Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1975, p. 4

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The Acton Pi Weil Julys 1975 Want protection anyway Until new leaisdatlflH is pro claimed Moped riders dont to abide the new laws but the laws make ami are worth parents and niters noting The new motor assisted tie craze has had its attendant dent pattern and the government developed new legislation which some feel tough enough vet But it is a start It means those IS or over will be able to operate vehicles ami must have drivers licence or a learners permit cannot cam and vehicle must bo In and licensed One of the requirements missing from the leHlslation that felt should he Included was the one insisting that helmets be worn Again those who safety wnstious will want to wear helmet anjway Itie legislation seems to bo sense and whether the proclamation of it has taken plate not owners should be encouraged to observe the pro Paper shuffling If youre confused about whether or not that new tax being collected at gasoline pumps applies to your dm nig or be refund able later don be surprised Revenue officials apparently had no advance warning of the ta and theyre still scrambling to sort out its application after John Turner announced it in his budget Some of the experts interpret that consumption of gasoline for legitimate business purposes including the business portion of ate and company automobiles will be exempt from the tax But in the meantime the regulations haen been written and the tax Is being collected Presumably its another case of go eminent taking the money first and about who should get the rebate later In the collection and return of the tax to those entitled there will bo another heaw overhead to just shuffle the paper and make out the cheques Editorial notes Federal officials are pressing for adoption by the motoring public of a Max slogan The re hoping that despite provincial highway speed limit the message of mph will appeal to those who want to economize on gasoline and help cut the traffic toll American studies showed a definite decline in fatalities when motorists slowed down Theres a definite appeal to the 55 limit If you ve driven some American highways youll notice the driving gets easier when the pace is a little slower Driving in the weekend traffic peak to the north country certainly reveals some of the driving attitudes that cause quick Leaving a space between you and the car ahead seems to be taken as an invitation for a neighboring lane motorist to dodge back forth into that space on a flick of the turn signal and hardly a moments hesitation or a backward glance Who says small towns dont ha ision Fergus and Elora are aiming for a new community centre recreation complex Shelburne has unveiled a proposal that includes an amphitheatre that would seat people and has made such a success with its horse show that it is building an equestrian centre on the site of an old dump Thanks for the many complimentary remarks about The Free Press special centennial issue last week Thats two special issues in a short period The first was issued for the towns centennial in June of last year Few towns have the Dominion Day activities Acton does and a good crowd came to the park making the work of the organizers worthwhile It become a happy summer time tradition Sugar and Spice by bill smiley DON and Joel Pink race through the experienced throughout the region these past of Fairy Lake with pants on and spare change in the lew weeks pockets It was one way of cooling off in the high tern In sunn Iwldn an turned Into in Inn Iih I r milts of grimiry high among the villains In more Hurts would Ik liny of firtlh farmland or lush fruit land May sind In tin ir I ml I do urn to thai llu properly will lank like s land I hey then i it into W foot Ints and jam In lit holism give the whole thing a fancy nitmt spirilla fortune advertising unci flog priced abortions poor suckers whit are so dcspcrali for house if their own they shoulder a mortgage they i in never possibly out from under This 1 Hint is listless for anything hut building Hi in it e in ever use it is progress Oil progress has many fates and many sounds ant not few smells I below the roar of the overtired priced tars burning up precious energy whoosh down Ihc super highways may be heard the whimper of starving children the smiling face and honeyed words of the ltd cm be seen not unlike a mountain range huge ever growing of nonnturnahle bottles rusting tins garbage And stinks Progress will take a sweet stream and poison it with chemicals and detergents and other toxic dements because We need the industry And big telching smoke stacks go on belching their nauseous gases from their rotten stomachs laughing when the have a alia of progress lonfusL it with thane growth for their own All too of tin reptesint rignss rillur than progress I not to be hut I a per fut of that kind of progress outside my front door hi to on a residential strict a Icify voluptuous maples and stately oaks wllln green on inch side of the slrti It wis and pleasant and sift for children I he town in Ihe of pro gress ton out the boulevard tut down some trees and widened street suits We now hive specdw iy out front and you in scarcely risk crossing the street to mailbox The squeal of tires nukes the nights is the punks try to Ihur dubious hood The rem lining trees arc dying because their natural environment Ins been disturbed because they gel a heavy dose of salt from the snow plow each winter Much lost Hie only ugly things on the poles for tekphont and hydro in nakedness Just there his been divilopment whiih Is virions with In many ill minds at the end of our street What was glorious is now an wastelnnd inhabited by supermarkets gaggle of cas stations and the inevitable hamburger joints mid milk stores of the development anil its accompanying progress traffic on our street his quintupled turns with the accompanying multiplic ition of stink noise Tough luik Right says I Hut this is not just a private beef I ve seen this sort of thing happen so on old streets in pleasant small town th it it makes me sick I move of progress happy morons is usually to cut down tho trees some of Ihem years old so that Ihey can widen the road Grace and shade and digmtv are sacrificed lo the number one god of North America the tar Arnold familys fame starts with fine gloves Sketches by John McDonald Herbert Thomas Arnold bom March 18S8 was lb of age when he left England with his familv They settled Johnston Sew in The Arnold family had been glove cutler for many in the old country Two later Arnold left John and arrived Glen Williams to work for a Mr a glove thai Milage In the age Herbert decided to start a glove company of his own He chose Acton for the site of his first plant In conjunction with the glove business in Ac ton he operated a small tan during the at Glen a smalt industrial centre near Dolly about one and one half miles southeast of Acton along Grand Trunk line The business in Acton pros site in Georgetown cured The new factory built at the corner of Guelph and brick building measuring feet It was reputed to be one of the largest and equipped glove factories in the Dominion Arnold operated his business from this building from 1902 to 1923 Ken Ian operated a farm Imple ment agency In the same building and more the local Canadian Tire Store and Mel Antiques were situ there It now houses In 1915 the Arnold firm pur chased Ihe Storey Glove Works in Acton and ceased their operations in Georgetown plant dating their interest In Acton in 1922 Arnold resided in a frame house at the comer of Main and Kennedy Streets in Georgetown from until he purchased the on Queen Street in 1906 The lovely house was erected in 1880 for Ihe magnificent sum Of Mr was a tor at law who began his practice In Georgetown in 1B7G The mansion named Grandview House had rooms and the lovely lawns included tennis courts bowling greens Two people were employed on a full time basis to maintain the lawns and The Arnold family resldid from 1905 until 1932 when moved to Toronto The house was sold approximate ly to J Mackenzie and was converted to apart men I building which it re mains today Arnold advertised in the ToronloGlobc and the Star to attract potential employee- to relocate to Georgetown He owned 16 houses in town onetime and offered these employees at reasonable rents Large families were persuaded lo come to George town because the father the older children would be able work in his plant By 1912 The T Arnold Glove Company imployed about people and had six travelling sales representatives on The firm manufactured a high quality line of fine gloves for men and women and a course work glove Sheep skin dogskin pigskin calf skin and buckskin were the leathers mainly imported from and the S Over varieties of gloves were made in plant at the rate of loo pairs per day From to Arnolds owned a glove factory in Waterloo Large wicker bask W H STOREY and Son glove manufacturers em ployed hundreds in Acton over its years of operation since 1868 It was Actons third industry H Arnold and Sons took over the building It was razed to make way for the new post office filled gloves would be shipped by train George town for distribution to the market Hydroelectric power was used to operate the Singer sewing machines on auxiliary gasoline engine built by Thomas Speight Georgetown was maintained lo prevent a delay in lion in the event of power fall In 1880 II T Arnold mar Mary Graham at Glen Williams and after her death in 1901 he married Melvlna Bennett in 1905 Melvlna was the daughter of a Georgetown dentist who had his practice over the factory of on Main Street veros 11 Arnold had nine children six boys and three girls and most took an Inter est in the family business Arnold died January 1937 in his year after being struck by a cyclist In Toronto while watting for bus to Aclon He commuted between Acton Toronto where he made his home until his death William Arnold the eldest son became president of the firm in 1937 and occupied this position until his death in The third eldest son Roy took control of Hie business In 1945 until company solved in 1954 Jack Arnold Is the only ma son of 11 T and he re sides in Georgetown on Church Street Many grand children and great grand children of T Arnold re main in the community in which he played an Important role Progress hoists ag again the on booze because governments would fill without thai revenue up cheap and panty waist program barely hinting at the evils of drink Progress produces bigger cars that go faster and burn more fuel on bigger Ihe propelled in many cists by drivers who handle a crisis in a race Progress taxes ivcrything but the living breath of the working stiff but en the with the expense the credit cards to go out and live it up He and cheat on their taxes Medical progress turning a great number of adult neurotics into drug by socking the pills to them and with tin other hand giving a stiff arm in the to the dirty sick frightened kids of the drug age dim view of progress It is as many people look on the word But surely there are enough of us left who believe in the real meaning of the word moral social and intellectual pro gress to to do something about Ihc sickness lime next Sunday please In the me on guard against the pro gress people The Free Press I Back Issues yatint Hill 111 a- Jim I dim xilliduiliniilrgir I I k hi I Hit Hie lll in hum A lii hi en out if run uumg handling nr town pull rftlurm vit Hi Inly Ilk lo tin Id fjirlii Allium wan j fin lui Mlnlitr if II ik him Hi I day A ton liimlx r of ml by limn in annmrly IVj Id mid young and far an York look to it 1 mil and iiriiuu I nun so 1 I Ijito In fur in j Ml on Mm lay to ml llu iiildi Mint Ijiki Si raj girls yet liny Iml to 1 Mrs ItdMrl Digger tin now unit wrri oldest among a ring of an ml In Itrownrlilgi elan til tin In 1 llnlton wntlis win hi reunion wum held 50 years ago three clock Mondjy morning large longing I of Nelson was Iroyeil by lire together with two horses viral pun bred and llu total of barn fire was of known origin Phil I was Imprisoned in jail laM Saturday for i term Mrs to give up the house at win re thi family I as been living for some months tnd move to a house on flic in mar father On at six clock Bishop with his floral delivery truck and I Simmons with his coupe essayed to race down Church Street Wllltur lo Main Streets they ton along over as lo any other traffic that might be on the street Mr and Mm John had very enjoyable motor trip to Drayton with their son and his wife Mr and Mrs I Inlon Kenney of Kitchener day last week William Dunning drover of was charged by Provincial Con stable Atkins the Court House Milton on with needlessly abusing ill treating a hi was driving to Moffat to slaughter on July Ive who saw the animals gave evidence that it id been cruelly treated He was fined 75 years ago Taken from issue the Press July II an intense interest the old pupils of Acton Public School of the days when the late Robert I illle was principal have been looking forward to the reunion which is to take place tomorrow The invitations sent out by local committee have by many of the out of town pupils some of whom have not been in Acton for a quarter of a century or more and the gathering promises to eclipse all Ihe most sanguine promoters hoped for s news from China is again hopeful There seems to be little doubt thai Prince who is in command of the Manchu garrison at is protecting the Legations against the Boxers The London Daily Mail correspondent at Shanghai says the reason why the guns trained on Ihe Legations have not been used is be cause Prince thing and General seized and removed all the The open air concert Acton Concert Band on Hie band Monday evening The band is The strong wind rendered the lights of value however If the band stand fitted with electric lights this difficulty would be Wednesday ivemng a very en time was spent in connection with Acton Home Circle an enjoyable pro gramme strawberries cream and cake were partaken ana a pleasant social intercourse was spent Letter Premier sweet on sugar To the ditor Dear Sir It Is amazing how consumer Premier Davis can get Just before an election Gas Price Freeze for Ninety Days Mr Davis denies this is a calculated plot to woo the voters If that is so why was there no freeze on sugar prices last fall William A Johnson THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Editorial Office Copyright 1976

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