Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1975, B2

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The Acton Free Pres Wed May Oh to be a kid again Their own home town was the unusual subject for grades 5 and students at the Bennett school one day recently It was this same group that spent last Thursday at an impress crafts day Another full day their study was their home county The historic walking tour through Acton wasa unique project that took a lot of planning and the guides who went along ended up realizing they didnt know as much about the town as they might How many old timers know where all these places are The first schoolhouse the first second and third brick buildings the site of Col man an early Adams family home radial line and radial station horse sheds two former churches now homes the grave of Robert Little the first industry the second indus by site of Hendersons pond and dam the Sidney Smith home now part of a school the pioneer ceme tery with first settlers graves the drill shed And the site of what used to be one of the busiest places in town the railway station Teacher Titan pre pared guide sheets for the people who accompanied the youngsters and everyone whipped through the whole town in three hours In the afternoon everyone visited an industry new and really impressive experiences Most adults would have loved to be school kids again for this special program of learning and crafts Another go at the creek So government sponsored young people are going to clean up the school creek again this year A phone call to Credit Valley Conservation Authority headquarters brings the skimpy information old tires and other debns will be picked up Many crossings of the Robert Little and library bridges have failed to show much but maybe neighbors are too used to the sight to spot the flaws Cleanup of the creek through town by students shouldn really take long Wonder what the crew will think of next after all the junk taken out If they cut by the library they II discourage the cheeky ducks who have been extending their territorial limits beyond the pond for the past two years The cement channelization through the subdivision makes for sterile neatness but eliminates alt the charm The long range plans of the centennial library committee included a vision of a beauty spot around the property They hoped for stone wiers which would cause the water to cascade gently down into a pool with natural stone banks and maybe a fountain We guess the government wouldn pay for all that unless maybe the fountain had a plaque on it SHARON ARCHIBALD of PI and Lynn Emond of Main Street enjoy covering yearold Tony Sheppard of Hill with sand Saturday at the beach of I ike Temperatures soared into the s I lfeguards will be on duty when school gets out July Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Onward and upward The scout hall addition is a project that believe it or not- won have any government support No grants for students to do the work No designation that school lane is a provincial depressed area Just donations collected and volunteer labor Congratualtions to the organizers A major project like Church St reconstruction can be done overnight The result will be good but right now things are quite a mess for the neighborhood No use complaining You can t make an omelette without breaking eggs as they say Dust noise power cutoffs are inevitable for a little while It s temporary inconvenience permanent improvement I m Hugh Garner autobiographical One Thing Another enjoying it There are two types of people to whom this book would appeal those interested in the rather mysterious worlds of the professional writer ind publisher ami those who enjoy the reminiscences of i ro bust and who has done a lot of living in sixty odd yeirs It Is fir from Garner best ok it repetitious ind padded inexcusably with articles he has written and a speech he made There is nothing of nice strength of his magnificent short or the skill of his novels Bui that s as It should be He is ting about Hugh Garner the mm as well is Garner the writer and nobodv knows better thin he that while the latter be on the way to becoming i literary giant the former his feet of If not putty makes it quite tint lie is Ml person in hi sense lie gets drunk it or drunk at formidably serious events He tells people to do ical things to themselves As he tells it he is the sort of would never to i I pirty it your place because be would likely hive insulted someone the first party Or if invited him to a party as the of nor he into beer parlor mil forfLt ill it leaving you Ins hist with on viur fiLo when the distinguished failed to show Despite dim in winch Corner often himself he makes it perfectly tint he idmires himself very much Gut of the book comes strong healthy ego which is fine I very re writer must this belief i lumsLlf or he turns into door mat for editors and publishers som where along the line is re id this book begin to shire G irners pinion of himself Our readers write School system must be changed within structure RR 1975 point of all to Rev Campbell that in my twenty of writing to news papers owned by Ihe Dills Publishing Co and as an avid reader of letters to these publications have never reads letter that was Irrational or abusive Sometime of course the truth hurts I am flattered that the Reverend noted my Interest in the environment Of course I am concerned with the disposal of garbage not with the spreading of ft Regarding the attendance at the Renaissance Rally in Mil ton and the discrepancy in numbers from previous raiii it could have been that the film Sexuillty and Communications was the drawing card I discount the tesUmony of one trist Daily In our courts psychiatrists test ify for both defense and prosecution They seldom agree I could the US Presidential Commission which studied hard core pornography and found It not harmful This was a report of all sectors from theflcldofpsychiatrytothe media So much for the testimony of psychiatrists I I do maintain however that our children should be educated In sexual matters I love the Reverend s reference to the Apostle Paul though this being Interna tionat Women Year I think I would have stayed clear of Paul The Bible is riddled with quotations proverbs etc each con tradicting the other but to with the Apostle Paul there is a difference between providing and after having provided coming back to the public purse for a re fund The choice of schools for one children Is very important but we cannot all send our children to a school of our own choice or we would require almost as many schools as we have homes and as we are a nation of many ethnic groups and many religions the obvious answer is to teach the basics In the schools and parents wishing for specialized education should provide for it outside of the system M pointed out that Christian glon has been replaced by secular human Ism If this comes to mean the end of Man Inhumanity to Man the end of bombings and shootings in Ireland on end to Middle East strife if this means an end to global conflict remember that each soldier wore God With Us on his belt buckle and that the Allies prayed for vie before each battle well I for one will accept secular humanism Throughout the ages humanity has far more darkness than light In the name of religion Religious wars the Inquisition Pogroms there Is not an atro city that has not been committed by mem hers of one futh er inothir 1 respect right of people to follow the religion f tin ir choice but igain we schools for people of per suasion M siys the ton in Schools here in Ontario has Light students In the latest figures mil ible in Province of Ontario is i total of one million four hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred eighty five students in the Ontario School System Of this number eight hundred eight thousand six sixty eight children were in School System the parents of may not be ibout the sy tern Force of evil is powerful Dear Editor Lately there is evident concern over the breakdown of our social system and the growth of crime violence disobedience raciim etc but there Is little said u to the root cause of all these evils our own hu man nature We are given the ability to judge right from wrong but prefer the wrong Our ap petite for evil is voracious violence for example feeds on itself and produces more violence the wishes vengeance and resorts to the same violence which harmed him while the criminal is aware of the new way of achieving his own ends Even Jail will not remove his appetite for violence indeed he will seek instruction and opportunities Tor more acts of violence in time of reformation and tion My suggestion Is that there should be more effort and trust put into training children so that they will realise they do have a nature which will lead them to their own destruction as well as the present teaching on the good side of man We are not only creatures of love and light we need to be aware of the Inner struggle for control of our lives If we think only good things will happen to us we will be stunned when we It is so Theforceof evil is powerful greed pride ire very evident on all sides children must be taught that must these sins Sin is an unacceptable wird m min circles but children know it is present if they are taught to identify their bad feel ings as such As homes have left the teaching lo the church or Sundav school children only how to handle one day a week but come in contact with wickedness every day plus artfc wickedness on the screen Is lt wonder the devil wins Some Judges suggest attend church to improve their control over their baser nature but habits are hard to break If however children are taught at home and at school that it is their own responsibility and duty to do what is and there is also an example of the same the parents only then will we have a better Let this be a and encouragement for our Sunday Schools and Christian homes Keep up the good work Your try future depends on you Yours S not seen fit to ir children ii I this heme i demicricj we must the rule of tl If the sell svstcm is to Ik ch I il his I be done vithm our demoenitu The tope slips is lucition ind wee if ford v f r in div iluil tastes is a field u d ittempl to fit a ml untie transnns si in yourself don tell lin how jet We nave i in iun is of experts if directing our fail us must rcplaci them in the pi ice to do thit is it me polls Cat rescue brings thanks I MS Term nil Toronto Ontario ltri Sir I lease give m very thanks to all those who helped me rescue cat on Sunday May IB 197a between am il a m in your park My special thanks to Mr v of their telephone The help of the citizens of Acton is very much appreciated Yours sincerely M Chambers P The cat is getting his noils trimmed this week In most of is Ik our lives there lurks ihldd n i wild conformist tellir off of the boss i fighter for hnj causes Garner his been and is all of these things we em enjoy ourselves by identifying with his colorful life earner his en fighting battles ill his life less doughly fighter would long since hive been buried illy soli illy and perhaps a kid lie ught the obloquy and il hum of the very poor in i Toronto slum ind emerged from it tough ind shoulder Asivouth head on into the Depression He all over North America riding freights seeing country working at many things storing i fund of ex for his future fiction He It the frustration of a the this led I Lion of and disillusion tin with which he has ritilnel all his lift He fought as a volunteer in the IntLrnntionat Brigade in the Spanish Civil Ths was the last gallant in the history of war when of idealists from nations left home to battle fascism Most of them were scorned derided as reds in their own ictt irnerw isilear headed enough to roih tint the Communists were using he volunteers is dupes and he wis never suckul in fiLht loomed when Canada on iny irner Joined up in the irm right iwi His red wis him so he switched to i spent a number of imultuous md hilarious before his disehire as i petty of ficer he certainly wasn officer material Lime the biggest battle of all trying to professional writer in time he had ibout as much is he w ild hive had if he chosen to run for kinf of fought stupid editors timid publishers ind he great apathy of the inarinn render sustained only by his iwn sublime and that his stuff was It the ju his best Hugh earner is one of he best short storv writers in the nglish gnspof the feclingsareJ motives of or people that is credible His novels ire above average a couple of them excellent notably Cabbage Where must of us can tify with earner is m his scorn for the petty the bureaucratic the timid the phoney He is somewhat like a naughty baby who pulls the cat tail knocks over the delicate table with the Spode figunne on It and sits up looking around to make sure everybody is taking notice If were the sort of country which erects statues of Its writers heaven forbid Garner would be sculpted in solid stone a fiendish grin on his face a chip on each shoulder and his right arm the middle finger of that hand raised erectly in the universal gesture The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago from the Issue of the Free Press May 1053 Acton will shortly have a third medical doctor and Mrs will move to Wellington St A son Robbie will come with them and two daughters who are In Scotland will Join them later Another daughter is in Montreal Mr and Mrs I Johnston celebrated their i7lh wedding anniversary quietly at their home on Wednesday Acton friends extend hearty congratulations Miss Daisy who is retiring from leaching was presented with a spoon at the regular meeting of the Federation of Women TenLhcrs unit In Georgetown Tuesday evening Mr Kemp of Burlington made the presentation This year Joe was the Acton high school student chosen to go to Ottawa for a Rotary sponsored Adventure In Citizen ship lie met Prime Minister St Laurent while there began this week for ho ad dltion to Acton high school which will add three new classrooms in a wing to he east of present school Debentures were is sued at for addition which wilt include classrooms a storage room and nurses room with corridor St Albans Male Chorus has been re named Acton following he last meeting on Wednesday May IB The sion was made by popular vote Leno llraida son of Mr and Mrs graduated with honors In Chemical from the University of Tnron to Wednesday He will do post graduate work at University of Toronto 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free May IMS An unusual interest was taken by Acton Methodists In the proceedings of Hamilton Conference in session at during the past week Among those present for one or more sessions were Rev and Mrs J Culp Mr and Mrs J Kerr and Mrs der Mr an 1 Mrs A T Brown Mr and Mrs II Moore Mr J Akins Misses Clara Moore Mr W J Speight Fern Brown Ruth Nelson Mrs Annie Johnston Miss Belle Stephenson and Miss Lottie Speight Farm the home of Mr and Mrs McCuIlough near Acton was the scene of n pretty wedding on day May when their daughter Edna Mabel was united in marriage to Mr John Clayton Wilson son of Mr and Mrs Wil ham Wilson The Acton Ladies Softball team got away lo a good start on their 1925 season which promises to be the best the club has had yet on Monday when they cleaned up everything at Miss Miriam of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs Viilltam son Peel Street on Monday and Mrs Gollop attended he annual homecoming at the Royal College of Dental Surgeoas A York millionaire whose life has been despaired of because of prolonged paroxysms of hiccoughs has been a stranger who described the successful remedy in these words Stop each ear with a finger Press firmly Have someone put a glass of water to the mouth and drink 75 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press May 1900 Mr John Kcnney has returned to his place in the Dominion Boot Shoe Store spending five weeks on the road in he interest of Co shoe manu facturcrs Berlin He took the route of an other traveller who was temporarily laid off The was enjoyed and his big sales proved his ability to handle stock to advantage No present resident of Acton can remember when the old frame dwelling in the rear of the residence of Mr son M which is being down this week was erected It was built over years ago and was the farm residence of the late one of the founders of Acton It was well and strongly built and much of the timber and lumber it contained Is as sound as when put After Mr Adams death one of his daughters held a private school In the building It was subse quently occupied by the late Mr Johnson father of Mrs Little Mr John Moore Manager of the Toronto Lime and Cement Works I imehouse occupied It for a time then Morrow was its owner for some and fifteen years ago Mr son purchased it It was here he resided when first elected to the House of Commons inlBBS The old house has been vacant since We learn from the Ohio Tekgram that Miss Jennie Steel has been appointed by the W C of that city to solicit subscriptions for the erection of a home for the rescue of unfortunate women is i battle with skirmish the rout and lsi THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office km a ting kihW an mw in mat ill nil Da MrM ta or toad wrong MM r may M an off- to Mil IM

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