To support his statement that people in Ontario have strong leadership the MI re minded the parly followers that the Davis government providid home ownership grants three limes larger loan the federal government wo prepared to give Bill Davis went to the fed provinciol conference on fuel prices and presented a strong defence for the people of province who use products he said fn addl tion he has brought down tough conflict of interest legislation while federal legislation was just a smoke screen Mr called the new election financing regulations just passed by the province one of the pioneer pieces of legislation The young member sharply ittaiked the provincial I iberais for their lack of po licy said that there was no question about where the New Democratic Party People ire moving the right and saying it is lime for hard work and thrift Mr snd That is my message to both provincial ml federal Progressive Con Church Services founders of passed away in leaving a bequest of to the Erland Lee Homestead committee week will be held June 13 at the Lee Homestead Quilts The quilt contest display was interesting and the prizes were given at the noon hour with branch winning with a most unusual creation Nelson branch placed second with a cover pattern The Drunkards Trail In pink Acton placed The quilts were judged by Mrs E Terry and Mrs A I97S Executive Mrs took the chair for the election of officers and called for the report of the nominating committee to be given by Mrs Jack Taylor of Nelson branch The results were a follows Past president Mrs Nellis Acton president Mrs first vice president Mrs G Campbell Milton second vice president Mrs Moffat Federation representative Mrs M alternate Mrs J McEncrj PRO Mrs H Wilson assistant PRO Mrs J Taylor Burling ton secretary treasurer Mrs G Ironside Georgetown Standing committee con veners are Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs W Rockwood Citizen ship and World Affairs Mrs G Booth Education Cultural Activities Mrs William McLean Georgetown Family and Consumer Affairs Mrs Acton Resolutions Mrs J Bird Georgetown Bursary and Scholarship Mrs Alexander Mrs M and Mrs L Jamieson Music Festival Mrs J Stadden Glen Williams Federation of Agriculture Representative Mrs J reck on Burlington Curator Mrs Robertson Milton and Safety Representative Mrs Walter Freeman Milton UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev W Eric Nelson AAA B Minister Dr George Elliott A Director of Music Sunday June 10 a Public Worship a Sunday Church School Next Sunday June celebration of Ihe Fiftieth Anniversary of United Church of Canada Everyone Welcome BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Churchill Rd Minister Rev J Corvers Sunday June 11975 Sunday Worship Services at a and Pre school Sunday School during the morning service Sunday School during the afternoon service You are welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH BO Mill Street East Founded 1842 Pastor Mr Das Sydney Sc M Pastor Phone Thursday May m Choir Practice p Important Congregational Meeting Sunday June 1975 am Sunday School a Morning Worship 7 Cheltenham Anniversary Monday m Mission Circle Picnic at home of Mrs John Chapman FAITH You are warmly Invited to attend a fireside discussion Friday evenings at B p Phone The marriage of the means both man and woman must become spiritually and physically united so that they may have eternal unity throughout all divine worlds and Improve the spiritual life of each other This Is matrimony Abdul EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev M Thoman Pastor Sunday Junel 10 a Sunday School llOOo Morning Worship Beautiful Mis film Two leaves and a bud Guest speaker Rev T Thierry the Canadian Bible Society will tell of the work In Ceylon Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday m Crusaders sad or COMING Rev David Johnston and party presenting Dave Johnston Youth Ministries Inc with good fundamental preaching and teaching Special music and singing commencing in Tabernacle Sunday June 11 a m and 7 Detailed announcement re crusade In next paper ALL ARE Excellent free town Bus Service lor children and adults to and from Sunday School on the AM Red Bus Also Rural pick up For information phone or 853 ye the trumpet In and sound an alarm In my holy mountain let all the inhabitant of the earth tremble for the day of the Lord or it is nigh at Joel THE CHURCH OF STALBANTHE MARTYR Willow St and St Rev Leonard Rector Director of Music Mrs Frank Sunday June 1975 Holy Eucharist 10 a m Sung Eucharist Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew McKenile B A D Minister Mr E A Hansen A Organist and Master Sunday Junel 9 a Minister s Confirmation Class for a Divine Worship Sermon Theme Mars Hill and Modern Myths il a m Church School lor Beginners Kindergarten and Grades 1 to Sunday June 8 10 Special Everyone MostWekome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown A Fellowship Baptist Church Sunday June 1 Sunday School for all ages a Morning Worship Evening Fellowship Thought Peace rules day when Christ rules the mind CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Waller A M Avenue Phone Sunday Junel 7 Song Service Theme Hymns and hymn writers Dedication of choir No Morning Service The church on the hill Is an Interdenominational congregation ministering to the needs of the community

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