Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1975, B7

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Trip to Ottawa emotional high Acton Free Press Wed May B7 Scout and Guide news Being awarded National Potato Award was one of the many highlights on Steve Buchanan a Adventure In Citizenship trip o Ottawa on May Steve a grade 12 Acton high school student was one of teenagers chosen by the same number of Rotary Clubs across Canada to represent Iheir community in Ottawa The Ottawa Rotary Club sponsored the whole project with the separate clubs paying the way of the student Steve was chosen for his academic achievements and his participation In school Welcomed When his plane landed at Ottawa airport Steve received his first taste of organization and sense of being welcomed A booth was set up at the airport for the students arriving by air which supplied them with kits about the coming four days The students were billeted in homes of Rotary members or their friends Sieve was especially honored to stay In the homo of Archdeacon Christie archdeacon and neighbor of Governor General It was here ho met his friend from Calgary For the rest of the day Steve was given the grand tour by the Christies The actual program began Monday morning when ail 276 students gathered at Parliament BulldlngB where they talked with former Prime Minister John Die fen baker They had a picture taken before rig a tour of the House of Commons and Senate An hour and a half was spent In each of these places with the students sitting in their member s chair Pictures were allowed to be taken something which Is not allowed by the general public While In here everything In the chamber and the workings or the governmental system were explained to the group With whole project bilingual Ihe students got a chance to listen on special earphones for the French version of what was being said A formal luncheon was held In the ballroom of the Chateau Lauder with Donald Jamieson speaking to them Following the luncheon the students were split up Into separate groups and went to different embassies Steve went to the People Republic of China embassy receiving the honor of being one of the first persons to bo allowed in Here he met ambassador the high commissioner other noted dignitaries Steve felt as if he had walked Into a different counlry when he walked in the building was in Chinese with no hints of the western world A dance Monday evening gave the students a chance to fct to know each other lowevcr even by this time according to Steve m t of the people knew each other and became good friends Tuesday the group prepared for a debate It was a simulation of Parliament In the Ottawa University Tho topic was Confederation In the afternoon the 270 students were given a special concert by the It C P band and a tour of their STEVE BUCHANAN was the Acton Rotary s representative at the Adventure in Citizenship protect held in Ottawa May to Steve met such noted dignitaries as Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau John Donald and the Ambassador of the People Republic of China He is a grade student at Acton high school Ihe debate Each region chose a leader and although no particular sldo was chosen the winner In Ihe debate Ihey all had a good time The afternoon was very special to Steve as they had a formal tour of the city with the It C P escorting Ihcm Six buses were taken and all Ihe main Ihoro were closed to traffic as buses took them around Helps eastern neighbours A tree planting ceremony was next with each province planting me tree With students from Ontario their tree was planted In no lime However I here were only two girls from Prince Edward Island whom Steve helped plant their tree On Thursday there was a windup banquet Students their billets and other noted dignitaries were Invited Each province had a sen ta live giving a speech and It was hen that Steve received his Potato Award The girls from I awarded It lo him for his federal aid for helping plant the tree and for his excellent choice of a delegate from I EI to give the speed It was Steve Idea for Ihis particular girl to speak Just prior to tic banquet each student received hit or her citizenship papers from Prime Minister I lorre who spoke to each individually Many close friend You get emotional high when you see people like Ihis no commented on new friends in general We nit became very close He left Ottawa on May 15 feeling very patriotic and he knows everyone else did too When we snng Canada end of the banquet I sang II like I never sang it before He was very Impressed at the organization of the whole project we went knew why were there We were treated like I P he sold The to Ottawa fortunately ell on the same day as the Track and Field meet which Sieve was going to Without his qualifying this meet he was unable lo advance to more wide spread meets but was more than worth it I II never forget the trip as long as I live Steve had to agree with hla friend from British Columbia that no mutter how much toll they go Into when Idling about the trip they will never be able to express how felt be so Important AHS Notes Splash flashes Anne Pickering and Cathy Ashley Cross Water Safety Service is threefold 1 to reduce drowning and water dents 2 to Improve health and fitness and 3 to en courage the development of ideal aquatic facilities June marks the beginning courses run all through National Water Safety Week at the pool Hopefully with this method of public education wc can reduce the number of drownings In Canada On Thursday May Stephen Gyns and Carl Cayer along with the grade 12 Geography and French students will travel to Quebec C ly They will be leaving by train from Georgetown on Thursday night and will return the following Monday An itinerary has been pared for the students to follow on their trip All will enjoy themselves On Wednesday May Jim May will be going w ih grade 1 students to the Royal Ontario Museum from to 320 and safety with common sense in the water It is one way Red Cross tries to put an accent on public education Hater Safety originates Almost all safety rules and water safety is no exception begin with the word don t don t swim alone don dive Into unknown waters don t overload the boat etc etc etc Relations experts have known for years that negative- type messages are best associated w a non human but likeable character Thus Walter Safety a lad with a shock of hair big round eves and a two dimensional body was born He could be associated with all of the don for safe swimming and boating with out antagonizing anyone National Water Safety Week began in 1957 Special press radio and TV hits are prepared and distributed throughout the country Each community water safety committee does something In aid of this special and week The public schools din took bnrnd to a visit by fte of Acton Pool and the community can take part in the special Acton Pharmacy Silk Borderless colour prints ASK FOR when y y K0DAC0L0R films here Silk Borderless Features no finger prints 25 more picture area rounded corners help prevent curling longer lasting LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE Speyside school UK not shown is the student volunteer teaching fapcyslde school children the art of tie dying Alicia and Jimmy Stewart twist their cloths to get the right effects in the arts and craft program Mark Rowe No one could pass up last weekend beautiful weather There were nine mighty tired Scouts Sunday after noon It was a result of a fan tastic weekend spent In Niagara halls Ontario Set up camp Wo pulled out from the Stout hall at exactly six clock The camp site was located on the Niagara River between and on the Lake We arrived eight and helped put up tents After the opening horseshoe outer Allan Cole of 10th Niagara look the Scouts on tour of tl camp site arm As darkness settled In game or flashlight tag was organized took break far mug up snack and then resumed the game until about 12 30 boys were then fined to campsites where they could do as We have reason to believe that Scouts saw sun rise I ut no lenders wen wake to verify fact Saturday started at m Scouts were served breakfast and then after a flag I rcak we all loaded Into the cars We Robert Little News Merle The students council is planning have a dance Thursday The grade are going lo Ontario Place this Wcdncs day They will be leaving at nine ana returning around Most of the classes our school just finished taking the Board of Education Math Test Good results were made Tuesday May Ihcrc was a Jr track meet at Robert Little It began at 10 and was over at about Re suits will be In next week s column drove to Sir Adorn Beck generating station where the for Ontario New York Is generated After a short tour we were driven lo city of Niagara rails A kind museum pro prietor gave us free ad mission Into his five storey museum The Scouts were then given an hour free time after round the line up for the Maid or the Mist to be of extraordinary length Wo arc quite sure that the city lad more Americans than Canadians thronging the streets because of the many foreign licence plates at camp Wc rcturnel to camp for lunch about two After a short I rcak nil Iho Scouts parlicf paled in a game of soccer The boys cooked foil for s uls began to arrive It win excellent with Rick officiating Afler mug up the Scouts driven up to forl at n the lakc After receiving per mission wo played in in gam of catch the lea around the lcfenscs of the fort morning we all drove back Niagara tails where we had a ride on the Maid of the Mist It was ho roughly en I by everyone Scouts left a bo it three Sun lay afternoon Many thanks go to Join Alllnson an I Rick who drove us down nil back very single Scout go back tomorrow We will be Inviting Tenth Niagara up here in fall tubs go camping The senior Wolf Cubs also enjoyed themselves last weekend J I Carter Jock frank foul ling Mark Hawkins Chris Wood were taken to tho Glen Cedar two miles northeast of All the Cubs who will be a lo Smuts In fulurt alien ted the event amp Chief Jean Layman rganlzed the boys into nine patrols ridny night ture Scouts went on a night hike the pr idled Scout skills had practice wont in the creek and hike All were Inter spersel with games nine they 1 a I lypo S in lay morning ifter it Own tho boys were ken on a nit re 1 Ike by Irlct commissioner ford an 1 John lan took on the wl everyone enjoyed It w is certainly valuable experience for Actons Cubs will be a lo evening rents are invited to Itend FASHION DESIGNING COURSE Those Interested in an advanced Fashion Design Program in the fall are asked to dropdown to Community Centre on Wednesday June from and speak with our Instructor Baberel Schlrm or call the Recreation Department on Wednesday June at CLASS is well attended Patty McClure Susan Fisher Kathy Griffiths the teachers daughter Diane Schmuki and Alisa Conber are hard at work at their elective the Speyside school arts and crafts prog rim ttENJAWN FILM LABS LTQ The Interim Draff Parkwcay Bell Wesr Plan is available from The Ontano Government Bookstore at 880 Bay Street or The Parkway Belt West Information Centre at 801 Bay Street For additional information call 9653243 outside Toronto call Operator and ask for Zenith 65000 Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Ontano Affairs The Honourable Darcy A Randall Dick deputy m nlster

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