The Acton Free Press Wed July The Next Century Tangible but inanimate the Free Press has been appearing weekly now with only momentary gaps in its years It does though almost have a personality of its own If not a spirit It has its own nick names it lias its friends it has its scoffers In its early years it was called a dude newspaper by other publishers because of the higher quality of paper on which it was printed Over the years it has reflected new styles in publishing as Its type faces changed or as the technology by which it was printed altered with the progress of the industry But almost significantly the Free Press has borne the stamp of many people in its years and at the newspapers centennial it is them we salute As stewards of the community publication they took their responsibility and their strongly held principles seriously The publication bore the stamp of their personality in its editorial columns while telling it as it was in the news columns Those were the editors and publishers who held as their objective the best things for Acton as they saw them But there were many more who were printers advertisers readers- there were people with business acumen who shared it to assure the continuity of publishing when times were difficult for all there were people with confidence who were willing to lend funds to See the publication grow with the attend ant changes and complexity of new equipment Weve always held as we re sure our predecessors have that The Free Press is really a community trust and as its stewards we bear the responsibility for its continuity through good times and bad When the publication takes provincial or national honors its honor to be shared by the community in which the Free Press makes its Rome hopefully always serving responsibly as any good citizen must Its never been all easy but it has always seemed worthwhile that the community should continue to have such a public forum as The Free Press We havent the perception to penetrate the years of the future to see the role for Acton now merged as Halton Hills with less sense of proximity to its council and municipal groups It seems though for the immediate future that the Free Press has a particularly Important role in this transitional time There are local frustrations and dls appointments As a forum The Free Press provides an opportunity for those public expressions through which their cause may be reduced or eliminated Possibly as grow customed to the new structure we may all come to understand it better In its future The Free Press will have to continue to grow to serve a rapidly growing community but such growth is difficult to achieve without corresponding commercial growth Acton itself will be changing and The Free Press wilt be paralleling that change as it has through the past century Just as a community requires the appearance of those willing to assume positions of leadership so there will also be the appearance were confident of those who will continue in the tradi tions of publishing There is no magic formula for communities or newspapers that insure their continuity of growth Each depends quite heavily on the people involved When Joseph Hacking launched the paper in 1875 he had no future seeing glasses either but he had the confidence to move ahead It is with a similar confidence that we see The Free Press enter its second century and salute those whose imprint was placed on the first cen tury so indelibly Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Recently I listed some of Ihc things iltslikedinoursoclely When finished thought to myself Boy you are a old piece of work Do you realize you barely scratched the surface Fora 1 went around think in or second spurts every three or four days that I was a Curmudgeon Some of my readers will know what a curmudgeon Is Well it fames from the root word mud We all know what mud is its dirty ll cool under the toes unless it is In the form of a mud pack which is good for Ihc wrinkles If your name is you are either in the doghouse or you are a loser I hope that is clear To the root word mud unless wc want to root around in the mud a bit lon ger we attach the prefix cur A cur as everyone knows is a cad with teeth and sometimes a moustache who plays the vlltian in oldfashioned new fashioned melodrama he also has teeth but in addition he has a big belly or bald bead and he baa become the hero as In Cannon or Still with me We now have cur- mud signifying a mean guy who Is cool under ihe toes has wrinkles or Is a loser Sometimes all three Now we come to the suffix which Is of more obscure vintage It is of Hungarian antecedent and it seems to have meant originally some- thlngwemlghtcallcolloqulally a dummy that makes a lot of silly and unnecessary noise without getting anywhere which is rather a contradiction in terms come to think of it There are many perversions of the ori ginal of course We find the suffix In such words as Injun engine and John But the original meaning is in there somewhere An Injun for example is one of Ihc In people who rides ar in ever diminishing circles emitting warwhoops until he is shot off his horse Think of your car The engine makes a lot of silly and unnecessary noise least mine does and gels nowhere Occasion ally the car gets somewhere but the en gme remains exactly where it started in the car And of course there is the colloquial word meaning a toilet Or closer or backhouse i loilct offends This item of hardware indulges in a great deal of unnecessary noise whether or transmitting and is usually going nowhere except on trains buses or air planes when it has to put up a busy sign most of the time On ships of courst wilh their Innate sense or superiority the John is called a head This came about when one of the head men in the British Navy Admiral Sir Dud ley Pound affectionately known to his jolly tars as dud once went looking for Ihc John and discovered a lot Com mon Seamen and a common lot they were lined up wilh one of the of scurvy known as dire rear In the inter ests of clarity this has nothing to do term rear admiral Understandably Sir Dud flew into a high rage the only type allowed lo senior officers and uttered a good deal of silly and unnecessary noise or geon when he had to wait his turn for the John As naval tradition has it this led to the wedding of dud and geon meaning a John that Isn working or a senior officer with a red face or a towering rage which ever you choose That one of the beauties You can take your pick And you know what you can do with If you have followed me carefully this brief but enlightening ex Into semantics I am sure you Prize winning picture in a recent photo contest was this picture by Wendy Thomson of Acton Acton High School student Jim Thomson is shown with five week old back and tan coonhound puppy The contest was sponsored by Harlequin magazine Selection of the winners was on the basis of human interest and general appeal Mrs Thomson writes the column The Painted Box for the Free Press and also produces the prints from the newsroom darkroom each week Byrne family tells of life work at Indonesian school former Baptist pastor Ihe Rev Frank Byrne is in the northern end of the island of Sulawesi Celebes Indonesia and with the Malcolm Card is conducting educational theological program for the native pastors for five years There are about In the school lie was asked lo teach by the indigenous Christians The Byrnes went to ncsia In with their three daughters Susan Paige and Christine and now the youngest girl Christine speaks belter Indonesian thnn English Mr Byrne also speaks Indonesian Their latest letter arrived in good time mailed March and in April 3 However Byrnes report very irregular receipt of mail from Canada Here is part of their latest letter back to friends in Malcolm Card and 1 are teaching now and this is really taking up a lot of time not in the actual leaching but in preparation School begins at 30 a m and have the first two classes each day I like this because the heat is not too bad at hat time Last wc go one of those tropical storms and the ram on the tin roof I finally gave up to teach Malcolm teaches Church History and selling and I leach Old Testament Theology and the Church The Extension School is off to a good start and now including Ihe resident school at Tondano we have 210 students enrolled There could hao been more but there were sufficient text books which in the programmed extension pro gram is essential and also not enough teachers lo carry the load There has also been some communist activities just a few miles from here and some of the former com who become Christians and would make excellent leaders have been forbidden to hold any lions of leadership or study at the school by the govern Bui the Church is very encouraged by those who are they were going lo slaughter some cows as part of the If you want lo get beef here have to Java Ihc Muslim village here In the morning to gel some beef odd time and he said Come with me and I will show you around It was interesting to see some of Ihe activities at the mosque and listen to Ihe chants I finally ended up at a big feast was about to lake place the family of he THE REV Frank Byrne stands with his interpreter Henry Langtang as he lectures in the seminary He is learning to speak Indonesian from Muslim village 1 On the way I met this Muslim whom I had met the attending Birthday Paige celebrated her birthday here on the March This is her second birthday in Indonesia and by some miracle the mails opened up and her present Irom her grandmother arrived on lime to the of a little girl Yesterday was the annual celebration of Mohammed birthday here in Indonesia Being in the largest Moslem country in the world are allowed to visit Israel when they go out side the country this is a day especially in Djawa people who first brought Islam to from Java in the I managed to get away before the feat started although I would have liked to have stayed and would have but my lectures for today were complete yet In two days 11 Is Good Friday and then Easter I have to preach again on Easier and it will have to be Indonesian My Indonesian is still ike a London fog Pray Tor my students that they be given patience and special cars to understand their teacher Good health The girls ore all in good health Susan has really buckled down lo her new Grade studies and does most of Ihc work herself Paige continues to poke along gelling out of all study she can Bui they seem very happy and content with their friends Jane has some frus limes with Paige when teaching and with the pigs in her lowers The stomp collection Is still coming along but few new additions the moment a though we got a couple from Singapore today A Swiss couple were supposed to come on Saturday to trade stomps with Susan but they both have come down wilh malaria Give our regards lo all at the church and lo the pastor loo Frank Jane and girls The letlcr also Includes an account of the failure of seeds given by Herb Ihe family finally gave up trying to grow vegetables Our readers write Dear Editor On June 1975 I sent a letter to your newspaper regarding the Education News The following week I sent some what similar letters to some of other newspapers in the county with the addition of the following paragraph The distribution of lional information via inserts in atl the newspapers in County could I feel provide material tor parents and nonparents alike after all nonparents arc taxpayers too am however wondering Are the taxpayers of Count really concerned enough about the education issue to read the suggested if he above method of distribution were even tually implemented Yours truly Mrs Margaret have come to the conclusion as J have that am not a curmudgeon at all I a mean guy I haven hit a lit tie kid since mine grew up I am not cool under the toes My feet heat something terrible in this weather I am a loser How re a loser when you don know what it is lo be a winner I do not go around making silly and un necessary noises except when it is ab solutely necessary And finally I feel that I am definitely telling somewhere Older I d like to end wilh a little poem dedl to those keen students of the vag ancsof our vocabulary who have followed me down this pit fallen trail That Smiley While he Is often in the dudgeon Is no But wily The Free Press Back Issues years ago Taken from the of he rer Im June IDSS The Dominion Hotel operated for the nasi five years by Mr and Mm Harold changes hands this week New owner is A Hamilton Mr and Mrs have bought a cabin resort arid restaurant at Wasagu and leave Acton this week lo begin operation of their new Mm William Mrs It I Davidson from and several others from Ihls district attended the an of Women Institute District police reported a minor ac cident of here on No highway Tuesday Involving two cars A car driven by Sadie Moore Moffalt collided with car driven by Gulncppl Guolph when the latter slowed down In front of Moore car Damage to the Moore cur about and to the car about Over children romped from the public school this week looking forward to wo months of summer vacation and for mosl of Ihcm promotion lo a higher grade in the fall An estimated public school students have Just concluded school throughout county About left Ihtlr classrooms at the high school for summer and Mm A were bid farewell by members of the Ministerial Association and their wives at tea In Knox Manse last Thursday Present as well Mr and Mrs and Mm It Armstrong and family win Rev and Mrs van Jones and Mrs family Mm anil daughter were especially welcomed 50 years ago Token from ttir of the Free Julys 1923 A meeting of ladies of Ihi United church of Canada held In Ihc school room on Tuesday of tt moon The new unionist members were cordially welcomed by Mm John C Nelson the president and all present became members Al the election of officers there was a fine spirit Ihe new members being offered executive positions in preference to the former members The officers for Iht year was elected us follows president Mrs John Nelson vice president Mrs secretary Mrs Moore Treasurer Mm Cleave parsonage committee Mm Malcolm McLean A Nlckiin Mrs I- Gamble visiting Mrs Samuel Held and Mm It I Johnston Pleading guilty to leaving the engine of his motor car running Willi no one in charge J Courtlond of Hock wood assessed one dollar costs by Magistrate Wall on rlday Art exceptionally Interesting programme was given by Acton Hand last Saturday Mrs fosse ana her son and daughter Klingcr of Molt Wisconsin Mr and Mrs and Miss Conovcr of Erlndalc Mr Mrs I Vannalter Mr Hoy and Miss Mary Von natter of Georgetown and Mr of Toronto were Sunday visitors at lh3 home of Mrs It Bennett Lake Avenue 7ff years ago Taken from the Iwtur of Ihe free Press last Wednesday evening the congregation of Ihc Methodist church met spend a social hour with Rev J A McLncKan A and his family prior to Ihcir departure for Port Mr Onirics Wenham who went Hamilton during the recenl strike spent a few days friends here this week Mr who works in Ihc sled works had Ihc misfortune lose his right eye a few weeks ago b splinter or steel This serious loss is much regretted by friends here Mr and Mrs Thomas Hamilton removed this week to Saginaw Mich Their friends here regret Ihcir removal but are glad to know then is a prospect of their return and permanent settlement here a year or so hence Golf is grow in favor here and the golf links are being visited every week by new of the game The golfers have been entertained by Mrs and Mrs McGrail respectively on different evenings Ihe past two weeks Mr A A Wordcn who was injured on he head and shoulders through the falling of a piece of timber when Die shed In the rear of the church wos being torn downacpicofweeksago is able to be about again jC THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office