Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1975, p. 6

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The Acton Free Press Wed June Defends escarpment development control The head of the Niagara must be paid Commission tic said so rural property NECUastweckdefendedhls owners don I end up sub- new development control regulations by alternative would have been a complete freeze on develop ment for the three years it takes to formulaic a master plan And George McCague told 40 municipal officials from across that it is the use escarpment facilities The burden be shared In later interview Councillor Cox who also sits on regional council said he believed the new regulations were reasonable and going in the right direction commission intention to but said there should he consult with municipalities on modification in some area all development applications and hopefully the com missions decision will have the support of council Referring to the master plan for the escarpment region he said it is essential that our planning takes full account of municipal needs and aspirations and he hoped there is a great deal of and there must be changes in others Milton Councillor Don Gordon asked whether or not permit is needed to rebuild house located within the development control area which is destroyed fire No was the Tree concern He asked what hap pen If t Mr McCague spoke during a workshop at regional head individual development is The said the icfusal could be to a Witson of Milton whether the rule that a permit is neccsessary to remove mon thin to per tent were provided v ith details or hearing the legislation passed June which alters scope of the NEC Although most guests listened quietly and reid voraciously in an effort to digest the mound of inform lion prepared for ihem several councillors were ready with specific com men Is Milton Councillor Rick Day asked McCague if it were true that in for a development permit could not be present when the NFC considers his of the trees from a property also lo quarries Ves wasthconswer If for example the quarry operators planned to chop down trees to make room for nev buildings Watson using the example of a farmer wanting to set up feed lot who has to wall all summer before his permit is printed asked what was the maximum have lo wait fur a permit said hi though simple could he handled within 30 but complicated ones might take up lo X of the councillors who often beef about it clonal complained Inter the rcguhtions creating vet mother Gordon who sal on said in in interview tint with ill thesi mm missions in the of Ontario re governed more elected officials thin ones here is thai elected deil with people while the commissions deil v ilh maps and draw policies he said Trades licensing laws may be consolidated Doug recommending the consolidation and updating of certain by trades and lleinslng by lawn In wus accepted by the finance committee of Monday Hie ntlid a separate com iirelfiMvi- law but run into no much red taw duplication they nuked tin clerk to clarify thi document for them to make It easier to public and nursing homed among others Hie town using ex luting by lawn regulate these In the former muni but the committee ban reennin it- tided one com by law to cover the entire municipality or deal with each trade or business Individually with a by law HINTONS STORE Mr rltUiuni rceom ACT ON and guides will have expanded facilities by September Thats when construction of the new addition is estimated for completion The tost is en and The present building is being used scui a week Welfare recipients could work If art to liitlt Uiiclulnli hi in til Wednesday lrill by such action wondired why ad wilfan Is wan ready doing what he ouldbi out Milton supporting resolution the main NEC legislation explained lion When Ihe chairman responded yes Councillor Day called the practice i disgrace to our judicial sstem Hearing later Chairman countered that if the tion is turned down theappli cant appeal and obtain hearing then That not a hearing shouted Day lawyer that an appeal Councillor Day said denies individual lis right lo a fair he irlng and the appeal procedure cannot substitute for this he urged the NFC officials to show some con for individual property ners In their decisions even though they act on behalf of all people of Ontario Do not allow the pro vincial legislation to work in unfairness be urged Try to keep it within some hounds Need compensation Hills Councillor Coxe said individual owners must be adequate compensated if their land is purchased bv the government for public use Ontario legislation passed I 10 instructed the Commis sion to prepare a mis plan to cover the Niagara scarpment i square mile area which stretches for miles from Niagara River to the lip ihe Bruce Peninsula During the three it of the NrCs deel the decision buildings ippeil it in writing to the eiui agricultural mister of Housing within lopimnl provided lhat tin asking slr im of work he to Tin staff is asking for icon work in for tact person to tit place their money Our staff Is such Into Jobs noted ud a lot of Terry Alnnncll wouldbi very glad of a Some federal government as should be sought Hut when the million In the floor only six council lors Jobs and repealed from nil three former municipalities no one law could all Hi reeomminded that Ihe committee should review and those trades or luiHlncHHes not Hills that may I to liunsi The lawn Iran and pedlars and eariilviils public halls wrecking and yards silt of cigars and of lodging schools milk vendors restaurants and vktu tiling houses sale of iiificllons from vehiclcd Ikinsing and regulating Canadian Sty DONUTS Corner Main Mill 533420 MORNING SPECIAL 7am to 10 am COFFEE nd DONUTS 35 WITH EVERY DOZEN PURCHASED RECEIVE A FREE COUPON PRESENT COUPONS AND RECEIV ONE DOZEN FREE WE NOW HAVE ICE CREAM CONES lob with Ihe region he ad dns officer is then to conduct i blaring and will report to the minister with a summary of representations made and pinion on the merits fin is lain llu ill take to formulate the mister plin the NEC is to development within much sm section of the called the Deve lopment Control Individuals or companies located within the inent control maj be re- NtC structures are WO fill more from tin of a or muni road and then an minimum front side virds of ft el such On funeral home staff The Minister of Housing w ill thin make the final doci on the ippeil Persons or lonlri veiling the rcguhtions ire upon in ictiou to i fine not pin r ichim hids or It should noted that a elopmmt permit must idi i building but dots replm hat kinds of work do on need devclopminl per mired to get development permit new building or development will be considered on its own merits and the ap proved guidelines sit forth in the legislation to days expect it will tike betwccnlOindMdajsfor in dividual applications for de velopment to be processed Upon receii the applies tion thcNrC mi approve it is is or subject to certain conditions or turn it down of the decision then sent to the applicant and all propertv feet of Ihe land that is subject lo application re- Itigion who live in the general in i of tin iSLirpmmt ind who an must first find out if property is within the de i control ire i To do this the is to held office of located it lrocs Georgetown phoni Hilton Hills residints ian also contact their chief build inspector zoning id minisintor office is it oni in is begun work here is with llu iker funeral home Mr comes from ind eot his imlnlniers license there He lias been employed since in 111 llirrie lit s sinili Ins been interested in workinj with He s rooming in town Hi on funcril home stiff Mr his purchased his own in Si iforth and moved i with wife loyce younc diiihter i iimple of ilo NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING of the Progressive Conservative Association will be held THURSDAY JUNE PM BROOKVILLE The agenda will include the election of officers The guest speaker will be Mr Gory the candidate for the new riding of Burlington J Where to apply Three NEC offices Examples include erect i house cottage industrial or commercial building removing than io per cent of tin on the lot foundation constructing new road or driven or undcrtiking speenl such is a Diggers kennel or teed lot area But you don development permit ind ex imples ire altering the in tenor of building erecting or finishing building for which i municipal building permit was issued to repairing or a building or stnic Georgetown or the lure damaged be- Town of Hilton Hills the control of the owner hut his not vet receiv such as fire or creeling or id its supply telephone llftj Milton residents may also town hall located on Si telephone 1178 forms for Niagara Commission has set up three offices to which mav be reeled concerning In control program The located at is Acton Medical Group Moor Van Bent and Pun are pleased to an that A will be Joining July Or WcWllllam Is a native graduated from Collegiate in graduated from University of with a In and he of Toronto Medical School in 1974 Dr William Interned at North York General 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